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Journal of Teaching of English

Volume No.

A title should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe

the content of the paper (LEFT, Bold, 14pt)
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 (12 pt) (Email of First Author)
Halu Oleo University, Indonesia


A well-prepared abstract enables the reader to identify the basic content of a document
quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide
whether to read the document in its entirety. The Abstract should be informative and
completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed
approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be
200 to 300 words in length. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard
nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be
cited. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords, used by the indexing
and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of
keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article. (11 pt)

First Keyword, Second Keyword, Third Keyword.

1. Introduction (12 PT)

The main text format consists of a flat left-right columns on A4 paper (quarto).
The margin text is normal. The manuscript is written in Microsoft Word, single
space, Book Antiqua 12pt and maximum 12 pages.
A title of article should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe
the content of the paper. Omit all waste words such as "A study of ...", "Investigations
of ...", "Implementation of ...”, "Observations on ...", "Effect of.....", “Analysis of …”,
“Design of…” etc. Indexing and abstracting services depend on the accuracy of the
title, extracting from it keywords useful in cross-referencing and computer
searching. An improperly titled paper may never reach the audience for which it
was intended, so be specific.
The Introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the
problem, a research gap, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed
approach or solution, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should
be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
Organization and citation of the bibliography are made in APA style in sign using
Mendeley Reference Manager. The terms in foreign languages are written italic

Journal of Teaching of English Vol. No.

(italic). The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and
numbered consecutively. The section/subsection headings should be typed on a
separate line, e.g., 1. Introduction. Authors are suggested to present their articles in
the section structure: Introduction - the comprehensive theoretical basis and/or the
Proposed Method/Algorithm - Method - Results and Discussion – Conclusion.
Literature review that has been done author used in the chapter
"Introduction" to explain the difference of the manuscript with other papers, that it is
innovative, it are used in the chapter "Method" to describe the step of research and
used in the chapter "Results and Discussion" to support the analysis of the results. If
the manuscript was written really have high originality, which proposed a new
method or algorithm, the additional chapter after the "Introduction" chapter and
before the " Method" chapter can be added to explain briefly the theory and/or the
proposed method/algorithm.

2. Methods

Explaining research chronological, including research design, population and

sample, technique od data collection, and technique of data analysis. It is presented
in simple past tense.
Tables and Figures are presented center, as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1,
and cited in the manuscript before appeared.
Table 1. The performance of ...
Variable Speed (rpm) Power (kW)
x 10 8.6
y 15 12.4
z 20 15.3

The Percentage of Teachers' Perception on

Scientific Approach

Very High

Very High

Figure 1. The Percentage of Teachers’ Perception on Scientific Approach

3. Result
Journal of Teaching of English Vol. No.

In this section, it is explained the results of research in simple present tense

which can be presented in figures, graphs, tables and others that make the reader
understand easily.

4. Discussion
In this section is to interpret and describe the significant of your result in light
of what was already known about the research problem being investigated, and to
explain any new understanding or fresh insights about the problem after taking the
result into consideration. The discussion will always connect to the introduction by
way of the research question or hypothesis you posed and the literature your review,
but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the introduction; the discussion should
always explain how your study has moved the readers understanding of the
research problem forward from where you left them at the end of introduction.

5. Conclusion

Provide a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction"

chapter can ultimately result in "Results and Discussion" chapter, so there is
compatibility. Moreover, it can also be added the prospect of the development of
research results and application prospects of further studies into the next.

References (12 PT)

The references should be at least 15 sources from Journals and books,
including 2 journals from JTE. Below is the example of references.

Annisa, A. A., Rochsantiningsih, D., & Wahyuni, D. S. Teacher's Perceptions on

Scientific Approach and How It Is Affected in The English Teaching. English
Education, 7(2), 181-189.
Apriani, D. I. (2015). The Descriptive Study of the Implementation of Scientific Approach
in English Teaching in Junior High Schools in Purwokerto. Purwokerto:
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto,
Arifin, Z. (2011). Konsep dan model pengembangan kurikulum. Bandung: PT Remaja
Arikunto, S. (2010). Metode Peneltian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Ariyati. (2015). English Teachers’ Beliefs and Practice of Scientific Approach (SA) in
English Teaching: A Case of SMA Boyolali Sebelas Maret University,
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Sorensen, C., & Razavieh, A. (2010). Introduction to research in
education eight edition. USA: Wadsworth.
Atmarizon, D., & Zaim, M. (2016). The Implementation of Scientific Approach in
Teaching English at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School 7 Padang.
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, 17(1), 1-18.
Daryanto. (2014). Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik Kurikulum 2013.
Journal of Teaching of English Vol. No.

Fauziati, E. (2014). Methods of teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL):

Traditional method, designer method, communicative approach, scientific
approach. Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.
Hamalik, O. (2005). Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran, cet. V. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Han, H. (2010). An investigation of teachers’ perceptions of culture teaching in secondary
schools in Xinjiang, China. Durham University,
Hertanto, E. (2017). Perbedaan Skala Likert Lima Skala dengan Modifikasi Skala
Likert Empat Skala. Metodologi Penelitian, 2.
Irwanto, E. H., Hadisoepadmo, A., Priyani, R., Wismanto, Y., & Fernandes, C. (2002).
Psikologi umum: buku panduan mahasiswa.
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Tentang Implementasi Kurikulum,
no. 81a C.F.R. (2013).
Permendikbud Tentang Kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum SMA/MA, 69
C.F.R. (2013).
Kosasih, E. (2014). Strategi belajar dan pembelajaran implementasi kurikulum 2013 (Vol.
Maba, W. (2017). Teacher’s Perception on the Implementation of the Assessment
Process in 2013 Curriculum. International journal of social sciences and
humanities, 1(2), 1-9.
Miftah, T. (2003). 154, Perilaku Organisasi Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Jakarta:
PT. Grafindo Persada.
Mulyasa, E. (2013). Pengembangan dan implementasi kurikulum 2013: PT Remaja
Musfiqon, M., & Nurdyansyah. (2015). Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik. In:
Nizamia Learning Center.
Nugraha, I. S., & Suherdi, D. (2017). Scientific approach: an English learning-
teaching (ELT) approach in the 2013 curriculum. Journal of English and
Education, 5(2), 120-135.
Oxford, R., & Crookall, D. (1989). Research on language learning strategies:
Methods, findings, and instructional issues. The Modern Language Journal,
73(4), 404-419.
Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a
messy construct. Review of educational research, 62(3), 307-332.
KD dan Struktur kurikulum SMP/Madrasah Tsanawiyah No.68, (2013).
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan tentang Standar Proses, 22 C.F.R.
Kurikulum 2013 untuk SMP/MTs, No.35 C.F.R. (2018).
Rakhmat, J. (2005). Psikologi Komunikasi edisi revisi.
Sari, H. I. (2017). Lecturers’perceptions Of Need For The Teaching Of Character
Development. Paper presented at the Proceedings Education and Language
International Conference.
Sarwanti, S. (2016). Scientific method in English language teaching. Transformatika:
Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, 12(1), 60-75.
Journal of Teaching of English Vol. No.

Septiana, D. U. (2017). The Implementation Of Scientific Approach In Teaching Reading

Comprehension For The Tenth Grade Students Of Sman 2 Karanganyar In
2016/2017 Academic Year. IAIN Surakarta,
Sobur, A. (2003). Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: CV. Pustaka Setia.
Sugihartono, F. K., Harahap, F., Setiawati, F., & Nurhayati, S. (2007). Psikologi
Pendidikan. Yogyakarta. In: UNY Press.
Sutrisno, H. (1991). Analisis Butir Untuk Instrumen Angket, Tes dan Skala Nilai.
Yogyakarta, FP UGM.
Walgito, B. (2004). Pengantar psikologi umum. Yogyakarta: Andi.

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