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Subject: Science 8

Most Learning Competency:

Explain the physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms
and molecules. (S8MT-IIIc-d9)

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Identify and describe the phase change of matter
b. Explain some natural phenomenon based on your understanding of phase change.
c. Illustrate the molecular arrangement of matter during phase change.


Subject: SCIENCE 8
Topic: Phase Changes of Matter
Reference: Science Learner’s Module
Internet resources:

Materials: Module,laptop, power point presentation, pictures

A. Daily routine
1. Prayer and checking of attendance
2. Review of the previous lesson
3. Motivation

B. Presentation
Physical change is a type of change which involves change in size, phase and appearance of matter
without changing its chemical composition.

Types of Physical Change

 Melting is a physical process that changes a substance from solid to liquid when heat is applied.
 Evaporation is the process by which liquid change to gas.
 Freezing is the process of changing a liquid to a solid.
 Condensation is called the process by which a gas or a vapor becomes liquid.
 Deposition is the process by which a substance changes form gas or vapor to a solid without first changing
into the liquid phase. It is the reverse of sublimation. When water vapor high up in the air changes directly
into solid ice crystal form.
 Sublimation is a process when solid changes directly to gas without passing to liquid phase. This happens
because the material absorbs energy from its surroundings so fast that it never melts.
Source: Source:

C. Activity
Identify and describe the phase change of matter.
Arrange the scrambled letters to form the correct term and fill in the blank to complete the statement.

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consadention Mleting Submalition

1.____________________ is the process by which a gas or vapor becomes liquid.

2. ___________________ is the process by which a liquid changes to gas or vapor.
3. ___________________ is the process by which a substance changes from gas or vapors to a solid without first
changing to liquid phase.
4.____________________ is the change of a solid into liquid when heat is applied.
5. ___________________ is the process by which a liquid changes to a solid.
6. ___________________ is the process by which a substance change from solid to gas.

D. Analysis
1. Analyze the picture.
2. Answer the following question.


State possible reasons how and why such phenomenon occur.

E. Abstraction

Energy is required to change the phase of a substance, such as the energy to break the bonds between molecules in a
block of ice so it may melt.
During a phase change energy may be added or subtracted from a system, but the temperature will not change. The
temperature will change only when the phase change has completed.

F. Application
Illustrate in the given boxes the arrangement of molecules. Write a short description of the process on the
space provided.

1. Condensation: _______________________

Draw the molecules of

gas after condensation
Draw the
molecules of
liquid before

2. Evaporation: _________________________

Draw the molecules

of gas after evaporation
Draw the
molecules of
liquid before

3. Deposition: __________________________

Draw the molecules

Draw the of gas after deposition
molecules of
solid before
IV- Evaluation

Write the phase changes of matter that best suit in each pair of a state of matter presented below.
Write your answer inside table.

Solid to Liquid Liquid to Solid Solid to Gas Gas to Solid Liquid to Gas Gas to Liquid


List at least 10 human activities that apply physical changes of matter. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

Checked by:
Subject Coordinator
Noted by:

Principal IV

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