Signal Operations

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Signal Operations Summary: 1. Time Reversal xt) xEn] Mitror [Reflection with respect to y-axis i 70 delay -» towards right 2- Time abitting yGe-WD)xle-t] ha jivaris > toons eft 3: Time Scoling x (9) / x [en] K >) Compress K <1 expand Example 1: Given the CTS below, graph the following: a) x(24) d) x(t45) b) x Ct) 2 x4) ax G-3) £) x €2t+9) Solutions: a) x (24) b) x (#4) xQ)> -14t 41 xajer -144 41 x27 4 4 2t21 xChij> -1 2 'ht 41 “p44 4p 222122 Lee? sb xCAO Sed 4p 2. t “$24 a2 + This is an example of Time Scaling. A number is multiplied in t- As yor can set, if that number is greater than | (in a) signal will be cermpressed: Hf that number is less than 1 Cin b) signal wil be expandid: To do time sealing remember fwo stings ? © divide coch fine on the onginal waveform by the number K and @ omplitudy will remain constart. eee) D x(te8) «(4-69 ee x(a -14tel 2G) Nett) xQ@iga-1etiset n143 £47349 2143 -t-5 € tts-s £175 22.063 A Get4-4 oe ee x84) x ' “emasae * jee This is an example of Time shifting. A number (s subtrackd from &- As you can pe, if that number is greater than © meaning positive number Cina) signal is shifkd to fhe right. 1£ drat number is lees fran 0 meaning eagative number cin b) fled to dhe [eft: To do tine shifting © move she cignal either 4 the right the width ond amplitude fo the right and ff K signal is shi remember wo things * or do the left withawt changing @ if Bi poitie CE-K) move (4- G)) = (44K) move qo dhe left: is regative Q x4 x ae te Ft xGH xch 2 74 2-441 (zeta! che iss exampl of Time Reversal - Negative 1GEN ts This is an multiplied with &- miryord with respect to go axis: The signal wovetorm is flipped/ reflckd/ e). x(-2t 48) As you can sat, there is a ngatiw sian which is Time Reversdly q number is multiplied with that is Tine Sealing and a number is subtracted from t that is Tine shifting Se this is an example of mulhipl prans formations - Te Sole problems ke this you can follow the natural order: SHIFTING /SHALING — REVERSAL. But ot the end, 4 whortcut solution will be presented: ¢) SHIFTING -S is subtracted from t thus the signal will be Shifted 4o dhe eft with ¢ steps: ' 3 x(¢ +s) | t FASB ii) SCALING 2 tc multiplied with & thus the signal will be compressed: To do this yau shald refer to the gure aban 2Gt419) ms t 4327 1 cit) REVERSAL The wayetorm will be flipped with respect fo graxis ap XC2E +8) : coe final answer a 6234 2 e) x¢(-2t +6) Shortcut olution XH) 1 Stat x C2445) > -1 4 G2tts) <) “1S C2t4+S-S) SI-F 9 SHIFTING ~6 $C 2t) 4-4 oS 2 zi 3-2 (24) 252 3 SCALING 3 REVERSING 34442 Example 2: Given the CTS signal below, graph pe gglowing* g ax Gin d) x (34) - { b) x G-s) axed 2 x Ct) #) x C2t-9 t Of a ak oa, Solution i a) x(#47) by x (4-8) i x()9 of t #2 xH> oft 42 i x(t4 7 0 2+) 22 X4-S)2 0 € (4-5) 42 0-7 €G@47-7) €2-7 ots 4 C-s+e)<215 -74t4-s pasihopa i x (49 eee aa! a 2 1 : ie t Seer Tea oes ar goes Bi oma gs atete ver. 7, a «(4 4) x (34) x704 +42 x>ost s2 xGH? of 4t42 xG4 9 05 3442 o4#t243 o4t+ 4067 x4) aCe » 4 : = coma aaa eae ote exé? xQaoste? ay) xCN 7 Of-t22 ; oft ¥-2 372 1 1 e 4) x(-2t-9) x@>x7 ott 42 See ien De? 34 C2t- pla 2 SHIFTING 34624) 2k 2 *2 ~> SCALING 460426 Bie ae oe ~~ REVERSING Example 3° Given the CTS signal below, graph te Pollowing : a x CH d) x (424) xi? bp x(4+ti) @ x (3ett) 4 } ax Gt) : a) x G4) x (eo x7 oft 2 fo 6 248 2 CD Feala ss x (hd) > os Bet 22 { tS ae xt) 9 € & S 133 [des . | 1 ij oO 1 s - yx G+ Q xGtt1) BOS ee x7 oft42 oa of oe xCH? 0 € Ett) 42 é 1241! us 14.04) 2-1 A xGet) ab Binde. Ga Qx (t+ x7» oft £2 x(B44070 Gir 42 o-1 € CZ tt 1-9) 2 271 -14 (44) <1! “get 2 og -0-67 £¢ 20-67 xCeeti Exomple 4° Given thy OTS below, graph the following: a) x [n-2] x[n] oc %) x [2] A <) x [Fr] ' a) x Enz] n Sdution : @ x [n-2] This ie Hime hitting , just add 2 + every valu of n. xfpJx>n=01 2 x[n-ron- 2 3 4 x [n-2] Sinw dw number subtrackd from 2 78 postu, the sigml is shifed the night. n o?.4 34 © 6 7 b) x [20] re This is time scaling, j . 4 xfhJer n= 0 3 2 8 Henne ere lender ane 7 y % Z of n. But yu nud ® 3 xl, Consider only those integers * Cwhde numbers) 2 ' Sins the number multiplied with a is grealer than 1, . fhe elqnal is. compressed. Thic fs an example of 4 Time Reversal in DTS: “4 Just change the siqn of every valu of x(n n=. Ot 2 9 4 xpntyan=-2 “1 0 1 2 = Tiny shifting ne 2 1 6 Tt -2 2 Time reversal ‘ This is an example ; of multiple trans formation - Example § + Given the PTS below, graph the following: a ysl] = 3x, [r] BD Yotr) = Xfm] 4 Xe fn] 2 yo fol = % [nr] + x2[n] g 44 Ll 2xLn] + f-3%alr]J sell 4 mol a3) : i 2 2 ‘ley 1 1 : t Ee Galle gia as ate Solutions? np Ys fol et SoS a 4) ysfr] = 3 xiLn] a nO bo ty 9) 4, i eo te Yifl 2 O38. oa" | 7 qhis tc an example oF i: is Amplitude Scaling- : f s 3 t it ic PUSS Et een et b? yale] = X Ca] + X2fnl =e One e342, 2 9514 Rlalve De i) 22 8S Ag [nj 8 2 23a Yael 20 83S" 4 7 This is an example of signal addition. Just add fre amplitude per value of 1 2 Yolo] = % Gl > xan] melo... 2439 4 Min] oho] sb eg 9. °F. X%fnJ- Oo ? Bale 4 yola] = © 2 6 3 ie yao] 7 7 4 s s 4 4 3 3 2 ! n oN a sity sbol n r u Pp 1 ‘ 7 6 4 < 1 “ 3 2 2 1 n ong uae 4 D ysl) 2x [a] + §-3X2 [rl NatOs 25 3a 4 2 Ail 2. Ae Ore G “3X27 0 “6 1 2 It yab]-0 4-5 3 6 47 patel

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