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Joan Rowling was born in July 31 1965 she shared birthday with he.

Her parents went Peter and

Anne rowling. She had a sister call Diane Rowling. Joe was supposed to be a boy so, their parents
were really disappointed and dressed her in blue. But they weren’t disappointed of Diana.

Joe and her family live on a suburban street just outside Briston. Then they moved a few miles down
the row. They live really well economically.

When she started writing and how:

She was really Infiniti’s and creative writing and she know that since she was really little she love to
read White House that was. The inspiration for rabbit. That was the First story that joe written in.
She wrote it when she was six when she was a little bit older, she started to be more rebelious and
started to smoke

life as a teenager:

she atended to exter's university (wanted to enter to harvard for the writting program but she
couldn't). her first published work was by the university

adulthood: after finishing the university, she moved to London. when she was on a four-hour train,
her imagination took her to see harry potter, then main character of the story that was conformed
by 7 books. she didn't have anything to write so she waited the four hours imaginating everything till
she got home.

lots of the things that she live with and the people that were with her are on the book or are
inspiration for something/someone from the book. Like 1 of the forest near her house, Severus
Snape that is inspirated by a science teacher, Harry potter that is inspirated in ian potter (neighbour
that she had), Germione that is an exageration of her, Anne mars that is based on Frida (Grandma),
Shawn Harris a friend who helped her not to feel like an outsider is a big inspiration for ron, a train
station is where joe's parents met so that's why it plays an important role in the books and she had a
teacher that Intensely dislike so it was the inspiration for Dolores umbridge.

While joe was writing the first book her mom passed away and she didn’t know any thing about HP.
She didn’t have a really good relationship with his father and this mode it weirder. This is why HP has
so many I dialyzed fathers.

Then, she moved to Portugal where she met Jorge oreontes and married him. There was domestic
abuse from Jorge to Joe. They had a baby and one day Jorge took her out of the house and Joe called
the police and she took her things and the baby and went out. Wrote lots of parts of the book of
cafes because Jessica needed to be moving to get sleep so joe walk with the baby cart in the street
until Jessica was sleeping and then she went to the nearest coffee to write.
it took 5 years to write the first book and she also wrote the final chapter as a motivation. she send
the books to lots os companies and bloomsbury was the one who published them but time later
schoolastic payed 105,000 for the rights changing joe and Jessica's life. it took 17 years to write the 7
books but they broke tons of records.


she lives in scotish with Neil michael Murray (husband), Jessica, David and Mackenzie (kids)

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