11th Functional English Model Paper (By Rayees Shah)

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Class:11th English


Guess paper / Important Questions
(CPS GP-2021)

Important Instructions:

1) This is a model paper cum important questions which are

taken from all three sections of question paper reading
comprehension, grammar, writing skills and literature.
Section A Reading Comprehension 10 Marks
Section B Literature 40 Marks
Section C Writing Skills and Grammar 50 Marks

2) Important questions from all the sections are given below.

3) Writing skills are along with formats and rules.

Class:11th English

Section: A

Reading Comprehension (Marks: 10)

Following are the important unseen passages: (10 Marks)

Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:

Since Mars is one of the planets closest to earth, it has often featured in many
science fiction stories with a life and civilization of its own. In 1877 the Italian
astronomer, Giovanni Schiapareeli claimed to have seen a wide system of
channels on Mars. The American astronomer, Percival Lowell, then popularized
these faint lines as canals and held them out as proof of a vast attempt by
intelligent beings to irrigate and arid planet. But subsequent spacecraft
observations have shown that not only are there no canals, but dark areas,
once thought to be oases on Mars, are not even green, and their spectra
contain no evidence of organize materials. The seasonal change in the
appearance of these areas is due to seasonal Martian winds blowing sterile
sand and dust. Water probably occurs only as ice on or below the surface or as
trace amounts of vapour or ice crystals in the atmosphere. The atmosphere on
Mars in very thin so the planet is exposed not only to lethal doses of ultraviolet
radiation but also to the chemical effects of highly oxidizing substances (such
as hydrogen peroxide); that no life can probably exist there.


1. Which planet is the closest to earth?

2. How have science fiction stories featured Mars?
3. Who was Giovanni Schiaparelli? What did he claim?
4. How did the American astronomer, Percival Lowell, popularize the faint
lines? What has been shown by subsequent spacecraft observations?
5. How does water occur on Mars?

Class:11th English


The Allied Forces has a marked technological edge, as they were fielding
systems built with the by-and-large vintage weapon systems of the sixties and

Now, this is where the key to the modern world order lies – superiority
through technology. Deprive the opponent of the latest technology and then
dictate your terms in an unequal contest. When the Chinese war philosopher,
Sun Tzu ruminated over 2000 years ago that what matters in war is not
decimating the enemy army physically but breaking his will so as to make him
concede defeat in the mind, he seems to have visualized the combination of
technology in the twentieth century theatres of war. The missile force, coupled
with the electronic warfare used in the Gulf War, was a fest for military
strategic experts. It acted as a curtain-raiser for the twenty-first century war
scenario with missiles and electronics and information warfare playing the lead


(a) What was the technological edge enjoyed by the Allied Forces over the
Iraqi Forces in the Gulf War?
(b) Where does the key to the modern world life?
(c) According to the Chinese war philosopher, where lies the victory in war?
(d) To what would you attribute the defeat of Iraqi forces at the hands of
the Allied Forces?
(e) Give the noun forms of the following:
Deprive, dictate, ruminate, concede.


A Devoted Son

When the results appeared in the morning papers, Rakesh scanned them,
barefoot and in his pyjamas at the garden gate, then went up the steps to the
veranda where his father sat sipping his morning tea and bowed down to
touch his feet.

‘A first division, son?’ his father asked, bearing, reaching for the papers.

Class:11th English

‘At the top of the list, Papa,’ Rakesh murmured, as if awed. ‘First in the

Bedlam broke loose then, the family whooped and danced. The whole day long
visitors streamed into the small yellow house at the end of the road, to
congratulate the parents of this wonder kid, to slap Rakesh on the back and fill
the house and garden with the sounds and colours of a festival. There were
garlands and halwa, party clothes and gifts (enough fountain pens to last years,
even a watch or two), nerves and temper and joy, all in a multicoloured whirl
of pride and great shining vistas newly opened. Rakesh was the first son in the
family to receive an education, so much had been sacrificed in order to send
him to school and then medical college, and at last the fruits of their sacrifice
had arrived, golden and glorious.


(a) What did Rakesh do soon after scanning his result in the newspaper?
(b) What happened in Varmaji’s Household after it was known that his son
had stood first in the country?
(c) Give a brief account of the celebrations in Varmaji’s house.
(d) In which sense was Rakesh’s success a glorious one?
(e) What Rakesh scanned in the morning time?

I was only a child, perhaps four years old when my father began waking me
at 4 o'clock every morning to go down to the hall with him and take lessons
from him on Tanpura, the 'Harmonium', the 'Sitar' and even the 'Tabla'. He
could play them all and wished to see for which I had an aptitude. Music
being literally the air we breathed, in a house that had belonged to generations
of makers of musical instruments that I would display an aptitude was never in
question. My father taught me all the Ragas, the Raginis, and tested my
knowledge with rapid, persistent questioning in his unmusical grating voice.
My father could see it clearly that I was a musician not a marker but a
performer of music, that is what he saw. He seemed to be aware of
everything I did and frequently his hand shot out to grab my ears and pull till I

Class:11th English



(a) How did the narrator's father tested his knowledge?

(b) The narrator's father clearly realized that he was going to be:
(a) A maker of musical instruments
(b) Performer of music
{c) Both maker of musical instruments and performer of

(d) All of the above

(c) Give the opposite of 'unmusical'.

(d) The word 'aptitude' means: ...................
(e) The narrator's father taught him to play on instruments in
accordance with his aptitude. (True/False)

My wish for the next generation is that they be value-based, strongly value-
based. With character.
Happy people within, and giving by nature. This is how I would like a nation to
be, made up of people with character creative and giving. I think once we get
there, everything else will fall into place. Balanced living, taking only as much
as one needs. That's the kind of younger generation I would love to see. Well-
read, creative people who are spiritually inclined and sensitive. But
apparently our system of education doesn't provide for this, it's spiritually
barren. It does not offer mental stimulation nor insist on creativity. It merely
qualities you for a job, which may provide you with a certain amount of
money. In other words it is about making money somehow, not about
creativity. Our education system does not teach us that all work has a purpose,
making money is only one part of it. And the purpose is to cater to the need
of society to which we collectively belong.


Class:11th English

a) Here 'wish' has been used as a:

(a) noun (b) verb (c) adjective (d) adverb
b) The narrator would love to see younger generation well-read creative
people who are spiritual inclined and .............. (Fill in the blank)
c) Our education system is not spiritually barren. (True/False)
d) Give the opposite of the word 'barren'
e) Give the synonym of 'apparently'.

Section – B


Note: These are important questions for Question No. 9 and 10.

Q 9.

(a) Why has the planet Mars been a subject of many science fiction stories?
(b) What did the Italian astronomer claim to have seen on Mars? How was it
(c) What kind of experiment was carried on by Viking landers?
(d) Why is the writer so sure that life cannot possible exist on Mars?
(e) Why were Allied forces better than the forces of Iraq in Gulf War?
(f) How can a nation prove itself superior to other nations in the modern
(g) What does Dr. Kalam mean by the word technology?
(h) Why should the symbols of technology change according to the author?
(i) What made Dr. Kalam Write his autobiography?
(j) ‘In India, we are just progressing towards that state – closing the loop
i) Which ‘loop’ is the writer referring?
ii) How will it help the nation?
(k) How did the rockets and missile capture the attention of the proper in
(l) How did the rockets and missile capture the attention of the people in

Class:11th English

(m) In what way was the successful launching of Prithvi and Trishul
help in lighting up the people’s faces?
(n) What are the signs of ageing?
(o) How can we be responsible in speeding up the
ageing the brain.
(p) What do you understand my ‘brain diet’
(q) How does Alzheimer affect people?
(r) What is mental aerobics?
(s) How can we keep our brain young?
(t) Why is food such as broccoli, avocados good for brain?
(u) Elucidate the findings of Dr. Garry on agagrig.
(v) Why does author compare the human mind to a lake?
(w) Define Islamic art and calligraphy ?
(Do bookwork completely including grammar past from words and
(x) What do you understand by the expression ‘tsunami genic’? Name the
areas of the world which are tsunami genic.
(y) How does the eruptions of volcano spawn tsunami?
(z) How did tsunami prove to be disastrous on 26th Dec 2004?
(aa) What steps are being taken to forestall another catastrophe like
the December one by the scientists?
(bb) Landslides also generate tsunami. Explain.
(cc) Why did Mr. Braithwaite want his class to set the standard in all
(dd) ‘Toughness is the quality of mind nothing to do with muscles’>
Explain with the reference to the context.
(ee) How did Braithwaite handle his class to make the boys and girls
treat him with respect and to behave better?
(ff)What advice does Mr. Braithwaite give to the students of the top class?
(gg) Why did Rakesh’s father’s health deteriorate fast after his
retirement and how did his son take it?
(hh) Bring out the irony in the title of the story.
(ii) Give a character sketch of Rakesh?
(jj) Q.11) this question is based on the play “ No Body here but us Chickens”.
(kk) a) How did Mike reach the barren?

Class:11th English

(ll) b) How is Mile save from German soldiers?

(mm) c) Do you think that the title of the play is appropriate? If yes,
justify your answer?
(nn) d) Give the Character sketch of Gerda, Anna, Marya, Helga

Q.11) this question is based on the play “ No Body here but us Chickens”.

a. How did Mike reach the barren?

b. How is Mile save from German soldiers?
c. Do you think that the title of the play is appropriate? If yes, justify your
d. Give the Character sketch of Gerda, Anna, Marya, Helga

Class:11th English

Section – C

Writing Skills and Grammar

Question No. 12 to 18 is based on Writing Skills with choice.

A. Your neighbour’s telephone is out of order. Their son called your house,
instead, to let his parents know that he will arrive from Jammu on the
evening of 3 July be the grand Express train. Write a message for your
neighbour given all the above information.
B. You went to your friend’s house to invite him to your birthday. He was
not at home. You wrote a note and slipped it under his door. Write the
message you left for him.

07/06/2021 03:30 p.m. Wednesday

Dear Abu,
Came by to invite your for my birthday (an informal get-together) on
Saturday 10/05/2021 at 07:00 a.m. at my house! Would love to have you
there. (All our friends have been invited too.)


A. Write an e-mail to your sister about your writing to her in a couple
of days stating the reason.
B. Write an e-mail to the Arab airlines enquiring about vacancies in
Cabin Crew, stating your personal details.

From: usmaanbashir0357@gmail.com
To: shahrayees2@gmail.com

Subject: Congratulations

Dear Sister,

Hi! Congrats on standing first in your school. Great news.

Looking for a sumptuous treat.
Love to all at home.

Class:11th English

Q 13.

A. You have lost your pet dog. Write a notice to be put up on your
Community Notice Board, announcing a reward for its finder.
B. As the President of the Community Outreach Club of your school, draft
a notice appealing for help in cash or kind, for the recent earthquake
victims in the UP Tehri Hills.


20 June 2021

NOTICE FOR ______________

The Annual General Body meeting is scheduled for 27th June 05 as per the
Time: 09:00 a.m.
Venue: Conference Hall
The agenda is to apply to the government for approval of a loan
sanctioned for another spinning and weaving factory in Kashmir.
All members should attend.

Liaqat A. Khan
Gen. Secretary

Class:11th English



A. Change the layout, add illustrations, give catchy slogans. Then redesign
it in yoru notebook.
Suppose you are Vijay Rathore, who wants to contest the election for
the post of President of the student’s Union of your school on 15 June
2005. The time for election is from 10:00 a.m. and venue is the school
auditorium. You wish to put up a poster, giving all the above details,
along with the reasons, why the voters should vote for you.
B. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school, Green Valley, Nehru
Road, Bangalore. Your school is organizing a cultural evening, in aid of
Cancer poster for the occasion, to be displayed at prominent places in
Bangalore, giving its highlights and other relevant details.

Q 14.

You are Harish. Your friend Kunal and his wife visit you to invite you to a get
together. Write out the conversation that takes place.

You have just bought a new computer and don’t know how to operate it. You
go over to your neighbour’s house to seek his help.


Prepare telephonic conversation using the given situations/ clues.

1. Sudhir is on a holiday in Spain with his cousin. He calls up his father to

find out when his result would be declared.
2. Mohit Ahuja makes a call to ‘Honda Refrigeration’s’ to complain about
a fridge he has recently bought in which the cooling is very slow and is
also producing some humming sound.

Class:11th English

Q 15.

A. Abdul Lone reads about India’s dismal performance at the Olympics. He

writes an article on ‘The sad plight of Indian sports in the international field:
Steps to improve them.” Write the article in 200 words.

B. Kashmir is a land of beautiful, sensitive and peace-loving people. Its scenic

beauty is unsurpassable seeing the flow of tourist traffic in neighbouring
Himachal Pradesh. Write an article on “Kashmir, the land of paradise,
beckons” in 200 words.

Focusing deeply on the topic and the ideas related to it.
Collecting relevant material from all sources, discussion.
First step of organisation.
Collecting ideas, developing, organizing, revising the draft.
Examining carefully and critically, amending, deleting, etc.

Q 16.

Write a report on the Annual Day recently celebrated in your school for your
school magazine.

Write a report on an accident that happened near about Lal Chowk Srinagar.


Class:11th English


a. A farewell speech delivered by a student of Class XI in the send-off

party to students of Class XII:
b. You have been asked to prepare a speech on ‘My aim in life is ……..

‘Save our Environment’

Good Morning, respected teachers and dear friends.

It gives me an intense pleasure to express my vies on the subject – ‘Save Our

Environment’. Though some of my friends, prior to me, voiced their opinions
on it, yet I intend to acquaint you with my views too.

______________ 1st para ________________ (Introduction)

______________ 2nd para ________________ (Details of topic)

______________ 3rd para ________________ (Conclusion)

Thanks for listening properly.

Class:11th English

Q 17. Note Making:

Once an organ donor’s family gives its consent and the organs are
matched to a recipient, medial professional are faced with the
onerous challenge of transporting organs while ensuring threat the
harvested organ reaches its destination in the shortest possible time.
This is done in order to preserve the harvested organs and involves
the police and especially the traffic police department. The
traditional method of transporting organs by road is revered to as a
‘green corridor’. This process entails police escorting an ambulance,
so as to move around traffic – usually a specific traffic lane is chosen
and all signals on the route stay green to ensure it. P.T.O. reaches its
destination in the shortest possible time. A green corridor is a route
cleared and cordoned off by the traffic police to ensure the smooth
and steady transportation of harvested organs, on most occasions, to
those awaiting a life-saving transplant. Organs tend to have a very
short preservation time, such as the heart, which has to be harvested
and transplanted within four hours or the lungs, which can be
preserved for only six hours once they are harvested. The first green
corridor in India was created by the Chennai Traffic Police in
September 2008 when they accomplished their task of enabling an
ambulance to reach its destination within 11 minutes during peak
hour traffic. That organ saved a nine year old girl whose life
depended on the transplant. Similarly, such green corridors have
been created by traffic police of various cities such as Pune, Mumbai,
Delhi NCR, etc. Personnel are stationed at selected points to divert,
control and clear the traffic giving way to the ambulance. Apart from
this, a motorcade a police vehicles accompanies the ambulance
ensuring that it does not face any problems. Delhi Traffic Police
provided a green corridor from IGI Airport to the Institute of Liver
and Biliary of 14 kms was covered in 11 minutes. Experts point out

Class:11th English

the lack of a robust system to transport organs to super speciality

hospitals in least possible time. The National Organ and Tissue
Transplant Organisation (NOTTO), the country’s apex organ donation
agency, is now framing a proposal to airlift cadaver organs and will
send a report to the Union Health Ministry. “Cadaver organs have a
short life and so transplant should be done within a few golden
hours,” Director (NOTTO) expressed. “Therefore, we are preparing a
proposal for airlifting organs at any given moment.” Most States do
not have enough well-trained experts to retrieve or perform
transplant procedures. Their patients are suffering from acute heart
failure and need heart transplant at any point of time. In a private
set-up, a heart transplant cost Rs. 15 – 20 lakh, which is followed up
by post-operative medication of about Rs 30,000 per month
lifelong.” Also there is an acute shortage of advanced healthcare
facilities to carry out a transplant. So, it is referred to other big
centres in metropolitan cities.

Donated Organs and Their Transportation

i. How organs are donated:

i) Donor’s family gives consent
ii) Org. matched to recipient
ii. Challenges of Med. Professionals:
i) Harvested org. to reach its destination in the shortest
iii. Green Corridors
i) Traditional method of transporting organs by road.
ii) 1st Green Corridor by Chennai Traffic Police saved a
nine year old girl to reach in 11 mts. To deliver org.
iv. Proposal of NOTTO
i) Airlift Cadevar Org.
v. Shortcoming of most states:
Class:11th English

i) Lack well trained experts to retrieve trans. Proc.

vi. Cost of Heart Trans.
i) 15 to 20 lakhs in pvt. Set up.
ii) Medicine Rs. 30,000 per month lifelong.

Key to Abbreviations
org. – organs
med. . – medical
trans. . – transplant
proc. . – procedure
Rs/- . – rupee


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