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All praise are due to Allah who give me the chance and enable me to complete this report

The final outcome of this report comes from the guidance and help from everyone around me.
So, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who provided me the chance
to complete this report. First of all, a special gratitude to my dearest lecturer, TS. DR ALIA
BINTI ABDULLAH SALLEH who has contributed a lot in completing this task. She did an
excellent job in giving brief explanation to all of us, providing the notes and helping us to write
this report successfully.

Furthermore, I also want to thank all my classmates because they have been helping me
finishing this report. We are so grateful that we still managed to help each other and go through
obstacles together within this limited time. In a nutshell I felt beyond lucky that I finally able
to complete this and it makes me realize that I am doing this not only for good grades but also
to increase my knowledge.
1.0 Introduction of building maintenance and building maintenance 1-3
2.0 Maintenance policy for implementing in building maintenance 4-6
2.1 Definition of maintenance policy
2.2 Types of maintenance policy
3.0 Importance factors of implementing maintenance policy in building 7-9
maintenance management
4.0 Standard operating procedures (SOP) for building maintenance 10-13
management operation
4.1 Definition of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
4.2 Types of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
5.0 Listing of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for building 14-15
maintenance management
6.0 Conclusion 16
7.0 References 17
According to Wikipedia, building maintenance is the process of ensuring building premises
and other assets to continue to function at maximum efficiency and retains an exceptional
appearance. In a building, maintenance work includes the premise’s upkeep such as the
structural, electrical and plumbing system. In addition to that, maintenance work includes
cleaning common areas, removing trash regularly and repairing any things that are broken. The
primary goals of maintenance work is to ensure that each building structures continue to meet
their design function and manage to perform its designated function. Building maintenance is
a complex activity which require the right expertise, knowledge and technologies to maintain
a building premises, conform to property and building compliance requirement as well as
ensuring the efficiency improvements.

Therefore, a proper building maintenance will helps to keep equipment, buildings and utilities
in a good working order. Besides, it will helps to restore it to its original state and also could
upgrade the infrastructure according to the development in building engineering. Failure to
manage a proper maintenance program will definitely cause more damages such as decay,
deterioration, and failure of the fabric and finishing of a building. If we keep on neglecting this
matter, it might lead to any harmful effects to the contents and also the occupants.

To ensure smooth procedure of building maintenance, the organization must conduct a proper
maintenance management which is a program that organizes methods for controlling the
maintenance resources and activities necessary to keep assets in a good condition or repair that
based on the required standard. Maintenance management is characterized as the method of
maintaining a company’s assets and services while managing time and costs, assuring
maximum efficiency of the manufacturing process. The objectives of maintenance
management are;

 Reducing equipment failure and downtime.

 Planning maintenance operation to extend asset’s life.
 Budgeting and cost control.
 Enhancing product quality.
 Ensuring staff’s safety.

To achieve the purpose of maintenance management program, we need to have a proper
maintenance plan in our organization. Some of the plans are; to prepare and set a certain
internal consistency and utilization expectations for the employees depends on the assets type,
to run a careful repairing work once the proper consultation from the concerned area is done,
to record all the maintenance work thoroughly so it will be easier for the authorities to track
the repair history and most importantly to finish all the daily task within the deadlines and stick
to the maintenance plan.

The success of maintenance program is depend on how the department manage the key
component of maintenance management as it helps to organize the maintenance process into a
correct order. Some of the key component of maintenance management that should be
considered can be listed as follows;

1. Work order management

Work order management can be implemented through communication. This system
describes how work orders are processed with the aim of carrying maintenance work
correctly based on the schedule. It involves rules for work orders, priority, schedule,
assignment, distribution, performance, report and closure.

2. Asset management

Figure 1.1 Element of asset lifecycle

Asset management is one of the common method used in any industry to optimize the
value of fixed assets through their existence. Apart from maintenance alone, it also
includes planning, acquisition, operation, and decommissioning. For maintenance
management department, their roles involves monitoring asset’s status, identifying its
standard performance, implementing efficient maintenance plans and tracking
maintenance budget. This procedures are vital before deciding whether the asset needs
to be repaired or replaced.

3. Facility management

Figure 1.2 Facility management services

Facility management refers to the coverage of tasks and operation of facilities as a part
of maintenance management. Organization’s goal can be achieved based on how this
management coordinates physical workspaces, staff, and support services. The facility
services are related to building’s physical structure as well as soft facilities management
services which is related to the people. All in all, this management offers value to the
company in both short term and long term demand and could reduce maintenance cost,
protect the business and ensure employee’s well-being.

Based on BS3811, maintenance policy defines a strategy within which decision on maintenance
that should be taken. It describes a basic principles to allocate resources such as human,
materials and money among the sorts of maintenance activity accessible to the management.
The policy is in a written document form that act as a management framework for maintenance
department in determining acceptable maintenance strategies and standards. A good
maintenance policy should be consists of these components;
 Value of money (asset and resources value)
 Physical performance and functional suitability required by owner
 The current usage of the buildings and upgrading work
 Legal requirements
 Cycle of maintenance work

Every organization must have a detail maintenance policy and it is mandatory for both
maintenance department and top management to agree on the policies as it provides strategic
directions and resources. Besides, an organization could determine the structure of its
maintenance organization with the roles and duties of the staff based on maintenance policy.
When formulating maintenance policy, a proper sequences should be considered to ensure the
best outcomes for the maintenance program including timeframe for sustaining facilities for
current use, life cycle considerations for building materials and equipment, maintenance
standard, reaction time, legal compliance decisions and suitable approach.

Maintenance policies is crucial as it has a relation with organization’s expenses when

performing maintenance work. Maintenance employees can implement an appropriate
maintenance strategies which concern the right techniques for scheduling building maintenance
tasks. Overall, all facilities in the organization is guaranteed to be in safe condition, suitable to
use anytime and match with statutory requirements.


Maintenance policies may be varies in three different kind but all of them have the ability to
accomplish the same target, performing the best maintenance work. Maintenance management
department may choose maintenance policy that works best for their organization. Below are
three possible types of maintenance policies;

1. Used-Based Maintenance
Used-based maintenance is a form of predictive maintenance. Generally, predictive
maintenance is a strategy that employs data analysis tools and procedure to identify any
abnormalities and potential problems in equipment so that it can be fixed before any
failure happen. Same goes with used-based maintenance, it is a planned maintenance
that based on estimated usage, capable to forecast future problem date which requires
a weekly or monthly meter reading in order to function effectively. This kind of
maintenance help to eliminate unwanted preventive maintenance, causing the
operational cost to be reduced, ensuring top performance of the equipment, improves
maintenance planning and most importantly minimizes wasteful spare part and labor
costs. Some simple examples related to used-based maintenance are restocking vehicle
parts at the right time or lubricate pumps every 10,000 run hours.

2. Failed-Based Maintenance
Failed-based maintenance falls under the category of corrective maintenance. This
maintenance refers to an unplanned maintenance performed with the aim of restoring
the equipment back to the original state. So, as long as the equipment are still
functioning, there will be no interventions until failure occur. It is undeniable that
emergency breakdown has a greater influence on the business. It may results in failure
to produce good quality product or service, financial and time loss, so to prevent this
matter, the maintenance employees should always be ready to perform corrective
maintenance. Failed-Based maintenance helps to make sure the availability and
reliability of company’s operation in a smooth order without having any difficulties.
The maintenance is not necessarily involves major downtime, the flexibility of this
maintenance also enables the maintenance department to run a breakdown maintenance
on equipment that is not involve in major operation such as changing the light bulb
when its fail to function.

3. Condition-Based Maintenance
Condition-based maintenance is a maintenance work performed to analyses asset’s real
condition to find out what kind of repair needed by the equipment. This maintenance
are usually held when the specific indicators of the equipment shows a decline in
performance or an upcoming breakdown. Some measures including visual examination,
performance data and planned testing could be done to investigate the meaning of the
indicators. The data can be collected at predetermined intervals or regularly if the
machine has its own internal sensors. Condition based maintenance can be used on both
critical and non-critical asset. It is proven to be the most effective maintenance as it
allows maintenance department to prepare a proactive schedule for each equipment.
Maintenance employees could gain many advantages when implying condition based
maintenance including reducing the chances of disruption towards the routine as it can
be done while the asset are still operating, lowers the cost of asset failures, increases
the dependability of equipment and reduces the amount of time spent on unnecessary
maintenance. Application of condition based maintenance can be seen on situation such
as taking the measurements of pressure used in piping system.

Figure 2.1.1 Examples of data collected for condition based maintenance

The success of building maintenance operation depends on how they set the maintenance policy
and strategy. There are three basic fundamental that needs to be emphasized when developing
building policy which consists of the selection of maintenance strategy, maintenance standards
and distribution of maintenance resources. It is crucial for every organization to have a proper
implementation of maintenance policy as this step contributes to the success of an organization.

Figure 3.1 Maintenance policy and its influence factors

It is crucial for every organization to have a proper implementation of maintenance policy as

this step contributes to the success of an organization. Maintenance policy guarantees the
availability and reliability of the asset so that the organization can adapt to any sudden shift.
For example, if top management in the organization demands any exchange on the product, the
manufacturing department will be able to do it without any difficulties or having to delay the
work purposed because all equipment are ready to adapt with the latest requirement.
Plus, with maintenance policy, productivity can be improved as maintenance department
keeps the equipment calibrated in order to produce high quality products. This can be achieved
if the organization manage to prevent unexpected and frequent breakdown which may impact
company’s performance as there will be less chances of producing defect product. Further,
implementation of maintenance policy can certify employee’s safety and health. According
to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA), regular maintenance instigate

in eliminating workplace hazards and providing safer and healthier working environment.
However, lack of maintenance may results in serious and fatal accidents or health problems.
Maintenance workers are most likely to be exposed to dangerous hazards from the nature of
work. If something unexpected happen towards maintenance worker while they are performing
their work, the management will be able to solve the problem according to the policies agreed
by both sides.
At this point, in order to make sure a smooth implementation of maintenance policy for building
maintenance, the management should review this few possible factors which may become
helpful basis to form the best maintenance policy for the building. The factors are;

 The cost of equipment failure

Cost of equipment failure is the first thing that should be emphasized as in what kind
of impact the organization may face if the asset fails to operate. Everyone must be aware
that equipment downtime associates with the needs of spending some amount of money
to repair the equipment. The longer the part of the equipment is out of commission, the
more it will cost. Some breakdown are worth to be avoided especially when it disturbs
the whole operational process. Despite that, overall expenditures is not only effected by
equipment downtime, it is also influenced by safety, environmental condition and all
important consideration. Hence that is an organization needs to choose the best
maintenance policy that could conquer this kind of problems when it arises.

 The proficiency of monitoring work

The selection of maintenance policy also relies on the proficiency of monitoring work.
It is compulsory to provide a specific amount of funding for each equipment in the
building to perform the installation, operation, maintenance and monitoring work. But,
if the monitoring work associates bigger budget compared to failure breakdown, it
might not worth to imply the policy. If this situation happens, less caution or
maintenance should be taken to avoid overspending the budget. So, it is advisable to
take suitable maintenance policy such as preventive maintenance as the work will be
performed based on the timetable.

 The benefit gain from the policies
Some benefits that may be utilized by choosing the suitable policy is lowering
maintenance cost, decreasing asset lifespan cost, increasing asset liability,
dependability, performance and output quality and last but not least avoiding larger
maintenance expenses. For instance, operating more expensive maintenance can help
to prevent production delays, reputational harm which may leads to lower sales,
reduced safety and health and environmental damage.

Overall, it is crucial to consider all factors that have been mentioned above to make sure an
organization could choose the best maintenance policies to be implemented in building
maintenance management.



Basically, standard operating procedures (SOP) refers to a series of written instructions that
specifies step-by-step method which is essential to be followed when conducting maintenance
task. The implementation of SOP in organization helps to make sure it stays consistent and
comply with the industry legislation and business standards. Furthermore, with SOP, any
organization will be able to supply services or products consistently with the goals of satisfies
minimum quality criteria on a regular basis. SOP should be followed in the same manner every
single time. SOP contains important components such as the policies, methods and standard
required by the organization to ensure continuous functionality and gain success.

SOP provides countless benefits including minimizing any mistakes, enhancing efficiency and
profitability, providing a safe work environment and developing rules to solve problems and
overcoming obstacles. A complete SOP should consists of the detail processes required when
performing the task and also cautions to employees regarding any incidents that may happen
during the operation. It should be in a simplest form and easy to understand by any means
accentuating on things that should be done rather than unnecessary things. Moreover, there are
few things that should be considered when creating the SOP including the roles performed by
each employees, the outcomes expected from each employees and the outline of every
operation in detail.

Above all, the implementation of SOP is vital when it comes to building maintenance.
Maintenance work is something that should be done correctly to avoid any unwanted scene
such as equipment breakdown, financial loss and human injuries. So, by having an appropriate
SOP, the maintenance management will be able to establish a correct order of maintenance
work which contains a summary of the task’s possible danger, preparation required to perform
the task, clear and direct instructions to execute the task, guidelines to be followed when the
maintenance task is complete including the details required in the report and list of possible
faults that may arises including common troubleshooting processes and the remedies to be
used. This way, maintenance management can achieve their goals in making sure all
equipment, facilities and services work perfectly in a long run.


To imply Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), maintenance management department can

decide the most suitable SOP for the maintenance work as there are a wind range of SOP format
to choose from as stated below;

1. Step-by-Step Format
Step-by-Step procedure is suitable for a simple and straightforward operation in
maintenance work. The procedure address a problem solution which is based on
carrying out a series of specified steps. This style organizes a detailed procedure into a
numbered or bullet list with specific explanation to ensure maximum efficiency of
maintenance work. For instance, if maintenance employees wants to attend minor
defect on equipment, he must follow few basic steps included in the procedure such as
defining the issue, establish the objectives, determine the root cause of the issue,
execute action plan, examine the outcome and do an improvement work on a regular

Figure 4.2.1 Example of step-by-step procedure

2. Hierarchy format
Basically, a hierarchy format SOP is quite similar to the previous step-by-step format
which includes a list of procedures to attend the maintenance work. Whereas for
hierarch, the procedure is given in more detailed explanation alongside of each step
until the process is done. This SOP will divide each steps into few parts for example
step 1a, 1b, 1c and 2a, 2b, 2c. Additional instruction may be included if the specific
maintenance work is crucial.

Figure 4.2.2 Guidelines for hierarchy

3. Checklist format
Checklist SOP is a procedure that organizes job tasks, functions and another operation
in a form of checklist. This kind of procedures are usually established in larger
document or they can also stand alone. Checklist is proven to be enjoyable for some
individuals as they tick off finished work which can be developed into a routine or
habit. For building maintenance, a checklist can assist the maintenance employee to
monitor the equipment according to maintenance objectives, important requirements,
previous performance and a preventive maintenance plan.

Figure 4.2.3 Example of checklist procedure

4. Flowchart format
Flowchart SOP is a diagram that shows the whole process of work from the beginning
until the end. The steps will be indicated in the box and arrows are used to link the
sequence together. Flowchart is suitable for complex maintenance work as it is useful
and able to accentuate multiple outcomes from the maintenance work. Furthermore, it
can also be referred during emergency cases as the form is understandable and easy to

Figure 4.2.4 Example of Flowchart procedure

The efficiency of maintenance work on each equipment relies on how the procedureS are
implemented. To ensure good maintenance efficiency, maintenance management department
must be able to follow all basic procedures during preventive maintenance work as stated

1. The frequency and process of preventive maintenance must be planned based on the
equipment usage or performance.
2. Maintenance department are responsible to establish a suitable preventive maintenance
program in the building.
3. The top management should be notified before maintenance work started.
4. The schedule for preventive maintenance should be reviewed annually and revised if
there is any exchange of the procedure.
5. A checklist must be created so that the maintenance work can be performed according
to the list.
6. Maintenance department have to make sure the maintenance area are not in used by
occupant and unnecessary material should be removed to another area.
7. Go through the gowning and admission procedures.
8. All electrical equipment should be turn off, unplug and the maintenance worker must
put the “UNDER MAINTENANCE” sign around the area.
9. All broken component must be replaced and the equipment history card must be
10. Once restored, the equipment should go to trial stage to ensure smooth operation.
11. Record all important data in the checklist.

Item below is the example of checklist for pre operation equipment.

Before equipment startup
1 Check engine oil level
2 Grass deflector in downward position
3 Use of the brakes
4 Fluid level in cooling system
5 Pre-filter and dust cap
6 Radiator and debris screen
7 Inspection of hydraulic hoses for leakage or damage
8 Leaks off fluids
9 Tire inflation pressure
After equipment startup
1 Interlocking mechanism safety
2 Operation of the brakes
3 Unusual engine noises
4 Inspection of hydraulic hoses for leakage and damage
5 Leaks of fluids
6 Use of the instrument
7 Unusual sounds from the power take off unit


To sum up, we all know that industry is vitals as they contribute a lot in boosting country’s
economy. Industry may be varies from a group of business that provide particular product or
service which involves the process of manufacturing the goods using machinery and factories.
That is the solid reason why maintenance management is important indeed as it plays a major
role in any organization regardless of what kind of industry they are in. The management is in
charge of ensuring the smoothness and efficiency of industrial plant as well as leading the
improvement of productivity. A good management will promises a long term success of the
maintenance program as it assist the process of monitoring quality assurance, maintains
operational efficiency and keep asset in peak operating state.

The best performance of maintenance management could be achieved through the

consideration of few components including maintenance policy and standard operating
procedure (SOP). Maintenance policy helps to suggest suitable maintenance strategy for the
organization whereas the SOP can leads to the proper flow of maintenance work. With all
statements mentioned above, it is a compulsory for each organization to obtain the best
maintenance management that runs the accurate maintenance policy according to the correct
procedure if they aiming to the success of their company. Eventually, practicing and implying
those things in daily life will not just allows the company to grow rapidly, but it will also bring
a good impact in individual, society and the country.


 Lecture notes provided by TS. DR Alia



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