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Campus Recruitment System

Campus Recruitment System
Towards partial fulfillment of the requirement in

Semester: 6 BCA
YEAR: 2021-22
Submitted By: -
190510101002:Abhay Rajput
190510101009: Barot Akshar
190510101055: Arnove Khatua

Submitted To: -

Parul Institute of Computer Application,

Parul University.
Under The Guidance of
Asst Pro. Rajashree Galgali

Campus Recruitment System

Index Page No.

1. Research:...........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Types of research:........................................................................................................................2
2. Feasibility Study:...............................................................................................................................3
2.1 Technical Feasibility:...................................................................................................................3
2.2 Economical Feasibility:...............................................................................................................3
2.3 Operation Feasibility:..................................................................................................................4
3. System Requirements Specification:.................................................................................................5
3.1. Introduction of SRS:...................................................................................................................5
3.2 Abstract:......................................................................................................................................5
3.3 System Users:..............................................................................................................................5
3.4 Modules:......................................................................................................................................6
3.5 Module Description:....................................................................................................................6
3.5.1 admin module:....................................................................................................................6
3.5.2 citizen:..................................................................................................................................6
3.6 Hardware Requirements:...........................................................................................................6
3.7 Software Requirements:...............................................................................................................6
3.7. Timeline Chat:............................................................................................................................7
4. Technology Description:....................................................................................................................8
4.1 Limitations of system:.................................................................................................................8
4.2 Future Enhancement:...................................................................................................................8
5. Data Flow Diagram:..........................................................................................................................9
5.1 Context Level DFD’s:..................................................................................................................9
5.2 Level 1 DFD’s:..........................................................................................................................10
5.2.1 Admin Side Level 1 DFD’s:..............................................................................................10
5.2.2 User Side Level 1 DFD’s:.................................................................................................11
5.3 Level 2 DFD’s:..........................................................................................................................12
5.3.1 Admin Side Level 2 DFD’s:..............................................................................................12
5.3.2 User Side Level 2 DFD’s:.................................................................................................13
6. Use Case Diagram:..........................................................................................................................14
7. Class Diagram:................................................................................................................................15
8 Activity Diagram:.............................................................................................................................16
8.1 Admin Side Activity Diagram:..................................................................................................16
8.2 User Side Activity Diagram:......................................................................................................17

Campus Recruitment System

9. E-R Diagram:..................................................................................................................................18
10. Data Dictionary:............................................................................................................................19
11 Form Design:..................................................................................................................................22
11.1 Development Phase -1:............................................................................................................22
11.2 Development Phase -2:............................................................................................................24
11.3 Development Phase -3:............................................................................................................26
12. What is Testing?............................................................................................................................32
12.1 Why Is Testing Important: -.....................................................................................................32
13. References and Bibliography.........................................................................................................34

Campus Recruitment System

1. Research

1.1 What is research:

 A careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using

scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie,
“Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the
observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.”
Inductive research methods are used to analyse an observed event. Deductive methods

Campus Recruitment System

are used to verify the observed event. Inductive approaches are associated
with qualitative research and deductive methods are more commonly associated
with quantitative research.

2. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a high-level capsule version of the entire System analysis and Design
Process. The study begins by classifying the problem definition. Feasibility is to determine if
it’s worth doing. Once an acceptance problem definition has been generated, the analyst
develops a logical model of the system. A search for alternatives is analyzed carefully. There
are 3 parts in feasibility study.

2.1 Technical Feasibility

The Technical Feasibility of this project is that we are using well-known technology.

 PHP:-
o PHP runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, etc.)
o PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc)
o PHP supports a wide range of database.
o PHP is free.
o PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side.

 HTML:-
o HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
o HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
o HTML describes the structure of a Web page
o HTML consists of a series of elements
o HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
o HTML elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a
paragraph", "this is a link", etc.

 CSS:-
o CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
o CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in
other media
o CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at
o External style sheets are stored in CSS files

Campus Recruitment System

o MySql is a relational database management system based
on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide
range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging

2.2 Economic Feasibility

The economic possibility is that we are preparing the project according to the partial
fulfillment of BCIS so that the economic possibility is fulfilled.

o Costs for technology:

To produce an ecommerce website requires a high speed connection
to the Internet, a web server, and software.  Other costs that are
relevant is the cost of the payment system, whether it is taking
online payment directly from the Societies web site or an alternative
third-party like Pay pal or more expensively using an online bank.
o Costs for technological development:
This will involve a number of programmers who are able to
interpret your functional requirements and program/create your
o Costs for the consultancy support (design and implementation):
You would require the services of specialists in ebusiness design
and implementation to guide you through this process.
o Costs for the organization for piloting training:
During the technological development of a website it is always a
good idea to allow admin staff who will be using the system on a
daily basis to pilot the system to as a training initiative.

2.3 Operational Feasibility

It refers to the feasibility of the product to be operational. Some products

may work very well at the design and implementation but many fail in
the real time environment. It introduces the study of human
resources required and their technical expertise.

Campus Recruitment System

Comparison Between Existing System and Proposed System

 Existing System

The company recruits graduates by maintaining manual records which involves many
loop holes. Manual records tend to contain data which are redundant. Because of
redundant data, there is no consistency in the data. Maintaining each students and
employees data with much number of fields is a tedious process and takes more time
to retrieve back.

 Proposed System

The developed system overcomes all the above listed drawbacks.

All the Graduates, Employer and Administrator information is maintained in
normalized database instead of manual records. This feature helps in maintaining
database which is consistent , not redundant and easily maintainable. This system
helps in restricting any graduate to register itself multiple times.

3. System Requirement Specification

3.1 Introduction to SRS

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a software system to be

developed. It lays out functional and non-functional requirements and may include a set of
use cases that describe user interactions that the software must provide.

Campus Recruitment System

3.2 Abstract

Campus Recruitment System aims at providing the compatibility to simplify the process of
placement for student’s .This system that consists of a student login, company login, and an
admin login. This is beneficial for college students, various companies visiting the campus
recruitment and even the college placement officer

3.3 System Users

There will be three users of this system. They are:-

 Admin
 Students
 Company

3.4 Modules of the system

1. Colleges:
 Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like Total Company
Registered, Total User Registered.
 Posted jobs: In this section, collage can view detail of the jobs posted by the
 Selected applicants: In this section, collage can view detail of the students who got
selected .

2. Company:
 Post Vacancy: In this section, company can manage job posting (Add/Manage).
 Job Application: In this section, company can view total new applications receive,
total sorted applications and total rejected applications and the company also have the
right to sort application and reject the application and this selected and rejected
message send to candidates.

3. Candidate
 Dashboard: Candidates will be able to see the job vacancy and will be able to apply.
 View Status: User can view his/her own applied job and see the response of
 Resume: Users will be able to generate / edit resume

3.6 Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware requirement:
● Processor: Intel core processor 2 GHz
● Hard Disk: 80GB HDD

Campus Recruitment System

Software requirement:
● Operating system: Windows XP/Windows
● Language: PHP
● Database: MySql
● Browser: Google Chrome

3.7 Timeline Chart

Figure 1 : Time line Chart

Campus Recruitment System

5. Data flow diagram

5.1 Context level diagram

Figure 2 : Context level Diagram

5.2 Level 1 DFD:-

For college:-

Figure 3 : Level 1 DFD for College

Campus Recruitment System

For student:-

Figure 4 : Level 1 DFD for student

Campus Recruitment System

For Company:-

Figure 5 : Level 1 DFD for Company

Campus Recruitment System

5.3 Level 2 DFD:-

For College:-

Figure 6 : Level 2 DFD for College

For Student Profile:-

Figure 7 : Level 2 DFD for student profile

Campus Recruitment System

For Student Resume:-

Figure 8: Level 2 DFD for student resume

For Company profile:-

Figure 9 : Level 2 DFD for company profile

Campus Recruitment System

For Application:-

Figure 10 : Level 2 DFD for application

6. Use case diagram

Campus Recruitment System

Figure 11 : Use case diagram

Campus Recruitment System

7.Class diagram:-

Figure 12 : Class diagram

Campus Recruitment System

8. Activity diagram

For College:-

Figure 13 : Activity diagram for college

Campus Recruitment System

For Student:-

Figure 14 : Activity diagram for student

Campus Recruitment System

For Company:-

Figure 15 : Activity diagram for company

9. ER diagram
Campus Recruitment System

Figure 16 : ER diagram

10. Data dictionary:-

Campus Recruitment System

For login:- Field name Data type Size Constraint Example

1 User_name int 10 Null
2 Password password 10 Null *******

For College:- Field name Data type Size Constraint Example

1 Col_id int 10 Primary 1
2 Col_name varchar 20 Null Parul University
3 Col_email varchar 20 Null

For Student profile/resume:- Field name Data type Size Constraint Example

1 Std_id int 10 Primary 1
2 Std_name varchar 10 Null Arnove
3 Std_mobile int 10 null 1234567890
4 Std_email varchar 10 null
5 Std_add varchar 30 Null Vadodara
6 Institute_nam varchar 30 Null Parul University
7 Passout year int 4 Null 2022

For Company:- Field name Data type Size Constraint Example

1 C_id int 10 Primary 1
2 C_name varchar 10 Null TCS
3 C_address varchar 10 Null Ahemdabad
4 C_type varchar 10 Null IT
5 C_email varchar 15 Null

For Job:- Field name Data type Size Constraint Example
1 Job_id int 10 Primary Software developer
2 Job_name varchar 10 Null TCS
3 Job_des varchar 150 Null XYZ
4 salary int 10 Null 2,00,000
Development Phase 1
Campus Recruitment System

Registration page

Figure 17 : Registration page

Development Phase 1

Campus Recruitment System

Login page

Figure 18 : Login page

Development Phase 2
Student Dashboard
Campus Recruitment System

Figure 19 : Student home page

Campus Recruitment System

Development Phase 2
Company Dashboard

Figure 20 : Company home page

Development Phase 2
College Dashboard

Figure 21 : College home page

Campus Recruitment System

Campus Recruitment System

11.5 Validation
Login Validation

Figure 22 : Login page validation

Register Validation

Figure 23 : Registration page validation

Campus Recruitment System

12. What is testing?

Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent
to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple
words, testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or
missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.

12.1 Importance and types Testing

To deliver high-quality products or software application proper testing is
required. This enhances the level of support or facilities given to the customers.
Moreover, a well-tested product incurs lesser maintenance cost and so the
results delivered are more accurate, consistent and reliable.

1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing
3. Regression Testing
4. Smoke Testing
5. Alpha Testing
6. Beta Testing
7. System Testing
8. Stress Testing
9. Performance Testing
10. Object-Oriented Testing

Campus Recruitment System

13. Future Enhancement

 In proposed system there is scope for improvement of the system.

System is not providing the SMS integration. Hence, it can be modified
to give the SMS integration.
 The proposed system is not able to search company. Hence, it can be
modified to search companies.
 The other college departments will be added later.

Campus Recruitment System

14. Bibliography
Books: -
1. The Joy of PHP Programming: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming
Interactive Web Applications with PHP and MySql
•Author – Alan Forbes
•Latest Edition – Fifth Edition
•Publisher – Plum Island

2. PHP: A Beginner’s Guide

•Author – Vikram Vaswani
•Latest Edition – First Edition
•Publisher – McGraw-Hill Education

3. MySql Explained: Your Step By Step Guide To Database Design

•Author - Mr. Andrew Comeau

4.Websites: -


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