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College of Education
A.Y. 2021-2022

Bachelor of Physical Education III
Drug Education, Consumer Health Education and Healthy Eating

1. What can you say about the health facilities in our community?

I can say that our community lacks in terms of health facility. The fact that we need to go
to nearby communities to be able to get treated shows that health facilities in our
community are not enough to accommodate the needs of everyone in terms of health.

2. If you are given an opportunity to suggest a healthy program that our community needs
what would be it? Why?

The program that I would like to be implement is Stress management seminar, many
students experiencing a lot of stress due to online classes. Most of them doesn't know
how to handle stress so this program would be a big help to be able to manage stress.
This program, particularly those based in CBT, can help reduce student stress, anxiety,
and to a lesser degree, depressive symptoms. This program is important because If left
unaddressed, stress can lead to depression and anxiety in students. This can, in turn,
negatively impact school and work performance and personal relationships with family,
friends, co-workers, and peers.

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