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At the end of a 50 minutes lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the correct terms related to animal/livestock raising and business;
b. perform a short interview role play about livestock raising through
collaboration; and
c. give the good qualities of a livestock raiser.


A. TOPIC: Animal Raising (Benefits of Animal Raising and Livestock Raising)

B. REFERENCES: Dynamic Series in Home Economics and Livelihood
Education K-12 Series (p. 91-98), K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes.pdf
C. MATERIALS: PowerPoint Presentation
D. VALUES: appreciation and understanding, teamwork
E. SKILLS: communication skills, writing, reading
F. STRATEGY: interactive strategy and lecture method
G. INTEGRATION: EsP, Health, English, Music


A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am it’s nice to see
2. Prayer
Before we start, all stand up and let
us pray.
Will you lead the prayer, Laurence? Dear God,
Thank you for looking after our school.
Thank you that you love each and
every one of us here. Help us to learn,
play and share together. It’s incredible
that you are there every second of the
day, everywhere, all the time, beside
each of us. Amen.
3. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today? Anyone?
Very good it’s perfect attendance!
No one ma’am!
4. Classroom Settings
Before we proceed to our topic, what
will you do when our class is going Sit properly ma’am!
Keep quiet, ma’am!
Very good! What else children?

Exactly! What about if you want to ask Raise our hands ma’am!
or you want to answer?
We should listen ma’am
What about if someone is talking?

That’s right, what about if we have We should cooperate ma’am!

group activities?

Terrific children!

5. Review/ Motivation

Alright! Everyone before we properly

start our lesson, let us all sing this
song with the tune of Old Mc Donald.

And let’s make it more fun children,

this row will be the cow and they will
produce the sound of a cow and then
this row will produce the pig sound
and this row will produce the goat Yes, ma’am it is clear.
Yes, ma’am we are ready.
Is that clear?

Are you ready?

Old Mc Donald Has A Farm

Old Mc Donald has a farm
and in his farm, there was a cow
with a moo-moo here and a moo-moo
here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a
Old Mc Donald has a farm, a-i-e-i-o

and in his farm, there was a pig

with an oink-oink here and an oink-oink
here an oink, there an oink, everywhere
an oink-oink
Old Mc Donald has a farm, a-i-e-i-o

and in his farm, there was a duck

with a quack-quack here and a quack-
quack there
here a quack, there a quack, everywhere
a quack-quack
Old Mc Donald has a farm, a-i-e-i-o Ma’am, Old Mc Donald is raising
Alright class, based from the song..

Questions: Old Mc Donald raised those animals

1. What do you think Old Mc Donald to have income.
is doing?

2. Will you give me reasons that you (The pupils will raise their hands.)
think Old Mc Donald has, why he
raised those animals? Yes, ma’am we sell them.

3. Who among you here has animals

in their backyard or farm? Ma’am, we sell our backyard animals
to have a source of money
4. Do you sell them?
To have food supply.
5. Now then, will you give me your
reasons why you raised those
backyard animals?

Yes! Exactly, those you have

mentioned are some benefits or
importance of animal raising in our
daily living. Good raiser must be hardworking!
6. Alright grade 6 will you give me Good in communicating to others!
those qualities that an animal
raiser should possess? Has a good management skill!
That’s right! What else?

Of course, another one?

Yes, that’s true!

Now children what I want to infuse

in your minds is, as young as you
are now you must know the
importance of raising animals and
in order to become successful
raiser you must possess
hardworking, highly committed,
very proactive (motivated),
disciplined, goal-minded and
good in interpersonal.

I hope I am clear with that. Isn’t I?

B. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Alright I have here the other benefits of

animal raising will you read them all.
1. To increase the much-needed
supply of meat which is rich
source of protein.
2. Animal manure can be an
organic fertilizer to plants
3. It adds to the source of family
And here are also the guidelines in
putting up a livestock business. Will you
read them all grade 6?
The guidelines in livestock business
1. Capital –
2. Land –
3. Feeds –
4. Neighborhood –
5. Marketing –
6. Labor Cost –
C. Discussion 7. Farm Account Records –

We as Filipinos should be encouraged to

engage in animal raising because of the
increasing cost of live and frozen poultry,
pork and beef as well as milk and eggs.
Which is a good source of protein that
helps meet the nutritional needs of
children, lactating mothers and other
people deficient in protein-rich food.

Many Filipino farmers and businessmen

depend upon this industry opportunities
that await those who want to engage in
livestock raising whether on the
backyard or on commercial scale.
Animal raising has been a huge part of
human existence since the beginning of
civilization. Humans have used animals
for meat, milk, egg, labor and clothing for
thousand of years. Millions of people
around the globe take care of livestock
every day. Raising animals in the
backyard is very beneficial for a family.

Now class, here are the guidelines in

livestock business. When we say,

 livestock business it is the

branch of animal production
which offers quick return of
 Livestock raising refers to the
production of animals such as
hogs, goats, carabaos and cattle.

1. Capital – refers to the
amount of money to start
the project.

2. Land – refers to the

physical features an area
that is suitable in raising

3. Feeds – 50% to 80% of

the total cost of the project
goes to it.

4. Neighborhood – 500
meters is the ideal distance
of livestock houses from
the residential areas.

5. Marketing – this includes

slaughtering, dressing,
transporting, holding and
distributing products from
the farm to the market.

6. Labor Cost – this will

determine the size of the
7. Farm Account Records –
it serves as a guide in
determining management
problems which have
affected the flock, and
other activities undertaken
in the duration of the

D. Application

Now, let’s have an activity and let’s call

it an “interview roleplay” I want you
choose your partner then I will be giving
you 10 minutes to discuss and 5
minutes each to perform your roleplay

 Here is the mechanics one pair

should be the interviewer and the
other one will be the animal
raiser. Yes, ma’am we understand.
 You will create now a possible 1
question related to our topic and
possible answers.
 Make your scenario as a talk (the pupils will perform their role plays)
 Your performance will be
assessed through a rubric.

Did you understand class?

Alright! Times-up children get ready to Ma’am our topic today is all about
perform your role plays. Animal Raising.

Ma’am Animal Raising is taking care of

animals in the backyard or farm like
E. Generalization hogs, goats, carabaos and cattle.
Alright class! What is our topic today?
1. To increase the much-needed
supply of meat which is rich
Very good! And what is Animal Raising? source of protein.
2. Animal manure can be an
organic fertilizer to plants
3. It adds to the source of family
And what are the benefits of raising income.
Livestock business is the branch of
animal production which offers quick
return of investments.

The guidelines in livestock business

Very good children!
1. Capital –
And what is livestock business? 2. Land –
3. Feeds –
4. Neighborhood –
Excellent! And what are those guidelines 5. Marketing –
in livestock business? 6. Labor Cost –
7. Farm Account Records –

Terrific children! Now bring out one half

lengthwise and within 15 minutes
answer the following questions:


Instruction: Identify the correct term being asked on the following questions.
Write your answer in your papers in cursive handwriting.

1. ____________________ refers to the amount of money to start the

2. ____________________ is the branch of animal production which offers
quick return of investments.
3. ____________________ taking care of animals in the backyard or farm
like hogs, goats, carabaos and cattle.
4. ____________________ is present and rich from live and frozen poultry,
pork and beef as well as milk and eggs.
5. ____________________ refers to the physical features an area that is
suitable in raising animals.
6. ____________________ 50% to 80% of the total cost of the project goes
to it.
7. ____________________ this will determine the size of the project.
8. ____________________ it is the ideal distance of livestock houses from
the residential areas.
9. ____________________ it includes slaughtering, dressing, transporting,
holding and distributing products from the farm to the market.
10. ____________________ it has been a huge part of human existence
since the beginning of civilization.

Visit and animal farm in your locality. Interview the owner or raiser. Ask the
following questions:
1. What kinds of animals do you raise?
2. What are the kinds of feeds that you give them?
3. How do you manage or take care of the animals and the farm in general?

Prepared by:
Lucina, Mariel G.


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content (40%) Great Job! You Your role play is The role play is The roleplay is
offered creative on-topic but it somewhat off- completely off-
insights about has missing topic. Pay more topic, as if you
the topic creativity and attention to the did not even read
insight directions next the directions.
Roles (20%) Excellent Work! Everyone in your For the most part You failed to stay
Every member group stayed in you stayed in in character, it
stayed in character, but character. Next looked like you
character, and it someone was out time, focused did not
was clear you of focused on more on the understand the
took your roles his/her role along appropriate role of your
seriously. the roleplay. action and character.
Preparation Terrific Work! It You obviously You need to It seems that you
(20%) shows everything spent some time spend more time did not utilize
went very preparing for the in preparing your your time wisely
smoothly. roleplay, but the roleplay, next in preparing your
synchronization time focused roleplay.
of every detail more on its
must be given procedure.
more rehearse
next time.
Overall Very Satisfactory! Good! Your Keep working! I expect much
Impression (20%) Your presentation, Don’t forget that, better work from
presentation was while it was fun though the you next time.
entertaining and to watch, could process is
informative. have been more entertaining,
Shows informative. you’re also
relatedness to supposed to
our topic. learn something
from it.

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