Unit 1 Levelling

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Q o,t,
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Uni+ 1 Le'lel ling

If Le.Yt t\inq •.-

\. e\It' I\ f\ q I.S i he bro_nth 01 -£u'f\/e~inq -\ne obi(d
of which i.5 ·. -

l1) To f incl the_ e,\e_ vati on ()~ g,'Jef) po,nrs w-r·t 91\len or
o~u.me.d dcdufT) .
l'l) TD (.£Job\ isn PD\f\\-.S at- a Q1\1e_n el e.\Jaha ns or di ffcre.r)r e.\t\lQttons.
W· f·t q\\le.f\ Df Q~Utlltd do.t~rn ·
llJ shaft \e\le.Jltnq deo\Gi \"\tth \/e.ft\'cct, ffl{'.fillJ.f(Ynlf\T ·

• t)U \''\ p 'I LE\Jt:L :-

~ ~e.~ rn.f. no.f\1 °'d ju~-\- ff\esn t1 dump'/ It'{e\ ·.-

The. es10.b\1s'nrnes1t of- c\~1n:J ,da.tfao ~nip

beiween ~u11dQmC.01cu \ine~ of \tveJ\,flq ,mtfu.r1V'.Jlt f£i turned

o,i pornenani odju~t ffleo t. 1o thl purnmClDt- cdi~\ment I

1rid k a-\- e.s f<'..c.t,f kut ion of i11.C·humtntu.l error~.

fun do.men to) lineJ art ~ fD\\o\f\ls :-

1- Line_ eif co\\irnotiori .
2 . -Ax ,s. of bub b\e_ tube •
_; . ~tf f\ ((1, Ar-1~,
~ - Axis cJ 1e.te~c op{ ·

FDIIDwing reJo.tfa11-Shi p bebNtffi th t l, ne.s a.re de..~, r Cl\), e. : -

1.Line of co\\ima.rion ~h.ollld bt\\ta Q~i~ of bubb\e_ -\-ub~ ·
1 - Lint lJt CD\ \\mo.hon ~he>u\d cc-i ndclr oti~ of te\esc()-re .
Y· AtiS:J of bt!bb,e... tu.be. ~hou.tcl bt 19r to \ICfrfcq-' oti£ .Thot i.s
tht bubb\e_ £inoufcl re_rnoin in cef\tro\ p~1tfon in Q\l
d,re.thors oF teJe.scopt -

g ~..iA.s~t.
Dot, <
Peg g - - - - -

There. ore 2 ct d_iillf rrte.nt in DufrlP'I level I


0 f ilSt Aqjwtme.nt :- ~
a) Leve.! lfl £e.t up on fqif\\..f le\le\ le..d ond -ffrm qtound , w~ _
\eg \Ne.\l apart - It,~ {frrn\y f ,xed to ground ·

b) 1e.tt~ cDp~ i.fl ktpt paru\k.1 to an\/ poir rJ fDot- .f,(_few and bi -

t urr, 1n_9 -f'oDt -filre\l'f bo'rh if\v--tctrd er oo.tward, btJbb\e (s bro'-!_qht -

tD centre.-

c)1elesc t)pe_ 1s ihe.n turned -)-hrnugh 90· , GD it lies D'Jf.f id f'oct ~crew. r

1h en b'/ tt}). fl\ ng 1rtt f'601 S,(fe\"1 bu bb\~ i~ brot.1Q~~ 1D c.eJ1~re_ •


cl) The. proce~i 11 re.pe.ated ~t,rerctl tirnes unt11 bubb\ e ,s Jf) --


Ctf1ifa) pD_s 1h00 1n bDth d, ruJ, on~ - I

e_) No \f\l te.le-Scope. is tufne.d in 1~0· and po~,+iofl l)t bu bb \e_ 1s not~.
If b u b bI e. ~ ,- i \I re. ff\OJ ris in centro, p~,tion ,ihe de_s.1recl -re.latron-
-Sh ip 1~ ptr fecr -1F not amt- ot deviation Df 'oubb\e , s nt>tecl , '

f) .Suppose._ the deviation of bubb Ie_ \5 Q0 d ,\J ,of)S. . No\"\ tuff,,nq I

t'ne_ cqp~Jun heodecl nut, the_ bubb\e_ -j£:i brouqht ho_\ f wa~
bacK , The re.moinfn~ he1\f dt\11aticn i.s odju~Jed b~ foo1 scfev-1
(1) r ...s t re v--1 ju~ t- bt Io 'N tc. Ie..s (ope.
I -
I dA-SSM/1/c.e..

® Page

2.) se c()nd Ac\jill t rn~t :- l De~ cribto\ B~ 1 Pr(\

rne..thoq J
a) TNO ?t9s are d~'!tn at- known cHrJante qpqrr- L~Q'-1 P]
on \e.\J tl of\d f irrn q,ounc\, Lt\/ e.l ,~ _strop at '?' ju~t rn,ow0>1

b~twetf\ A-00d B-AFte.f 'or,nging 'ou'ob\e_ at ce.ntf(_ of ,,-"l {Un


S-ta f f feaclin9 on A-~ ~ wie.. ta.ktn 7 .£, upp~e readin~q.s ore_ ' a' A- 'b' .
Now di ff of \eveJ ot A! E, i.s ca \c uloi-ed · Th f s
d f fftrence__ ,s 1rut o,ffertnt t , a~ fe\J~\, ,~ 1et- up jwJ rn,dwa'l I

btt\f\lCJ_n ~-1 ~ V-1 .

f,1~ ! fu\ \ ,£ cte_teJrnfoe_d b~ coff\PDYLfnQ ~raff- ,c01~inQ,
I ~ -

b'> l~\leJ ts ~'rif\-cd cf\d -rtt-~p q_-t P1. (\Jtf~ ne_or A) go'/ or
d,J;taoce_ \cf f i Orn A -Toen :
er \('\l tt \fnq ,!; 1Cl ff rectc1''n_q ctt
A ~ ~ ose_ t oJtn ., s;q"/ a"'1 and b1 . lhe.n Q ppan_()t d ffrt,(nt e__
o+ \t\J(\ U. lO\(U.\Q1tcl ·
c) If tfue~ appD)lan\- c\\ffur0(e me_ equol ,inr \1ntof CD\l1rnoJ,on
i~ in oqjudrne_nt .If- not 1,ne_ of co\\fmettfan i-S \ncHnec\ -

q) In (}_"q s eJ-L\ p ltr 'e' bt tnt ~rQff reodinq on '~ at -the_


s cnne. \e\J el on reCl c\ ,nC\ q1

1h e.n e = o , 1 t rue d, f ftrtn(1 .

I~ Nt)-\( ( u~e t\lt s ,qtn 1n CM r cf fu tl· and -\f e -s\qn ,n CCt~~ af n·& t0

e) I f b, is greottf i hQo'e' line. ct co)\lrna.\fon ,~ ,nc\, fl€0

opw of~ 1 b, \e£~ than ~ t'ne_n 1r t£ ,ncHned dC'Nf)'NQtQS.
:. Cal\irnCli\on e1ror = b1~t C\n df-!;,tcnt~ o).



c../ A.S.~te..
o,,.~ I
® PogQ -

I ; Fal~e__ \.in e..

- - -==-------===
I ------ -
. -
n K - I \ h

\ :. 1rue.. line_
I \\ , ,/ ~
/ ( ~I I I 1 1 I f // / 1 f I 1 11 I,, / /, I // I I /
71 D I
t D/2. ~

- 4 -
- --------- 4. ·I
'• .
I ..

I' n
- (J Pl
\ •
1 / / / 1 1 1 ·1 11 1, ,11(/l(('( //l/t ll// / 1(/ t' /
- ~
-\ "K

d I D I e,
lf) B'I App \'i\nq princJp'e. ~
or ~\fl\\\()Jl_ f:Jt_.,.. -

CC'.>HetH C)n neQf peg (1 -= ct ( b1 V\ e_)

' D
Caoe_ction to fat pe.Q ( b1 '-" ('_J
C" = D1d
(()ff e_ t t s,tQ ff read if\Q an f\::: Q,1(1
----\l \I ,I u...-
B :: b, t c<t
Note_: U~t:._
T\I e - when \\nt at co tl i11\otf on tn(Hneo dO\Nn'l'lotc\S ·
- \] e_ :- ~ t\ \'
,, ti - llpWafcl~-

® Date
Page 0
t 1'\1,nq \e\r€\ :-

(}) In c_ a f; ~ of d um P\/ \e\f ~ \ of\ a w~ e. \e_ \l e\ ,-t ne. \\ n t oL~,C\ nr ,s 1<l'

to \I ef 'r , ca., ox ,s . /

~ Tn ih,s ,n&1rurnent -\he. \,&1ne of ~,~ht cun 'oe_ t\\\:e_~ -sn_ qh1\~
w,,hau-\ -h\t,nC\ \ltftfto\ o.~,s -lhu~ -the noe. of .slC\h1 onq
'{en,ca\ 'c\y,~ fJeect noi to b~ 1-0~ta ecK\1 a,-hex. /

®1t ts rna.,n\'i ae~\Qnfd {o~ ?redse. \e\/e.\\\n~ • /

~lt n~tp~ ,n 9u,c.t\e\Jt\\,r1_~ - _,,
(() Du t Io t 1\t ,fJ g ~o ev~ \eue\\, nq ca_ n 'o e__ do 11 t rn ul h eQ.£,, e., ·- : - /
® On\'i ,he_ e~e.ntici\ -rri,n_g ,s ·fnar -o'oser~ef -£nouJcl hG\I( \l\t'N - -
6t b\lbb\e -\-ube \Nr)\\e. S\QhHnq ihe ~raf~

~ Attto ,e_\JeJ ·. -

-Auio \e\J e) hos either {ot)t- bc.re"'1~ of ba\\ one\ ~oc_'r.t\- jo~o\- .
Cnle \~\Je) hu.s 'oern Qppro-.,::,more.\'I \e\Jt\\ed , it _q,\Je1 ctttlorno.1\'c.u\\'t
rn ))rt o~ -JJqht v--1Hhout -te\r. Ho?e. 'ou 'ob\e 1() be accurate\~ ~t\- •
11 Q()t~nDt ho\Je tt)r~tape_ 'oubb\e_.
The.tt ,s
nD rwea. t')t the. ,de~co?e to be_
CQpo b\e ~t t1\t,nq -thus '<here i:s n~ eQ ~CfJ ~ Ct ·~1dr-,
11 \-ll'f)~

-fn~ the{€ fs nD neecl of- tntrn~ --ruev,1 tequ,re~ -

Com pcnef\~ {=hlrS .

.. 1) C\{cw~ bu'oole \e\J,el
1'> i, 3 nt
i> ObJetH\Je lens -f'ot~
4) ob iref i \le le~
r) Ht frloHori ..suew
6) l N el \if\~ ~Cf eY-i
l) J~e._ fDC.Uj .

d As.s.r'IA.4_
@ ot,

- ~
~ £e n~itiv iiin e£s of b\tbb k :-


~ i The trr rn sens i1i\l, ne~~ ~cDn text of bub b\e meant ~
- I
ePfe d catiled b'/ de\l1otfon of bltbb\e pe.r dh1,~1on of I
- g rod tltllf an ~f bub b,e. .

It- fs; ex pr e£~rd in -t rf ms of ra cl i u~ of c~ \JQttL\.t
of uppes o-f iu be. or b'f onq \e i h rauqh \Nhith
~ll\ F-o tt
ClXl b ~'- ~·~ . __ ,~ t ntr~ f of det\ech 011 D~ one d,\l¼ foo oJ~ qraduatron .

• 'Pto b le. ms ~-
1) A \e\f e., i1 .s e.t up cd Pt I r-o rn f r CHT) A and I OD m fH)fi)
· B' : ihe Db~e.r\Jecl .l:ruff reodif\q~ o.r A-1- B Qre 9.525 and
1-1 _er r~ p e_ t ,- , \J -e \ 'i . f, nq t f ue_ d, ff af k\J e, b(tw-ee_n A1 B.

So\ut,on :-
cornb,ned cDfrec..ho n fo r curvatw e a nc\ f efr octiD~ tt -

StQff reQcl,nq- 1s -
A= 0-0 61 ~ x. 02- - 0 , 0 613 x ( n; o \ 2. = o ·O..oI 16-rn ·
l \ oooJ . . -
Co Hett f e Cl d1'f\ q Of'\ A = 2 · ~ 2 ~ () - 0 ·00 \E
- -
= 2-~131,ro en -

E, = O·ObT, x (!DD \ 2 Combined co 1mho'fl +Or cuivd\uie :

\. 1000)
1 ,efrottf af1 to ~taff ieQcl, -
=- a·tJ t1 ~ ~11 fr) == a-oaen m ~ --- (.sl\y) -
~~ I


• ~. - -- -

'\ -Do_k
-f -- ~ ;
- ,~
=-- =-------...__

-- - - , + - ~ - - - - -~
--- - - - + + - - - - ~ - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
- - - - - - ~i4---1
·--- - - - i l - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - --~ ~= -- -- -f -+ -- -- -- -- -- --
-- - - W
- - - -- - - - ~ ~~ - - ---f~-----------
- ---U

(( f(f l f f f l

/ let
D== di~-toncf between level~ ~tQft ·
S= Trd(rcept bftweeo l)ppQ_r and

dt~ io1cd
Q= ~adi L~ 0 f C~VQrwe. Df tub( .
C(-=- AnQlt 1obte.ndeq D'/ arc.
q = kN\1h CJt 11~- divr..non of- qrQdtJcthaV) expre~eq ,n~iqr~ne.:_~,~
~ -
_- - --rr--~u~n~11-~~~rd-i q~t~ -~ -~~r - ~ - ~ ~~ ~

o\l=e =
rn e
: =:=
ce =
f) =
1r e
: D
~ b
~e =
=:: =
f =
= n
: ~
: =========__,/,/ -
i~~======; == --
__ ..

- -~ r--- - -- - - - - - - - - - - --

A9i o' f\

q oa C.
R o

n o 0
_ _ _JJ_ _ _ __ _ _ _- - -- . -
- I. - - . J.

1) ( UJ~ O.tUJ e_ co H teJi Of) :- tCJ f ID ~~ J:\qht~ ctJ 1\latu f e of- et\n h af~cc~
f,1C1 ff teutl t n~s .Toe Une Dt ~ I~nt ,~ h r_
1 but ,t \l r) \\ ne f.,s cDl ~ e~
anq ? O{ Q))e) to rneCAn ~phe, ctda, s: u,foJe Di eu,t~
- J le'1tl \\nz
7?rr1-+- -
I J\ ~ -- -- ....._ ( U\ \l illW<?. ~

\ , -I
t[\/ / 1 ( ( ( . - /

co rr,atf ~ YJ

I . \,nt Ot ~ r"~
~,~nt ....,


I Toe. \J T . a\& \ cHK ~ btt\Jjeen \tfle. of ~\q hr and \ e\)e, Hne a.t Q
pcut{ CU\ cu p\o.tt i~ co\\tcl <1~ c_uf,1ct+u,e_ CD\fettfon • Du-t-\o
I i nlS () bj ttls C\?P~ar \owe~ 1'nao the'I (ea\~~ aJ<:.

I COJ \lo+u {e__ c6HeC-r\Of) \.S Oh}.) o.~ n~1u.rt\ie •

- '; \. e\ , AQ, = 0 =- rh. ct \-tTQf)( ( if\ t rn ,

'?, D = Cc. ~ ( u f \J QtUJt e l~n etHofl ,
1: DC ~ ~l ~ t :: fa cl ,ill Dt e_ af Th.
Dt)l d, O cDn~ 1cl t l ec\ (l-S \')_ \~ 41 tfll ·

1: r- rh_ Un~
.tS I
\ A

~ -----.......

~ \ ,{\Jf' Hn~



1"s ',

(_ '

' )

~ /',

'\_- - -·
tf ()~:--hi--an )t ~ Agc

1e- -_Jl- - - - - - - : ~ - - ; - - - - - - - - - -
JL-_J _ _~ C ~t=-- - - - - - - - - -
~c~= =D
2 f2__

Cc~ 2. r.. ,aoo = () ·() D D1 fl1 (11.tJ cuh,e)

~ <Q e.f rCl d ,an cDI f ecl\ ~ n '.- Ro £ Df \i hi oJ~ \et fa ct ed-
w eo t ne o~ ·i hr ou h qi r 6 f var i n
qefl~,t ,~a whe.n Ion .• .sf ht~ are tQ'(en -the_
I\ ne D-r s;, ht ,.s tt\lotttd 1D\NOfc\s 1h e ~tHtQCL
~t (a{tr, if\ CLQ\J(Q pn.t~. Dul -to ert(tr ~t
re_f foCJiD11 , ob' ed1 C\ ea, h, htr thttn -\'N_
real! are bllt the eff(tt D t Cl\T\/n-tuft \/oft~
\"1,1h at-m DS ner \l conclitt()n

~~fr ucti on co ff ectr(Jr,

\me ~ \oft readlnJ = DN.mieO ~ra tf rm c\i n~

Cc ~ cuJ~utu,e tDtfettfot) t rt+,ctc_t,DY) c.orrecrron .

tt CDff\ bfne.q correctf Df1 cOS) al~D b-~ · e.xpfCJJed aJ

01.. - 1 X" 0 ,_ - 6 f") '1. (oeQ Q1\\J~

1R -, -
'2 f2_ l 2 f2-

I d AS SM/l,f..e.
j Page

1 rue. di ff \e\) e, bet~een A4s B -= '2 · 5<23S - ,-15l\ !)
::: CJ -7 ~91rnl rQ\) {ter n gfo A]

'Rec..i prottt' \e\le, Ho.ct :-

G) We ho\le.- olrecid'I foui\d the prff\c. ,'p\(. of eq uo "~ in(\

bGC ~ Siqht and -fore~f qnr d,~tanceJ -tho..t ,H rthe_ le"~'
,.s exud·h,
?)ace.cl Qf rn1dwa'I between 2 pt~ artclJ;-\-off reo.c\\nq~ ore. -taY-etJ to
de1t1m,nt d,ffere.ntt of ,eve) ,\-hen error,s are automarfco\\\J
el irninot(d . .,,...

®But , C\ co~e. o-f ri\1er or it 1.s ncY~ p~s ,b \e_ to ~er- up rnrdwct'-h
\/Q l\e\J

b~t\JJeen 2. pt~ C)fJ oppDS.\-te.._ baotE> -Jn such cQ,~ recJpttlc.ct,'

lt\Jt\l\nq ate_ tqie_n , \f\lh,ch ,n \J ohJ e-' n~ c, ? , o c. G, ob~;c.'f\J o..\-\'on
-f,orn bDth bufl~-$. Dt f\\\t f or \Ja\\e'-f . -

. '·

~ Lf\ -th,~ rnethDd \t~e, \.s ~e.fup· an both bos\'(s of f\\\f J Ot

\[Cl.\\ ('l and 2- 1et £:i at ~ ff re_Cld,nq b'f 'no\cHnq: ~-\-qff an 'oa-\'n

bnf1~ -

(4) If\ ih\~ ·1r ,~ fout1q tne1t (?f fOf& are (Of(')p\e:rt'} eHrn,nu.1e.d
n f\d i rue_ di ff-erence_ . of \t\JE\ \~ · ·eq\)Cl' to rneQ f) Of° 2
Qpparanr ct,ffeu·_n(e-t ot te\Je \ •

'Pr,nc_,ple_ is ~xplQ1ned a..r {D1 laws:-

----------- /('½
~ ·int_

r -::
Q c./~ s~t
Dot, t
Pago - - - ;
- @ ~

- - Hofi1.ontc.u \I ne -~

. - - (0 II IIYl o.tfo r
- I I• n e.
t i- _,_ -- -- -
- /\ r ,_ _ - - T - - - - - - - - - - e: I j_ I

- I \ 0
', I Le\/ e,1 I i ne_ J_ -

~i. ,-r { ' ' A

- ( I ~
f 13
- '\ I
\ I
\ - -- - - -
\ -- - -
~ - - /'' I '

Co\\1ma.+it:in \1ne
hr'lr 11f\ ntu i o:l'\e
I ~~ -1- - - -- I

- ,-

00 +- - - - - - -- f I I\
/ I l
l I / ;f l .1"7';;<
I •
Lt_'H... \
\ I • •
11 \ IC
f / \
V I \
17 I _,>..,_ ~
_/::: "'
'-.. ' '" ~
/-'\- -
- - - -
~ - - - - -A
~' ,,- ,- -'/ 7~

1 · ~oppose AJ ~ OfE: 2 p\5:i <:)0 opp~it~

bof)l af 'f\\ J€r .
Le\Je, \J; S:.~ up 01 A ond of,er iemparcn'l
od \u~1 ff)~Ot
Gioff reocl inq me i ct ten oJ A1 Q soy a, and b1 -

2-t he levet r1
~hifted and ~e~ up \ttf ~ near ot
\3' and aft ~
proper odju~tn1ent, ihe read inqs art
to\( en ctt A-1 S
£d.V Q1 1 b1.

Le+ I\ h ~ tru e diff cl INeJ A-18



c..f AS'5MAt.e.

~0 Page

e:: ccrn bi ned e1tb, d~ to cw.\tQt~( , re.froct, on and co\,, ma.t fon
\!rrcr rnav be "!iVf Of -vej
--- :r n f\ case , A- o 1 A..

Co{fe_ d ,toff ffadi()q ar B- s2. Ca! level is neoJL ~)

co ff ecJ l ¼ff r ea c\ t' nq oJ 4 ::, ~·~ - ~ B~ 6\ _.e. i I '

.So tt ue. c\iFfuence. o~ !eve.,

h= -ta!:-e) -b~ a, -(b,-e) - - (1)
{o\\ -from B iO A

If\ i ht £econ d c.oGC.-

correct ~+qff fectdtf\9 aJ- e, == B 2 Co~ I e\Jd is ne01t BJ

c()tf ect ~ taf f reoctin~ oJ- A ~ C3«i - e_

£0 -true di ff of level f~ : -
· h = (q2-e)-b1. Cri)

t ( Orr1 (j) nn q ®

2h = q,(b,-e) t(Q7-()-b2.

-- q, - b1 te tq2-e. - b2 = (o,-'o1) t(o11,b2.)

j h =- Co,-b1) t(o2t-b2J
I 2..

Ii ma~ be 6b&ef '1rd -that the. e.<ror fs el\rnincded and irue_

qiffe,en(t f ~ equo I t D the_ me.on of 2 qp pD--l ant di ff ·
~f lt\1el bthNtU) A-4- g ~

',P"'f , e- ... ) • zn ~ , y- 1 e z , -- - ..

I g cJ A.S.sP-v,.t~
Dot o

Pago - - - -
-. ~
I' -- -
-- --
~Foble rns '. -
- ng
,·f'\ \Jo\ v ,·
1) fo\ \oV\J,ng reco ro s refer t6 on oeucufOO
~ -
rec ip1oco___\ le veJ1..inQ .

J n.strum~nt-

-Stof-f rco din_g on ~emor ~s

at- A B --
- --
A 1-,rr 2.rqr DL~t AB =- .roo rn
B o-qgr 2-~1r RL of A =r2.r •room
J .find true_ 12L of Qg
) lorn bt' n e~ errcr -ror cul uo.tw e :f 2tfrattf Cf'l -, ~~

~'> Col\ i Met..h on error-

➔> '"-'h d her h'ne of cD\lirnahoo f~ inclined UP wcuds a$ down- I
WOJd£. ·

So\ ui io n ·.-

(o') Htie diff {:f ( fl Cf o F I cu fl be_ t\,0 een. A- 1 .B
=- C!) · fi q 6 - l·I.SE)+ ( 2 :1~ 5 _0 . q €r)

- \·~2>, rn (foll-fvom AtaG) ~


RL of B =~~~ 15'2 5 - sao - l·Li2>r = s2~.oc;r r<7 .


'I 't
"") i) @ G Dote

- "'
, __

~b) C6m b, ne_cl cc Oection ·fo f room -==- o, aG7 3 x CD·()1. :: 6 · oI 6~ rn ( - v t)

o lei us o~ .s urne t hoJ 1,n e of col I imoJi on ,.s \nc\,ntd L\P\f'.JOJ~
-\ he
\.e.1 , "co\ \\motio n 1ioe ,s \nc.\,ne_d llP\NOfc\s .

, .e. (O\ I\ OlC.11 !Dfl er fo r in co o rn -= e c-t\l e 0~ \t '°~

·1r\c\,ned Ll D wor ds .

C~, ai e. : - w h e. n eno r is i \/ e. carrec_-t IDO \f, -\/( ond \J ,c_e_ \/CJSQJ

"'1'ne. f'\ \t\ ~ 11ll 'ffl Cf'\\ \s at h

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