CS404 Embedded Systems: Eighth Semester B.Tech Degree Supplementary Examination August 2021

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B 04000CS404052001 Pages: 2

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Eighth Semester B.Tech Degree Supplementary Examination August 2021

Course Code: CS404

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer all questions, each carries 4 marks. Marks
1 List four differences between embedded system and general-purpose (4)
2 Illustrate Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG) modelling with a suitable example. (4)
3 Describe super loop based firmware development approach. (4)
4 What are the constraints of an embedded system design? (4)
5 List the types of files generated on cross compilation of a source file written in (4)
high level language like embedded C.
6 Describe the problems of hardware and software co design in embedded (4)
7 Justify any four design principles of RTOS. (4)
8 Define disassembler and decompiler. What is their role in embedded firmware (4)
9 Differentiate between General purpose OS and Real-Time OS. (4)
10 Write notes on (4)
i) I2C Bus. ii) Field bus.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks.
11 a) Discuss the challenges associated with embedded system design. (5)
b) Illustrate the design process steps of embedded system with a neat diagram. (4)
12 Explain the State Machine model with a Tea/Coffee vending machine example. (9)
The requirements of vending machine are given below. (Missing details can be
assumed suitably)
The User can start machine by 5-rupee coin. The system verifies whether it is

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valid 5 rupee coin or not. If the coin is invalid, reject coin with an error
message and If the coin is Valid, a “Tea? or Coffee?” options will be displayed.
Based on the option, corresponding “Dispense Task” will be activated. In the
case any error such as “cancel button press” or “milk/sugar unavailability”,
system will display an Error message and go back to Initial state (waiting for
13 a) Explain the different characteristics of an embedded system. (4)
b) How concurrency can be represented in Concurrent/communicating process (5)
model. Explain it.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks.
14 Explain different types of embedded firmware development languages and list (9)
their merits and demerits.
15 a) Write notes on following Firmware to hardware integration techniques with (9)
i) In-System Programming ii) Out of circuit programming
iii) In-Application Programming
16 a) Illustrate the Assembly to Machine language conversion process with block (5)
b) Elaborate the following terms associated with firmware development. (4)
i) Simulator ii) Emulator
Answer any two full questions, each carries 12 marks.
17 a) Discuss any two different approaches of Interrupt handling in RTOS (6)
Environment with neat diagram and discuss merits and demerits of each.
b) Discuss the functional requirements that need to be addressed in the selection (6)
of real time operating system.
18 a) Explain different phases of embedded product development life cycle (EDLC). (8)
b) List out the factors that lead to the disposal of an embedded product? (4)
19 a) Describe any three Task Scheduling models used in RTOS with suitable (6)
b) Explain the need for spiral life cycle model in embedded product development. (6)

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