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The Most Disgraceful Day of My Life

It was on Thursday, the last day before school ended. I thought it couldn’t get
any worse with the massive amount of homework that all the teachers gave us to complete
them in two days. I was walking with my friends to the canteen to cram down some food. I
observed all the mouth-watering and appetizing food that I knew I couldn’t resist to buy.
After a few consideration, I finally decided to buy my favourite egg sandwich. As I
was about to consume my exquisite meal, a guy who was running accidently knocked my
sandwich down. I screamed, “No!” as I watched it dropped onto the filthy floor. I was
extremely irritated and chase the guy. I demanded him to buy me a new sandwich because I
would never buy one just to replace it.
Then, he said that he couldn’t afford to buy it and he was in rushed. What I couldn’t
believe is that he never apologize to me! I was furious and walked away with vengeance
filling up in my heart. I don’t know why I felt so much hatred towards him. Maybe it is
because he also used to take my spotlight as a top student. I went to the garage with scissor
on my hand, on my way to break his old bike. Without further ado, I manage to break the
bike’s chain. Satisfaction running through my body as I walked back to my classroom.
School ended and it was the time for me to enjoy my weekend. I decided to go home
a little later to complete my homework. When I was about to ride my bike, I saw a boy
crying. I went up to him and it was the guy that I broke his bike. Tears welled up in his eyes. I
pretended to be worried and asked what was wrong. My heart broke into pieces when he
said that her mother was sick at the hospital and he couldn’t go there because his bike was
broken. I told him to use my bike to go there as I can walked my way back home.
I felt tremendously guilty and told him that I was the one who broke it. I shed into
tears when he said he forgave me for telling the truth. He said he knew I was angry at him
for what he had done to me earlier and he was at rush because he got a call from the
hospital that his mother was sent there. I disgrace myself because I was too foolish for
seeking a revenge on someone who did a small mistake to me. I learnt that it would be
better if we could forgive or let go the past as it would never make us feel better to take a
revenge on something or someone. As the phrase goes, “ Let bygones be bygones”.

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