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POWER School of Technology Inc.

SUBJECT : GE2-Reading in Philippine History

MODULE NAME : The Philippine Constitution
MODULE NUMBER : Module 6, Week 7

Activity 1 Answer the following

1. Trace the historical development of Philippine Constitution
1897- Biak na Bato Constitution was signed on November 1, 1897 and its
drafted by Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho.
1899- A crown which symbolizes powerful like in Malolos Constitution
wherein Legislative branch our more powerful than executive and judiciary
1902- Cooper Act is a basic law for the Insular Government that was enacted
by the US Congress on July 1, 1902
1916- The Jones Law -Enacted by the 64th Congress of the US on August
29. 1916. It contains the 1st formal and official declarations of the US
1934- The Tydings McDuffe Law is a U.S law that provided for Philippines
Independence. It was signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 24, 1934
1935- The 1935 Constitution was written in 1934, approved and adopted by
the Commonwealth of the Philippines and later used by the 3rd Republic
1940- Amendment of the 1935 Constitution. -Unicameral to Bicameral -
Change of the term limit of a President
1943- 1943 Constitution under Japanese Sponsored Government
1946- Philippines Independence from the Americans on July 4, 1946
1947- Amendment of 1935 Constitution – US citizen and Filipino Citizens
have equal rights.
1973- President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081, placing
the entire Philippines under Martial Law.
1981- Martial Law was officially lifted. It’s the start of 4 th Republic.
1986- Publicize by Presidential Proclamation , March 25, 1986.
1987- The Bill of Rights 5 TH Republic of the Philippines
2. Make a comparative analysis of the four Constitution
Malolos Constitution
It is Asia's first republican constitution, and it was created for the first time
by representatives of the Filipino people, under the direction of Felipe
Calderon and with the assistance of Cayetano Arellano. The Malolos
Constitution is the first significant document published by the
representatives of the Filipino people. It established an executive, legislative,
and judicial system with three separate branches that was "popular,
representative, and responsible" in the Philippines. The constitution listed
national and individual rights, as well as safeguards against abuses.
1935 Constitution
1935 Constitution The 1935 constitution, which was created in accordance
with the terms of the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which founded the Philippine
Commonwealth, served as the foundation for the independent Philippine
government from 1946 to 1973. The country seemed to benefit under the
1935 constitution. At a period when many other Asian nations were
succumbing to military dictatorships or communist revolutions, it gave the
Philippines 26 years of steady, constitutional administration. But by the late
1960s, a large portion of the Filipino populace thought that the constitution
was just a thin democratic political veil covering a fundamentally
oligarchical society. A constitutional convention was called in order to
modernize the nation's founding legislation.
1937 Constitution
The dictatorial government of President Marcos was given the appearance of
legitimacy by the second, the Constitution of 1973. On January 17, 1973,
President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1102, announcing the
adoption of the Philippine Constitution. A revision to the constitution was
made in 1976, 1980, and 1981. Minor alterations were performed in 1984.
The preamble and 17 articles that make up the 1973 Constitution mandate
the switch from a presidential to a parliamentary system of governance.
According to the Constitution, the National Assembly has legislative
authority. The head of state and supreme commander of the armed forces of
the nation is the Prime Minister, who is chosen from among the members of
the National Assembly.
1987 Constitution
A representative democracy with three distinct and independent branches of
government—the Executive, a bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary—
was formed by the Constitution of 1987. There were three independent
constitutional commissions: the Commission on Audit, the Civil Service
Commission, and the Commission on Elections. The Constitution was
amended to include a full Bill of Rights, which ensured fundamental civil
and political rights as well as regular, free, and fair elections.
3. Explain the Jones Law
4. Cite the difference between Constitutional Convention to Constitutional
 Revolutions are never easy. When the North American colonists
rebelled against England, they found it necessary to set up a national
government. Without a central authority to orchestrate the war, all
might have been lost. Between 1774 and 1789, the Americans
convened two Congresses and, eventually, held a Constitutional
Convention to lead the war against England and establish a strong
permanent national government. The First and Second Continental
Congresses fought the Revolutionary War, while the Constitutional
Convention created the federal form of government establishing the
United States of America.
Activity 2 True or False: Write True if the statement is false and write False if the
statement is true
1. The Constitution is the basic law of the land. TRUE
2. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. TRUE
3. The laws must be in accordance to the existing constitution. TRUE
4. Since a constitution serves as the framework of the social, economic and
political life of the nation, thus in a general way, the Constitution governs all areas
of human endeavor. TRUE
5. There are two classifications of Constitution. FALSE
6. Constitution may be constitutional or cumulative. FALSE
7. A Constitution must be detailed to show its advantage as a fundamental law.
8. Aguinaldo established his Presidential Government on May 24, 1898. FLASE
9. On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo proclaimed the Philippine Independence in Kawit,
Cavite. TRUE
10. The Malolos Congress was inaugurated at the Malolos Convention on
September 15, 1898 TRUE

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