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POWER School of Technology Inc.

SUBJECT : GE2-Reading in Philippine History

MODULE NAME : Social, Political, and Cultural Issues in Philippine History (Part I) the Land Reform in the Philippines


Activity 1 Answer the following

1. Trace the historical development of Land Reform Program
2. Why the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Programs seem not to be responsive
to the agrarian problem that the country has been faced with for centuries.
3. Enumerate the salient points/features of the CARP
4. What is Presidential Decree No.27? explain its goal.
5. Cite the difference between encomenderos and hacenderos.

Activity 2 True or False (two points each) Write (V) if the statement A is correct
and statement B is wrong, write (H) if the statement A is wrong and statement B is
correct, write (O) if the statement A and B are correct, and write (N) if both
statement A and B are wrong.
1. H
A. Before the coming of the Spaniards, the natives enjoyed the fruits of the lands
of the archipelago now known as the Philippines.
B. They tilled the lands and lived in abundance since the lands were fertile and
every plant could grow.
2. H
A. Spaniards divided the archipelago into the hacenderos, an economic system
which resulted in the exploitation of the natives.
B. The encomienda system is a labor system established by the Spanish Crown in
the 1500s
3. H
A. President Ramon Magsaysay had settlement projects under the Economic
Development Corporation (EDCOR) which settled more or less 1,000 families.
B. Still under the presidency of Ramon Magsaysay, the Agrarian Land Reform Act
of 1955 was passed which created the Land Tenure Administration.
4. H
A. The exploiters of the tenants include the overseers and hacienda guards, who
most of the time call the tenants to do construction work or menial service for the
landlord, or even for himself.
B. Under the presidency of Diosdado Macapagal, the Agricultural Land Reform
Code was passed in 1963.
5. H
A. Magsaysay's land reform program was ineffectual and his community
development projects were more impressive on paper than in actual practice.
B. With respect to the remaining lands covered by the law, the rice and corn lands
producing essentially for home consumption, the Code gave the big landowners
plenty of room to maneuver through the legal escape clauses it provided.
6. H
A. On October 21, 1972, a month after he proclaimed Martial Law, President
Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 27 or the Tenant Emancipation Decree,
which abolished tenancy in rice and corn lands.
B. This handwritten decree empowered the Department of Agrarian reform to
expropriate from landlords their rice and corn lands which exceeded seven hectares
and distribute them in smaller lots to the tenant farmers.
7. H
A. When Martial Law was lifted in 1981, the number of farmers who became
owners of corn and rice land numbered 532,153. This number was in forty-five
B. This grant of land ownership to the farmers resulted to the Philippines becoming
self-sufficient in rice production. The country started to export rice to other
8. O
A. EDSA People Power - February 21-25, 1986
B. CARP aimed at the redistribution of public and private agricultural lands to
farmers and farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement.
9. H
A. Land Tenure Improvement is one of the major programs of CARL
B. On August 7, 2009, CARL was amended by RA 9700 or the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program
10. V
A. Farmers who were already given Certificate of Landownership Award (CLOA)
are being dispossessed of the lands awarded to them because former landlords are
retaking them.
B. In July 2009, twelve land reform awardees from Lucena, Quezon brought their
plight to the attention of the public.

Activity 3 Crosswords
Across Down
4. 7th Philippine President 1. a large estate especially in a
Spanish-speaking country
5. Land Settlement Development
Corporation 2. title which denotes the rulers of
numerous indigenous
6. a man of mixed race
peoples throughout the Philippine
7. 1st president of the 3rd Republic
9. Quezon or Roxas
3. head of the state
5. the statutory division of agricultural
land and its
reallocation to landless people.
8. Tenant Emancipation Decree

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