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1.Explain the paradox between God’s existence and human freedom, and St.

Augustine’s solution to the paradox (150 words minimum).

(50 Points)
In my understanding about the paradox between God’s existence and
human freedom is that the existence of God does not harm the living of the
human being and as humans have their own free will, they are more likely liable
for the actions they execute. As St. Augustine quoted that human being was
originally good and perfect however the corruption or privation of the mind is
evil. Also, as much as I can remember from my religion teacher when I was in
elementary, He told us that according to the Bible, God gives his children power
to decide on its own (Free will) because it’s a sign of his everlasting love to
mankind. God gave humans the ability to identify what they think is right and
wrong, then if being corrupted by evil thoughts such as stealing, killing, etc. then
it is the fault of the human to feel or think that way. God is not liable for the
actions these humans did but they (humans) are liable for their actions.

2.Describe the hierarchy between St. Aquinas’ three laws (150 words minimum).
(50 Points)

Aquinas acknowledges four main forms of law which are the eternal, the natural,

the human, and the divine. The last three, all depend upon the
primary, however in several ways in which. Were we tending to rearrange them in
a hierarchy, eternal would be at the highest, then natural, then humans. Natural
law isn't in conflict with law; however, it reaches people by a revelation.

Eternal law is clone of the mind of God as seen by God himself. It may be known
as law because of God stands to the universe that he creates as a ruler will to a
community that he rules. once God's reason is considered because it is known by
God Himself, in its unchanging, eternal nature, it's eternal law.

Divine law comes from eternal law because it seems traditionally to

humans, particularly through revelation, i.e., once it seems to mortals as divine
commands. natural law is split into the previous Law and therefore the New Law.
The previous and New Law roughly reminiscent of the previous and New
Testaments of the Bible. once he speaks of the previous Law, Thomas is
thinking chiefly of the commandment. once he speaks of the New Law, the
teachings of Christ
Law is directed to the good, and human law isn't an exception. The promotion of
virtue is critical for the good, and human laws area unit instruments within
the promotion of virtue. Philosopher already noticed that almost
all individual’s area unit constantly from crime by concern of the law.

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