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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Mabalacat City



Teacher In-
Charge of
K to 12 CG
Quarter/Week Learning Competencies Unpacked Learning Competencies Module
Writing /
Mobile No.
Q1-W1 Describe the components of a S7MT-Ia-1 Introduction of Science
scientific investigation a. Discuss what Science is.
b. Enumerate the branches of Science.
c. Explain the importance of Science in our daily living.
Scientific Attitudes
a. Enumerate the scientific attitudes that a scientist
should possess.
b. Demonstrate scientific attitudes.
c. Explain the importance of possessing such attitudes
Scientific Processes
a. Identify scientific processes.
b. Demonstrate scientific processes.
c. Explain the importance of being organize.
The Scientific Methods
a. Identify the steps of the scientific investigation.
b. Arrange the steps of scientific method in order.
c. Explain the importance of following order.
Investigatory Project and its Parts
a. Discuss the parts of an investigatory project.
b. Gather samples of investigatory project.
c. Explain the importance of conducting investigatory
Designing a Simple Investigatory Project
a. Identify the parts of an investigatory project.
b. Design a simple investigatory project.
c. Explain the importance of conducting investigatory
Conducting an Investigatory Project
a. Enumerate the parts of investigatory project.
b. Conduct an investigatory project.
c. Explain the importance of skepticism in conducting
the investigatory project.
Q1-W1&3 Recognize that substances are S7MT-Ig-h-5 DAY 1 - Getting to Know Elements
classified into elements and a. Identify the elements in the Periodic Table.
compounds b. Explain the importance of names.
DAY 2 - Writing Element Symbol
a. Identify the elements in the Periodic Table.
b. Write the symbol of the given element.
c. Explain the importance of following signs.
Writing Element Name
a. Identify the elements in the Periodic Table.
b. Write the name of the given element.
c. Explain the importance of names.
Elements and Their Uses
a. Identify elements commonly used at home.
b. Give the uses of the elements commonly found at
c. Discuss the importance of proper usage of
Writing Symbols for Compounds
a. Discuss how compounds are formed.
b. Identify compounds formed from combining elements.
c. Write the symbol for the compound given
Writing Names for Compounds
a. Discuss how compounds are formed.
b. Identify compounds formed from combining elements.
c. Write the name for the compound given.
Compounds and their Uses
a. Identify compounds commonly used at home.
b. Give the uses of the compounds commonly found at
c. Discuss the importance of proper usage of
Q1-W4&5 Distinguish mixtures from S7MT-Ie-f-4 Safety Tips in Handling Laboratory Apparatus in an
substances based on a set of Experiment –Distillation Technique
properties a. Discuss the safety tips in handling laboratory
apparatus used in the experiment.
b. Identify some techniques in separating mixtures-
c. Explain the importance of being faithful in handling
laboratory apparatus to avoid accident.
Separating Mixture through Distillation
a. Collect distilled water and salts from seawater.
b. Infer that the sample being used is seawater after the
c. Discuss the value of cooperation.
Distinguishing Substances and Mixtures in Boiling
a. Differentiate the properties between substances and
mixtures based on how changes during boiling.
b. Present a graph of a data about the temperature
readings of the liquid samples during boiling.
c. Discuss the value of uniqueness.
Distinguishing the Appearance of Mixtures in Melting
a. Differentiate the properties between substances and
mixtures based on how they appear as they melt.
b. Construct an improvised melting dish from a cover of
an ice cream can.
c. Discuss the importance of 3R-Reduce, Reuse and
Designing a Procedure that will Identify Unknown Samples
as mixtures or Pure Substances
a. Design a procedure that will identify if the unknown
samples are a mixture or a substance.
b. Perform the designed activity.
c. Discuss the importance of cooperation.
Saturated and Unsaturated Solutions
a. Describe the appearance of saturated and
Investigate properties of unsaturated solutions.
Q1-W6 unsaturated or saturated S7MT-Ic-2 b. Identify the difference of saturated and unsaturated
solutions solutions.
c. Cite the importance of understanding the difference
of saturated and unsaturated solutions.
Q1-W7 Express concentrations of S7MT-Id-3 Ways of Expressing Concentration-Percent by Mass
solutions quantitatively by a. Discuss the steps in expressing the concentrations of
preparing different the solution.
concentrations of mixtures b. Calculate for the percent by mass of the given
according to uses and solutions.
availability of materials c. Explain the importance of accuracy and consistency.
Ways of Expressing Concentration-Percent by Volume
a. Discuss the steps in expressing the concentrations of
the solution.
b. Calculate for the percent by volume of the given
c. Explain the importance of accuracy and consistency.
Classification of Microscope
a. Discuss the development of microscope.
b. Classify microscope according to structure and
c. Give insight on the importance of the development of
microscope to human lives.
Major Parts of a Compound Microscope
a. Identify the parts of the compound microscope.
b. Tabulate parts of the compound microscope
according to its common major function.
c. Cite the significance of understanding the
Identify parts of the microscope appearance and location of each parts of the
Q2-W1 S7LT-IIa-1
and their functions compound microscope.
The Compound Microscope
a. Label the parts of the compound microscope.
b. Explain the function of each part of a compound
Proper Handling of the Microscope
a. Demonstrate proper care and handling of
b. Discuss the proper way to clean and store a
c. Infer the importance of proper care and maintenance
of the microscope.
Q2-W2 Focus specimens using the S7LT-IIb-2 Use of LPO Magnification
a. View specimen using the LPO magnification of a
compound microscope.
b. Draw a cell as seen in the microscope using LPO
c. Cite the importance of being able to see minute
d. Manipulate and focus a specimen using LPO
compound microscope magnification.
Use of HPO Magnification
a. View specimen using the HPO magnification of a
compound microscope.
b. Draw a cell ass seen in the microscope using the
HPO magnification.
c. Manipulate and focus a specimen using the HPO
Q2-W3 Describe the different levels of S7LT-IIc-3 Levels of Biological Organization
biological organization from cell a. Identify the various levels of biological organization.
to biosphere b. Sequence the hierarchical levels of biological
c. Give insight on understanding hierarchy (eg. In
Types of Cells
a. Describe the types of cells and its characteristics.
b. Classify the types of cells according to its function.
c. Infer the importance of knowing the types of cells.
Types of Tissue
a. Describe the types of tissue and its characteristics.
b. Classify the types of tissue according to its function.
c. Explain why tissues are important.
Organs and Organ System
a. Describe the organs according to its function.
b. Classify the organs according to its organ system.
c. Appreciate the value of taking care of the organs and
organ system.
Organelles and its Function
a. Describe the basic functions of the organelles.
b. Draw the various organelles
Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
a. Identify the different parts of a cell.
b. Compare and contrast plant and animal cells
according to presence of organelles.
c. Construct a Venn Diagram to show parts that are
common to both and parts that are only found in
either plant or animal cells
Differentiate plant and animal
S7LT-IId-4 Plant Cells: Arrangement of Organelles and Its
Q2-W4 cells according to presence or
absence of certain organelles
a. Describe the characteristics of the basic parts of a
plant cell.
b. Illustrate the plants cell organelles with its proper
Animal Cells: Arrangement of Organelles and Its
a. Describe the characteristics of the basic parts of an
animal cell.
b. Illustrate the animal cell organelles with its proper
Q2-W4 Explain why the cell is S7LT-IIe-5 Formulation of Cell Theories
considered the basic structural a. State the cell theory.
and functional unit of all b. Explain the modern principles of the cell theory.
organisms c. Describe the contribution of Leeuwenhoek, Hooke,
Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow make to the
development of the cell theory.
Cell: Structure and Function
a. Identify the basic structure and function of the cell.
b. Appreciate the cell as a highly organized structure.
c. Draw the basic structure and function of the cell.
Membrane Structure and Function
a. Identify the cell membrane structure and function.
b. Create a 3D model of a cell membrane structure and
label it.
Modes of Reproduction
a. Define reproduction
b. Describe the modes of reproduction.
c. Appreciate the importance of reproduction to all
forms of life.
Types of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
a. Enumerate and describe the types of asexual
Differentiate asexual from b. List organisms that undergo asexual reproduction.
sexual reproduction in terms of: c. Give insights on the regeneration.
1 Number of individuals d. Enumerate and describe the types of sexual
Q2-W5 S7LT-IIg-7
involved; reproduction.
2 Similarities of offspring to e. Discuss the technological advancement on human
parents fertilization.
f. Give insight on in vitro fertilization.
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction: Its Comparison
a. Compare asexual and sexual reproduction according to
number of individualities.
b. Compare asexual and sexual reproduction according
similarities of offspring to parents.
c. 3. Create a concept map to show the difference between
sexual and asexual reproduction.
Q2-W6 Differentiate biotic from abiotic S7LT-IIh-9 Characteristics of an Ecosystem
components of an ecosystem a. Identify biotic components of an ecosystem.
b. Identify abiotic components of an ecosystem.
c. Explain the relationship of biotic and abiotic.
Components of an Ecosystem
a. Differentiate symbiotic from non-symbiotic ecological
Describe the different ecological relationship.
Q2-W6 relationships found in an S7LT-IIh-10 b. Classify organisms according to its ecological
ecosystem relationship.
c. Cite examples of symbiotic and non- symbiotic
relationship ecological relationship.
Effect of Changes in Abiotic factors on the Ecosystem.
a. List some effects of changes in abiotic factors.
Predict the effect of changes in
Q2-W7 S7LT-IIj-12 b. Explain the effect of changes in abiotic factors for the
abiotic factors on the ecosystem
survival of organisms.
c. Infer how abiotic factors affect biodiversity.
Q3-W1&2 Describe the motion of an object S7FE-IIIa-1 Descriptors of Motion
in terms of distance or a. Differentiate distance and displacement
displacement, speed or velocity, b. Describe the motion of an object using distance and
and acceleration displacement
c. Cite the importance of describing the motion through
distance and displacement
Magnitude and Direction
a. Differentiate magnitude and direction
b. Describe the quantities in terms of magnitude and
c. Cite the importance of describing the motion through
magnitude and direction
a. Define speed
b. Describe the speed of an object
c. Calculate the speed of an object
a. Define velocity
b. Describe the velocity of an object
c. Calculate the velocity of an object
a. Define acceleration
b. Describe the acceleration of an object
c. Calculate the acceleration of an object
Graphing Motion
a. Create visual representation of the motion of objects
Create and interpret visual
such as tape charts, motion graphs.
representation of the motion of
Q3-W3 S7FE-IIIb-3 b. Describe the motion of an object based on its
objects such as tape charts and
position, direction and speed.
motion graphs
c. Interpret visual representation of the motion of
objects through tape charts, motion graphs.
Q3-W4 Infer that waves carry energy S7LT-IIIc-4 Types of Waves
a. Define waves
b. Differentiate the types of waves
c. Cite the importance of waves in daily human
Characteristics of Waves
a. Identify the different characteristics of waves.
b. Differentiate each characteristics of waves.
Speed of a Wave
a. Demonstrate their understanding by making waves
with varying frequencies and wavelengths using
b. Identify the frequencies and wavelengths of a wave
c. Calculate the speed of a wave using the frequencies
and wavelengths of a wave
Mechanical Waves
a. Define mechanical waves
b. Differentiate transverse waves and longitudinal waves
c. Cite the importance of understanding the mechanical
Electromagnetic Waves
a. Define electromagnetic waves
b. Identify the different types of electromagnetic waves
c. Cite the importance of each type of electromagnetic
waves to the daily human activities.
a. Define sound
b. Describe how sound is produced
c. Relate sounds to the concept of waves.
Characteristics of Sounds
a. Describe the characteristics of sound using the
Describe the characteristics of concepts of wavelength, velocity, and amplitude.
sound using the concepts of b. Describe how organisms produce, transmit, and
Q3-W4 S7LT-IIId-7
wavelength, velocity, and receive sound of various frequencies (infrasonic,
amplitude audible, and ultrasonic sound).
Pitch and Loudness
a. Explain sound production in the human voice box,
and how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary
from one person to another.
b. Differentiate pitch and loudness
c. Describe how sound vary from one person to another.
a. Define light
b. Describe the relationship of light in producing colors
c. Identify which color has the highest or lowest
Explain color and intensity of
Q3-W5 light in terms of its wave
Intensity and Frequency
a. Define Intensity and Frequency
b. Describe the relationship of intensity and frequency
to the in the distance source.
c. Illustrate light as a wave
Q3-W6 Infer the conditions necessary S7LT-IIIh-i- Heat Transfer
a. Define heat transfer
b. Describe how heat transfer occur
c. Explain how heat transfer is related to change in
d. Identify what are the methods of heat transfer.
a. Define conduction
for heat
12 b. Describe how conduction occur
transfer to occur
a. Define convection
b. Describe how convection occur
a. Define radiation
b. Describe how heat transfer occur in radiation
c. Cite harmful effects of radiation to human.
a. Define charges as physical property of matter
b. Differentiate the different charge particles
c. Describe electrical charges
Describe the different types of d. Demonstrate the how electrical charges work
Q3-W7 S7LT-IIIj-13
charging processes Charging Process
a. Differentiate conductors from insulators
b. Cite examples of conductors and insulators
c. Give the benefits provided by conductors and
insulators in our daily living
Q4-W1 Demonstrate how places on S7ES-IVa-1 Coordinate System
Earth may be located using a a. describe the coordinate system in locating places on
coordinate system the globe
b. draw and label the imaginary lines of a globe
c. discuss the value of coordination
Location of the Philippines using a Coordinate System
a. describe the location of Philippines using coordinate
b. locate the Philippines using coordinate system
c. discuss the importance of following right directions
Kinds of Natural Resources
a. Describe the two kinds of natural resources
b. Differentiate renewable and non-renewable resources
through a Venn diagram
c. Discuss the importance of appreciating the creations
of god
Conserving and Protecting Natural Resources
a. Describe ways in conserving and protecting natural
b. List down ways that help school protect and conserve
natural resources
Cite and explain ways of using
Q4-W2 S7ES-IVb-4 c. Discuss the value of respect
Earth’s resources sustainably
Effects of human activities on natural resources.
a. Identify the effects of some human activities on
natural resources
b. Suggest ways to reduce the effects of human activities
c. Discuss the value of responsibility
Protecting Resources in Your Own Way
a. Describe some ways to protect resources
b. Come up with a one-day plan on what can be done in
school to conserve natural resources
c. Discus the statement “our micro effort will have a
macro effect to save our mother earth”
Q4-W3 Discuss how energy from the S7ES-IVd-5 Layers of the Atmosphere
Sun interacts with the layers of a. Describe the features of each of the five layers
the atmosphere b. Compare the features of the five layers
c. Explain the basis for the division of the layers of the
d. Discuss the value of uniqueness
Greenhouse Effect
a. Describe the process of greenhouse effect
b. Construct a model greenhouse
c. Relate the concept of greenhouse to the increasing
temperature of earth’s atmosphere
d. Discuss the value of optimism
Intertropical convergence zone
Account for the occurrence of
a. Describe how intertropical convergence zone occur
land and sea breezes,
Q4-W3 S7ES-IVf-7 b. Explain intertropical convergence zone through the
monsoons, and intertropical
use of illustration/diagram
convergence zone (ITCZ)
c. Discuss the importance being friendly
Q4-W4&5 Using models, relate: S7ES-IVh-9 Season changes
1 the tilt of the Earth to the a. Explain how tilting of earth affects the season
length of daytime b. Use illustration/model of how to season changes
2 the length of daytime to the c. Give one reason why the seasons change
amount of energy received d. Discuss the quotation “don’t expect to see a change if
3 the position of the Earth in its you don’t make one”
orbit to the height of the Sun in The length of daytime and night-time affect the season
the sky a. Infer the effect of length of daytime and night-time on
4 the height of the Sun in the seasons;
sky to the amount of energy b. Interpret data about sunrise and sunset to tell when
received daytime is long and when daytime is short
5 the latitude of an area to the c. Discuss the importance of being time conscious
amount of energy the area person
receives The position of the Earth in its orbit
6 tilt of the Earth and the a. Describe the position of the Earth in its orbit to the
seasons height of the Sun in the sky
b. Illustrate the position the position of the Earth in its
orbit to the height of the Sun in the sky
c. Discuss the value humility
The amount of energy received in an area with respect to
the sun’s height
a. Describe the height of the Sun in the sky to the
amount of energy received
b. Illustrate the height of the Sun in the sky to the
amount of energy received
c. Discuss the importance of dreaming high.
The amount of sun’s energy received in an area with respect
to latitude
a. Describe the latitude of an area to the amount of
energy the area receives
b. Illustrate the height of the sun in the sky to the
amount of energy received
c. Discuss the quotation” it’s better to give than to
Eclipse: Shadows in space
a. Explain how shadows are formed in space
b. Perform an activity involving forming shadow using
flashlight and small balls
c. Discuss the quotation “the light shines in the
Explain how solar and lunar Solar Versus Lunar Eclipse
Q4-W6 S7ES-IVj-12
eclipses occur using models a. Distinguish solar and lunar eclipses
b. Explain through illustration how solar and lunar
eclipses occur
c. Differentiate solar and lunar eclipse through Venn
d. Discuss the importance of appreciating individual’s

Prepared by:

Grade Seven Science Teacher

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