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Table Of Contents

Introduction 2

Getting Started
Tools You Need To Get Started 9
Why Sell Ebooks 9
What No One Told You About Selling Ebooks 11
The 12 Mental Barriers 12
Your Ebook’s Word Count 20
How To Write 1000 Words Per Day 21

Write Your Ebook In 7 Days

Day 1: Choose The Topic 26
Day 2: Create An Escape Plan 30
Day 3: Validation 34
Day 4: Pick Your Ebook’s Title 37
Day 5: Design An Ebook Cover 45
Day 6: Just Write 46
Day 7: Magic Happens Here: Editing 47

Getting Ready To Launch

PDF, The Almighty Format 54
The Only Platform You Need To Sell Your Ebooks 55
Bonus: Marketing The Ebook 56

Additional Resources
9 Things Your Ebook Must Have 62
About Mental Barriers 66
Developing The Habit Of Writing 67
Writing Tips From A Non-English Speaker 68
How Much Money To Spend On Your Ebook 70

Conclusion 71

Jose Rosado - 1

Dear friend,

You’re about to learn that this guide is not only simple to follow, but it will also deliver on its

The ideas I’m about to show you changed my life forever. They have also proven to work for
me, my clients, and my audience. From fitness coaches to e-commerce sellers, from
entrepreneurs to freelancers, all types of people have used these ideas to make an income

I started my journey on Social Media during the summer of 2018. A couple of months in, I
discovered how to help others make an extra $1000, $2000, $5000+ every month. Some have
even reached $10K, $20K, and $40K a month.

Today, thousands of people have enrolled in my courses, bought my Ebooks, paid for my
consultations, and joined my coaching program. I do this all without having to leave my home
country, The Dominican Republic. I get to spend time with my family and live life on my terms in
the Caribbean.

All of this is possible because I had the unoriginal idea to post my thoughts online, pitch my
products to my audience, and help others develop & monetize their skills.

And it all started with an Ebook!

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My Story
It was a Thursday in 2016.

I’m sitting in my spacious new cubicle, selecting candidates to interview for the new marketing
department I was in charge of.

Sifting through a stack of applications, I see an email in my inbox.

"The company must survive."

But it's early morning, and I'm focused. So I ignore the email to get on with my tasks.

"Hey, Jose, what do you think about the email?" I look up to see a coworker standing over me.

I say I don't know, to avoid lying.

That's when I notice people pacing around the office with worried faces and whispering to each

I wanted to know what the fuss was all about, so I go back to that email I ignored earlier.

Two weeks prior, I got promoted to Marketing Director. It came with a plump juicy salary raise
along with a new cubicle. Brenda’s (my wife) family and I celebrated the good news at our
favorite steakhouse.

Over dinner, my wife decided to quit her job. She wanted to take care of our six-month-old son
and her music academy. I also secretly decided to stop working as a freelance web designer to
focus on my newly acquired responsibilities.

I envisioned a bright future for myself at the company.

But now I’m reading the email. I discover the company was on a rough financial patch. The only
solution they came up with was to downsize—AKA, fire half the staff.

I’m seeing it all in front of me... my wife's face in disbelief after telling her what happened. And…
crap, I still haven't received my first director's paycheck.

But I'm hopeful. They're not going to fire me, right? I figure they won’t fire me. I had recently
earned a promotion and was one of few people who had won employee of the year.

The day ends, so I drive home, take a warm shower, go to sleep, and don't mention the
downsizing to Brenda.

It's Friday morning, and I'm already at work waiting to get fired.

I'm anxious and fidgeting. I bounce my right leg when I'm troubled or bored – I'm not bored, and
I’m bouncing my two legs.

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To make things worse, my cubicle is right next to the HR department. I can see people going
into the office come out with long faces.

I'm witnessing grown men weeping as they realize they'll no longer see their friends every day. I
watch (former) coworkers crawling back to their workstations to pack their belongings. I notice
once colorful cubicles turning gray. Cubicles that yesterday were flourishing with family photos,
binders full of papers with financial statements, greasy black Logitech keyboards, coffee-stained
tables, and friends were now vacant.

It’s 5 pm now... I have lost count of how many people have been fired. If I had to bet, I'd say at
least 50 people walked in and out of that office. I was getting ready to go home, relieved I hadn't
been called in.

"Jose, can you come in here?," says the Human Resource Director.

I'm walking to her office, thinking all kinds of things and trying to figure out how not to get fired.
I'm taking my time. Step by step I’m planning my escape plan. I can't afford to lose my job right
now. I have a mortgage that won't pay itself, I have a family to take care of, and I have a vision
of watching the company shine bright. So I decide to call on the time I worked in HR alongside
her for a year, as I’m not ready to get fired.

"Hi, Jose," she says with a big smile on her face.

"I'm safe," I said to myself, "she's smiling! I won't get fired. I can't believe it. Thank goodness I
didn't tell Brenda about the email. I didn't want to worry her. And now I know everything will be

Then I noticed the Director's voice cracking and her eyes tearing up.

Oh no.

I was fired that Friday evening.

As I was packing my stuff, I decided to take the longest route home, knowing it would be packed
with traffic.

I got into my blue Toyota 2005 Corolla and drove home.

But there was no traffic.

I had no time to think because even the longest route took 10-minutes.

"Coward… you should've told Brenda about the email yesterday…" I said to myself as soon as I
got home.

So now I’m walking up the stairs to get to my apartment and thinking about how I’m going to
explain this to Brenda.

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I open the door and the first person to greet me is my 6-month-old son.

And I still have to tell my wife about how our future, which a while ago was shining so bright,
was now embers glowing on the ground.

The Transformation
Getting fired like a dog, with ZERO money saved up, changed everything for me.

I had made money online before, I had worked as a freelancer, I had some side hustles, and
some people had paid me for my services. The thing is that most of these gigs arrived passively.

In fact, I rarely marketed my services. So I had no idea what to do to generate an extra income.

But being unemployed changes you.

See, waiting to get paid is very different from paying yourself.

Under these circumstances, I HAD to make my business grow in order to provide for my family.
So why was I waiting for money to find me?

Back then, my life was stuck in the mud because even though I had the skills, I lacked a couple
of things:

● A killer offer
● Irrational self-belief
● Persuasion skills

So life force-fed this information to me. I mean, imagine expecting a child with no money in your
bank account. What would you do? That gave me the urgency I needed.

A month after being fired, I decided to change my approach to everything I do.

I learned about the secrets of advanced freelancing, the best persuasion tactics to influence
people, and how to deal with people in general.

I discovered the strategies, tactics, and systems I needed to land more sales, and get ahead in
life. Meanwhile, I was getting tons of freelancing gigs and closing dozens of deals.

I discovered the strategies, tactics, and systems I needed to land more sales, and get ahead in
life. Meanwhile, I was getting tons of freelancing gigs and closing dozens of deals.

Thing is, freelancing has a limit.

There’s a limit to the amount of time I could invest in one-on-one situations. In addition, even if I
decided to raise my prices, I was still one person with a limited amount of time and resources.

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Rediscovering The Internet.
See, you have the skills. You have ideas. You have the will.

But, maybe, you don’t know where to start your online journey.

Did you almost launch your blog, ebooks, courses but never made it to the end?

I’ve been there too. I even failed many times…

But I discovered the simple fundamentals to thrive on the Internet.

Here's what happened to me after I jumped into the online world:

● I met the people I’ve been following for years on Social Media: I had bought their
ebooks and courses. And now I’m doing business with them.
● Found my dreamed audience: There’s no need to stress about follower count, likes,
retweets… when you grow the right audience, people will actually want to learn –and
buy– from you.
● Created multiple streams of income: Selling digital products can become a profitable
business for you. Imagine making money while you sleep… or like me… while taking a
● Found fantastic clients: Attract real, high-paying clients with less work and in less time
without losing your soul.
● Got a constant influx of love and praise: When you help others, a community of
like-minded individuals will notice and its members will want to help you by sharing your
content, liking your posts, and buying your products.

And writing and launching my first ebook made it all happen faster.

Today, I’m revealing everything I know about writing ebooks to you.

Turning $77 Into $500,000

It’s November 28, 2018.

I’m in my home office struggling to hit the post button.

I had recently finished my first ebook and I’m about to send an email to my newsletter telling
them about it.

It’s a short 300-word email where I tell a story about how a friend made fun of me when I told
him I wanted to learn to code.

"You won’t be able to learn," he said, "some people just can't. You are one of those."

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I want to scrap the email. I don’t want to tell this embarrassing story and it’s not worth the
potential embarrassment.

I’m putting my mouse over the cross mark of the chrome tab, but it feels wrong. Something is
not right. I have to send the email.

I close my eyes. And I hit send email.

That day I launched my first ebook.

I made 3 sales, making me a total of $77.

That first ebook has generated me a bit over $5,000

since 2018.

Not much, I’d say. But, it was the ignition, the starting
point, the light-bulb moment, the precise moment I
realized, “f*ck… I can make money selling ebooks.”

My third ebook made almost 10X that amount


At the moment of this writing, I've generated over $500,000 selling digital products, which has
also opened up many business opportunities with other content creators, freelancers, business
owners, and social media influencers.

And these sales have helped me sell coaching and services to people from all over the world.

My ebooks have helped me position myself as an expert in social media marketing and as
someone people can trust.

I hope they do the same for you.

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Tools You Need To Get Started
Google Docs to write the ebook.

Google Doc template → Click here to copy the template

Write Your Ebook worksheet → Click here to download the worksheet

Canva to design the cover page.

Gumroad to sell the ebook.

Resources → Click here to download Write Your Ebook In 7 Days resources.

Why Sell Ebooks

If you're like me, you want the FREEDOM to live life on your terms.

You want to work for yourself. You want to turn yourself into a valuable individual. You also want
to create an extra source of income by selling your ideas. Maybe you want to tell your boss to
go to hell and say to the board members to shove it.

Sending that first sales email on November 2018 led me to become a multi-six-figure ebook and
course seller.

I’ve been recognized as one of the top creators in an e-commerce platform called Gumroad.
And I was able to change my life and that of others through my writing.

See, I really believe that there is no product like an e-book. The benefits outweigh any
shortcomings you may find.

They have:

● No printing cost
● There's no shipping cost
● The profit margin is nearly 100%
● They're quick to create
● You can edit them at any time
● You can turn them into a video course

But, here's the thing...

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You don't know where to start!

You've already written some words, but you have no idea what to do next.

You've also got some excellent ideas you want to write about, but you're still struggling to find a
way to put them on paper.

I understand where you're coming from.

I'm here to tell you that there's no need to overcomplicate this.

Some experts will give you hundreds of rules for writing an Ebook... and it's no wonder most
people fail. These experts overcomplicate the process.

I'm here to show you a simple alternative.

One that has helped me, a guy who basically had to relearn how to write in English, how to write
his Ebooks in half the time. Oh, by the way, I haven’t told you this before. English is my second
language. I write everything in English, even though I think in Spanish.

See, if I can do it, I’m sure you can do it too.

How, you ask?

Follow the simplest process you’ll ever learn on how to write Ebooks.

So, let's get started.

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What No One Told You About
Selling Ebooks
Sell 30 Ebooks at $27 = $810

That's selling 1 Ebook per day for 30 days.

Imagine selling 5 copies per day for a month. That’s an extra $4,050 in your piggy bank.

Earning money every day is a great motivator.

But that’s not all.

You now have buyers.

And it’s much easier to sell more things to people who have bought from you.

So, you see, selling the Ebook is just the starting point.

Once you sell the Ebook, you can reach out to your buyers to sell them your services,
coaching,courses, or other products you’ve created.

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The 12 Mental Barriers
Your mind loves playing dirty tricks on you:

● "Writing an Ebook is hard"

● “I suck at writing”
● "I don't know what to write about"
● “I’m no expert, I’m afraid of being judged”
● “If only I had the right resources and tools...”
● “I have a 9-to-5 job. I don't have the free time to write”

Mental Barriers are self-inflicted wounds. They are the excuses people invent to avoid taking
action. And they mess with your psyche.

As a result, procrastination kicks in because you don't know where to start.

But here’s the thing.

“I don't know where to start” or any of its variations are a symptom of a deeper problem. And,
unfortunately, you cannot fix symptoms. But you can fix the problem that is causing it.

The problem is, most time, fear.

You fear embarrassment. You fear failure. You fear feeling judged.

Let's fix this now.

Mental Barrier #1: “I Don't Know Where To Start”

I have great news for you.

Right in front of you is the best resource available to learn how to write your Ebook.

So keep reading because I’ll soon be laying out the foundations of how to Write Your Ebook In 7

Mental Barrier #2: “I Suck At Writing”

Back in 2018, I was writing all of my content in Spanish, then using Google Translate to get the
English translation right. English is my second language. And if you think writing is hard… try
writing in a second language you’ve barely practiced!

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I was trying to persuade people who didn't even know me to follow me, learn from me, and buy
from me.

As you can imagine, it was a very stressful time.

Even though I had double the work (write everything in Spanish, then translate it into English), I
kept going.

Why am I telling you this?

Some people might say that you don't have what it takes to make it big.

They will laugh right in your face and assure you that you're going to fail – for whatever wacky
reason they can invent.

I'm here to tell you otherwise.

If you know how to read, speak, and write simply and understandably, you, my friend, have a

Furthermore, to your advantage, you only need a 5th-grade writing level to make yourself

The problem is that you've been programmed not to believe this. Society tells you that your
writing must be 100% perfect.

For years I wanted people to buy and enjoy my writing, but I never created content.

Why? Because of the fear of being judged.

That fear went away, and now I'm selling Ebooks like hotcakes.

Again, you only need a 5th-grade writing level to make yourself understood.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

So, stop it with this excuse!


Additional reading: The Day You Became A Better Writer

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Mental Barrier #3: "I Don't Know What To Write About"
"Being able to control your breathing is a 5,000-year-old idea
Being able to control your thinking is a 5,000-year-old idea
Being able to control your body is a 5,000-year-old idea
There is nothing “new” to these things, they are just rediscovered"
– Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

You don't need new ideas. You need only to present your ideas entertainingly, using your voice.

Here’s a secret: most best-sellers are just regurgitations of other best-sellers and all-time

The big players do this; you should do the same.

Now, I am NOT telling you to plagiarize.

If you plagiarize, you WILL get sued and people will never trust you again.

What I’m saying is that only you can tell your stories. You’re an expert at telling them because
you ARE the protagonist of your life story.

By telling your stories, ideas, tactics, and strategies using your voice, you’ll attract like-minded

I mean, I’m the guy who used Google Translate to get the English “right” before posting stuff on
the Internet…

If you use your writing abilities to share your unique perspective, you will make a profit.

If you’re struggling to come up with things to write about, here’s a shortlist of ideas and topics
you can start with:

● What you hate or love

● Your previous fears and how you defeated them
● How you fixed something
● How you learned new ideas or skills
● Your mindset, habits, meaningful activities, mission, or personal growth
● How you manage your money, relationships, and health
● Your general observations about the world
● Book recommendations or reviews
● Things you learned from other people
● Your expertise with fitness, health, and wellness

Want more?

Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

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● What was your mindset before learning your favorite skill?
● What do you wish you had done differently while learning it?
● What were your biggest ‘aha’ moments?
● How did you solve the challenges of learning your skills?

Mental Barrier #4: “I’m No Expert, I’m Afraid Of Being

I’ll be blunt with you.

You're not qualified to call yourself an expert.

The market determines this.

Not you.

You don't have to be a world-renowned expert to talk about your ideas.

I’m certainly not a celebrity when it comes to fast skills acquisition. Yet, I wrote a guide on how
to learn faster. And got this nice testimonial that validated my thinking:

“For me, personally, I’ve read some of these techniques or strategies, but I haven’t seen them
presented like this. This information is very important. The FLOW of information in this book is
excellent.” – Victor Valentine.

Aren't we all afraid of being judged? Yes, we are.

Some people just don't let this get in their way.

Why? Because they have a mission.

In my case, my mission is to provide for my family.

My love for my family is more powerful than my fear of being judged.

This is where not caring about what other people think chimes in!

This is a real superpower.

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Mental Barrier #5: “People Won't Buy My Ebook.”
Check this out.

If your Ebook doesn't sell, use it as a free Lead Magnet to invite people to subscribe to your
email list.

A Lead Magnet is a free product you offer to persuade people to subscribe to your email list


Even if you fail to get sales, you'll win.


● You learned what doesn't work

● You now have an Ebook you can give away to grow your email list
● You're now an author (I mean... you wrote something!)
● You now have your first digital product

That’s a win in my book.

Mental Barrier #6: “It's Too Hard To Write An Ebook”

Have you ever accomplished a difficult feat before?

How did you feel after succeeding?

Amazing, right?

You have the power to create fantastic content using only your mind and a keyboard.

The main problem is that you love overcomplicating stuff, don't you?

Overcomplicating kills your creativity.

You already know that you have everything it takes to get things done.

Firstly, you have a story to tell.

Which story? Your story.

You're the expert on telling your own story.

The thing is, you keep making things much harder than they truly are.

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Secondly, you feel people will judge you.

Renounce this thinking and do what you have to do. Anyone will criticize you for free, but no one
will do your job for you.

Thirdly, you have fantastic skills, and these skills can become content for your Ebook. I'll show
you how to achieve this later on.

What I do to reduce the difficulty of writing an Ebook, is to keep the word count below 20,000
words. All of my Ebooks are within 10K and 20K words.

Also, I avoid telling a lot of stories inside them, which reduces the word count considerably.

Aren’t you sick of reading books that take eons to get to the point? Well, cut down the stories
that don’t add to the book.

Mental Barrier #7: “If I Only Had The Right Resources

And Tools...”
You only need 3 resources:

1. Your ideas
2. A word processing app
3. The internet

For example, I wrote this chapter on Pages for Mac because my internet was not working while I
was writing it. Once the internet came back, I moved the content to Google Docs.

The best thing about using Google Docs is that you can share the document with your friends
and ask them to proofread your body of work.

You don’t need fancy technology to write your Ebook.

Your ideas, a word processing app, and the internet are all you need.

Mental Barrier #8: “I Don't Know How To Handle

You won't need to handle the payments. An e-commerce platform will do that for you. Soon, I’ll
show you how to upload your Ebook to Gumroad (a simple e-commerce website). Gumroad will
handle all the payments for you. They will send the money to PayPal or your bank account.
Again, don’t worry about this. For the moment, focus on writing.

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Mental Barrier #9: “I Have A 9-to-5 Job, I Don't Have
The Time To Write.”
When someone says they don't have the time, it means one of two things:

1. They do not care about the topic they’re writing about

2. They’re afraid to get started, so they procrastinate

If you cannot find 30 minutes in your day to write about your ideas, please meditate on why this
might be.

Maybe you think you cannot write well.

Perhaps you prefer to spend your time watching Netflix.

You’ve read many of the Mental Barriers already.

See if any of those ring a bell for you.

If they do, re-read them and learn how to destroy them.

Don’t let fear take a toll on you.

If I had let fear guide my actions, I wouldn’t have launched this guide.

Think about that for a second.

Mental Barrier #10. “I Tried Before And Failed Hard”

So? From my point of view, this is a win.


● You learned what doesn't work

● You now have an Ebook you can give away to grow an email list
● You're now an author
● You now have your first product

(Yes, I’m repeating myself, but it’s for the greater good!)

I’d say you failed forward, which is actually a win!

Failing forward means that you learn from your failures. You might not have sold tons of copies
of your Ebook, but at least you learned the process of creating something!

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Now, why weren’t you able to sell your book?

Maybe the market wasn't ready for your ideas. Maybe your sales page sucked. In my
experience, most marketing endeavors fail because of a crappy sales page or there’s no need
for that product.

Later on, I’ll show what to add to your sales pages to make them effective sales machines.

And remember, if things don't go as planned, you can always use the Ebook as a lead magnet
to grow your email list!

Mental Barrier #11: “Aww Man, I Don't Want To Do

The good thing is that you don't need to spellcheck by yourself. Ask a friend to help you out with
the spellchecking. Ask your mom if you have to. You can even pay someone.

Ask around on social media to see if someone can spellcheck your stuff.

I personally use Grammarly to do my spellchecking.

Check Grammarly Out – Full disclosure: this is an affiliate link.

Mental Barrier #12: “I Don’t Know How To Sell Online”

Don't worry!

I will teach you how to get started.

You won't need too much trial and error to start making sales.

We'll be using Gumroad as our e-commerce platform, which makes the buying process simple
for your potential buyer. Also, it's incredibly easy to use. You'll love how fast you'll learn to use it.

Later on, I'll reveal my process for writing the sales page of your Ebook and how to promote it.

Now, let's take a bite out of the meat of Write Your Ebook In 7 Days.

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Your Ebook’s Word count
How many words should your ebook have?

The short answer is…

More than 5,000 words.

Let me explain why.

Ebooks should be short and cover a short topic.

Ebooks aren’t meant to show people everything you know about one topic.

They’re meant to FIX a tiny, painful problem.

So pick a tiny problem and show your readers how to fix it with 7,000 to 10,000 words.

I’ve seen people making the bank by selling Ebooks with less than 5K words.

But I would advise you to keep your word count above 5,000 words.

Imagine writing 1,000 words every day for one year.

1,000 x 365 days = 365,000 words.

That's at least 20-36 short Ebooks or 7 full-sized books worth of content.

But you might be thinking, "Writing 1,000 words a day seems like a lot."

It’s not.

And if you feel that writing 1,000 words a day is a lot, make it 500 per day.

But if you like a challenge and you know you have the potential and the skills to do so, please
write 1,000 words per day.


Let me show you some hacks I’ve used to write up to 5,000 words per day.

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How To Write 1000 Words Per Day
If I had to master any one habit in the world, I’d choose to write 500-1,000 words per day.

Writing 500 words a day becomes 15,000 words a month.

Writing 500 words a day becomes 182,500 words in a year.

That’s three 60,000 word books or nine 20,000 word guides.

Can you imagine writing 1,000 or 5,000 words per day?

You see, writing is one of the best skills you can develop. The Internet has made it possible for
writers to earn big money by promoting their stuff on social media, blogs, aggregator sites1, and
other mediums.

That said, you don’t have to write 5,000 words per day to make the Write Your Ebook In 7 Days
system work for you.

But you must commit to writing at least 1,000 words per day.

Here’s how to do it.

Flexing Time
I wrote the first iteration of Twitter Money Mastery in 2 days.

It was around 8,000 words filled with actionable advice on how to make money with Twitter. As
time passed by, I added more to the ebook. And it ended up being 13,392 words long, plus
around an extra 6,000 words of bonus material and around 45 minutes of video content.

(Pro tip: you can update your ebooks with the feedback you get from your buyers.)

I wrote Unf*ck Your Learning in less than a week. I did so by writing 6 thousand words on the
first day, then 10,000+ more words over the following 4 days. I edited the book in 2 days then
paid some friends to spell check. The final word count for Unf*ck Your Learning is 16K.

I believe you can do the same.

A content aggregator website is a site that collects data from other sources across the
internet and puts the information in one place where users can access it.

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You don't even need to be as disciplined as I am – I wasn’t born with this kind of discipline, by
the way. I scaled slowly towards this level, it took me a while to reach this level of discipline. I
started by writing only about 100-250 words a day.

But if you want to launch your ebook in 7 days, you need to write at least 1,000 words every day
for the next 7 days.

So here are a few tips to get you started.

Three Tips To Write 1000 Words Per Day

Tip #1: Write as if no one will read your Ebook
Again, the real magic happens during the editing process.

Forget about spell checking. Write whatever comes to mind. However, there is a way to “write”
even faster: dictate right into your computer.

Apple has a wonderful dictation app.

If you have an apple device,

1. Go to your settings
2. Open the keyboard settings
3. Click on the dictation tab
4. Active it by selecting «On.»

Try it.

“What if I use Windows, Jose?”

I suggest you use Google Docs.

Activate dictation by following these steps:

1. Open a file in Google Docs

2. Click Tools
3. Select Voice Typing

That's all you need to activate the dictation tool in Google Docs.

Dictating to Google Docs

>>> Click here to watch the tutorial

Dictating to Pages for Mac

>>> Click here to watch the tutorial

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You can also use services such as Otter to transcribe your voice notes or to directly dictate
speech to text.

Tip #2: Make It Your Top Mission Of The Day To Write At Least 1000 Words
Consistency is king.

Make writing your daily priority. Stick to it no matter what.

If 1,000 words are too much, lower the word count. It can be 500, 400, 250, or 100 words per
day. The point is that you make hitting that word count your top priority every day. In fact, make
it your only priority if you can.

If you aren’t feeling the muse, write about the fact you can’t think of anything to write! Disregard
grammar, sense, quality, or coherence. Write!


Writing 1000 words per day is a habit you will achieve in no time.


1. Focus on quantity.
2. The real magic happens during the editing phase.
3. Forget about spell checking! (for now)

Tip #3: Write In Short Blocks Of Time

I write in one-hour blocks.

If this seems too much for you, writing in 25-minutes blocks will suffice.

Make it challenging for you, but not too challenging. You want to be at the edge of your abilities.
If it’s too difficult, you’ll get stressed. Too easy, and you’ll get bored. And, if you didn’t know,
getting bored is way worse.

Write as much as possible for 25 minutes. Capitalize on urgency. Make it a game for yourself if it

Have you heard about the Pomodoro Technique? You’ve definitely heard about it, even if you
think you haven’t, but here’s a reminder regardless.

The Pomodoro Technique in a nutshell:

● Turn on your stopwatch

● Add 25 minutes to it
● Pay undivided attention to the task in front of you during those 25 minutes (write)

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● After the timer stops, rest for five minutes.
● Rinse and repeat however many times you want to.

Each 25-minute block is called Pomodori.

Can you imagine how much you can get done with 4 to 8 daily Pomodori?

That’s a potential 4 hours of REAL work.

Now, stop imagining and start writing your ebook.

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Write Your
In 7 Days
It’s time to get our hands dirty.

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Day 1: Choose The Topic
You'll now learn how to choose the topic of your Ebook.

You select your topic by niching down.

Niching down means choosing a smaller market within a larger market (or skill, or a subject of

By niching down, you're making it simpler for you to write your Ebook.

By niching down, you avoid getting overwhelmed by trying to pin down a big idea.

Resist the urge to make the Ebook larger than it’s supposed to be by keeping it short – between
5K–10K words long.

How do you niche down?

Every area of knowledge is composed of several sub-topics.

And every sub-topic has more subtopics within it.

Let’s pretend you want to teach people how to play the piano.

To do so, you divide the skill of playing the piano into sub-skills (or sub-topics):

You could write an Ebook about the awesome Musical Scales that transform anyone’s songs
into masterpieces or go super basic by teaching people how to read sheet music.

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By dividing your skills and knowledge into sub-skills, you make choosing your Ebook topic as
smooth as a buttered mirror.

Once you have a topic, give it a title.

“Learn To Read Music In 30 Days”

You want people to buy your Ebook, so tell them what it does, and don’t worry about giving it a
super original title.

Look at this guide you’re reading, “Write Your Ebook In 7 Days."

Nothing original about it, but it works!

If you’re struggling to come up with a title for your Ebook, I have good news for you.

We’ll be talking about that in a future chapter.

The Purpose Of Your Ebook

Before thinking about writing, you NEED to define two things:

1. A Purpose
2. A Vision

One of the keys to writing a great Ebook is that it must provide value.

There are 3 ways to provide value:

● Educate (provide an exact solution to a problem - paid or free)

● Entertain (make them laugh, make them think, make them wonder)
● Inspire (make people feel good about themselves)

If you can make people learn, laugh, or motivate them, your Ebook will be fantastic.

If you can do all three, your success will be a side-effect.

One of the best tools for creating informative content is to provide links to more in-depth content
pieces like blog articles, videos, courses, Ebooks, and audiobooks.

My favorite kind of Ebooks are the ones that Educate and Inspire.

Write Your Ebook In 7 Days is meant to do both.

Write Down The Purpose Of Your Ebook

The Ebook you’re reading right now is meant to solve a PAINFUL problem.

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It’s the answer to “How do I write and self-publish an Ebook?"

This Ebook is also meant to inspire you to write your own Ebook. It inspires you by showing you
that writing an Ebook is simple once you have a winning strategy.

That said, the purpose of your book MUST be easy to understand. And define it, answer the
following questions:

● Which group of people are you trying to help?

● What goals will your Ebook help them achieve?
● Optional: Which unpleasant annoyance do you want to avoid?

To make it easier for you, here’s a simple formula to develop the purpose of your Ebook.

Help {Group Of People} {Their Goal} without {Unpleasant Annoyance}


● Help bloggers monetize their blog without pissing off their readers
● Help people create their first website without coding
● Help content creators write content faster without reducing the quality

Now that we have the purpose, we need to define the vision. For example, the purpose of this
guide is to: “Show people how to write an Ebook in 7 days without spending money.”

The Killer Vision Of Your Ebook

How do you envision your readers’ life after they read your Ebook?

Here’s my vision for my readers:

● My readers wake up eager to keep writing their book

● They find the process easy to follow and very inspiring
● Their stress levels are low because they’ve discovered that writing an Ebook is not as
hard as they thought it was
● They feel comfortable setting a pre-sale and launch date for their Ebook
● They promote their Ebook shamelessly knowing its content is valuable
● They have a clear system to sell their Ebooks using Gumroad
● They get paid for their Ebook
● They write more Ebooks – and eventually create their courses
● They now have free time to spend as they wish

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To define a killer vision, imagine how your readers’ lives will change after they implement what
you teach!

The vision will also help you craft an awesome sales page – we’ll be talking about this in a
future chapter.

To define your Ebook’s vision, answer the following questions:

● What will your Ebook help them achieve?

● What will your Ebook help them reduce?
● How will your Ebook improve their lives?
● Which results do you expect them to achieve?

Meanwhile, take a look at the actions items below.

Day One: Action Items

❏ Choose one sub-skill/topic
❏ Divide your skills into sub-skills
❏ Write down the Purpose and Vision of your Ebook.
❏ Write 1,000 words about this idea in a Google Document – do a brain dump. No
planning, no outline, no editing. Just write.

To get started, duplicate this Google Docs template.

Then, watch this video to learn how to use it.

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Day 2: Create An Escape Plan
As you already know, your Ebook must SOLVE a painful problem.

How do you decide what painful problem to address? I suggest you stick to the problems YOU
can solve with YOUR skills and ideas.

That said, how can you turn your SKILLS into content people can learn from?

This is where the Escape Plan comes in.

The Escape Plan is composed of milestones, and the milestones themselves are goals that
must be achieved to arrive at the promised land. Basically, each milestone is one of the steps of
your process.

Here’s a visual guide I created for you.

Now, let’s imagine for a while that you’re a Web Designer.

As the great Web Designer you are, you offer the following services

● WordPress website creation ● Website management (updating and

● Landing page design moving stuff around)
● Payment processor setup ● Page load speed optimization
● Web Design (just the design – no ● Webpage hosting
coding, no website)
● Site analytic evaluation

Each of these services could become the main topic for a Web Design Ebook.

Let’s say you decide that you want to teach people how to sell stuff online.

What would the Escape Plan of creating a simple website look like?

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Check it out:

Can you see how this works?

Any of these milestones could become part of your Ebook.

That said, as you might suspect, this Ebook would be incredibly long – and we don’t want that.

So, my suggestion is to reduce the scope of your guides and Ebooks to more specific, smaller

Here’s how.

Each milestone is composed of smaller, bite-sized goals. Let’s focus on ONE of the milestones
of this Escape Plan and make it the subject of our Ebook.

Let’s create an Escape Plan for Milestone #1: Create A Twitter account

Can you see how this works?

Here’s a secret: you don’t have to give away everything you know in one Ebook!

So, let’s narrow down our Ebook to the first 6 milestones.

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Now our fictitious Ebook will only talk about:

● Creating a Twitter account

● Optimizing the bio
● Deciding on the main topics to tweet about
● Writing engaging tweets
● Writing sharable Twitter Threads
● Networking on Twitter

By the way, this is how I came up with the content for my Twitter guide.

(By the way, I use the same process to create my video courses).

About Theoretical Ideas

The examples you just saw are mostly for how-to and advice genres.

So how about we create an Escape Plan for other kinds of books? The process is the same.
You take the main idea and you dissect it by writing down the Escape Plan. Let's say you want
to share a summary of the American History. Here’s what an Escape Plan for American History
would look like.

As you can see, we split American history into bits and pieces.

You could write a book that summarizes each of these milestones, or you could zoom in and
expand upon one of them.

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The Table Of Contents
If you haven’t noticed, the Escape Plan is the first draft of your Table Of Contents (TOC).

So day 2 is about organizing your TOC.

Your readers will appreciate it.

However, it’s not just for the reader’s benefit. It also serves as a guide for yourself as you write
your Ebook.

Now that you have the Escape Plan, writing down the table of contents will be a breeze.

That said, the first draft of your table of contents will be messy. That’s totally normal. While
writing new content, just make sure to move things around as you deem fit.

Also, see the first draft of your TOC as aspirational as your Ebook will evolve as you write it.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve started with one idea and ended up with a different one.

By the way, if you have ever asked yourself how to create a table of contents on Google Docs,
please click here to watch a video where I explain how to add one to your document.

As a final note, if you’re struggling to create your table of contents, disregard the quality of what
you’re writing for now. Instead, focus on writing as much as you can and move things around
later on – which you will.

Day 2: Action Items

❏ Create an Escape Plan
❏ Apply the Escape Plan method to milestones
❏ Organize your TOC
❏ Write 1,000 words

Remember, people want to Escape their current situation and Arrive at the promised land (a
new, better situation). Also, bear in mind that the purpose of the Escape Plan is for you to have
a bird’s eye view of all the actions and milestones you usually take to achieve something.

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Day 3: Validation
Market Research helps you validate your ideas.

Picture the following scenario.

“You spent hours writing the “perfect Ebook.” You invested your time and hard-earned money to
have everything ready to start selling. Then... you start marketing it... And…. ZERO SALES. The
first months flew away with ZERO profits. No one bought, and you feel like crap. You’re
unmotivated and you want to quit…”

So please, do yourself a favor, read this chapter to reduce the chances of this happening to you.

It’ll change the way you think about writing ebooks.

All that said, I don’t want you to think that market research is magical – it does feel like magic
once you do it many times – but it’s not.

That’s why I now want to talk about its pitfalls.

Pitfalls of Market Research

There are many critical errors you must avoid when conducting research. Here are the major 5
pitfalls I’ve found:

Thinking that it’ll always work

Yup, Market Research is not magical. Like every other skill, no matter how good you are at it,
you’ll fail with it from time to time. See, you have to understand that Market Research is a never
ending process. Good salespeople are always learning more about their market. So I highly
encourage you to do the same.

Using it to procrastinate
I’ve been there… and I can tell you that it sucks to be stuck there. So, if you’re taking too much
time on your research, please stop it and start writing.

Spending too much time finding information online

This pitfall is similar to the last one. But this one is a bit different. See, online research has its
limitations. While I encourage you to find information online, I want to avoid spending too much
time on it. A couple of hours of online research is more than enough.

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Failing to do any research
A lot of people avoid researching because it sometimes feels like a waste of time. But it’s not.
How else are you going to understand your customer?

Research like you’re a big company

While it’s cool to have big aspirations about where you want your business to be, it’s good for
you to understand that the purpose of the market research you’ll be conducting is to find as
much information online as you can in the least amount of time. Don’t try to find every tiny detail
about your potential customers (demographics, etc). It’s not worth it.

The Four Forces Research

Have you ever read something that made you think, “Oh, wow… that’s me he’s talking about,” or
“Hey, that’s exactly what I need.”

Have you ever wondered how do these people know so much about you?

The human experience is mostly the same throughout the globe.

We have more opinions in common than disagreements (I guess... ha!).

We have mostly gone through the same struggles.

We have essentially experienced the same fears.

What varies, however, is how deep the disagreements, struggles, and fears go.

Each market has its own set of deep fears and struggles.

You hit the jackpot every time you find a solution to any of these fears.

So now you’ll discover how to find these:

Wants, Goals, Frustrations, And Fears.

Let me show you how to research fast!

>>> Click here to watch a short video about my research methodology.

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How To Find Information Fast
Google of course! Here’s a list of great search queries:

● NICHE + inurl:forum (e.g. Aromatherapy inurl:forum)

● NICHE + Reddit
● Best book about NICHE
● Best blogs about NICHE
● Annual income of AGE_RANGE RACE
● NICHE (to find quotes people like)
● NICHE market size
● NICHE affiliates
● NICHE niche

Using the ‘inurl’ tag in the search query will cause Google to restrict the results to documents
containing that word in the URL.

Using the ‘site’ tag in the search query will cause Google to restrict the results to documents
within the specified site.

Other Mediums To Find Information

● Forums ● Goodreads reviews

● Blogs ● Amazon reviews
● Twitter
● Quora

Day 3 Action Items

❏ Identify your 4 Forces by researching the market
❏ Write 1000 words

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Day 4: Pick Your Ebook’s Title
Your Ebook’s title is the most important promotional asset.

An eye-catching title can make or break your sales.

Take, for example, the book Astro-logical Love, written by Naura Hayden in 1982.

This title says nothing about the main idea of the book.

Hayden printed 5000 books but only sold 2000 copies.

Years later, a New York publisher got a hold of the book, realized the book was about 'how to
seduce women,' and renamed the book "How To Satisfy A Woman Every Time... and have her
beg for more!"

This slight adjustment drove 2.3 million book sales in only 18 months.

That said, why didn’t we decide on a name at the beginning?

The reason is simple.

It’s the last action you should take – or well within the last actions.

Every time I’ve written an ebook, the same thing happens.

The Ebook morphs into something different from what I had dreamt about.

Then, out of nowhere, the Ebook’s title magically appears in my mind.

I can feel it in my bones.

I’ve never picked the final name of an Ebook before writing.

The final name always comes while I’m writing or editing the book.

Therefore, don’t spend too much time thinking about the name of your Ebook when you’re first
starting to write it.

Let your subconscious do the heavy lifting for you… and you’ll have a name really soon.

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Your Ebook’s Title Is Its Main Ad.
Your Ebook’s title is what gets their attention.

The subtitle describes the benefits of reading your ebook.

Most best-sellers use a short, catchy title to grab the reader’s attention and use the subtitle to
clarify the value its readers will gain from reading the book.

Take these examples:

● The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere And Join The New Rich
● Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
● The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create
Radically Successful Businesses
● The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
● The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand Out
From The Crowd

Now, don't get me wrong.

The content is also essential. The content is what will help you build credibility. The content will
get you repeated customers. But if your Ebook doesn't grab your audience's attention, the
quality of the content won't matter as you will fail to get sales. Remember Naura Hayden!

Attention is at a premium right now.

People are busier than ever, and it seems their attention spans are shorter than ever. They are
mostly searching for ideas, research, books, and information online.

So the name of your Ebook is one of the first things they'll see.

In the real world, people judge the Ebook by its cover.

The title of your ebook is the most prominent element of the cover.

I know I’ve said this a few times but I cannot stress this enough, your Ebook's title is a big deal.

The title must command people's attention.

A great title creates curiosity, demands attention, hooks people, and gets them interested.

So let’s begin by establishing the naming rules.

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Rules For Naming Your Ebooks
Rule #1: Have your customer in mind
Some time ago, I talked with a client about ways to help her launch her online business. She’s a
well-respected TV personality in my country, the Dominican Republic.

During our chat, she told me she had purchased tons of books without even knowing who the
author was.

Her latest purchase was “How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids.”

I had to search for the author because she didn’t recall her name. But she did remember the
name of the book.

Why? Because she’s a parent of a 2-year-old and she was looking for ways to stop losing her
sh*t with her kid.

Knowing what your customer’s needs are will not only help you choose a great title for your
Ebook, but it’ll also help you sell more copies.

As a parent myself, I can tell you that kids like to test your patience. A title like “How to Stop
Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids” makes a lot of sense to me and to anyone who has ever been
around kids.

(The author was Carla Naumburg by the way.)

When you understand your audience, when you know about their struggles, when you
recognize their needs, you make it easier to write your Ebook and choose a better title.

And the reason for this is simple.

The purpose of your Ebook is to solve a painful problem. And painful problems elicit deep
emotional reactions. The title of your Ebook is meant to conjure up these emotions.

The title and the content of your Ebook are not about what you think is best for your audience.
They are about what is best for them.

And how do you discover what’s best for them?

I’ll tackle this in the next rule.

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Rule #2: Research your niche
This rule goes hand in hand with rule number one.

Having your customer in mind is about understanding their pain and aspirations. It's about
ensuring you're solving the correct problems and answering the right questions.

Remember, this is not about you. It's always about them – your audience.

But how do you discover these pains and aspirations?

The answer is: research your market using the Mind Reading Research Method.

That said, you can try winging it. And, certainly, you might get lucky and hit a homerun using
your own experience to attract the type of clients you want for your products.

But it's not enough.

Visit different blogs, forums, websites, and Facebook groups. Take notes of the questions
people ask, and the struggles they go through.

Compare your experience with the ones you find online.

And, with all of this information, proceed to make an informed decision about the name you’ll
choose for your Ebook!

Rule #3: Brainstorm as many titles you can (using my formulas, of course)
Brainstorm as many titles as you can!

Use the formulas that I lay out in this guide as a starting point.

They are meant to help you save time.

That said, you still need to brainstorm as many titles as you can.

As a rule of thumb, when you're brainstorming for a title, please don't focus on its quality.

The purpose of brainstorming is to get the most ideas in the least amount of time.

For the moment, forget about quality.

Write down as many titles as you can. Then let them rest for a while and keep writing your

The main reason you do this is so that you will start having more and better ideas for the title
throughout the process of creating your Ebook.

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Just make sure you write down your new ideas in a notepad – or a digital one.

Once you're done with writing your Ebook, focus on choosing its title and subtitle.

Do not overcomplicate the brainstorming process. Why? Because you can always change the
title of the Ebook later in the process.

Rule #4: Use Short Titles

This rule is meant to be broken. I mean, you can use a long name if you feel like it and the
market demands it.

"How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids" isn't a short title, but it works. As a dad, I can find
myself in that title. So of course it attracts my attention.

Your job is to make sure your Ebook's title appeals to your audience – market research will help
you discover what they find appealing.

Also, consider that you can always use the subtitle to describe the benefit of your ebook better.

But as a rule, try to keep your title short.

Rule #5: Court Controversy At Your Peril

If you are one of those risk-it-all people... ignore this rule.

To everyone else, I advise avoiding controversy. There is no need to use controversial titles to
get attention. If your Ebook's title and subtitle convey the main benefit of your offer, you will get
the attention that you need.

Now, if the online mob shows up at your digital doorstep... that's on you. Avoid controversy.

And here's why I think you should avoid controversial titles:

You are not alone in this world. Everything that you do could affect your family and your loved
ones. In my opinion, this is the main reason why I avoid using controversial titles for my Ebooks.
I just don't want the kind of attention that controversy attracts.

I don't want that kind of energy in my life.

But that's my opinion. Use controversy at your peril.

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Rule #6: Avoid being too clever
I highly suggest you avoid being too clever with the titles you choose.

If your titles are too witty, people might not understand what your Ebook is about.

This will screw up your chances of getting attention and even worse getting more sales.

Cleverness does not make you money.

If you are writing an Ebook, you want to make money and sell tons of copies. Right?

Avoid trying to use clever titles, and get straight to the point.

Now, if you're trying to be clever, at least make sure it makes sense.

In summary, avoid clever titles.

But if you don't want to take this advice, at least make sure the clever title makes sense, and
that the subtitle adds more value to your clever title.

Naming Formulas
Here are 10 naming formulas to help you find the perfect title for your next Ebook.

Flip through them and grab one.

Each formula includes 1 to 3 fill-in variables.

They are bolded and within braces {}.


How to {Desirable Outcome} In {Period}

In this example, we have two fill-in variables:

● {Desirable Outcome}
● {Period}

Let’s say you want to teach your audience how to write an Ebook (Desirable Outcome) in just 7
days (Period).

Your Ebook’s name could be How To Write Your Ebook In 7 Days (or a shorter version: Write
Your Ebook In 7 Days).

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Easy. Right? Feel free to use these formulas for both your Title and Subtitle.

So let’s get started.


How to {Desirable Outcome} In {Period}


How to Write Your Ebook In 7 Days


What Everybody Ought to Know About {Topic}


What Everybody Ought to Know About Sex


Get Rid of {Undesirable Outcome} In {Period}


Get Rid of Back Pain In 1 Week


Smart Strategies To {Specific Desirable Outcome}


Smart Strategies To Making Your First Online Sale


A No-Nonsense Guide To {Desirable Outcome}


A No-Nonsense Guide To Learn Javascript

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What No One Tells You About {Topic}


What No One Tells You About Discipline


Secrets Tactics To {Desirable Outcome} Like {Authority}


Secrets Tactics To Write Like Best-selling Author


The Secret {Action} Tactics Of Successful {Audience}


The Secret Writing Tactics Of Successful Pulp-fiction Authors


Little Known Ways To {Desirable Outcome} With Your {Asset}


Little Known Ways To Generate More Revenue With Your Blog


Quick Way To {Desirable Outcome} Without {Pain}


Quick Way To Create iPhone Apps Without Coding

Day 4 Action Items

❏ Pick you Ebook’s Title and Subtitle
❏ Write 1,000 words

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Day 5: Design An Ebook Cover
Canva is the go-to app for most social media managers, designers, and content creators.


Because it offers thousands of free templates for not only book covers, but also flyers,
brochures, social media pages, and every design you could ever imagine.

>>> Click here to watch a Canva Tutorial

Day 5 Action Items

❏ Design your cover page on Canva
❏ Write 1,000 words

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Day 6: Just Write
Not kidding.

That’s all you’ll do on this day.

So here’s my challenge for you.

Write 2,000 words.

Day 6 Action Items

❏ Write 1,000 to 2,000 words

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Day 7: Magic Happens Here:
Here we are! Your Ebook is almost ready, but it’s filled with typos, inconsistencies, and mistakes
that will make your first-grade English teacher mad.

You don’t want to upset Miss Trunchbull, do you?

Here's where the Editing Phase comes to the rescue.

In this chapter, I’ll be giving you 10 simple tips on how to edit your Ebook.

Let’s get started.

Tip #1. Inverse Reading Hack: The Ultimate Spell

Checking Method Nobody Ever Told You About
Once you read this simple spell-checking strategy, your spell-checking superpowers will never
be the same.

So here it goes!

Read your sentences backward.

Yup! That’s the hack.

When you read sentences backward, you force your brain to pay the utmost attention to each
word. At first, you’ll feel a bit uncomfortable. But this discomfort will help pay undivided attention
to each word you wrote.

Tip #2. My Go-to App For Spell Checking

Spell checking will never be fun. Unfortunately, it’s also tough to spellcheck your Ebook all by
yourself. You’ll get bored and procrastinate. It’s a tedious task, I don’t blame you for hating it...
but it needs to be done.

To ease the pain, I highly recommend you use spell-checking softwares.

There are so many to choose from. So, I’ll just tell you the one I use.

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Enter Grammarly.

Grammarly offers a free plan that can help you discover all of those pesky spell-checking
mistakes in an instant.

Their premium plan will check for:

● Style
● Readability
● Vocabulary enhancement suggestions
● Advanced grammar check
● Sentence structure
● Plagiarism

If you’re interested in Grammarly, feel free to click the link below.

Try Grammarly for free.

P.S.: Grammarly is compatible with MS Office (for Windows and Mac) and Google Docs too.

Tip #3. Forget About Your Ebook For A While

Years ago, while I was learning to code, I usually found myself stuck trying to solve a coding

I spent hours trying to figure out the solution only to end up frustrated and tired at the end of the

Magically, the next day, when I gave the problem one more try, I found the solution in what felt
like minutes.

With time, I noticed that when I got stuck, all I had to do was go for a quick walk to clear my
mind. When I came back to coding, things felt a tad bit simpler.

See, by letting your Ebook sit for a while, you give your subconscious a chance to do the heavy
lifting for you. This is the closest thing to magic that exists in our reality.

So next time you're feeling stuck on how to structure a sentence, leave that sentence to sit for a
while and revisit it later in the day.


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Tip #4. Copy/Paste Parts Of The Document Into A New
When I’m spellchecking, I usually copy/paste parts of my document into Grammarly.

This small action helps me focus all my attention on getting that piece of content as perfect as I

By isolating your content, you force your mind to focus on it.

Once you’re done with this piece of content, give it one more read… but, remember my hack
from earlier, read it backward, starting from the end.

Finally, copy/paste it back to the original document!

Tip #5. Read Your Ebook Aloud

This one is my favorite editing tactic.

Personally, I love it because it lets me practice my English, which by now, I guess you know is
my second language.

But that's not the purpose of this strategy.

When you listen to your words, you hear how the words flow, and consequently, you'll discover
errors in a way that you won't be able to just by reading the text.

Read each sentence and read it aloud.

Tip #6. Use The CTRL+F Command

By pressing the CTRL key in combination with the F key, you’ll open the Search Feature of your
editing software. Most editing software will prompt you with a search form you can use to find
any word or phrase you want.

Jose Rosado - 49

How can you use this feature to edit your document faster?

If you’re like the rest of us, you’ll usually misspell a word repeatedly throughout your document.
Use the search feature for the misspelled word to substitute it with the correct one.

Another cool feature most editing software have is the Find And Replace feature. This feature
works by finding all places where you use the phrase (or word) and giving you the option to
replace them all with whatever words you want with just one click.

On Google Docs, you can access the Find And Replace feature by pressing the CTRL + F keys
(CMD + F on Mac) and then clicking on the More Options button.

Once you click on the button, you’ll get the following message.

Tip #7. Cut Down Long Sentences Into Shorter Ones

Long sentences are hard to read and understand.

Cut them into shorter sentences.

Write. Super. Short. Sentences.

They are easier to read.

Jose Rosado - 50

Easier to understand.

Easier to write.


Tip #8. Force Your Friends To Read Your Stuff

"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter."
– Marlene Dietrich

“It’s the friends that will read your crappy first draft that matter.”
– Jose Rosado

Joking aside, ask some of your friends to read your stuff. Tell them that the purpose for them to
read it is to find spelling errors and statements that make them scratch their head because of
how confusing they are.

This is where Google Docs shines.

You can share your file with your friends. You can ask them to leave comments, and do some
basic spellcheck. Another great aspect is they can ask you questions inside the document.

Tip #9. Never Assume That People Know What You’re

Talking About
Some time ago, a friend of mine posted an excellent nutrition video on his Twitter account. He
talked about how to get tons of protein while avoiding extra calories. That day I learned that I
could substitute steak and eggs with seafood to get my daily protein intake. Seafood is
high-protein, low-calorie. A win-win if you're trying to gain muscle without gaining extra weight.

I sent him a direct message telling him that I didn't know this information. He was surprised. He
believed it was common knowledge. That day he learned it wasn't.

There's a cognitive bias scientists have named the Curse Of Knowledge. And it "occurs when an
individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the
background to understand.2"


Jose Rosado - 51

While I'm forging my guides, I always remind myself what's obvious to me might not be to my
readers. Most of the time it’s not! I mean, there’s a reason they purchased my stuff. They get it
to learn something new!

Tip #10. Reorganize Madly

You’ll notice that some of your writing makes no sense when you read them without previous
context. To be entirely honest with you, this happens to me a lot when I’m writing the first draft of
my courses and books. The Curse Of Knowledge is a real thing, folks – never underestimate its
evil powers.

To solve this, make sure that the macro ideas are well set and defined before focusing on the
individual details.

Most chapters of my book are built on top of the previous one since I mostly write how-to guides
and tutorials. If something doesn’t make sense in later chapters, it’s usually because I missed
an essential part during earlier ones.

To fix this, I reorganize the content like a madman.

Sometimes I rewrite entire sections to make sure it all makes sense!

Bonus Tip: Forget About Your Ebook For A While

Yes, I’m repeating myself. It’s on purpose.

Leave your Ebook resting for a day or two after the first revision.

Then, come back to it and re-read it again.

Edit, move things around and iterate this process until you’re happy with what you wrote.

Once you’re done, you’re ready to launch your Ebook!

Day 7 Action Items

❏ Write 1,000 words
❏ Edit

Jose Rosado - 52

Getting Ready
To Launch

Jose Rosado - 53

PDF, The Almighty Format
PDF is the almighty format.

Most computers can read it.

It's a versatile format.

Your links and/or affiliate links will be clickable!

Use PDF.

To export your Google Doc as a PDF, click File > Download > PDF Document (.pdf)

Why PDF and not MOBI (Kindle) or Epub (for Apple

It's about compatibility and resource management.

This means that exporting files to PDF will save both time and money.

Should you still choose to design your Ebook in Mobi or Epub format, I would suggest you find
someone in Fiverr to do this for you. The process of converting your files to these formats is not
as straightforward as it should be.

Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, and Google Docs all have an export to PDF option.

Keep it simple. Later on, you can "relaunch" your Ebook by saying that you’ll include an Epub
and Mobi version as extra content!

Jose Rosado - 54

The Only Platform You Need To
Sell Your Ebooks
Gumroad is my favorite platform for uploading my Ebooks.

It's easier to use than Kindle Direct Publishing (previously called Amazon’s Create Space) and
they truly care about the community.

In the following video, I will teach you: How to upload your Ebook to Gumroad

>>> Watch it here

Action Items
❏ Open a Gumroad account - click here to create your free account
❏ Create a new Gumroad product
❏ Upload your Ebook’s PDF
❏ Write a short description for the product page

Jose Rosado - 55

Bonus: Marketing The Ebook
Define a launch day
Don’t sweat it. Pick a day that makes sense and announce it.

Make sure it’s a Monday so you can promote the ebook from Monday to Sunday.

Use Persuasion During The Launch

In the world of persuasion there's something called urgency.

“Urgency is when a buyer feels like they need to act quickly.” – NEIL PATEL

When something feels urgent, it becomes important in our mind.

How can you use urgency?

Once you launch the Ebook, let people know that there’s a deadline to purchase.

So, if you’re selling your Ebook at $20, tell everyone that on a certain date the price will double
or triple.

If you don’t feel comfortable raising the prices, you can always give away free bonuses to
everyone who purchases during the launch week.

Again, let people know that to get the bonuses, they need to purchase before the launch day.

That said, urgency works best during the first day and last day of the launch.

So, if you start promoting on a Monday and the deadline is on Sunday, most sales will pour in
the first day and on Sunday.

Why does this work?

Because fear of missing out kicks in when the deadline is near.

Don’t be surprised if you get as many (or more) sales during the last day of the promotion than
all the previous days combined – yes, this has happened to me.

I bet you’ve purchased some stuff online because you didn’t want to miss out on a discount.

Keeping all of this in mind, how do you actually use urgency?

Jose Rosado - 56

How can you let people know that ‘time is running out’?

Here are a couple of example posts:


Instead of paying $39, get it for $19. For only $39
Prices will go up in 7 days. (Urgency) + BENEFIT 2
Clock’s ticking (Urgency) Grab your copy here. The price goes
up in 7 days.

Promote Your Ebook Like A Pro

You don’t need to be an expert marketer to promote your book.

I sure wasn’t one when I got started.

You don't need to be an expert writer.

You don't need to be an expert on social media or email marketing.

You don't need to be an expert on using the internet.

All you need is a simple roadmap you can follow, and luckily for you, that’s precisely what I’m
about to share with you.

Exploit Social Media

Social Media is your number one weapon of mass-selling.

Here you’ll be able to test out your ideas before trying to make any profits from them.

I'll give you an example.

When I was writing my Unf*ck Your Learning Ebook, I said to myself, “José you need to invest in
spell checking to make sure your English is impeccable."

So I paid a friend to spell check!

Jose Rosado - 57

Unf*ck Your Learning is a book about learning how to learn. It's not a sexy topic, in my opinion,
but it sold well.

How did I promote it?

I posted the Ebook presale on my small Twitter account.

I made $1,686 in presales between November 28, 2018, and December 31, 2018.

Which was a quick, nice income because I didn’t promote the Ebook a lot (which was a big

Spell-checking costs $300. I paid for it with the money from the presale.

People trusted me, so they bought the product.

And the testimonials have been overwhelmingly positive.

Today, I make much more during a launch. But I’m just giving you the details of my first one.

What If Urgency Doesn’t Work?

It usually means that your product’s sales page sucks (ha!).

While urgency is the ultimate weapon of persuasion, it’s not infallible. Sometimes, people need
an extra reason to buy. For example, take a look at the fancy words on the sales page of my
Unf*ck Your Learning Ebook.

In this sales page, I use:

● Big, bold promises

● Eye-catching headlines
● Tons of bullet points
● Testimonials
● Simple language

Jose Rosado - 58

Words are powerful.

And when used correctly, they increase the chances of persuading people.

If you want to learn how to write sales pages like this, I suggest you learn about the
fundamentals of copywriting.

Here are two books I recommend you read:

● How to Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards

● Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

The ONE Thing You Need To Become To Sell Like A Pro

You need to become a shameless self-promoter.

Do you believe in your ideas?

If so, it would be unethical of you not to promote something you believe could help someone
solve a problem.

You need to showcase your work. You have to be shameless.

Why is this?

Because the product you’re selling is valuable.

You crafted something of value for others. Therefore you MUST promote it, and charge for it too.

I understand, some people hate selling. I'm going to tell you something right now. There's no
escaping selling. If you’re not selling to someone, someone else is selling to you.

Wouldn’t you rather be the one selling?

The first step is talking about your brand new Ebook on your social media accounts.

You can do so before you even have the Ebook ready.

Post something along these lines: “Hey guys, I’m writing a book about XYZ. I’ll be teaching you
how to XYZ without ABC.”

Tweet about your Ebook. Post quotes from your Ebook on Instagram. Livestream yourself
reading a passage of your Ebook on a live stream or Youtube.

Share it with your friends and get their testimonials (social proof helps a lot with persuading
people to buy – testimonials are a powerful form of social proof).

Jose Rosado - 59

Promote. Promote. Promote.
It doesn’t matter if you only have 10 followers on social media…

Talk about your product!

That said, what if you don’t have a social media following or a bulky email list?

Remember the part when I told you to shamelessly promote?

Well, hop into your email account, and send an email to all of your contacts in which you briefly
describe your Ebook. You could even tell a short story about what inspired you to write it, or
WHY you wrote it.

Send this email to your spouse, your high-school teacher, your college friends, and people
you’ve lost contact with…. EVERYONE must know about it.

Now, be smart about sending these emails.

Don’t send them one by one. Send them in bulk.

I recommend using BCC to send up to 50 emails at a time.

Here’s a short article on how to send BCC emails with Gmail.

Here are two good reasons to use BCC:

1. You save time because you can send one email to several people
2. The people that get the email won't see the other recipients.

That said, DON’T abuse this tactic because your email could be flagged as spam.

This is only when you’re starting out.

If you have an email list or a good social media following, it’s best for you to promote your
Ebook through those mediums.

Jose Rosado - 60


Jose Rosado - 61

9 Things Your Ebook Must Have
Your Ebook must have the following:

1. A Cover
2. A Dedication
3. A Table Of Contents
4. An Introduction
5. Additional Resources (Links)
6. An Email Capture
7. An About the Author
8. Final Words / A Thank You page
9. A Disclaimers and Copyright Page
10. A Bibliography (optional)

Now let’s go through each of them in detail!

1. Cover
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Never judge a book by its cover”?

Well… I live in the real world. Here, people judge everything. Especially the cover.

Elements Of A Great Ebook Cover:

1. Ebook Title
2. Your (the author’s) Name
3. Subtitle describing the content of the Ebook (10 words, give or take)
4. Beautiful Imagery

If you can’t hire a professional to design your Ebook cover, do your best with any free template
you can find on the internet.

Don’t let a cover design prevent you from working on the MOST important part of your Ebook:
The Body Of Text (the content).

Either way, later on, I’ll teach you how to design your cover.

Jose Rosado - 62

2. Introduction / Dedication
To whom are you dedicating the Ebook? Include it in your Ebook if you want to.

I don’t usually add a dedication, because an introduction is enough for me.

Now, what should you add to the introduction? Just tell a short story about how you got started,
all the pains you went through, all the ‘aha’ moments you had, and how your life got
exponentially better after you learned any given skill or idea.

3. Table Of Contents
Please, please, please add a Table of Contents (TOC).

Some people forget how powerful a marketing tool this is.

See, you can add the table of contents to your sales page.

The TOC also serves as a guide for you and the reader.

The Table of Contents will be the LAST part of the book you complete.


Because during the editing phase, you’ll be moving stuff around and page numbers may vary.

Still, as I stated a couple of chapters ago, having a table of contents will help you organize your
content better. Just don’t focus too much on it while you’re writing.

4. Introduction / Foreword
Use the introduction to capture your reader’s attention.

Some people use the introduction to tell a story or to give another author the opportunity to
discuss theirs.

It usually contains an overview of the content of the Ebook.

Keep it light and simple. Remember, Ebooks are short.

Jose Rosado - 63

5. Additional Resources (Links)
Add links all over the place.

You’ll be exporting the book in PDF. Therefore, links will be clickable.

Add links to your site.

Add links to your affiliates.

Add links to your other Ebooks.

Add as many links as you can justify.

Also, be transparent about your affiliate links. That way you protect your credibility.

6. Email Capture
Email Marketing is a must for making money online.

Use your Ebook to catch these emails.

Add a link to your email list in your Ebook.

You’ll use email a lot during your Making Money Online experience.

7. About the Author

A short bio where you can reference some of your accomplishments, books, authorings,
awards, etc.

If you have none of the above, don't worry.

Share the country you live in, how many children you have and how beautiful your life is.

8. Final Words / Thank You page

Some people like to recap the content of their Ebook at the end.

They use the Final Words chapter to do so.

If you wish to include this, remember to thank the reader for supporting your work.

Jose Rosado - 64

9. Disclaimers and Copyright Page
There are some crazy people waiting for you on the Internet.

Don’t let this distract you.

If worse comes to worst, you can always hire a lawyer later in the process.

For the moment, don’t worry too much about legal stuff. You can do that later on!


Because your most important goal is to write, write, write.

Especially if you’re not copy/pasting from other sources, which you shouldn't either way.

A note of caution: If you’re adding affiliate links to your Ebook, be transparent and make sure
the reader knows what is affiliated and what isn’t

10. Bibliography (optional)

“A bibliography is a list of all of the sources you have used. 3”

The bibliography is usually placed at the end of the Ebook.

Personally, I prefer footnotes.

“Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of a page.4”

So, my recommendation is that you forget about the bibliography. Use footnotes if you need to
state your sources, as footnotes are simpler to manage.


Jose Rosado - 65

About Mental Barriers
Let me tell you a secret.

I started writing this Ebook by brainstorming all the Mental Barriers I had encountered on my
journey to publish my first Ebook.


● "Writing an Ebook is hard"

● “I suck at writing”
● "I don't know what to write about"
● “I’m no expert, I’m afraid of being judged”

First, I wrote around 1,000 words on how to destroy each of them, then I edited the text down,
and finally, I added new information as I went along. Now, as you can see, the mental barriers
are part of this guide!

You can do the same.

Or, you can turn each of the mental barriers you experienced and turn them into chapters of
your ebook.

Remember, mental Barriers are excuses people invent to avoid taking action. But they are also
the doubts you had to overcome when you started learning a new skill or idea.

You can totally write about how you overcame these obstacles!

Jose Rosado - 66

Developing The Habit Of Writing
You can start by writing 250, 500, or 750 words per day, what matters is that you start writing.

As you already noticed, I didn't write my past Ebooks in one sitting. It took multiple sittings and
several hours of focused work.

Now, how did I manage to write 5,000 words in such a short time?

English is not my first language, so I didn’t pay attention to grammar, syntax, semantics, or any
of the other slew of errors I knew I was making while writing.

I just wrote.

Then I edited.

I do this because I know that the real magic happens during the editing process.

You should do the same.

Simplicity works that way.

Don’t get preoccupied with things you can fix later. Focus on quantity, not quality. You’ll make it
all better during the editing phase!

To recap: write tons of words, then edit.

Jose Rosado - 67

Writing Tips From A Non-English
Tip #1: Write as if you were writing an email to a
When you are struggling to find the words to explain something to your audience, imagine
you're writing an email to a good friend.

Now don't get too comfortable, no cussing, no slurs nothing you wouldn't want coming back and
biting you on the butt.

That aside, imagine you're writing for a friend.

This will help you write with genial warmth, resulting in producing text that people will find not
only entertaining but also engaging.

You'll be able to connect with your audience in a way that others won't. If your prose is filled with
abstract terminologies and big words, cut them out.

Shorter sentences. Simple words. Write as if you were writing an email to a good friend.

Tip #2: Ask questions – lots of them

Are you struggling to write about something? Can you turn that something into a series of

Let's say that you want to talk about San Pellegrino water.

You can ask questions to yourself like:

1. Where did this water come from?

2. What is it made of?
3. When was it invented?
4. Where is it manufactured?
5. Why do people pay so much money for carbonated San Pellegrino water?
6. Why do people like it so much when it tastes like sh*t?
7. How is it made?

Jose Rosado - 68

Let me introduce you to the Five Ws and How:

● Who
● What
● When
● Where
● Why
● How

Journalists have been using the Five Ws and How to create a plethora of questions for them to
answer in their articles.

Can come up with as many questions as you can using the Five Ws and How. Then ask
yourself these questions. And finally, answer them.

What if you don't know the answers? Read the next tip.

Tip #3: Steal from your competition

Hey! Look, I'm not telling you to copy-paste from your competition!

I'm not suggesting you plagiarize your competition either.

I'm telling you to check out what they are writing about and write something better than them.
You can also find inspiration in your competition.

What are they talking about?

What are they saying?

What are they up to?

Now, competition doesn't mean that they are your enemies. It just means that they are within the
same niche and that they are talking about similar subjects.

Take a look at what your heroes are talking about. Learn from them and see what works for you.
Implement those things and then write about what worked for you.

With time, you'll notice that your ideas merge to form something new. This is what James
Altucher calls "idea sex." Idea Sex is when two different views collide to create something new.
Something unique that people will find appealing and novel.

Jose Rosado - 69

How Much Money To Spend On
Your Ebook
You don't have to spend your money on crafting your Ebook.

You can design your Ebook cover (I’ll even teach you how later on). There are tons of free apps
on the internet designed to help people like you do this exact thing.

You have the resources to design a professional-looking cover all by yourself!

What about the layout?

You don't need a fancy layout. The layouts provided by MS Word, Pages for Mac, and Google
Docs are enough. Just make sure to change the default fonts and color.

I cringe every time I see the Light Blue Calibri font MS Word uses for their headlines.

“How much does it cost to design an Ebook Cover?”

You can design it yourself, or search for a freelancer on Fiverr. Either way, I’ll teach you how to
design your cover during this course.

“How can I make my Ebook layout look good?”

Fiverr! Ha! Or just use the template provided by Google Docs or MS Word (without the Blue
Calibri Font, please!).

“How do I avoid losing all my data?”

Install Dropbox. Place your documents within the Dropbox folder.

Or better yet, write the Ebook in Google Docs

Jose Rosado - 70

There you have it.

You now have everything you need to Write Your Ebook In 7 days.

You may be thinking I’ve oversimplified the process.

Here’s the thing though, would you have preferred to read 200 pages that convey the same
message I did in 80 pages?

No, of course, you wouldn’t.

Every step has been carefully considered. Because I want you to get to writing as soon as
possible, I’ve kept it as concise as I can.

Once you begin putting your ideas on paper, you’ll notice that creating value comes way easier
than you thought possible.

There will be days when it doesn’t come naturally, but that’s when you’ll have the opportunity to
push yourself. That’s when you take a step into the big leagues. Once you stop relying on your
mood to make you want to write you’ll depend on something far more precious, discipline.

You might have to fight it out with yourself on a few occasions, and that’s ok!

I had to wrestle with my thoughts many times while writing this guide.

The good news is when you fight with yourself all you can do is win.

When you’ve written that first draft, edited it, done your sales page, and made your presales
you’ll have an Ebook published and generating income.

You don’t even need to look that far into the future. Follow this guide and you could be there by
next week.

Can you imagine?

Once you have your first Ebook up for sale you’ll notice something.

You’ll have another idea for an Ebook, and then another.

That’s when you’ll realize the true power behind the system I showed you in Write Your Ebook in
7 Days.

I don’t want you to write one Ebook. No, I want you to develop a system that allows you to
create multiple Ebooks throughout your life.

Jose Rosado - 71

Do you know what sells more than one Ebook?

Ten Ebooks.

Think about it.

Remember the Escape Plan? What other Ebooks can you write using it as a guide?

When you use the system I’ve shown you, you’ll soon have a small library of work. The more
work you have to show, the more of an authority you’ll be. It will create a positive feedback loop.

But of course, you don’t have to take my advice. You can read a few other guides or web pages
on how to write an Ebook, but be honest with yourself. Go back to the mental barriers, which
one is keeping you from starting right now?

Identify that barrier and smash it!

You’re coming to the very end now and you know you’ll have to get started. Starting is scary but
it’s also exciting.

Are you ready to get excited?

Are you ready to get started?

Are you ready to Write Your Ebook In 7 Days?

I can’t wait to see it live!

Thank you for reading my Ebook!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter: @joserosado

Get my other Ebooks and Courses

● Unf*ck Your Learning

● Productivity Mastery
● Straightline Web Design
● Email Marketing Money Mastery
● Twitter Money Mastery

Sign up to my email list:

Have a great one!

Jose Rosado - 72

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