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Modules of Instruction

Core Competency:

Unit of Competency : Provide Housekeeping Services to Guest

Module Title : Providing Housekeeping Services to Guest

Module Descriptor : This unit of competency deals with the

skills and knowledge required to provide a range
of general housekeeping services to guests.
Nominal Duration : 66 Hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes

LO1. Receives housekeeping request

LO2. Provide/Service housekeeping requests

LO3. Provide advice to guest

LO4. Liaise with other departments

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Receives housekeeping request

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

● Guest/staff  Knowledge on Fully  Lecture –  Interviews/

housekeepin typical operational questioning
g requests housekeeping equipment Discussion  Demonstrati
and service services and in an  Interaction on
delivery are procedures accommod  Demonstration  Observation
accepted and  Knowledge on ation
recorded in materials/sol environme
accordance utions and nt,
to enterprise equipment including
policies and  Security and guests
procedure. safety rooms and
procedures as various
● Details of they apply to
requests housekeeping housekeepi
made are services and ng
confirmed guests equipment
and noted in  Demonstrate and
accordance responding to solutions
with multiple and
enterprise various types
procedures of guests
● Apologies  Time
are made management
when a skills
request has
arisen from a
delivery of

● Request not
related to
g are referred

LO2. Provide/Service housekeeping requests

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

● Identified ● Knowledge on Fully • Lecture –  Interviews/

service/item is typical operational questioning
housekeeping equipment in Discussion  Demonstration
obtained through
liaison with other services and an • Interaction  Observation
staff in procedures accommodatio • Demonstration
accordance with ● Knowledge on n environment,
enterprise including
materials/soluti guests’ rooms
procedures ons and and various
● Required items equipment
are located and
delivered to guest ● Security and housekeeping
room in safety equipment and
accordance with procedures as solutions
enterprise they apply to
procedures housekeeping
services and
● Equipment is set
up in guest room
in accordance ● Demonstrate
with the request responding to
of the guest multiple and
● Requested items various types of
are removed from guests
guest rooms in
● Time
accordance with

LO3. Provide advice to guest

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

● Guest is advised ● Knowledge on Fully  Lecture –  Interviews/

on services and typical operational questioning
items available housekeeping equipment in Discussion  Demonstration
through services and an • Interaction  Observation
housekeeping procedures accommodation
department environment,
● Knowledge on including
● Guest is advised materials/solut guests rooms
on use of items ions and and various
delivered to guest equipment housekeeping
room equipment and
● Security and
● The proper use safety solutions.
of delivered item procedures as
to the guest room they apply to
is demonstrated housekeeping
to guest services and
● Liaise with other
staff and ● Demonstrate
department to responding to
provide support multiple and
services various types of

● Time

LO4. Liaise with other departments

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods

● Equipment ● Knowledge on Fully  Lecture –  Interviews/

malfunction is typical operational questioning
reported to housekeeping equipment in Discussion  Demonstration
appropriate services and an • Interaction  Observation
personnel in procedures accommodation
accordance with environment,
enterprise ● Knowledge on including
procedures materials/solut guests rooms
ions and and various
● Management is equipment housekeeping
advised on equipment and
dangerous or ● Security and
safety solutions.
circumstances in procedures as
accordance with they apply to
enterprise housekeeping
procedures. services and
● Other
departments are ● Demonstrate
updated on the responding to
status of service multiple and
requests various types of

● Time

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