Asian Regionalism: Asean

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Asian Regionalism

Class CORE 103


Created @September 10, 2021 10:41 AM



Type Lecture

association of southeast asian nations, phil,indo, thai,malay,singa,east timor,

purpose: political-security, socio-cultural and economic pillars

characterized by the diversity of its members, the widespread use of decisions

based on consensus

sg n ph yung primary mover

(1967) necessary ensure regional peace and security, withoutthis economic growth
is not feasible


a. end political rivalry between prc and japan

b. presence of open regionalism

c. settlement of territorial disputes in asia, ex phil and malay over sabbah(?) its a
piv property of datu in ph, pero naging under ownership ng malaysia; nagkaron
ng fight nung time ni PNOY bc prov property nga yun ng datu sa mindanao;
malaysia settled it

Asian Regionalism 1
APEC (asia pacific economic cooperation)

a regional economic forum established in 1989 to leverage the growing

interdependence of the asia pacific

members aim to create greater prosperity

austrailia initiated this

helps reduce the cost of importers and exporters

global growth forecast in 2016 - asean highest wt 4.8, east and southasia 6.1

ASEAN Economic performance

Emerging Asia Market : india and viet


3rd largest economy yung asean, but the problem is anlaki ng population,

Arab League

march 22, 1945 founded

purpose: promote political cooperation and deal wt any breach of peace

egypt, syria, saudi,iraq, jordan, yemen then later extended

Org of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) - regulates price

South asian assoc. for regional coop

1985 established

bangladesh, bhutan, india, maldives, nepal, pakistan, and sri lanka

Asian Regionalism 2
afghanistan joines as 8th member in 2007

Asian Regionalism 3

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