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This master report presents a voltage tracking of dc-dc buck-boost

converter. The dc-dc Buck converter is designed to tracking the

output voltage with three mode of operation. This master report

consists open loop control, closed loop control with the help of

DSpace. The Buck-Boost converter has some advantages compare to

the others type of dc converter. However the nonlinearity of the dc-dc

Buck-Boost converter characteristics, cause it is difficult to handle by

using conventional method such as open loop control system. In order

to overcome this main problem, a close loop control system using

DSpace is developed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is

verified by develop simulation model in MATLAB-Simulink

program. The simulation results show that the proposed method

produce significant improvement control performance compare to

convational converter for voltage tracking output for dc-dc Buck-

Boost converter.


1.1 Introduction:

In a large number of industrial applications, it is required to

convert a dc voltage to a different dc voltage level, often with a

regulated output. To perform this task, a dc-dc converter is needed. A

dc-dc converter directly converts a dc voltage of one level to another.

It can be used to step-down (buck), or step-up (boost) a dc voltage

source. Higher switching frequency would reduce the size of the filter


1.2 Basic Principle of Buck-Boost converter:

The buck-boost is a popular non-isolated inverting power stage

topology, sometimes called a step-up/down power stage. Power

supply designers choose the buck-boost power stage because the

required output is inverted from the input voltage, and the output

voltage can be either higher or lower than the input voltage. The input

current for a buck-boost power stage is discontinuous, or pulsating,

because of the power switch current that pulses from zero to I L every
switching cycle. The output current for a buck-boost power stage is

also discontinuous or pulsating because the output diode only

conducts during a portion of the switching cycle.

Equivalent circuit

1.2.1 Analysis for the Switch Closed:

When the switch is closed, the voltage across the inductor is

The rate of change of inductor current is a constant, indicating a

linearly increasing inductor current. The preceding equation can be

expressed as

1.2.2 Analysis for the Switch Open:

When the switch is open, the current in the inductor cannot

change instantaneously, resulting in a forward-biased diode and

current into the resistor and capacitor. In this condition, the voltage

across the inductor is

Again, the rate of change of inductor current is constant, and the

change in current is

1.2.3 Inductor Design

Power absorbed by the load must be the same as that supplied by the


Average source current is related to average inductor current by

Substituting for Voderived above and solving for IL, we find

For continuous current, the inductor current must remain positive. To

determine the boundary between continuous and discontinuous

current, Imin is set to zero resulting in

1.2.4 Output Voltage Ripple:

The output voltage ripple for the buck-boost converter is computed

from the capacitor current waveform.

The converter consists of dc input voltage source VS, controlled

switch S, inductor L, diode D, filter capacitor C, and load resistance

R. With the switch on, the inductor current increases while the diode

is maintained off. When the switch is turned off, the diode provides a

path for the inductor current. Note the polarity of the diode that results

in its current being drawn from the output. The condition of a zero

volt-second product for the inductor in steady state yields

V S DT=−V o (1−D )T
Fig 1.3 Circuit diagram of buck boost converter

Hence, the dc voltage transfer function of the buck-boost converter is

Vo D
MV= =−
VS 1−D

The output voltage VO is negative with respect to the ground. Its

magnitude can be either greater or smaller (equal at D = 0.5) than the

input voltage as the name of the converter implies. The value of the

inductor that determines the boundary between the CCM and DCM is
(1−D ) R
Lcric =
DV o
C min =
V r Rf


Vs=24 V

D =0.4
R=5 Ohm

L =20 uH

C =80 uF

f =100 kHz

Limitation = 0 V to 36 V(by simulation)

Output Voltage:

Vo D
VS 1−D


Inductor Current:

IL = ( R∗( 1−D )2 = 5.33 A

Ripple current:

IL= L =4.8 A
∆ IL
ILmax= IL+ 2 = 7.33 A

∆ IL
ILmin= IL− 2 = 2.93 A

Output voltage ripple:

Vo= RCF = 0.01=1%

Inductor Design:

Type : Power Inductor

Inductance : 20uH

Maximum DC current : 7.8Amps

Core Material : Powdered Iron Core

Maximum DC resistance : 26mOhm


Fig 1.4Open Loop Simulation of buck boost converter
Fig 1.5 Simulation results


Fig 1.6 Output Voltage

PI CONTROLLER:(Tuning by trial and error method)

Kp Ki Peak overshoot Settling time

0.00022 15 -34 0.032

0.0005 10 -34 0.052

0.0005 1 -34 0.093

0.0009 5 -34 0.068

0.002 8 -34 0.055

0.005 10 -34 0.053

0.009 5 -34 0.092

0.001 8 -34 0.060

0.01 5 -34 0.089

 Thus if Kp,Ki values are increased or decreased Overshoot

remains the same.

 When Ki value is increased and Kp value decreased further

Settling time decreases.

 The above table is achieved by trial and error method.

 To further decrease the peak overshoot Derivative controller can

be added.

M-File Coding for Open loop Buck Boost Converter:

function my_ode()

global A D Cf Lf Vs
f = 100000;

R = 5;

Vo = 16;

Io = Vo/R;

Vs = 24;

D = Vo/(Vo+ Vs);

L = 20E-6;

C = 80E-6;

Lf = L*f;

Cf = C*f;

A = [0 -1/Lf; 1/Cf -1/(R*Cf)];

x0 = [D*Io; Vo];

tf = 50;


[t,X] = ode23(@bukboost,[0 tf],x0);


IL = X(:,1);

VC = X(:,2);

axis([0 tf 0 20])

title('Inductor Current')


axis([0 tf 0 120])

title('Output Voltage')



function dx = bukboost(t, x)

global A D Cf Lf Vs

iL = x(1);

vC = x(2);

B = [(vC+Vs)/Lf; -iL/Cf];

u = 0.5*(1-sign(t-fix(t)-D));


Fig 1.7 Inductor Current and Capacitor Voltage

Tic starts a stopwatch timer to measure performance. The function

records the internal time at execution of the tic command. Display the

elapsed time with the toc function.


Battery-powered systems:

In battery powered systems , where the input voltage can vary

widely, starting at full charge and gradually decreasing as the battery

charge is used up. At full charge, where the battery voltage may be

higher than actually needed by the circuit being powered, a buck

regulator would be ideal to keep the supply voltage steady. However

as the charge diminishes the input voltage falls below the level

required by the circuit, and either the battery must be discarded or re-

charged; at this point the ideal alternative would be the boost

regulator.Hence buck boost converter will be the preferred choice

In Solar PV for MPPT:

Buck/Boost converters make it possible to efficiently convert a

DC voltage to either a lower or higher voltage. Buck/Boost converters

are especially useful for PV maximum power tracking purposes,

where the objective is to draw maximum possible power from solar

panels at all times, regardless of the load.

1. POWER SUPPLY:-( +ve)

In this project the power supply required is very much precession and also requires

different level of power supply. Basically the power supply used for the transmitter

and receiver is arranged from a battery. Along with the battery the power supply

requirement are +12Volt and +5Volt


The power supply designed for catering a fixed demand connected in this project.

The basic requirement for designing a power supply is as follows,

1. The different voltage levels required for operating the devices.

Here +5Volt required for operating microcontroller. And +12Volt

required for drivers etc.

2. The current requirement of each device or load must be added

to estimate the final capacity of the power supply.

The power supply always specified with one or multiple voltage outputs along with a

current capacity. As it is estimate the requirement of power is approximately as


Out Put Voltage = +5Volt, +12Volt

Capacity = 1000mA

The power supply is basically consisting of three sections as follows,

1. Step down section

2. Rectifier Section
3. Regulator section

Design principle:

There are two methods for designing power supply, the average value method and

peak value method. In case of small power supply peak value method is quit

economical, for a particular value of DC output the in put AC requirement is

appreciably less. In this method the Dc out put is approximately equal to V m. The

rectifier output is approximately charged to Vcc due to charging of the capacitor. The

capacitance provides the backup during the discharge period. So, the value of the

capacitor is calculated
Circuit connection: - In this we are using Transformer (0-12) vac, 1Amp, IC 7805 &

7812, diodes IN 4007,LED & resistors.

Here 230V, 50 Hz ac signal is given as input to the primary of the transformer and

the secondary of the transformer is given to the bridge rectification diode. The o/p of

the diode is given as i/p to the IC regulator (7805 &7812) through capacitor

(1000mf/35v). The o/p of the IC regulator is given to the LED through resistors.

Circuit Explanations: - When ac signal is given to the primary of the transformer,

due to the magnetic effect of the coil magnetic flux is induced in the coil(primary) and

transfer to the secondary coil of the transformer due to the transformer action.”

Transformer is an electromechanical static device which transformer electrical

energy from one coil to another without changing its frequency”. Here the diodes are

connected in a bridge fashion. The secondary coil of the transformer is given to the

bridge circuit for rectification purposes.

During the +ve cycle of the ac signal the diodes D2 & D4 conduct due to the forward

bias of the diodes and diodes D1 & D3 does not conduct due to the reversed bias of

the diodes. Similarly during the –ve cycle of the ac signal the diodes D1 & D3

conduct due to the forward bias of the diodes and the diodes D2 & D4 does not

conduct due to reversed bias of the diodes. The output of the bridge rectifier is not a

power dc along with rippled ac is also present. To overcome this effect, a capacitor is

connected to the o/p of the diodes (D2 & D3). Which removes the unwanted ac

signal and thus a pure dc is obtained. Here we need a fixed voltage, that’s for we are

using IC regulators (7805 & 7812).”Voltage regulation is a circuit that supplies a

constant voltage regardless of changes in load current.” This IC’s are designed as

fixed voltage regulators and with adequate heat sinking can deliver output current in

excess of 1A. The o/p of the bridge rectifier is given as input to the IC regulator
through capacitor with respect to GND and thus a fixed o/p is obtained. The o/p of

the IC regulator (7805 & 7812) is given to the LED for indication purpose through

resistor. Due to the forward bias of the LED, the LED glows ON state, and the o/p

are obtained from the pin no-3.


7805 1k


- +
230VAC +12V
50Hz 2.2k
IN4007 * 4




A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component designed to oppose an electric current by

producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to the current, that is, in
accordance with Ohm's law:
V = IR
Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits. They are extremely
commonplace in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various
compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such
as nickel/chrome). The primary characteristics of resistors are their resistance and the power
they can dissipate. Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise, and
inductance. Less well-known is critical resistance, the value below which power dissipation
limits the maximum permitted current flow, and above which the limit is applied voltage.
Critical resistance depends upon the materials constituting the resistor as well as its physical
dimensions; it's determined by design.

Resistors can be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits, as well as integrated circuits.
Size, and position of leads (or terminals) are relevant to equipment designers; resistors must
be physically large enough not to overheat when dissipating their power.

A capacitor or condenser is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair

of conductors separated by a dielectric. When a voltage potential difference exists between
the conductors, an electric field is present in the dielectric. This field stores energy and
produces a mechanical force between the plates. The effect is greatest between wide, flat,
parallel, narrowly separated conductors.
An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value, capacitance,
which is measured in farads. This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the
potential difference between them. In practice, the dielectric between the plates passes a
small amount of leakage current. The conductors and leads introduce an equivalent series
resistance and the dielectric has an electric field strength limit resulting in a breakdown
The properties of capacitors in a circuit may determine the resonant frequency and quality
factor of a resonant circuit, power dissipation and operating frequency in a digital logic
circuit, energy capacity in a high-power system, and many other important aspects.

A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which

periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC), current that flows in only one
direction, a process known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as
components of power supplies and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be made of
solid state diodes, vacuum tube diodes, mercury arc valves, and other components. The
output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It converts A.C. into pulsating D.C. The
rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave rectifier. In this project, a bridge rectifier is used
because of its merits like good stability and full wave rectification. In positive half cycle only
two diodes ( 1 set of parallel diodes) will conduct, in negative half cycle remaining two
diodes will conduct and they will conduct only in forward bias only.
Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the
output of rectifier and smoothens the D.C. Output received from this filter is constant until
the mains voltage and load is maintained constant. However, if either of the two is varied,
D.C. voltage received at this point changes. Therefore a regulator is applied at the output
stage.The simple capacitor filter is the most basic type of power supply filter. The use of this
filter is very limited. It is sometimes used on extremely high-voltage, low-current power
supplies for cathode-ray and similar electron tubes that require very little load current from
the supply. This filter is also used in circuits where the power-supply ripple frequency is not
critical and can be relatively high. Below figure can show how the capacitor changes and
III (d) LED :

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source. LEDs are used as

indicator lamps in many devices, and are increasingly used for lighting. When a light-
emitting diode is forward biased (switched on), electrons are able to recombine with holes
within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called
electroluminescence and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is
determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. An LED is often small in area (less than
1 mm2), and integrated optical components may be used to shape its radiation pattern. LEDs
present many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy
consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size, faster switching, and greater
durability and reliability.


A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple switch

mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are typically made
out of hard material, usually plastic or metal. The surface is usually flat or shaped to
accommodate the human finger or hand, so as to be easily depressed or pushed. Buttons are
most often biased switches, though even many un-biased buttons (due to their physical
nature) require a spring to return to their un-pushed state. Different people use different terms
for the "pushing" of the button, such as press, depress, mash, and punch.
In industrial and commercial applications push buttons can be linked together
by a mechanical linkage so that the act of pushing one button causes the other button to be
released. In this way, a stop button can "force" a start button to be released. This method of
linkage is used in simple manual operations in which the machine or process have no
electrical circuits for control. Pushbuttons are often color-coded to associate them with their
function so that the operator will not push the wrong button in error. Commonly used colors
are red for stopping the machine or process and green for starting the machine or process.

Red pushbuttons can also have large heads (mushroom shaped) for easy
operation and to facilitate the stopping of a machine. These pushbuttons are called emergency
stop buttons and are mandated by the electrical code in many jurisdictions for increased
safety. This large mushroom shape can also be found in buttons for use with operators who
need to wear gloves for their work and could not actuate a regular flush-mounted push button.
As an aid for operators and users in industrial or commercial applications, a pilot light is
commonly added to draw the attention of the user and to provide feedback if the button is
pushed. Typically this light is included into the center of the pushbutton and a lens replaces
the pushbutton hard center disk.

(Push ON Button)


A light dependent resisitor is a resisitor whose resistance changes with the

intensity of incident light. The working principle of light dependent resistor is photoelectric
effect. A light dependent resisitor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If the energy of
the incident light is greater than the band gap of the semiconductor, electron -hole pairs are
generated. The photogenerated electron-hole pair transits the device giving rise to
photoconductivity. The essential elements of a photoconductive cell are the ceramic
substrate, a layer of photoconductive material, metallic electrodes to connect the device into a
circuit and a moisture resistant enclosed Light sensitive material is arranged in the form of a
long strip, zigzag across a disc shaped base with protective sides. For additional protection, a
glass or plastic cover may be included. The two ends of the strip are brought out to
connecting pins below the base as shown below.

Top view Side view

The commercial photoconductive materials include cadmium Sulphide (CdS),

cadmium Selenide (CdSe), Lead Sulfide (PbS) and Indium antimonide (InSb) etc., There is
large change in the resistance of a cadmium selenide cell with changes in ambient
temperature, but the resistance of cadmium sulphide remains relatively stable. Moreover, the
spectral response of a cadmium sulphide cell closely matches to that of a human eye. Hence,
LDR is used in applications where human vision is a factor such as street light control or
automatic iris control for cameras. The above mentioned features drive us to opt for CdS
based LDR in our electronic circuit for Automatic street light controller.


The LM78XX/LM78XXA series of three-terminal positive regulators are

available in the TO-220/D-PAK package and with several fixed output voltages, making
them useful in a Wide range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting,
thermal shutdown and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If
adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output Current. Although
designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with external
components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

• Output Current up to 1A.

• Output Voltages of 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 24V.
• Thermal Overload Protection.
• Short Circuit Protection.
• Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection.


III (h)


BC547 (NPN) AND BC557 (PNP) :

Transistors are three terminal active devices made from different semiconductor materials
that can act as either an insulator or a conductor by the application of a small signal voltage.
The transistor's ability to change between these two states enables it to have two basic
functions: switching or amplification. Then bipolar transistors have the ability to operate
within three different regions:

 Active Region   -   the transistor operates as an amplifier and IC = β IB 
 Saturation   -   the transistor is fully-ON operating as a switch and IC = Isaturation
 Cut-off   -   the transistor is "fully-OFF" operating as a switch and IC = 0

The word Transistor is an acronym, and is a combination of the words

Transfer Varistor used to describe their mode of operation way back in their early days of
development. There are two basic types of bipolar transistor construction, NPN and PNP,
which basically describes the physical arrangement of the P-type and N-type semiconductor
materials from which they are made. A transistor is made of a solid piece of semiconductor
material, with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. The Bipolar
Junction Transistor basic construction consists of two PN-junctions producing three
connecting terminals with each terminal being given a name to identify it from the other two.
These three terminals are known and labeled as the Emitter (E), the Base (B) and the
Collector (C) respectively.

Bipolar Transistors are current regulating devices that control the amount of
current flowing through them in proportion to the amount of biasing voltage applied to their
base terminal acting like a current-controlled switch. The principle of operation of the two
transistor types NPN and PNP, is exactly the same the only difference being in their biasing
and the polarity of the power supply for each type.

Flexibility with the technical customization and economy are the main

advantages of the design .This project will have a large effect to the living

standard of human being. In the system, a lot of other features can be added to

the user's requirement depending upon the situation. The project has been

successfully tested in Hardware giving satisfactory results.


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