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Foundations of English Language Teaching

LOBERIANO GINALYN NUEVA was born on January 21, 2003. She is currently residing
on Catarman, Northern Samar. She would describe her personality as still evolving. She does
like to deal with things then have the full decision, but she is also learning to be somewhat
more attuned to the demands of others, along with their constructive criticism. She is a die-
hard explorer, which would sound too basic or unoriginal, but she genuinely enjoys having to
travel and exploring different places. She enjoys watching movies, pretty much entirely rom-
coms and suspense, and she also likes to watch crime documentary films. When she prefers to
be alone, she enthusiastically pour herself to reading fictional books and listen to music

 "I highly believe that every children are entitled and can offer something special to
their learning. I would most help my students evaluate themselves and simply
acknowledge their selves for who and what they are, along with establish positive
relationships with others."


 1st Student

Name: Jerlin N. Loberiano

Age: 14

 2nd Student

Name: Ma. Sofia N. Loberiano

Age: 12

 3rd Student

Name: Jelyn Moreno

Age: 13

 4th Student

Name: Regine Santa Clara

Age: 13

 This is the part where I was preparing all the

learning materials and designs for my mini

  This is
the outcome view of my mini classroom. I have
accomplished putting all or most of the relevant
information and perhaps some inspirational quotes that
could very well help encourage the participants that I
would be mentoring to read. The third image shows what will the seating position will
have to be, and since we are still in the midst of such pandemic, there might be some
space between them.
 Before we could actually
start our reading activity, I specifically
requested them that to sanitize first
before entering. Five students
participated for the said reading session,
though one participant have been unable
to undertake or rather excused herself at
the very last minute due to her parents'
refusal to allow her to go outside due to
the gradual rain as well as for her own
personal protection.

 And this is where we actually

started the first session. I compelled
them first to continue practicing
reading the story that I have printed
out, and I kind of permitted them
also to observe it comfortably at first try, to reacquaint themselves well with
unfamiliar words as well as to minimize distracting the other reader’s attention.
 Whereupon, after silently reading, each one of them consulted me to ask a few
queries, pretty much entirely on how certain words were being pronounced and if
pronounced the
words properly.
We managed to
complete the
session earlier
than scheduled. I
concluded that
two among four
approximately got
perfect scores,
although there are
still certain
phrases that they
find it difficult to

2nd Session
  On our second session, I
managed to make my students read another essay story; this time, each of them have
to go up front and read out loud, and I will attentively critically assess how they
enunciate the phrases. They will then be critiqued by how they interpret each word
and they'll also be provided tips as to how to do better the next time. The allotted time
that we had consumed doing this activity is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

3rd session
 And so when we managed to squeeze to our third and final session, which I printed
out another essay story, this considerably longer than the first and second, and also the
thing that changed here was that I got to be the one to read first, preceded by them. It's
almost like we're merely having fun for all of them to be amused while also gaining

Assessments Done/Conducted




Summary of Assessment Results

Pre- Reading Assessments

 The total of words that the first essay have is 234 words, wherein all four students got
the same result, which is out of 234 words, they’ve got 6 mispronounced words, and
228 correct.
 The next one, which contains161 words, they’ve all got to mispronounced 5 words,
and 156 correct words.
 While on the third story, which contains 334 words, 2 out of 4 students got 5
mispronounced words and 329 correct, while the remaining got 3 mistake and got 331

Post- Reading Assessments

After hours of sessions, all four participants successfully accomplished satisfactory reading
scores. They still encountered difficulties when it came to uttering it correctly, but it has been
a major leap forward in the process.

 First essay: out of 234 words, 2 students got to mispronounced 2 words and 232
correct, while the others got 1 and 0 mispronounced words and got perfect scores.
 Second essay: All of them got perfect scores.
 Third essay: Same with the first essay, they almost got perfect scores, but 3 out of 4
students got 3 mispronounced and 331 correct, while the remaining 1 got 1 mistake
only, which makes that 333 correct.


 As a result, those little reading sessions were indeed a success not just for me, but
mostly for my students. They've put a lot of effort of following the guidelines, starting
with the safety precautions as well as constantly striving with the remarks that they'll
have to carry with them throughout their learning process. They've also executed all
of the tasks that I referred them to deliver, and I truly think they did a pretty good job
throughout this session than I did, since all I did was facilitate them through their
discrepancies, though I'm not quite certain if I did it properly and effectively since I'm
also a learner at process. All in all, it was indeed a game changer for all of us.
Recommendations (for enhancing the reading skills of the pupils)

 One thing I would highly suggest to my students in addition to enhancing their desire
to read is to actually start by having to read fairytale stories or any other fictions that
involve comic strips. I wholly agree that the key thing they can do to boost their
comprehension skills is to start with graphic novels something which interest them.
Since the books have cartoon content, they seem to be more likely to enjoy them, and
they'll also be stimulated to seek again a set of books thereafter.


So far, I don't think that would be enough to say that all of this personal interactions which
I've had been gratifying. It is indeed a "one-of-a-kind" interaction that I have to undergo, not
to mention that we are still at the starting of our journey here at university. Reading has
always been my favorite pastime. Throughout every circumstance, whether I'm weary or
frustrated out at school. Every time I read, not only it generates information that is essential
for my course, including such learning vocabulary and spelling, but it also tends to give me a
serene emotion within, as if I'm envisioning things properly how such book describes.

Besides that, the whole activity has been such a meaningful thing for me to actually achieve,
not only because I get to connect my main pastime effectively with other people, but rather
because I get to share the eagerness that I get to feel whenever I get to hold a book. I also get
teach students who are experiencing trouble pronouncing words correctly. At least, by such a
standard. I get to glimpse the student's predicament even while experiencing the sentiments
of a teaching assistant when one student gets confident and willing once they get a
reinforcement for doing so well.

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