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Lesson 7: Electrophoresis
Mr. Renz Caburnay 5. Forensics - DNA fingerprinting
● Any experimental technique that is based on movement of
charged particles in electric field in liquid medium.
● Any electrically charged particle dissolved in aqueous solution,
when placed to a constant electric field, will start to migrate
towards the electrode bearing the opposite charge.
○ Ionized solutes move toward either the cathode
(-ve) or the anode (+ve) in an electrophoresis
○ An ampholyte becomes positively charged in a
solution that is more acidic than its isoelectric point
Results after an electrophoretic process (Pi) and migrates towards the cathode.
■ Ampholyte - A particle that is amphoteric.
● Electrophoresis is the separation of charged compounds based
■ Amphoteric - It can act as an acid or a
on their electrical charge.
● It is used analytically to study the properties of a single charged
■ Isoelectric Point - A pH point in which a
species and as a separation technique.
molecule carries any net charge (0).
○ It can be used analytically to study the properties of a single
○ In a more alkaline solution it becomes negatively
charged species or mixtures of molecules.
charged and migrates toward the anode.
○ It can also be used preparatively as a separating technique.
● Electrophoretic mobility - measure of the migration velocity.
● As an analytical tool, electrophoresis is simple, rapid and highly
Significant and characteristic parameter of a charged molecule
or particle.
○ Compared to other processes separating molecules and
● Dependent on the pK values of the charged groups and the
techniques, electrophoresis is the go to for both of the
size of the molecule or particle.
laboratories in the world.
● Influenced by the type, concentration and pH of the buffer,
temperature, and nature of supporting material.
● The speed of the particle movement will be directly
1937 ● Arne Tiselius first applied electrophoresis to proportional to the applied voltage and particle charge, but
separate samples in a mixture inversely proportional to the particle size.
● Separation of albumin and globulin fractions in
● Limited by large sample volumes and a low
electrical field strength ZONE ● Commonly called as
1940-1950 ● In the 1940s and 1950s, Zone electrophoresis ● A homogenous buffer system is
methods became effective which used filter paper used over the whole
or gels as supporting media. separation time and range to
ensure a constant pH value.
1960 ● By the 1960s, gel electrophoresis methods are ● Migration distances during a
introduced which can separate biological molecules defined time limit will measure
based on minute physical and chemical the electrophoretic mobilities of
differences. the substances.
○ Physical like molecular weight, molecular size ○ Through the defined time
and molecular shape, chemical differences (pH limit based on the guidelines
and charge). of the machine, we can be
● Used in several clinical and research laboratory able to identify the mobilities
testing: of the substance based on
1. Biochemistry - analysis of proteins, nucleic the distance of their
acids, etc. migration.
2. Immunology & Serology - antibodies and ● Can be applied to
antigens non-amphoteric and
3. Molecular biology and diagnostics - DNA amphoteric molecules.
analysis, DNA sequencing and etc. ● During separation, diffusion
4. Pharmaceuticals - vaccine testing, antibiotic can lead to blurred zones -

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reducing sensitivity of detection
and resolution.
● Buffer reservoirs at anodal
and cathodal sides are needed
to maintain buffer conditions
during separation.

ISOTACHOPHORESIS ● Separation is carried out in a

discontinuous buffer system
● Ionized sample migrates
between a leading electrolyte
with high mobility and a ● Supplies constant current or voltage in the system
terminating (aka trailing) ion with ● Needed to mobilize particles through the support medium
low mobility, all migrating with ● Also called the driving force
the same speed. ● The larger the separation distance, the higher the current
○ Your analyte/samples necessary to reach the specific field strength
will be in between the ● At a given ionic strength, the field strength is proportional to
leading and trailing the cross-section - the thicker the gel, the greater the current.
ions. None of them ● The power is directly proportional to the volume of the gel
will be in front of the
leading and none of 2. THE BUFFER SYSTEM
them will go later than Buffer ions actually have a double purpose in electrophoresis:
the trailing ion. 1. They carry the applied current.
● Different components are 2. They set the pH at which electrophoresis is carried out
separated according to their
electrophoretic mobilities and ● Electrophoresis is always carried out in an appropriate buffer.
form stacks - the substance with ● It is essential to maintain a constant state of ionization of the
highest mobility follows molecules being separated.
directly the leading ion; the ● The pH and ionic strength of buffer will affect the analyte
one with lowest mobility ● Choice of buffer depends on the nature of substance to be
migrates directly in front of separated
the terminating electrolyte. ● During electrophoresis, ions cluster around a migrating
ISOELECTRIC ● Takes place in a pH gradient. ● The higher the ionic concentration, the higher the size of the
FOCUSING (IEF) ● Can only be used for ionic cloud and the lower the mobility of the particle.
amphoteric substances such
● Greater ionic strength produces sharper protein-band
as peptides and proteins.
● Charged molecules move separation but leads to increased heat production.
toward the anode or the cathode ● This may cause denaturation of heat-labile proteins.
until they reach a position in the Consequently, the optimal buffer concentration should be
pH gradient where their net determined for any electrophoretic system.
charges are zero. ● Generally, the most widely used buffers are made of
● This pH value is the “isoelectric
monovalent ions because their ionic strength and molality are
point” of the substance.
● No problem with diffusion. equal.

THE RATE OF MIGRATION OF A SOLUTE IN AN ELECTRIC Commonly used buffers for electrophoresis of DNA
TBE Tris borate EDTA
1. Net charge on the particle
2. Size and Shape of the particles TPE Tris phosphate EDTA
3. pH of the medium
4. Strength of electric field TAE Tris acetate EDTA
5. Chemical and Physical Properties of supporting medium
6. Electrophoretic Temperature 3. THE SUPPORT MEDIUM

COMPONENTS OF ELECTROPHORESIS ● A network of interacting fibers or a polymer that is solid but

traps large amounts of solvent in pores or channels inside.
● The support medium cuts down convection currents and
diffusion so that the separated components remain as sharp


Electrophoresis in Free a. Moving boundary

Solution electrophoresis
b. Free-flow electrophoresis
c. Capillary electrophoresis

Electrophoresis in a. Paper and thin-layer

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Mag-agad sila sa atong sample or analyte, for example, concentration of agar.
Supporting Media electrophoresis Mag-agad siya sa atong ganahan na iseparate nila nga molecules para didto ta
b. Cellulose acetate mag-agad saiyang pore size also the buffer used. Mag-agad sd ta saiyang sample
membrane electrophoresis or analyte na iyang giprocess.

Gel Electrophoresis Gel Types 5. THE DETECTING MEDIUM

● Starch gels
● Dextran gels ● Agents most frequently used for visualization of bands
● Agarose gels
○ Fluorescent dyes
● Polyacrylamide gels
○ Silver Stain



Starch gel ● Introduced by Smithies (1955)
● Prepared from hydrolyzed potato starch -
dissolved by heating and poured to Intercalating Agents ● Intercalate or stack between the
thickness of 5-10 mm. nitrogen bases in double-stranded
● Pore size adjustable by the starch nucleic acid.
concentration in the solution. ● Most widely used - Ethidium
bromide (EtBr)
○ Under excitation with UV light at
Dextran gels ● Solely used for preparative methods
300nm, EtBr in DNA will emit
without sieving effect as in Isoelectric
orange light at 590 nm.
Focusing (IEF)
● After electrophoresis gel is soaked
in a solution of EtBr in running
Agarose gel ● Widely used supporting medium buffer.
obtained from red seaweed ● Alternatively, dye is added directly to
● Used as a purified fraction of agar, it is the gel before polymerization or to
neutral and, therefore, does not the running buffer.
produce electroendosmosis ● After soaking or running in dye, the
● Can separate proteins into 10-15 bands. DNA illuminated with UV light will
● Mostly used when needing large pores appear as orange band in the gel.
for the analysis of molecules >10nm in
Minor 1. SYBR green - most widely used set
● Gels of varying electroendosmosis and
Groove-Binding Dyes of stains
degrees of purity can be obtained by the
2. SYBR green I - for ds-DNA staining
removal of agaropectin.
3. SYBR green II - for ss-DNA or RNA
● Pore size depends on concentration of
agarose (weight of agarose and volume
4. SYBR gold - for both DNA and RNA
of water).

Polyacrilamid ● Involves separation of protein on the ● Along with similar methods with
e Gel basis of charge and molecular size. EtBr, SYBR green can also be
● First used for electrophoresis by added directly to the DNA sample
Raymond and Weinstraub (1959). before electrophoresis.
● Layers of gel with different pore sizes ● DNA prestaining decreases the
are used. amount of dye required for DNA
● Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis visualization but lowers the
separates serum proteins into 20 or sensitivity of detection and may
more fractions rather than the usual 5 interfere with DNA migration through
fractions separated by cellulose acetate the gel at higher DNA
or agarose concentrations.
● It is widely used to study individual ● Not mutagenic and is safe to use.
proteins (e.g. isoenzymes).

● Silver diamine or Silver nitrate
● More sensitive than fluorescent dyes.
● Useful for protein analysis and detection of limiting
amounts of product.
● More complicated than simple fluorescent stains
● Color development must be carefully watched in order to
stop the reaction once optimal signal is reached.
● Overdevelopment of color reaction results to high
backgrounds and masking of results.
● Insoluble black silver salt precipitates upon introduction of
formaldehyde in a weak acid solution, or alkaline solution for
silver nitrate.
Without the sample or analyte, there would be no electrophoresis and
there is no separation of molecules.

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● Small DNA fragments (50-500bp) – more concentrated
agarose gels (2-3%)
● Larger fragments (2,000-50,000bp) – lower agarose
UV VISUALIZATION ● Directly placing the support
medium under a UV light. concentration (0.5-1%)
● Simplest way to detect. ● Smaller DNA fragments require a more concentrated
agarose gel and if the fragments are large, the agarose gel
DENSITOMETER ● Device that measure the degree of concentration should be lowered in this case.
darkness (optical density) of a
photographic or semitransparent Caution: High agarose concentration will impede migration, while very
material or of a reflecting surface. low concentrations produce a weak gel that is easily broken.


ELECTROPHORESIS OF NUCLEIC ACIDS ● A modification of gel electrophoresis designed for very large
pieces of DNA (50,000-250,000+ bp).
● Each phosphate group on a nucleic acid polymer is ● Used in genotyping and genetic fingerprinting because we are
ionized, making the molecule negatively charged. dealing with very large DNA fragments.
● Under an electric current, DNA and RNA will migrate toward ● Pulses of current are applied to the gel in alternating
the positive pol (anode). dimensions to enhance migration. Which is why it is called
● In a matrix of agarose or polyacrylamide, migration under pulsed-field gel because in Agarose Gel Electrophoresis the
the pull of current is impeded, depending on the size of the current or voltage of light is constant in the field. Here, it is
molecules and the spaces in the gel matrix. applied in pulses.
○ The migration depends on the size of the molecules ● Simplest approach: Field-Inversion Gel Electrophoresis
and the spaces in the gel matrix especially in (FIGE)
agarose or polyacrylamide gels. ● Works by alternating the positive and negative electrodes
● Because each nucleotide has one negative charge, the during electrophoresis.
charge-to-mass ratio of molecules of different sizes will ● DNA goes periodically forward and backward.
remain constant. ● Requires temperature control and a switching mechanism.
● DNA & RNA will migrate at speeds inversely related to the ● Requires gel box, electrode, gel configurations, and
size or length of the polymer. appropriate electronic control to accommodate the switching of
○ The longer the strands gel, the slower the speed electric fields.
becomes. ○ It has the same principle as you are sifting. Wherein
you go back and forth in order to sift the little or
smaller fragments.
● Gel matrix provide resistance to the movement of
molecules under the force of an electric current. POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS (PAGE)
● Prevent diffusion and reduce convection currents so that ● Useful in resolving very small DNA fragment, single-stranded
separated molecules form a defined group called “band”. DNA, RNA, and proteins.
● The best matrix should be unaffected by electrophoresis, ● Polyacrylamide is a synthetic material, allowing precise
simple to prepare, and amenable to modification. control of the polymer properties and higher resolution than
● Examples of the mediums used in Gel Electrophoresis: what can be achieved with agarose.
Agarose & Polyacrylamide ● Requires a catalyst to polymerize.
AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS (AGE) ● Can be very thin (~50 μm), making gel preparation difficult.

● Analyte is resolved in a thin glass (fused silica) capillary
(length: 30- 100cm; internal diameter: 25- 100μm).
● Fused silica is used because it is the most transparent
material allowing for passage of fluorescent light.
● Capillary has negative charge along its walls, generated by
dissociation of hydroxyl ions from the molecules of silicone
● Establishes an electroosmotic flow when current is
introduced along capillary length.
● Optimal separation requires use of proper buffer to ensure that
● Comes in hydrated form or powdered form. solute being separated is charged.
● Hydrated form may be purchased in various concentrations, ● Separates particles:
buffers and sizes ready for use. ○ by size (small – fast migration; large – slow
● Powdered form requires preparation in the lab before use: migration) and
suspension in buffer and heating, before pouring into a mold. ○ by charge (negative – fast migration; positive –
● Usually in a laboratory setting, we use the powdered form slow migration).
because it is easier to store as compared to the hydrated form ● Fluorescent labels – covalently attached to nucleic acid to be
and we won’t be bothered by the expiration that much. separated.
● Concentration of agarose dictates the size of the spaces in the

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● pg to ng quantities of fluorescently labeled, denatured nucleic ● The right photo (Paternity testing) instead of measurement of
acid in buffer containing formamide are introduced to the base pairs, it usually use the patterns kung who the father is
capillary depending on the pattern.
● Capillary is held at a denaturing temperature (50-60 ̊C).
● Sample goes into the capillary through electrokinetic,
hydrostatic, or pneumatic injection.
○ Electrokinetic injection – used for nucleic acid
● A platinum electrode close to the end of the capillary
undergoes a transient high-positive charge to draw sample
to end of the capillary.
○ para naa tay push sa molecules to go through the
● When current is established with positive charge on opposite
end of capillary, nucleic acids migrate into and through the


● Since you are dealing with laser and light detection in capillary
● Increased sensitivity and immediate detection of the
electrophoresis, so the results would be in graphs
● Horizontal lines – increasing size
● Standards, controls, and test samples can be run through the
● Vertical lines – fluorescence units
capillary together with the use of multiple color-detection
● Kung asa siya mo peak ang line, mas daghan siya. Kay diba
fluorescence man atong labelling sa capillary electrophoresis
● Eliminates lane-to-lane variations (as used in gel
kato atong light detector and atong lazer would count the
number base on the fluorescence labelling. Fluorescence units
● Labor and runtime are greatly decreased as compared to GE,
kung asa siya taas diha nimo makit an kung unsa ka daghan
although instrumentation may be costly and detection
and then kung dako kaayo siya would go farther horizontally,
requires fluorescent labeling of samples.
as you can see in this results.
● Analytical software programs can automatically analyze
results gathered by detector in capillary electrophoresis


● For example sa atong left makita nato atong DNA analysis.

● M stands for molecular ladders. Basis of the measurement of
the base pairs.
● Measurements will depend on the analyte that we are using or
the sample.
○ For example, the analyte is 200-300 nanometer in
size, of course atong gamiton na molecular ladder
would be in the measurement of hundreds.
● Diba? Kay lain sad kaayo mag used tag measurement of
thousands unya mag bana-bana ra ta? Kung asa siya kung
naa ba siya tunga sa one thousand ug zero, so mag buot-buot
nalang ta?
● TAKE NOTE: kung unsa na analyte or sample gi use. For
example, kung thousands pud of course we will use the
measurement of thousands not in hundredths or ten
thousands. If hundred daghan rapud kaayo. If ten thousands
di pus ta ka specifically or accurate identify kung asa siya

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