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Saying how many there are Describing people

il y a = there is + un(m) / une(f) + singular noun; ‘être’ is the infinitive for ‘to be’.
1 there are + des (some) / number + plural noun
Example: Il y a un chien. / Il y a deux chiens.
Nous sommes = We are;
Vous êtes = You (plural / polite) are;
To say ‘some’, use ‘des’. Ils sont = They (m) are; Elles sont = They (f) are

2 This is often omitted in English, but must be used

before plural nouns in French.
Example: Il y a des livres = There are (some) books. 2
Adjectives must agree with what they describe.
Masculine plural adjectives add ‘s’.
Feminine plural adjectives add ‘es’.
Year 7 Term 2.1 VOCAB
Examples: Ils sont grands. / Elles sont grandes.

il y a there is / cinq five
Grammar + Vocab there are six six
nous sommes
to be
we are
big / tall
des some sept seven petit(e) small /
vous êtes you (p) are
un(m) a / one huit eight ils / elles sont they (m/f) short
une(f) a / one neuf nine are ouvert(e) open
deux two dix ten le frère (m) brother sage well-
trois three onze eleven le parent (m) parent behaved
quatre four douze twelve la sœur (f) sister strict(e) strict


Saying what people have Saying what people do Talking about what belongs to you
GRAMMAR GRAMMAR and what belongs to someone else
‘avoir’ is the infinitive for ‘to have’. ‘faire’ is the infinitive for ‘to do / to make’. GRAMMAR
Nous avons = We have; Nous faisons = We do / make; mon, ma, mes = my
Vous avez = You (plural / polite) have; Vous faites = You (plural / polite) do / make;
ton, ta, tes = your
Ils ont = They (m) have; Ils font = They (m) do / make;
The words for ‘my’ and ‘your’ agree with the
Elles ont = They (f) have Elles font = They (f) do / make
gender of the noun, not the gender of the
VOCAB VOCAB person it belongs to.
avoir to have faire to do / make
le problème problem nous faisons we do / make MY YOUR Examples:
nous avons we have
aussi also vous faites you (p) do / make
mon frère =
vous avez you (p) ils / elles font they (m/f) do / make
dans in Masc mon ton my brother
have l’attention (f) attention
difficile difficult
ils / elles they (m/f) l’effort (m) effort ta sœur =
ici here l’exercice (m) written exercise Fem ma ta your sister
ont have
pour for la fête (f) party
un(e) enfant a child mes parents =
très very la liste (f) list Plur mes tes
la famille (f) family my parents
d’accord okay / alright

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