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A: “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade,

plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people”

Good afternoon Everyone, I am Atharva.

S: A warm Good Afternoon, I am Sakshi. I feel privileged to extend to you a very

warm welcome on behalf of ‘Gurukul Degree College’ who gathered all of us for:
National Level Webinar on ‘New Education Policy-2020- Challenges and
Opportunities for Higher Education’.

A: Without wasting our time let us begin the event, at first I would like to call
Ms.Shreeya Hibare {} to devote a welcome speech.
Thank You Shreeya Hibare.
S: I would like to call MR. Rajshekar Parit Sir, Dept of HRM, GDC to introduce
us to our today’s Chief Guest Prof.Satyanarayan, Dept of Commerce, Osmania
University, Hyderabad.
Thank You Sir.
A: Moving Forward, I would request Swati Bhalkikar Mam, Dept of Hindi, GDC
to introduce us to our today’s keynote speaker Dr.Ravindra Joshi, Bangalore.
Thank You Mam.
S: I request today’s Chief Guest Prof.S.V.Satyanarayan Sir to execute the session
Thank You Sir.
A: At last I would like to call Mr.Sushil {B.Com}Kumar to present a vote of
thanks for the event.
S: Your Desire To Change Must Be Greater Than Your Desire To Stay The
Thank You Every One.

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