Animlas Last Exam

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1)Choose the correct option.

3)Order the words to makes questions

1)Lions……………………………. in Africa. 1. run /a horse/fast/ does/?
A.lives B.hunt 2.zebras/grass/do/eat/?
2)A koala……………………..other animals. 3.climb/cats/trees/do/?
A. don’t hunt B. doesn’t hunt C.hunts 4.swim/an hippo/does/?
3)Snakes………………………poisonous. 5.lay/do/how many/spiders/do/eggs?
A.are B.bites 6.does/live/a kangaroo/where/?
4)Gorillas………………trees and …………………nests. 7.flamingos/migrate/when/do/? – climb B.climb-build. C.climbs-builds 8).does/eat/what/a dog/?
5)A penguin……………........
A.don’t fly B.doesn’t flies C.doesn’t fly
6)Flamingos…………………………nests in trees. 3)complete with must- mustn’t –can – can’t
A.migrate B.builds. 1.Cheetas ……………………… very fast.
2.Zebras…………………………be alert to survive.
3) Answers the questions 3.Cocodriles…………………….climb trees.
1. When do polar bears hibernate? (winter) 4.You ……………..………hunt wild animals.
2.Does a rhino run fast?(yes) 5. Gorrillas……………………speak
3.Do lions hunt kangaroos?(no) 6.I……………………….study to pass the exams.
4.Does a chimpanzee swim?(no) 7.Camels………………….survive without water.
5.What does a bird eat?(insects and seeds) 8).You……………………..feed your pet.
6.Where do dolphins live? (sea) 9)You ……………………….smoke.
7.How many eggs does a sparrow lay?(two)
8).Why do flamingos migrate? (It’s cold)

Make affirmative, negative and question sentences.

1)(+)A flamingo migrates to warm places. 1)(+)……………………………………………………………………………
(-)……………………………………………………………………………… (-)a swallow doesn’t fly very high.
(?)……………………………………………………………………………… (?)………………………………………………………………………………

2)(+)…………………………………………………………………………… 2)(+)……………………………………………………………………………
(-)Leopards live in the jungle. (-)……………………………………………………………………………
(?)……………………………………………………………………………… (?)must you respect the nature?

3)(+) ……………………………………………………………………………… 3)(+)An elephant can run very fast..

(-)……………………………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………………………
(?)Does a koala build nests? (?)………………………………………………………………………………

Read the text. True or false.

Pandas are big mammals, they can weight about 125 kilos. They Pandas are small mammals.
are black and white bears. Pandas aren’t aggressive but they They can weight 125 kilos.
are dangerous because they are strong. They are black and white dogs.
They live in China’s forest. A panda eats bamboo plants. They They are quiet.
like bamboo but they can eat mice, birds, eggs and insects, too. They don’t eat eggs.
They can live 25 years. A panda don’t hibernate. Pandas hibernate.
Pandas are in dangerous because people destroy their habitat. Pandas aren’t in dangerous.
We must protect them because they are in extinction. We must hunt them.

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