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Sanjeev R Patil Dr. Hagargi sir
(Principal) ( NAAC Co-ordinator)

Narsimha bhatt Venkatesh Kulkarni

(Operation Head) (Faculty)

On 5th march 2022, The NSS Camp was organized

in Chimalgi Garden which was conducted by Gurukul
degree college under the guidance of Narsimha Bhatt and
Venkatesh Kulkarni and all the volunteers of Gurukul
degree college. There were 40 volunteers from bcom 5 th
sem .
NSS could conduct various activities inside the
college premises and also at various other places in the
city. Theme of NSS for this year was “To Clean Up
Chimalgi Garden”.
On that day Volunteers came to
college at 7:30 AM and then they all went to a Chimalgi
Garden near Ram Mandir High court road Karthik Heights
Apartments for cleansing up the Chimalgi Garden.
The camp started at 8:00AM for
firstly all Volunteers had breakfast for getting strength to
clean the Garden and later small formal function has
been organized by the college in that our NAAC co-
ordinator S .B . Hagaragi sir address the welcome speech
and principal Sanjeev R Patil Sir emphasized the
importance of NSS activity in this recent scenario he
also pointed out that the national development
procedure is in the hands of the youths. And V .V
Syndicate president of Gulbarga N .H .Hiremath,
Nimbalkar ,Sanganna Kaba, Nikhil Patil and Pankaj
attended the formal function in that N.H Hiremath Sir
addresses the speech regard the NSS activity then later
on behalf of the college we have given token of love to
N H Hiremath Sir That is Swa -Pragyna Magazine.
Around 9:30 Am the work has
been started from the volunteer’s side they has collected
the plastic bags, Garbage and others wasteful things and
also weeds.
Cleaning up is never a waste of time as it allows
us to have a safe environment and a fresh air breath also
we are helping the environment by merely doing simple
task of cleaning.
Before the Chimalgi Garden was just look like
a jungle were the people use to fear to walk at night out
know its looking like a Garden were the people can walk
its only because of the coordination and the contribution
from the Volunteers side we all have made a good co-
ordination and the dedication towards the work and also
took some safety measures while cleaning up the Garden
the ceremony or the work has been lasted till the
1:30PM and later lunch has been provided by the college
to the Volunteers after that we finished our work at 2:00
Token of love: swa-pragyna magzine

Speech by: Principal Sanjeev R Patil Sir


Before cleaning the garden you can’t see 2 store


Here after cleaning the garden you can see the

2store building
Report Prepared By

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