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University of Mandala Waluya

Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing Study Program
Undergraduate Thesis, September 2021

Suci Rahmadani (NIM: P.201902037)

“The Relationship Between Perceptions About Nurse Caring Behavior And The Loyalty
Of Inpatients at BLUD RSUD Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Regency”

The Adviser I : Lodes Hadju

The Adviser II : Ahmad Mudatsir

(xi + 57 pages + 2 pictures + 10 table + 13 appendices)

Based on the result of an initial survey conducted by the researcher by conducting

interviews with 10 inpatients at BLUD RSUD Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Regency , these were
4 people said that the attitude of nurses were not friendly when providing health services, 2
people said that the health services at Hospital of Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Regency were not
satisfactory, 2 people said that the health services at Hospital of Benyamin Guluh Kolaka
Regency were less prompt in providing health services, and 2 people said that they prefer to
other hospital health services because the health services officer at Hospital of Benyamin
Guluh kolaka Regency was more likely to choose inpatients with general status compares to
inpatients who used a health insurance card from the government. The general purpose of this
research is to determine the relationship between perceptions about nurse caring behavior and
the loyalty of inpatients at BLUD RSUD Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Regency.
The type of this research was quantitative research with a Cross-Sectional Study
Design. The population of this research was 676 people, with a sample of 100 respondents.
The analysis method of this research used statistical tests, namely the chi-square and the phi
This research shows that there was a relationship between patients' perception of nurse
caring behavior and the loyalty of patients in hospital inpatients' rooms. The value was
obtained (X2 Hit= 30.926, phi = 0.664).
It is expected for health agencies, especially at BLUD RSUD Benyamin Guluh
Kolaka Regency and health office Kolaka, to formulate and determine health development
policies, significantly to improve the health service, especially in nursing.

Keywords: Patients perception about nurse caring behavior, patient loyalty, BLUD RSUD
Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Regency
References: 29 (2005 – 2020)


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