P, PI, PD, PID Application (IPC)

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PROCESS DYNAMICS AND CONTROL tolerated, PI controller can be used. If offset is tolerable but oscillatory behaviour is not desirable PD controller can be used. PID controllers are widely used due to fast response. 69 APPLICATIONS OF THE CONTROLLERS The controllers are widely used in chemical process industries for controlling various parameters. 1) Proportional controller can be used effectively for the control ofliquid saat 2) PI controller can be used for the control of vapor pressure and flow» control in which the undesirable offset is eliminated and acceptable speed of the response is maintained for the control system. PI controllers can also be used for | the control of temperature depending on the process condition where the | undesirable offset elimination is essential | 3) @DYontroler can be used for the'gas'pféssuré-control system in which HERESRGEIGFEsponse is desirable 4) (PWDFFeontroller can be used for the control ofsternperaturevand the | ((ComPORION A which offsetelimination is'thelessential condition and the faster? \C response is desirable. PID controllers are-used widely in industrial process due to offset elimination and non-oscillatory behaviour. CENTRE ; TECHNICAL CO-ORDINATION ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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