Excel Lesson1

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cell movement with mouse when arrow appear in mouse

select any two cell with ctrl key

select all row with number row with mouse
select any row with CTRL+SHIFT and click the ROW NUMBER
select column all cell cilick with mouse on column name
select more than one colum press shift+ ctrl key with select as you like column with mouse
select all row and column with select the square near column A and row 1 with mouse
save the excel file with .xis or Excel 97-2003 Workbook extension
sidecolumn cell to activate with TAB key
below row cell to activate with ENTER key
cancel data entry in active cell with ESC key
undo in typing with back arrow undo button Quick Acess tool bar
delete data with select cell and press DELETE
data in cell are called contents
Moving Data with mouse on cell border when move shape appear can move data to another cell
copying data ctrl+c and put the wanted cell crtl+v
using AUTO FILL type number in cell and mouse to right lower angle of the cell and drag row or column of the cell

insertion cursor to cell press key F2

Protect sheet (can't edit excel) on sheet tag right click and select protect sheet and set password.
unprotect sheet (on sheet tag right click and select unprotect sheet and type correct password.

means type contents as another line

cell movement with mouse when arrow appear in mouse
select any two cell with ctrl key
INSERT CELL /Home Ribbon/Cell group/ Insert/ insert cell

Insert work sheet(click insert worksheet tab

Column width to adjust select columns or cells(home ribbon/cells group/format/Autofit column width

cell movement with mouse when arrow appear in mouse
select any two cell with ctrl key
Column width to single column select respective column go Home ribbon/ cell group/format/cell size/
column width
row height( select rows/home ribbon/cell group/format
/autofit row height
for single row height(select row (home ribbon/cell group/format/cell size/row height
hiding rows and columns(right click on row numbers or columns name and choose hide or unhide
Freeze panes means not lose heading in look cells eg select in cell below the heading eg A6( select cell any you want and go to
formula(type=and double click on typed = cell and select the sell price cell and type formula in typed =cell and press enter
eg formula( reduce10% in sell price)(sell price -(sell price*10%))
sell price
can use previous formula in sell prices by using + sign appear in low right conor of the used formula cell and drag+ sign and se
Function(Autosum)(set cell you want to see> go to Home ribbon/Editing group/press AutoSum and select respective cell and p
If function (home ribbon>Editing Group>AutoSum>More Function>IF(select cell<50,in if true(type fail),in if false(type pass)
eg Name
kyaw Kyaw
Win Win
Thein Thein


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