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Managerial Communication

Session 5

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, you will have

• attempted an introductory quiz
• discussed how to plan and prepare a presentation
• learnt a useful technique for preparing the presentation
• created a mind map to make a mini – presentation
• attempted mini – presentations in groups

Planning and preparing the presentation

If you fail to plan – plan to fail.

Planning and preparation is vital to the success of a presentation. Whether you

are presenting to a small group of colleagues or to a large audience at a major
conference, you should be as well prepared as possible. Do not underestimate the
importance of good planning.

Choose from the words in the box to complete the text on effective presentations
below. Not all the words are used.

practising researching prepare performance

practice planning

plan presenting well-

prepared present giving deliver preparation

A presentation is essentially a public [1.00] performance and like all

successful performers a presenter needs to be very [1.01] _______________.
In the highly competitive world of professional football, for example, coaches
and their players spend a great deal of time [1.02] _______________ the
opposition. In a similar way, presenters need to do some research into their

audience. Knowing who you are dealing with allows you to anticipate problems
and to [1.03] _______________ how to deal with those problems if they

If we continue the comparison between [1.04] _______________ and sport,

we might consider the expression [1.05] “ _______________ makes
perfect.” In other words, you need to be prepared to work hard and try things
again and again to make sure you perform/present well when you are
expected to do so.

Sports stars cannot rely on natural ability alone. However, by [1.06]

_______________ their skills and by planning effective strategies they can
make the most of their natural ability. It is the same for people giving
presentations. If you have to [1.07] _______________ a presentation you
probably have a sound knowledge of your subject, but no matter how good a
speaker you are and how many times you have delivered similar
presentations, you will still need to prepare in order to make your
presentation as effective as possible.

A useful technique for preparing the presentation

This activity helps you to focus on how to prepare your presentation. There are a
number of ways to approach the planning stage: you could simply write a list of
points you need to cover with brief notes on each point or you could write down any
ideas that come to mind and try to put them into a logical sequence. An alternative
method is to create a mind map.

Mind maps are very effective in helping you brainstorm ideas while at the same time
organising those thoughts and showing how they relate to other ideas. Basically, a
mind map combines notes with a graphic layout which shows how different ideas
related to the same topic are linked.

The mind map below shows a presenter’s ideas on how to plan and structure an
effective presentation Complete the mind map from the ideas in the list.

give you feedback on large audience small

audience opening closing

PowerPoint handouts summary seating flipchart transparencies

questions easy to read/see questions report on give an overview
of look at

Mini- presentation
Create your own mind map and make a short presentation for about 2 – 3
minutes on any of the following topics: .

Yourself – a personal mind map to introduce yourself to an audience.

Your company – background, history, products, services etc
Your role in your company – describe how you fit in to the organisation
Tourism in your country – where to go, what to see and do
Your favourite football team – background, history, achievements etc

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