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PARABOLA XII Study Package 1

Chase your Dream

Conic Section
The locus of a point, which moves in a plane such that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point to its
perpendicular distance from a fixed straight line is always constant, is called a conic section or a conic.
 The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed straight line is called the directrix.
 The constant ratio is called the eccentricity of the conic and is denoted by e.
 The most general equation of a conic is of the form ax2  2hxy  by2  2gx  2fy  c  0 a where a,b,c,f,g and
h are constants. The general equation ax2  2hxy  by2  2gx  2fy  c  0 , represents a
 Parabola if abc  2ghf  af 2  bg2  ch2  0 and if h2  ab  0
 Ellipse if abc  2ghf  af 2  bg2  ch2  0 and if h2  ab  0
 Hyperbola if abc  2ghf  af 2  bg2  ch2  0 and if h2  ab  0

Equation of a Conic
Let S  x1,y1  be the focus and

L  lx  my  n  0 be the equation of the directrix.

Also let point P  x,y  moves in a plane, such that
Distance of points P from focus SP
  e(eccentricity)
Distance of point P from directrix PM ….(1)
We have, SP  e PM 2 2 3

The locus of point P is given by  x  x1 2   y  y1 2  e2

 lx  my  n

l2  m ….(2)

The locus of point P can be parabola, ellipse or hyperbola depending on the

value of eccentricity.
 For parabola, eccentricity e = 1.
 For ellipse, eccentricity e < 1
 For hyperbola, eccentricity e > 1

A parabola is the locus of a point, which moves in a plane such that is
distance from fixed point (Focus) is equal to its perpendicular distance from a
fixed straight line (Directrix).

From (1)
 e  1 for PS2  PM2
 lx  my  n

From (2) we have  x  x1    y  y1  

2 2

l2  m2
The path traced by the point P is a parabola

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 2
Chase your Dream

Following points are worth noting.

 The fixed point is called focus and is generally denoted by S.
 The fixed straight line is called directrix.
 The straight line through focus and perpendicular to the directrix is
called the axis of the parabola
 The point where the axis of the parabola meets the parabola, is called
the vertex of the parabola
 The distance of any point on the parabola from its focus is called focal
 A chord of a parabola passing through its focus is called a focal chord.
 The focal chord of a parabola perpendicular to its axis is called a latus rectum.
 A straight line drawn perpendicular to the axis of a parabola and terminated at both ends by the parabola is a
double ordinate.
Standard Form
For standard equation of the parabola directrix is assumed to be parallel to x or y-axis. Correspondingly focus is
assumed to lie on y or x-axis.
Let x  a  0 be the equation of the directrix and S  a,0  be the focus of parabola Also let p  x,y  is a variable
point which is lying on the parabola M is the foot of perpendicular drawn from P to
the directrix.
According to the definition of parabola we have
 x  a   y  0  | x  a |
2 2
Squaring on both sides
 x  a  y2   x  a 
2 2
Or y2  4ax

y2  4ax is called the equation of a parabola in the standard form

1. Vertex is at O   0,0  2. Focus is at S   a,0 
3. Directrix is , x  a  0 4. Axis is , y  0  x  axis 

5. Length of latus rectum  LL'  4a 6. Ends of latus rectum are L   a,2a  ,L'  a, 2a 
7. Focal distance of any point P  x,y  is SP  a  x
Other Standard Forms
y2  4ax y2  4ax x 2  4ay x 2  4ay
Vertex (0 0) (0 (0,0)
Focus (a,0) (-a,0) (0,a) (0,-a)
Directrix x  a xa y  a ya
Axis y0 y0 x0 x0
Tangent at the vertex x0 x0 y0 y0

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 3
Chase your Dream

Points to Remember
 From the equation y2  4ax , where a is positive, we get to two equal to opposite values of y for any positive
value of x.
 If x is negative, y becomes imaginary. The parabola therefore lies only on the positive side of the x-axis, and
is symmetrical about x-axis.
 If x   , so does y. The parabola therefore extends to infinity on either side of x-axis.
 If can easily be seen that the equation y2  4ax represents an equal parabola lying wholly on the negative
side of the x-axis.
 The equation x2  4ay and x2  4ay also represent equal parabola but their axes lie along the y-axis. The
parabola represented by the first equation lies on the positive side of y-axis while that represented by the
second equation lies on the negative side of y-axis.

Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (3, –4) and directrix is the line 6x  7y  5  0 .
Let  x,y  be any moving point on the parabola

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 4
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Then be definition of parabola, the distance between  x,y  and the focus  3, 4  must be equal to length of
perpendicular from  x,y  on 6x  7y  5  0
6  7y  5
 x  3  y  4 
2 2

6 2
 72 
Or 85  x  3    y  4    6x  7y  5
2 2 2

Or 49x2  36y2  84xy  540x  750y  2100  0

Point (2,3) is the focus and x  2y  6 is the directrix of a parabola find
(A) the equation of the axis.
(B) the co-ordinates of the vertex
(C) length of the latus rectum
(D) equation of the latus rectum
(A) Axis of a parabola is the line through the focus,  to the directrix. The equation of any line passing

through the focus  2,3  is

y  3  mx  2  mx  y  3  2m
Since it is perpendicular to the directrix x  2y  6 , we have
 1
m     1  m  2
Hence the equation of the axis is y  3  2  x  2   2x  y  7
(B) The co-ordinates of the point of intersection (say) M of the directrix
x  2y  6 and the axis 2x  y  7 are obtained by soling the two
equations ; which is  4, 1 Vertex A is the middle point of  4, 1 is
the middle point of M( 4, 1 ) and the focus S  2,3  .
 4  2 3  1
The coordinates of the vertex are  , i.e.  3,1
 2 2 

 3  2  1 3   5
2 2
(C) AS 

The length of the latus rectum  4AS  4 5

(D) Since the latus rectum is the line through the focus parallel to the directrix, its equation is x  2y  c  0
2  2 3  c  0 c4
, where c is given by , i.e.

Therefore the equation of latus – rectum is

x  2y  4  0

Reduction of a Parabola into Standard Form

Parabola whose axis is parallel to x or y-axis
Parabola whose axis is parallel to x-axis is the form, x  Ay2  By  C , and can be reduced to

 y    4a  x   

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 5
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Above form can be compared with standard from y2  4ax by replacing y    y and x    X whose focus ,
direcrix, vertex, axis, latus rectum can be easily found out.
Similarly, parabola whose axis is parallel to y-axis is of the form, y  Ax2  Bx  C , and can be reduced to

x    4a  y   

Above form can be compared with standard form x2  4ay by replacing x    X and y    Y to find focus,
directrix, vertex axis of the given parabola
For e.g. the coordinates of the focus and vertex and equation of the axis, directrix and latus rectum of the
parabola, 4y2  6x  4y  5 can be evaluated by reducing the equation to standard form.

The equation of the parabola can be written as 2  y  1/ 2   3  x  1


Substituting, X  x  1 and Y  y  the above equation reduces to 2Y2  3x or Y2   3 / 2  X , which is of the
form y2  4ax , where 4a  3 / 2 or a  3 / 8
Comparing the Parabolas
Parabola 3 2
  y  1   4  3   x  1
Y 2  4 X 
8  2  8
 

Vertex X0  x  1  0 or x   1
 y  1  0 or y  1
2 2
3  x  1  3 / 8 or x   5
8 8
Y0  y  1  0 or y  1
2 2
0  x  1  3  0 or 8x  11  0
8 8
Axis Y0  y  1  0 or 2y  1  0

Parabola in General Form

The general equation of the second degree
ax  by  2hxy  2gx  2fy  c  0 represent a parabola, if
2 2

a h g
i. abc  2fgh  af 2  bg2  ch2  0 or h b f  0 and
b f c

ii. h2  ab or ax2  2 abxy  by2  2gx  2fy  c 
 
ax  by  2gx  2fy  c

i.e.if the second degree term ax2  by2  2hxy is reduced to perfect square.

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 6
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How to Determine the Focus, Directrix, Vertex from General Equation of Parabola
Focus, directrix, vertex etc. of the general parabola cannot be evaluated out by comparing with the standard
equation as it axis is parallel to x or y-axis.
A very important property of parabola is used to determine the focus, directrix etc.
The standard equation y2  4ax expresses the fact that the square of the distance of any point on the parabola
from the axis is equal to the product of the Length of the latus rectum and the Distance of the point from the
tangent at the vertex.
i.e. y 2 (Square of distance of P  x,y  from axis)  4a (Latus rectum)  x (Distance of point
P  x,y  from tangent at vertex  x  0  )
Above result is valid for any parabola were here it is standard or general.
This is an important characteristic of a parabola and is used in determining the focus, directrix,
vertex etc. of any parabola

Following points are worth nothing :

 Convert the general form to L21  L2 where L1 and L2 are lines, perpendicular to each other i.e.

lx  my  n  c mx  ly  n' 


 lm  my  n  c  mx  ly  n' 
 Divide by l  m on both the sides i.e. 
2 2
  2   9
 l m  l m  l2  m 
2 2 2

lx  my  n mx  ly  n' c
 Replacing by Y and by X we have y 2  X
l m
l m
2 2
l  m2

Which is same as standard parabola and expresses the fact that the
square of the distance of the point (x,y) from lx  my  x  0 is
l  m2

times its distance from the perpendicular straight line mx  ly  n'  0 .

Hence the line L1  lx  my  n  0 is the axis and the line
L2  mx  ly  n'  0 is the tangent at the vertex of the given parabola
 Vertex can be obtained by solving L1  0 and L2  0
 Latus Rectum 
l  m2

 Focus is at a distance from vertex along the axis, which can be derived by using parametric form.
4 l  m2

Following illustration will make the point more clear.

Illustration 3 :
Find the vertex, focus directrix, axis and length of latus rectum of the parabola

x 2  y2  2xy  32x  32y  128  0

Solution :
Reducing the equation

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 7
Chase your Dream

x 2  y2  2xy  32x  32y  128  0

to the form L21  kL2 , such that lines L1  0 and L2  0 are
perpendicular to each other, we have  x  y   32  x  y  4 

Here, L1  x  y  0
L2  x  y  4  0
k  32 / 2  16
K is length of latus rectum
L1 is the axis of the parabola
L 2 is the tangent at the vertex.
Vertex can be obtaining by solving L1  0 and L2  0
i.e. x  y  0 and x  y  4  0
Vertex : A  2,2 
Focus is at a distance,  4 2 units from the vertex A  2, 2  along the
4 2
line x  y  0
i.e. x  2  4 2 sin45o  6,x  2  4 2 sin45o  2

y  2  4 2 sin 45o  6 , y  2  4 2 sin 45o  2

Possible vertices of focus are  6,6  and  2,2 
But  2, 2  is neglected (key note) Hence Focus : S  6, 6 
Directrix is parallel to tangent at the vertex.
Let x  y    0    4 Equation of directrix is x  y  4  0
Focus (2,2) is neglected as it is foci of another parabola having the same axis x  y  0 and has same
tangent at the vertex x  y  4  0 but its equation is x 2  y2  2xy  32x  32y  128  0 .

As shown in fig. 4.14 we have two possible parabolas having same axis and tangent at the vertex.

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 8
Chase your Dream

This happens due to the squaring done while forming a equation of the parabola
Parametric Form
Whenever we have to assume a point on any parabola, we assume the point as x1, y1  or ,  .
Assumption of a point in two variable i.e. x1, y1 of ,  sometimes leads to cumbersome calculations.
If we assume a point in one variable we have to work with lesser number of variables and it will result in easier
Parametric from is the answer to this.

For the parabola y2  4ax , if we consider.

 
x  at 2 , y  2at i.e. at 2 ,2at will always satisfy the parabola y2  4ax for all values of t.
  2
Here, t is parameter, as t varies coordinate at ,2at varies bu tit will always lie on the parabola y  4ax

For the parabola y2  4y  2x  6  0 any point on the parabola in a single variable can be assumed by
converting it to a standard form.

y2  4y  2x  6  0  y  22  2x  2 Or y  22  2x  1

1 2 1 t2
Now, x 1  t , y  2  2x t Or x  1 ,y  2 t
2 2 2
 t2 
Hence 1  ,2  t  is a point on the parabola y2  4y  2x  6  0 for all real values of t.
 2 
 
Now onwards we will assume a point in one variable or parameter i.e. in parametric form

Position of a point relative to a Parabola

For a point Px1, y1  to lie outside the parabola
Where Q is a point on the parabola and N is the foot of perpendicular from P.

PN2  QN 2
Or y12  QN2 PN  y1 
Or y1  4ax1

(QN 2  4ax1 since, Q lies on parabola)

 
So, if P x1, y1 be any point and S  y
 4ax be a parabola
 Point Px1, y1  lie outside the parabola if S1  y12  4ax1  0
 Point Px1, y1  lie on the parabola if S1  y12  4ax1  0
 Point Px1, y1  lie inside the parabola if S1  y12  4ax1  0
Another view
Basic definition of parabola can also be used to determine whether the
point lies inside or outside the parabola

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 9
Chase your Dream

We know that for any point P to lie on the parabola, its distance from the directrix.

If point has to lie inside the parabola, its distance from focus should be
less then its distance from the directrix i.e.

Or x1  a 2  y12 | x1  a |

Or x12  a 2  2ax  y12  x12  a 2  2ax1 ,

Or y12  4ax1

Similarly , for a point P to lie outside the parabola its distance from
focus should be greater than its distance from the fixed line,
i.e. PS  PM

or x1  a 2  y12 | x1  a |

Or y12  4ax1
Above result is applicable to any parabola whether it is standard or

Illustration 4
Find the interval in which  lies, so that the point ,1 lies outside the
parabola whose focus is (2,3) and directrix is x  y 1
Problem Analysis
To find out whether a point lies inside or outside a parabola, we do
not have to find out the equation of the parabola Problem can be
solved by applying the basic condition discussed above.
Solution :
For a point P,1 to ie outside the parabola
Distance of pint P from focus S2,3  Distance of point P from

 11
i.e.   22  1  32 >
Squaring , we have 2  4  4  4 
Or  8  16  0

Or   42  0

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 10
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   R4 ’
For   4 , point P,1 lies on the  , point P,1 lies on the parabola, and for all other values of  ,
point P,1 lies on the line y  1, which is a tangent to the parabola at (4,1) . (fig.4.20)

Position of a Line with respect to a Parabola

Any line with respect to a given parabola P  0 has three possible positions.
 If the line L = 0 intersect the parabola P  0 at two distinct points, then it is a chord to the given parabola

 If the line L = 0 touches the parabola P = 0 at the coincident points,

then it is a tangent to the given parabola

If the points of intersection between the line L = 0 and the parabola P = 0

are imaginary, then the line neither touches nor cuts the given parabola

Let the parabola y2  4ax (1)

And y  mx  c (2)
Be the given line
Eliminating y from (1) and (2) we will get a quadratic equation in x which
will give the x-coordinate of point of intersection between the line and the

mx  c2  4ax

Or m x  2xmc  2a   c  0
2 2 2

Discriminant, D  4mc  2a   4m c or 16a a  cm

2 2 2

Three cases are possible.

16a a  cm  0 or
 If  0 points of intersection are real and distinct,
the line (2) is a chord to the parabola (1).
 If  c i.e. discrinant = 0 points of intersection are real and equal and
the line (2) is a tangent to the parable (1).

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PARABOLA XII Study Package 11
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 If  c , points of intersection and imaginary, the line (2) neither cuts nor touches the parabola (1).
Points to Remember
 If m  0 , one root becomes infinite. Thus every straight line cuts a parabola at
two distinct points, but if the line is parallel to the axis of the parabola, one of the
point of intersection lies at infinity.
 The line y  mx  2
is a tangent to the parabola y  4ax for all values of m.

, passes through a fixed point h, k 

 If y  mx 
k  mk 
Or m k  mk  a  0

Two tangent will pass through h, or two tangent can be drawn from (h,k) if discriminant i.e. k 2  4ah  0 i.e.
only if the point (h,k) lies outside the parabola

Point Form
Tangent at a given point x1, y1  .

Tangent at point Px1, y1  which is lying on the

parabola y2  4ax can be assumed as y  y1  mx  x1 
Where m is the slope of tangent at x1, y1 
For slope m, differentiating y2  4ax

at x1, y1 
dy dy 2a
2y  4a  m  
dx dx y1
From (1) equation of tangent is

y  y1 
x  x1  or yy1  2ax  x1   y12  4ax1
 yy1  2a x  x1 

Parametric Form

Tangent at a point at 2 ,2at 

Replacing x1, y1  with at ,2at  in yy1  2a x  x1  ,
We have

y2at   2a x  at 2  or ty  x  at 2

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Hence 
ty  x  at 2 is the equation of tangent at at 2 ,2at .
 Coordinate of the point of intersection of tangent at t1 and t 2 is at1t 2 , at1  t 2  .
Slope form
 The equation of the tangent to parabola y2  4ax having slope m is y  mx  (discussed earlier)
 a 2a 
 Point of contact to tangent is  2, 
m m 
Pair of Tangents

 The equation of the pair of tangents that can be drawn from Px1, y1  to y2  4ax are
y2  4axy12  4ax1  xy1  2ax  x12
i.e. SS1  T 2
where S  y2  4ax, S1  y12  4ax1 ,
T  yy1  2a x  x1 

Whenever tangent at a point is assumed, assumption in parametric from instead of point from will result
in easier calculation and hence will involve less complexities as number of variables are reduced.
Similarly equation in slope form i.e. y  mx  is in single variable m, and canbe assumed if slope of
tangent is to be derived or considered in the given problem.

Notice, equation of tangent to parabola other than standard, for example y  22  4ax  3 shall be
y  2  m x  3  
assumed as


Find the interval in which m lies so that y  mx  1 is a chord to the parabola y2  y  2x  3  0

Problem Analysis
A line is a chord to the parabola if it intersects the parabola at two real and distinct points.
Solving the given line y  mx  1 (1)
With the given parabola y  y  2x  3 (2)
We have

mx  12  mx  1  2x  3  0 or m2x 2  xm  2  3  0

(1) Is a chord to the parabola (2) so they should intersect at two real and distinct points or in other words
quadratic equation (3) should have two real and distinct roots.
i.e. Discriminant > 0

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m  22  12m2  0
 m  R  0
Hence for any value m  R  0, line y  mx  1is a chord to the parabola y2  y  2x  3  0
Given line is y  mx  1
Or line which always passes through (1,0) and has slope m.
 1  1  13 
Or  y    4  x  
 2  2  8
 13 1 
i.e. a parabola having vertex at  ,  point (1,0) lies inside the
 8 2
parabola, as y2  y  2x  3  12  1  20  3  3  0 . Hence
there can be infinite lies of any slope i.e. m  R  0, which can be
drawn through (0,1) which are chord to the given parabola
For m = 0, one of the root of quadratic equation will be infinite. Also from m = 0, line will be parallel to
axis of parabola and will intersect the parabola only at one real point.


Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola y2  7x which is parallel to the line 4y  x  3  0 . Find
also the coordinates of its point of contact.
Problem Analysis
Equation of tangent in slope or parametric form can be assumed to avoid more number of variables.
The equation of the parabola is y 2  4  x …(1)
The equation of any tangent to (1) is y  mx  …(2)
For all values of m.
If this tangent is parallel to the line 4y  x  3  0 , then m 
1 7
Hence, from (2) the required equation of the tangent is y x  or 4y  x  28
4 4
 2
Also the point of contact is a / m ,2a / m 
 7 / 4 27 / 4  
i.e.  ,  or 28,14
 1 / 4 2 1 / 4  

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The angle between a pair of tangents drawn from a point P to the parabola y2  4ax is 45 o . Show that the
locus of the point P is a hyperbola.
Let the tangents be drawn at the points ` t1 ’ and `t 2 ’ and P(h,k) be their point of intersection.
t1y  x  at12 , t 2 y  x  at 22 are the equation of tangents at t1 and t 2 respectively. Point of intersection of
tangents is given by
h  at1t 2 and k  a t1  t 2  (1)
Also their slopes are 1 / t1 and 1 / t 2
If they include and angle 45 then
1 1

t1 t 2 t  t 
 1 1  tan 45o  1
1 t1t 2  1
t1t 2

Squaring, 1  t1t 2 2  t 2  t1 2
Or 1  t1t 2   t1  t 2   4t1t 2
2 2

From (1)
 h k 2 4h
1    2 
 a a a
Or h  a 2  k 2  4ah 
Hence the required locus is a  a 2  y2  4ax
Another View

Ph, k  be the point from which tangents are drawn and equation of tangent be y  mx 
Since it passes through Ph, k 
k  mk  Or m 2 h -mk  a  0
Above equation will have two roots say, m1 and m2 which are the slopes of tangents drawn from P(h,k),
we have
m1  m 2  (1)
m1m 2  (2)
m1  m 2
Also, tan 45o  1 
1  m1m 2

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Squaring,m1  m2 2  1  m1m2 2
Or m1  m2   4m1m2  1  m1m2 
2 2
From (1), (2) and (3)
2 2
k a  a
   4   1   Or k 2  4ah  h  a 2
h h  h
Hence the required locus of point P is x  a 2  y2  4ax
Common Tangents
A common tangent can be drawn to any two curves.
To find out equation of common tangent between a parabola and any other
 Assume a tangent in one variable (slope from or parametric form) to
any one curve
 Apply the condition of tangency to the other curve.

Common Tangent between Circle – Parabola

Assume a tangent to the parabola, i.e. y  mx 
Since it is a tangent to the given circle, so applying condition of tangency.
i.e. Perpendicular distance from centre to tangent = Radius.
 Assume equation of tangents to each of the two curves in slope form.
 Compare the two tangents, since both of them represent the same tangent and find the possible values of m.


Find the common tangent to the circle x 2  y2  2 and the parabola y2  8x  1 .
Problem Analysis

Parabola y  8x  1 is the form y  4ax . The equation of tangent in slope from to the parabola
2 2

y  mx  1 

y  mx  1 
be the equation of tangent to y  8x  2
Since it is also a tangent to the circle x 2  y2  2 ,
so Perpendicular distance from Centre (0,0) = Radius  2

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i.e. m  2
1  m2

squaring, we have m2  22  2m2 1  m2 or m 4

 6m 2  4  0
 6  36  16
 m2 
 m    3  13
So the equation of common tangents are

y    3  13 x  1 
 3  13
Another view

y  mx  1 
2 2
Let or y  mx  m (1)
m m
Be equation of tangent to y2  8x  1

Also let y  mx  2 1  m2
Be equation of tangent to the circle x 2  y2  2
Since (1) and (2) represents the same tangents, so comparing

   
2 2 2  m2
2 1  m   m or 2 1  m  2
m 2
Or 2 m 4  2m 2  4  m 4  4 m 2
4 2
Or m  6m  4  0 or m2  3  13
Or m   13  3

13  3 x  1 
Hence the equation of tangents are y
13  3
Only two values of m are real. Hence total numbers of real tangent are only two. This is due to the fact
the given circle is intersecting the parabola If a circle does not intersect a parabola and is lying outside
the parabola the total number of common tangents are four.


Two straight lines are at right angles to one another and one of them touches y2  4a x  a  and the other
y2  4bx  b . Prove that their point of intersection of the lines lies on the line x  a  b  0 ,

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y  mx  a  
Let (1)
Be the equation of tangent to the parabola y2  4a x  a 

y  m1 x  b  
Similarly, let (2)
Be the tangent to y  4bx  b

Ph, k  and are perpendicular k  mh  a  

Since (1) and (2) intersect at (3)

h  b   bm (4)
 mm1  1
Subtracting (4) and (3), we have
 1
a  h  a  b  m  
 m
Or h  a  b  0
Hence point of intersection lies on x  a  b  0
Another view

y  m x  c  

And y
x  b   bm
Be equation of perpendicular tangents to the parabola y2  4a x  a 
and y2  4bx  b respectively.

Since lines intersect at h, k  we have

k  mh  a  
Or m2 h  a   mk  a  0 (1)

And k
h  b   bm
Or m b  mk  h  b  0 (2)
Both (1) and (2) should give same values of m, Hence represent the same line
ha a
 
b hb
Or h  a  b  0
Hence x  a  b  0 is the locus of point of intersection of tangents.

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Count Your Concepts : I

1. State the following statements as TRUE or FALSE.

a 1
(a) If y  x is a tangent to parabola y  12  4x  3 , then c  i.e.    1 .
m 1
(b) Number of intersecting points between the parabola y  x and y2  1  x  are two.

(c) The length of the tangent from external point x1, y1  to the parabola y2  4ax  0 is y12  4ax1
(d) The point (1,1) lies outside the parabola  y  4x  0

x y6
(e) The focal distance of a point Px, y on the parabola whose directrix is x  y  6 is
(f) Focal distance of a point 2t, t 2 on the parabola x2  4y is 1  2t
(g) Distance of directrix from focus is double of distance from vertex

(h) a cos2 ,2a cos lie on the parabola y2  4ax , for all value of  .
Any point lying on y  4ax , can be assumed as a cos ,2a cos 
2 2
(j) No two parallel tangents can be drawn to a given parabola
(k) for the parabola y  ax  bx  c , if a  0 and b  4ac  0 , parabola will always lies below the

x  axis .
(l). for the parabola x  ay 2  by  c , if b 2  4ac  0 , x will be either always positive or always negative.
2. Fill in the Blanks

x  22  y  32  x  y  3
(a). For the parabola
i. The axis of parabola is ____________
ii. The length of latus rectum is____________
iii. The equation of tangent at the vertex is____________

(b) The parametric form of the parabola x 2  4y  2x  3  0 is____________.

(c) For ,   ____________, y  x   is a chord to the parabola y2  8x  3 .
(d) Number of parabola whose end point of latus rectum is given are ____________.
(e) Number of parabola whose axis and vertex is given, are____________
(f) Maximum number of common tangents that can be drawn to the circle and the parabola
(g) Number of tangent of given slope that can be drawn to the parabola are ____________.

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(h) The value of  for which the point ,1 lies inside both the parabola y2  x and y2  4x  16 , is

(i). Coordinate of the point on the parabola y2  16x whose focal distance is 2, are ____________.
(j). If the point 2,   lies inside the region enclosed by the parabola y2  8x and x  y  3 ,
  ____________.
(k) Equation of the directrix of the parabola x  t 2  1, y  2t  1 is____________.
(l) Extremities of the latus rectum of the parabola are (3,2) and (3,-2). Possible equation of directrices are
____________ and ____________.

(m). Angle between the tangents drawn from origin to the parabola y  22  4x  1 is____________.
(n) Equation of the parabola whose axis is parallel to y  axis , cuts the y  axis at (0,12) and touches the
x-axis at (2,0) is____________

(o) Coordinate of point on the parabola x  3  8y  3 whose focal distance is 5, are ____________

3. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is  3,0 and directrix is x50
4. Find the vertex focus and directrix of the parabolas.

i. x 2  6x  6 y  6  0 ii. y 2  4x  4 y  3  0
5. Find the equation of the directrix of a parabola whose vertex and focus are  1,1 and 2,3 respectively.
6. Find the value of k if the straight line x  y  k touches the parabola y  x  x 2 .
7. Find the equation of tangent to the parabola y2  4x , at the point whose ordinate is 6.
8. Prove that the straight line y  x  2a touches the parabola y2  4a x  a  and find its point of contact.
9. Find the equation of a tangent to the parabola y  9x from the point (4,10)

10. Find the equation of the common tangents to the parabola y2  6x and the circle x 2  y2  8 .
11. Find the angle between the tangents drawn from (1,3) to the parabola y 2  4x .
12. Find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the parabola y2  4x so that one angular
point is at the vertex.

13. Find the equation of common tangent to the parabolas y2  4x and x 2  32 y .
14. Find the locus of point of intersection of tangents to the parabola y2  4x  4 and y2  8x  16 which are
perpendicular to each other.
Normal to a parabola is a line perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact.
Point Form
Equation of Normal at a given point x1, y1 
Equation of tangent at x1, y1  is yy1  2a x  x1 
Slope of tangent is 2a / y1

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Equation of normal perpendicular to tangent at x1, y1  is

 y1
y  y1  x  x1  Or 2a y1  y  y1x  x1 

Equation of normal is point form is useful when point x1, y1  is exactly known. If we have to assume the
equation of normal, other two forms discussed below i.e. parametric and slope form are useful as they
involve only one variable t or m whereas in pint form two variables x1 and y1 are considered.

Parametric Form

Equation of Normal at a point at 2 ,2at 

Replacing x1, y1  with at ,2at  in y  y1   1 x  x1 
2 y
We have, y  2at  t x  at 

Or y  tx  2at  at 3
This is the equation of normal in parametric from at the point at 2 ,2at 
 Coordinate of the points of intersection of normal’s at t1 and t 2 are  
2a  a t12  t12  t1t 2 ,at1t 2 t1  t 2 
 If the normal to the parabola  
y2  4ax at the point P at12 ,2at1 meets the parabola again at the point
 
Q at 22 ,2at 2 , then t 2  t1  2 / t1
Equation of normal in parametric form is very useful. Whenever equation of normal is assumed this form
can be used, as it involves only one variable (t).

Conormal Points

Let the normal y  tx  2at  at 3 passes through N(h,k) we have

k   th  2at  at 3
Or at 3  t 2a  h   k  0
This is a cubic equation in t. It has three roots, say t1 , t 2 and t 3 .
Points to Remember
 Through a given point, three normal’s can be drawn to a parabola
 Points P,Q and R i.e. points where normal’s meet the parabola, are
called cononormal points.

 Points      
P at13 ,2at1 , Q at 22 ,2at 2 and R at 32 ,2at 3 are the feet of three
normals, NP, NQ and NR.

Following relations are useful.

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 Sum of roots, t1  t 2  t3  0
2a  h
 Sum of product of two roots, t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3 t1 
 Product of roots t1t 2 t 3 
Slope form
Equation of Normal in slope form
 y1
Equation of Normal at x1 y1  is y  y1  x  x1  (1)
Let m be the slope of normal, we have
 y1
m or y1  2am
Also, x1  am2 x 2
( y1  4ax1 )
Substituting the value of x1y1  in (1)

y  2am  m x  am2 
Or y  mx  2am  am3
Points to Remember

 The equation of the normal to the parabola y2  4ax in terms of its

slope m is y  mx  2am  am3 .

 Through a given point, three normal’s can be drawn to a parabola If

three normal’s are drawn from a given point Nh, k  to a parabola
y2  4ax then am3  m2a  h   k  0

 The slopes of the three normal’s are roots of the cubic equation
k  mh  2am  am
 The feets of the three normal’s are    
P am12 ,2am1 ; Q am22 ,2am2 and R am32 ,2am3  
 The sum of the slopes is m1  m 2  m3  0
 The sum of the ordinates of the feet of normal’s drawn from a given point to a parabola is 0.
Show that normal to parabola y  8x at the point 2,4 meets it again at 18,12 . Find also the length of
this normal chord.

The tangent to y2  8x at (2,4) is 4 y  4x  2 or y  x  2

The equation of the normal at 2,4 is y  4  x  2

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Or x  y6  0 (1)

Solving (1) and y2  8x , we have 6  x 2  8x or x 2  20 x  36  0

Or x  18x  2  0
Or x  18,2  y  12,4
The normal cuts y2  8x at 18,12 and 2,4  i.e. normal cuts y2  8x again at 18,12 .

Length of the normal chord = distance between 2,4 and 18,12  18  22   12  42  16 2
Another View

Let  
P at12 ,2at1  2,4 , we have

2t12  2 and 4t1  4  t1  1

Normal   
P at12 ,2at1 meets the parabola again at Q at 22 ,2at 2 
 t 2   t1 
So, t 2  1   3
 
Point Q is at 22 ,2at 2  18,12

Three normal’s are drawn from the point 14,7 to the curve y2  16x  8y  0 . Find the coordinate of the
feet of the normal.

The given parabola is y2  16x  8y  0 (1)

Let the coordinates of the feet of the normal from 14,7 be Ph, k 
Now the equation of the tangent at Ph, k  to parabola (1) is
yk  8x  h   4y  k   0
Or k  4y  8x  8h  4k (2)

Equation of the normal to parabola (1) and perpendicular to (2) at h, k  is

yk  x  h 
It passes through (14,7)
 7k  14  h   h  6k (3)
8 k4
Also, h, k  lies on parabola (1) i.e. k 2  16h  8k  0
Putting the value of h from (3) in (4), we have

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k2    8k  0 k (4)
 k 2 k  4  96k  8kk  4  0
  
 k k 2  4k  96  8k  32  0  k k 2  12k  64  0 
 kk  16k  4  0  k  0.16,4
From (3), h  0 when k  0 ,
h  8 , when k  16
h  3 when k  4
Hence the feet of the normal’s are 0,08,16and 3,4
Another View

Converting the equation y2  16x  8y  0 to standard form, we have y  42  16x  1 or Y 2  4aX
Let the equation of normal be to Y  4aX be

Y   tX  2at  at 3 at X  at 2 , Y  2at

Equation of normal to y  42  16x  1 is

y  4  tx  1  8t  4t 3 (1)

At x  1  at 2 , y  4  2at (Note)
Or x  1  at 2 , y  4  2at (2)
Since (1) passes through (14,7)

7  4  t14  1  8t  4t 3
Or 4 t  7 t  3  0  t  14t  4t  3  0
3 2

1 3
 t  1, ,
2 2
From (2)
Points of contacts are
For t  1 , x, y  3,4
, x, y   0,0
For t
For t  1 , x, y  8,16
Hence the feets of normal’s are 0,0 , 3,4 and 8,16 .

If x1, y1 is the point of intersection of normal at points A,B and C on the parabola y2  4ax , find the
centroid of triangle AB(C) What happens when x1  2a ?

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If A,B and C are respectively, t1 , t 2 and t 3 then, t1 , t 2 and t 3 are the roots of at 3  t2a  x1   y1  0
We have,
t1  t 2  t 3  0 (1)

t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3 t1 
2a  x1  (2)
The centroid of triangle ABC has an abscissa
 a

   t12  t 22  t 32    t1  t 2  t 3 2  2t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3t1 
3 3

   22a  x  / a using (1) and (2)
2 
  x1  2a 
3 
 2a 
And has an ordinate   t1  t 2  t 3   0 using (1)
 3
 2  
the centorid of triangle ABC lies on the axis of the parabola at  x1  2a ,0
 3  
In the case of x1  2a , the centroid is at the vertex of the parabola But then, the cubic in t, having t1, t 2
and t 3 for its roots, reduces to at 3  y1  0 , and whatever may be the value of y1 , this cubic has only
one real root, the other two are imaginary (Note). Hence, there is only one such point a on the parabola,
the normal at which passes through 2a, y . Hence, no such triangle is formed.
Also in the case, when y1 is also zero, the cubic equation has three roots all equal to zero. The points
A,B and C coincide at the vertex. In this case also, there is no triangle ABC


Show that the locus of points such that two of the three normal’s drawn from them to the parabola y2  4ax
coincide is 27ay2  4x  2a 3

Let suppose normal’s are drawn from h, k  to y2  4ax , we have k  mh  2am  am 3 (1)
Two normal’s through h, k  to y2  4ax coincide, so two roots of (1) will coincide.
Let the roots of (1) be m1, m1, m2 . Then from (1)
2m1  m2  0 (2)

2m1m2  m12  2a  h  / a (3)

m12m2  k / a (4)

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Eliminating m1 and m2 from (1), (2) and (3) we have

27ak 2  4h  2a 3
Hence the required locus is 27ay  4x  2a 
2 3

Point Form

 The equation of the chord joining two points Px1, y2  and Qx 2 , y 2  on parabola y2  4ax is
y1  y2 y  4ax  y1y2 
 If x1, y1  and x 2 , y 2  are the extremities of a focal chord of a parabola , then x1x 2  a 2 and
y1y2  4a 2

Parametric Form

 If    
P at12 ,2at1 and Q at 22 ,2at 2 are two points on parabola y2  4ax then equation of chord PQ is
yt1  t 2   2x  at1t 2 
 If the t1 and t 2 are extremities of a focal chord, then t1t 2  1

Chord in Mid-Pont Form

The equation of the chord of the parabola 

y2  4ax , whose mid point be x1, y is 
yy1  2ax  x1   y12  4ax1 or T  S1
Where T  yy1  2a x  x1  and S1  y12  4ax1

Length of Chord
If the line L  O intersects the parabola at two distinct
points, then L  0 is a chord to the parabola
To find out the length intercepted by the parabola on the chord.
 Solve L = 0 and P = 0 simultaneously i.e. make quadratic in x and y.
Point of intersection A and B are the roots of quadratic equation.
 Find sum and product of the roots of quadratic equation i.e.
x1  x 2 , x1x 2 , y1  y 2 and y1y 2 .

 The length of the chord is given by d x1  x 2 2  y1  y 2 2

Chord of contact
The chord joining the point of contact of the two tangents to a parabola
drawn from a given point P outside it is called the chord of contact of
tangents. As shown in fig. 4.37, P(A)PB are the tangents drawn from
point Px1, y1  AB is the chord of contact.

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 The equation of the chord of contact of the tangents from the point Px1, y1  to the parabola y2  4ax is
yy1  2a x  x1 


Through the vertex O of a parabola y2  4x chords OA and OB are drawn at right angles to one another.
Show that for the positions of A, AB cuts the axis of the parabola at a fixed point. Also find the locus of the
middle point of A(B)
  2

Let the points A and B be t1 ,2t1 and t 2 ,2t 2 respectively.
Slope of OA =
Slope of OB 
Since OA  OB  t1t 2  4 (1)
Equation of AB is
yt1  t 2   2x  2t1t 2  0
Or yt1  t 2   2x  8  0
It cuts the x  axis at y  0 and x  4
Hence the fixed point is 4,0
Again if h, h  be the midpoint of PQ, its equation is
yk  2x  h   h 2  4h
Or ky  k 
It passes through 4,0 

 k0  h   24  h 
Or y  2x  4 is the locus of the middle point of AB

Locus of middle point can be evaluated by alternate method.

Another View
h, k  be the mid point of AB, then

2h  t12  t 22 ,2k  2t1  t 2  (2)

Or 2h  t1  t 2 2  2t1t 2  k 2  8 by 1

Or y  2x  4 is the locus of the middle point of AB.

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Another View

Let h, k  be midpoint of AB, its equation is midpoint form is yk  2x  h   k 2  4h

Or hh  2x  k 2  2h (3)
Homogenizing y  4ax with (3) we will have equation of pair of straight lines.

Passing through origin and point of intersection of chord AB and parabola y2  4ax i.e. equation
of chord OA and O(B)
 yk  2 x 
y 2  4ax  
 k 2  2h 
Or  
8ax 2  k 2  2h y2  4ahxy  0

Since the angle between OA and OB is ,
Coeff. of x  Coeff . of y  0

i.e. 8a  k 02h  0 or k 2  2h  4
y 2  2x  4 is the locus of the middle point of AB


Find the locus of the mid points of the chords of the parabola y2  8x which
pass through the vertex.
Problem Analysis
As shown in fig. 4.40 infinite chords can be drawn through the vertex of the
parabola and Joining their midpoints will trace a parabola
Let OP be one of the chord passing through vertex and its midpoint be
Qh, k 

Assuming the point P in parametric form i.e P 2t ,4t ,we have
0  2at 2
h  h  t2 (1)
0  2at
k  k  2t (2)
From (1) and (2) eliminating t.

k 2  4h or y2  4x
Hence the locus of mid point is another parabola whose axis and vertex are
Another View
Let Qh, k  be the mid point of the chord
Equation of chord in mid point from is

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yk  4x  h   k 2  8h (3)
Since (3) passes through vertex, so

0  4h  k 2  8h  k 2  4h

Illustration 16
Find the locus of the middle points of the chords of the parabola y  4ax which touch the circle

x 2  y2  a 2
Solution :
Let (h,k) be middle point of chord
The equation of the chord of the parabola y  4ax ,
whose mid point is h, k  is
y  k  2a / k x  h  y
Or 
2ax  ky  k 2  2ah  0  (1)

If this chord touches the circle x 2  y 2  a 2 , then

the length of perpendicular from the centre
(0,0) of the circle to (1) must be equal to the radius of the circle, i.e.

k 2  2ah
a k 2  2ah 2  a 2 4a 2  k 2 
4a 2  k 2 

The locus of h, k  is y2  2ax   a 2 4a 2  y2 .

Standard Results on Parabola
As shown in fig. 4.43 PR and QR are tangent and PG is the normal to the parabola NT is the sub
tangent and NG is the subnormal.
Following results are worth noting:
 SP  ST  SG
 PN 2  TN  NG
 PG  2 OS.SP
 The sub tangent is bisected at the vertex, i.e. TO = ON
 The sub normal is constant for all points on the parabola
and is equal to length of the semi latus rectum i.e. NG =

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1 1 1
 The semi latus rectum is the harmonic mean between the segment of a focal chod i.e.  
 The tangents at the extremities of any focal chord intersect at right angles on the directix.

Let    
P at12 ,2at1 and Q at 22 ,2at 2 be the end points of a focal chord of the parabola then t1t 2  1
2 2
Equation of the tangent at the point P and the point Q are t1y  x  at1 and t 2 y  x  at 2 respectively

Let these tangents intersects at a point (h,k) then h  at1t 2 (1)

and k  a t1  t 2  (2)
t 1
Now product of slopes of tangents  .  1 (3)
t1 t 2
i.e. the tangents are perpendicular. Also from (1) and (3) h  a
Hence, the locus of the point h, k  is x  a which is the directrix.
 The portion of a tangent to a parabola cut off between the directrix and the curve subtends a right angle at
the focus, i.e. RSP  90

Let  
p at 2 ,2at be a point on the parabola y2  4ax
The tangents at P is y  x  at 2

Point of intersection of the tangent with the directrix x  a  0 is

 a
R   a , at - 
 t
Now, slope of SP is
at  0
2at  0 2t t t2 1
 and slope of SR is 
at  a t  1 2 a a 2t
 (slope of the SP) . (Slope of SR)
 1
Hence SP is perpendicular to SR.
i.e. RSP  90

 Any tangent to a parabola and the perpendicular on it from the focus meet
on the tangent at the vertex.

Equation of tangent at point  

P at 2 ,2at is
ty  x  at 2 (1)
The equation of the perpendicular to this line passing through the focus is

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y  t x  a  (2)
The lines (1) and (2) meet where x = 0
Which is the equation of the tangent at the vertex.
 The tangent at any point P on a parabola bisects the angle between the focal chord through P and the
perpendicular from P on the directrix. SPT  TPM

 a 2a 
Let tangent PT be y  mx  a / m . Point P is  2
, 
m m
 2a / m  0 
 tan SPM 
Slope of PS  tan     
 a / m2  a  1  m2
Also, tan   m ; so that tan 2   tan 
1  m2
Hence, SPM  2TPM , i.e. TP bisects SPM
The normal at any point on a parabola bisects the angle between
the focal chord and the line parallel to the axis through that point.
This is the an important property and is useful in explaining reflection phenomenon in a parabola

Reflection in a Parabola
If a parabola behaves as a concave mirror incident rays parallel to the axis of
the parabola converges at the focus of the parabola after reflection. This is
due to the fact angle between incident and reflected ray are bisected by the
Similarly if a parabola behaves as a convex mirror any incident ray parallel to
the axis after reflection appears to pass through the focus of the parabola

Count Your Concepts II

1. State the following statement as TRUE or FALSE

(a) Normals at extremities of a focal chord of the parabola cannot intersect on the parabola itself.
(b) If normal’s at t1 and t 2 intersect at a point t 2 on the parabola then
t1t 2  2 .
(c) Tangent at one extremity of a focal chord is parallel to the normal
drawn at the other extremity.
(d) Normal always passes through the focus of a parabola
(e) If a focal chord meet a parabola at A and B , then focal distances of A
and B are equal.

(f)  2

If at ,2at is one of the extremity of a focal chord then its length is
 1
a t  
 t

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(g) Latus rectum is the chosrtest focal chord.

(h) Axis of the parabola is longest focal chord.
(i) Normal’s at the extremities of the latus rectum of the parabola intersect at right angles on the axis.
(j) The angle subtended at the vertex by any focal chord is always greater than tan 1 .
(k) Focal chords equally inclined to the axis are equal.
The tangents and normals drawn at AB intersect at P and Q respectively then,
(l) Points P,Q,Q,B are concyclic
(m) Length of PA and PB are equal.

(n) PA2  PQ2  PB2  BQ 2

(o) AQ is perpendicular to BQ.
(p) The number of real normals drawn from the focus of the parabola is always one.
(q) The circle drawn on any focal chord of a parabola as diameter touches the directrix.

2. Fill in the Blanks

(a) The normal chord PQ which is normal at Px1, x1  to the parabola y2  4ax , subtends an angle
__________ at the focus.

(b) Line y  x  1 cut the parabola y2  4x at P and Q. Normals at P and Q meet at R. The third normal
from R meet the parabola at a point __________.
(c) If two of the conormal points are (1,2) and (1,-2), coordinate of third point is __________.

 
 o 2
(d) If a chord joint point P at1 ,2at1 and Q at 2 ,2at 2 subtends 90 at the vertex of y  4ax then t1t 2 

(e) Number of normals drawn from the point (8,1) to the parabola y2  2y  6x  65  0 are __________
(f) slope of the normal to the parabola y2  8x whose mid point is (8,2) is __________.
(g) If the focal chord joining 3  t12 ,2  2t1and 3  t 22 ,2  2t 2 of the parabola y2  4y  4x  16  0
passes through focus then t1t 2  __________.
(h) length of the shortest normal to the parabola y2  8x , is__________
(i) The normals at ends pint of a variable chord AB to the parabola y  4y  4x  8  0 interest at right
angle, then point of intersection of tangents lie on the line __________.

3. Find the length of the normal’s drawn from the point on he axis of the parabola y2  8x whose distance
from the focus is 8.
4. Show that whatever be the value of 0, the line y  x  11 cos   cos 3 is normal to the parabola
y2  16x .
5. Tangents are drawn from the parabola y2  4ax to the parabola y 2  4bx  c .Find the locus of the mid
point chord of contact.

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6. Show that the locus of a point that divides as chord of slope 2 of the parabola y2  4x internally in the ratio
1 : 2 is a parabola

7. Prove the shortest normal chord of the parabola y2  4x is 6 3 .

8. For what values of a will the tangents drawn to the parabola y2  4ax from a point, not on the y  axis will
be normal to the parabola x 2  4y .

Position of a Parabola w.r.t. a Circle

Circle Intersecting Parabola (Cartesian coordinate)
Let the equation of the parabola be

y2  4ax (1)

Also let x 2  y2  2gx  2fy  c  0 (2)

Be the general equation of the circle
To find the point of intersection between (1) and (2) we have to solve them simultaneously.

Substituting, x  in (2) we have
 
y4  y2 16a 2  8ag  32a 2fy  16a 2c  0
This is a biquadratic equation and has four roots. The roots of the above
equation will give the y coordinate of the point of intersection. We have
y1  y 2  y3  y 4  0

y1y 2  y1y 2  y1y 4  y 2 y3  y 2 y 4  y3 y 4   16a 2  8ag 
y1y 2 y3  y 2 y 4 y1  y1y 2 y3  32a 2f

y1y 2 y3 y 4  16a 2c
Similarly, a biquadratic equation in x can be derived to find the relation between absiccas i.e. x1, x 2 , x 3 , x 4 of
point of intersection P,Q,R,S.
The above relations are useful in solving the problems related to the point of intersection of the
circle and the parabola

Parametric Coordinates
If we consider the point of intersection of circle and the parabola in
parametric coordinates. We don’t have to find out separate relations for x
and y coordinates for the points of intersection.

 2
Let at ,2at lies on y  4ax , it should also satisfy the equation of the

x 2  y2  2gx  2fy  c  0

at 2 2  2at 2  2gat 2  2f 2at   c  0 Or

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 
a 2 t 4  t 2 4a 2  2ga  4fat  c  0
The roots of the above equation are the parameter of the point of intersection P,Q,R,S.
t1  t 2  t 3  t 4  0 (1)

4a 2  2ga
t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3t 4  t 2 t 3  t 2 t 4  t 3t 4  (2)
 4fa
t1t 2 t 3  t 2 t 3 t 4  t 3 t 4 t1  t1t 2 t 4  (3)
t1t 2 t 3t 4  (4)
Important Results
 The algebraic sum of the ordinates i.e. y1  y 2  y3  y 4 of the
four point of intersection is zero.
 The common chords of a circle and a parabola are in pairs,
equally inclined to the axis of the parabola
The slope of chord PQ is m1 
t1  t 2
Similarly, slope of chord SR is m 2 
t3  t 4
For (1) we have, t1  t 2  t3  t 4  0
Or t1  t 2  t 3  t 4 
2 2
Or 
t1  t 2 t3  t 4
Or m1  m2 or m1  m2
The slopes are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.
Hence, the chords PQ and SR are equally inclined to the axis.

Circle Through Co-Normal Points

If three of the point of intersection of parabola and circle are conormal i.e. the
normal at P,Q and R to be parabola are concurrent then the parameter of the
three points say, t1, t 2 , t 3 are the roots of the equation

at 2  2a  h t  k  0
When h, k  is the point of concurrency of normal’s.
We have t1  t 2  t3  0 (5)

From (1) and (5) we have t 4 0

Hence the fourth point of intersection is at 24 ,2at 4  or 0,0
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Thus, the circle through co-normal points passes through the vertex 0,0 of
the parabola

Circle Touching a Parabola

If a circle touches a parabola then following points are worth noting.
 A common tangent can be drawn at the point of contact
 A common normal can be drawn at the point of contact and it passes
through the centre of the circle.
 Family of circles : Number of the circles touching a parabola at x1, y1 
are infinite. The equation of the circles touching the parabola at x1, y1  is given by
S  L  0
Where S  x  x1 2  y  y1 2 is a point circle
L  lx  my  n is a tangent at point x1, y1 
Minimum Distance between Parabola and a Circle
If the parabola and a circle neither touches nor cuts each other, then there exists a minimum and maximum
Obviously maximum distance between a parabola and the circle is infinite as parabola is a open curve.
The minimum distance between any two curves exists along a line which is perpendicular to both the curves, i.e.
along the common normal.
Hence, we need to find out the equation of common normal to the two curves.
Also if one of the curve is circle then the normal passes through the centre of
the curve.


Find the minimum distance between the parabola y2  8x and the circle
x 2  y2  12y  35  0 .
Also find the coordinate on the parabola which is at the minimum
Problem Analysis
Centre of the circle is 0,6 and its radius 1. The given circle neither cuts nor touches the circle, hence the
minimum distance is non zero.
The minimum distance exists along the line which is perpendicular to both the curves.

Circle : x 2  y  62  1
Parabola : y2  8x
Let  
p 2t 2 ,4t be a variable point on the parabola which is at the
minimum distance from the circle.

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Normal at  
P 2t 2 ,4t is
y  tx  4t  2t 3 (1)
Since minimum distance exist along a line which is perpendicular to both the curves so (1)
should also be normal to the circle.
centre A0  6 should satisfy (1)
 6  0  4t  2t 3 Or t 3  2t  3  0
Or t  1t 2  t  3  0  t  1
Hence, P  2,4 and the minimum distance is PQ = PA – radius

i.e. PQ  2  02  44  62  1  1  2 2 1

Another View
Minimum distance can also be calculated through calculus method.
Distance of any point P from any point Q on the parabola is distance of P from centre minimum

i.e. Distance, PQ = PQ  radius.

Or PQ  p  2t 2 2  4t  62  1

For minimum distance, differentiating (1) w.r.t.

dp 1 16t 2  84t  6
 0
dt 2 2 4t 2  4t  62

Or t 3  2t  3  0
Or t  1t 2  t  3  0  t  1
d 2p
 0 , for t  1
dt 2
Hence, distance is minimum for t  1
P2,4 is a point at minimum distance.


Find the equation of the circle passing through the vertex of parabola y2  4x and cutting the parabola
orthogonally at the point 4,4 .
Problem Analysis
If a circle cuts a parabola orthogonally tangent to the parabola at the point of
intersection will be a normal to the circle.

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Let the equation of circle be x 2  y2  2gx  2fy  0

It passes through 4,4 so 16  16  8g  8f  0
Or g  f  4 (1)
Also, tangent at P(4,4) to the parabola will pass through the centre C g,f of the circle.

Tangent at p4,4 , 4 y  4
x  4 
Or 2y  x  4   2f  g  4 (2)
4 8
Solving (1) and (2) g   ,f  
3 3
 
Equation of the circle is 3 x 2  y2  8x  16y  0

Shifting of Parabolas
A parabola can be shifted in number of ways
 Shifting of vertex by keeping axis parallel to x  axis.
 Shifting of vertex by keeping axis parallel to y  axis.
 Rotation of Axis
 Combination of any two

Shifting of Vertex by keeping axis parallel to x  axis.

Let us consider the parabola, y  4ax whose axis is x  axis
and vertex is (0,0).
If we have to find out an equal parabola i.e. same latus rectum and whose axis is parallel to x  axis and vertex
shifted to ,  then its equation can by determined by replacing x  x   and y  y   in equation

y2  4ax .
i.e. y    4a x  

Shifting of axis by keeping axis parallel to y  axis.

Let us consider the parabola, x 2  4ay whose axis is y  axis and
vertex is 0,0 . If we have to find out an equal parabola i.e. parabola
of same latus rectum and whose axis is parallel to y  axis and vertex
is shifted to ,  then its equation can be determined by replacing
x  x   x  x   and y  y   in equation y2  4ax .
i.e. x  2  4ay  
Shifting by Rotation of Axis
Consider a parabola whose axis is passing through origin.
If we rotate the axis with respect to origin through an angle  ,
parabola will be shifted to a new location.

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The shifted parabola can be formed out by replacing.

x with  x sin   y cos  and by replacing
y with  x sin   y cos 
Let us consider the parabola y  x 2  1 . If we rotate the axis of parabola i.e. y  0 through an angle 90 o
clockwise the equation of the shifted parabola can be found out by making the substitution.

  
x  x cos  90o  y sin  90o  y 
  
y  x cos  90o  y sin  90o  x2 
Substituting the value of x and y from (2) in (1) we have

x   y2  1 Or x  y2  1
Points to Remember
 If the rotation is clockwise ,  is negative whereas  is positive if the rotation is anticlockwise.
 The rotation of axis is with respect to origin and is applicable when the axis passes through the origin.
 After shifting the length of latus rectum does not changes. i.e. we get an equal parabola with shifted axis,
vertex and focus.
 If the shifted parabola is not equal we replace the 4a i.e. latus rectum by new length of latus rectum.

Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is (2,3) latus rectum is 4 and
the axis is y  x 1.
Consider the standard parabola, whose latus rectum is 4
And axis to is y-axis vertex (0,0)

x 2  4y (1)
The required parabola has vertex (2,3) latus rectum 4 and the axis y  x 1
Let us find out the parabola whose axis is parallel y  x  1 vertex is 0,0 and latus rectum 4 by rotating
x 2  4y through an angle 45 o in the clockwise direction.

    2
o o
By substituting x  x cos 45  y sin  45 


y  x sin  45o   y cos 45o   

x y
 in (1)
2 2
x  y  x y 
we have,    4   
 2   2 2

Or x  y  4 2 y  x 
2 Y

Now if we shift the vertex to (2,3) by replacing x by x  2 and y by y  3 y-x+1

we get the parabola whose axis is y  x  1 and vertex is (2,3)

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Fig. 4.64
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x  2(y  3)2  4 2 y  3  x  2

Or x  y  1  4 2 y  x  5

Another View
We can find out the equation of the parabola if we know the equation of tangent at the vertex and the axis of
the parabola As discussed earlier, (distance of point (x,y) from the axis ) =(Latus Rectum) (distance of (x,y)
from the tangent at vertex)
Now, Tangent at vertex, y  3  x  2
Or y x 5  0
 y  x 1  y  x 5
We have    4 
 2   2 
Or x  y  12  4 2 x  y  5
Image of a Parabola
Image of a parabola with respect to any line mirror is the parabola Any point P on
the given parabola has a corresponding point P on its image.

Points to Remember
 The mid point of P and P’ lies on the line mirror.
 Line joining P and P’ is perpendicular to the line mirror.

How to Determine Mirror image

 Find the focus (S) and equation of directrix (L=0) of the given parabola
 Find the image (S’) the focus as well as image of the directrix (L’=0) with respect to given line mirror.
 Using directix and focus of the parabola we can find out its mirror image by applying basic definition.

As discussed earlier every point P on the given parabola has corresponding
point P' which lies on its image. In fact, equation of image of parabola is the
locus of point P' . To find out the locus of point P' we can apply the basic
condition discussed earlier i.e. the line joining P and P' is perpendicular to the
line mirror and the mid point of P and P' lies on the line mirror.


Find the image of the parabola y  22  4x  1 w.r.t line mirror

Focus of y  2  4x  1 is
2,2 and Directrix is x  0
Now image of focus 2,2  w.r.t. line mirror x  y  0 is  2,2
Also image of directrix x  0 , is y0

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Equation of image of parabola is

x  22  y  22  y

Or x  22  4y  2

Another View

Let  
P 1  t 2 ,2  2t be any point on the parabola y  22  4x  1 .
Also let P' h, k  be any point on the image of parabola y  22  4x  1
Since P' is image of P, so midpoint P and P' lies on y  x  0
i.e. k  2  2 t  h  t  t 0 (1)
Also line joining P P' is perpendicular to yx 0
k  2  2t
So, slope of P P' , m1 
h 1 t2
Also, slope of y  x  0 , m 2  1
Now, m1m2  1
k  2  2t
 1 (2)
h 1 t2
Eliminating t from (1) and (2)

h  22  4k  2
  x  2   4  y  2  is image of  y  2   4  x  1
2 2

Count Your Concepts – III

1. State the following statements as TRUE or FALSE

(a) The image of the parabola y   x w.r.t line mirror y  x is x 2  y

(b) The line along which the shortest distance between a parabola and a circle occurs passes through the
focus of the parabola y  x  k , where k  R represents the family of parabola
(c) having same axis
(d) having same vertex
(e) having same foci
(f) having same length of latus rectum.

2. Fill in the Blanks

(a) Consider a parabola y 2  4x and a circle  x  2   y 2  r 2 , where r is variable.

i. The value of r for which the circle touches the parabola at two points is __________
ii. The value of r for which the circle touches and cut at the distinct is__________
iii. For r = 1 , the minimum distance between the circle and the parabola is __________

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iv .For r = 1, the equation of common normal between the parabola and the circle is __________
2 2
(b) Consider the parabolas y  x  1 and x  y  1
i. The common normal of the parabola is __________
ii. The minimum distance between the parabola is __________
(c) Point on the parabola x 2  4y which his at nearest distance of the circle with centre 3,0 and radius 1,
is __________

(d) A circle C = 0 intersects the parabola y  3  4x  6 at conormal points. Coordinate of fourth

points are__________

(e) The angle between the parabola y2  4x and x 2  32y , is__________

(f) The image of the parabola y2  4y  4x  8  0 with respect to line mirror y  x  0 is__________
6 8
3. Find the centre of the smaller circle that touch the parabola 75y2  645x  3 at  ,  and the x  axis.
 5 5
4. Find the shortest distance between the parabola y2  4x and circle x 2  y2  24y  128  0 .
5. Find the angle suspended by the common chord of the circle x 2  y2  2x  3  0 and the parabola
y2  3x  1 at the focus.

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Example 1
Let  be the angle which a tangent to the parabola y  4ax makes with its axis, then the distance between
the tangent and a parallel normal will be
2 2 2 2 2
(A) a sin  cos  (B) acoec sec  (C) a tan  (D) a cos 
Equation of tangent, y  x tan   a cot 
Equation of parallel normal, y  x tan   2  a tan 3 
Distance between (1) and (2)

a cot   2a tan   a tan 3  tan 4   2 tan 2   1

d a
1  tan 2  tan . sec 

tan 2   1
sec4 
tan . sec  tan . sec 

Example 2

Coordinates of the point on the straight line x  y  4 , which is nearest to the parabola y2  4x  10 is
 17 9  3 5
(A)  ,  (B) 2,2 (C).  ,  (d) none of these
 2 2 2 2
Shortest distance between two curves exist along a line which his normal to both the curves.

x  y  4 , i.e. x  y  k  0 should be normal to y  4x  10

A line perpendicular to

Equation of normal to y2  4x  10

y  mx  10  2m  m3
mx  y  12m  m3  0 (1)
Now (1) and xyk 0 should represent same line ,so

m 1 12m  m3
 
1 1 k
 m  1 , k  12m  m3
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 k  13
So equation of line along which shortest distance occur is x  y  13  0 . Point of intersection of x  y  4

x  y  13 is  ,  which is the point at shortest distance.

17 9
 2 2
Example 3

The set of real value of `a’ for which at least one tangent to the parabola y2  4ax becomes normal to the
circle x 2  y2  2ax  4y  3a 2  0 is
(A)[1,2] (B)  2 ,3  (C)  1,1 (D)  (no set)

Equation of tangent at at 2 ,2at , ty  x  t 2 (1)

Since (1) is a normal to x 2  y2  2ax  4y  3a 2  0

(1) Should pass through its centre t 2  a  at

Or at  2 t  a  0
For at least one tangent or at least one `t’.

Discriminant  0 or 4  4a  0  a   1,1
 
Example 4

If the line y  3x  3  0 cuts the parabola y2  x  2 at A and B then PA. PB is equal to (where
P  3,0 

4 32  (B)

4 2 3  (C)
4 3
(D) none of these
3 3 2
Any point at r distance from P  
3 ,0 on the line y  3x  3  0 is
1 3
x 3 r, y  0  r
2 2
It also lies on y  x  2
Satisfying (1) and (2) we get a quadratic in r. The roots of quadratic
are distance PA and P(B)
 3   r
 
 2 r    3  2   2
 
Or 3r 2  2r  4 2  3  0 
Product of roots, r1.r2  PA.PB 

4 3 2 

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Point P   
3 ,0 lies inside the parabola y2  x  2 , therefore P(A)PB is negative.

Example 5

The number of focal chord(s) of length 4/7 in the parabola 4y2  8x is

(A)1 (B)zero (C)infinite (D)none of these
 1
Length of focal chord to the parabola y2  4ax is 2a  a  t 2  2 
 t 
Number of real value of `t’ will give number of focal chords.
Now, here a
1 1 4
1   t 2     77 4  6t 2  7  0
2 t2  7
D  0 , so there is no real value of t. so the number of focal chord of length is zero.
Example 6

The number of chords of the circle x 2  y2  8a 2 from the point 2a ,2a  which are bisected by the
parabola y 2  ax is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

Let h, k  be midpoint of chord. Since it is bisected by y2  4ax, h, k  should lie on parabola, so
h  at 2 , k  2at
Equation of chord  
x at 2  y2at   a 2 t 4  4a 2 t 2 . It passes through 2a ,2a  so,
2a 2 t 2  4a 2 t  a 2 t 4  4a 2 t 2
t 4  2t 2  4t  0 (1)
Number of real values of `t’ from above equation, will determine number of chorde.

  2
From (1) t t  2t  4  0  t  0 , t  2 t  4  0

Let f t   t 2  2t  4
f ' t   3t 2  2  0
Function f t  is always increasing, hence number of real root will be only one.
So, two value of t exist, hence number of chords are two.

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Example 7

The line x  y  1 intersects the parabola y2  4x at A and B Normal’s at A and B intersect at

(C) If D is the point at which line CD is normal to the parabola, then coordinates of D are
(A) 4,4 (B) 4,4 (C)  4,4 (D) None of these

A,B,D are conormal points
The coordinates of co-normal point A,B and D are related as y1  y 2  y3  0 .

For y1 and y 2 solving x  y  1 with y2  4x

y2  4y  1
 y 2  4y  4  0
 y1  y 2  4
 y3  4 (from (1))

Also D lies on y 2  4x
y 2 16
So, x3  3  4
4 4
Example 8
The circle on focal radii of a parabola as diameter always touches
(A) the axis (B) the directrix (C) tanent at the vertes (D) latus rectum

Let SP be focal chord on the parabola 

y2  4ax , where Sa,0 and P at 2 ,2at 
Circle with SP as diameter is x  a x  at   y  0y  2at   0

 
 x 2  y2  x a  at 2  2aty  a 2 t 2  0

y  intercept i.e. 2 f 2  c  0
Hence circle touches the y  axis i.e. tangent at the vertex.
Example 9

The subtangent, ordinate and subnormal to the parabola y2  4ax at a point are in
(A)(A)P. (B)G.P. (C)H.P. (D)None of these

Equation of tangent and normal at  

P at 2 ,2at to the parabola
ty  x  at 2
and y  tx  2at  at respectively.

Point T & N are  at 2 ,0and respectively.

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2 2 2
Subtangent, TM = TO +OM  at  at  2at
Ordinate, PM = 2at

2 2
Subnormal, MN = ON – OM = 2a  at  at  2a

 2at 2 ,2at,2a are in G.P.

Example 10

The condition that the parabolas y 2  4bx  c and y2  4ax have a common normal other than x  axis
a  0, b  0, a  b
(A) 2a  2b  c (B) 2b  2a  c (C) 2c  2a  b (D) 2c  2b  a
Let m be slope of the normal.

Equation of normal to the parabola y 2  4bx  c

y  mx  c  2bm  bm2 (1)

Equation of normal to the parabola y2  4ax

y  mx  2am  am3 (2)
For common normal (1) and (2) should represent same line.

1 m mc  2bm  bm3
  
1 m 2am  am3
a  bm3  m2a  c  2b  0
2 b  c  2a
m  m  0
For real value of m, 2b  c  2a .

Example 11

The slope of a chord to the parabola y2  4ax , which is normal at one end and which subtends a right
angle at the origin, is
(A) 2 (B)  2 (C) 2 (D)

Let PQ be normal chord, normal at   

P at12 ,2at1 and Q at 22 ,2at 2 .
We have t 2   t1 
Also OP is perpendicular to OQ
2 2
So,   1 (2)
t1 t 2

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From (1) and (2)

t12  2
t1   2
Slope of normal at t1 is  t1
slope is  2
Example 12

If three distinct normal’s can be drawn from the point (4,2) to the parabola y2  4y  8  0 then
(A) h  3 (B) 0  0  3 (C) h  3 (D) h 2
Parabola can be written in standard form as

y  22  4x  1
Equation of normal to above parabola whose slope is m is

y  2  mx  1  2m  m3
It passes throughh,2
 2  2  mh  1  2m  m3

 m m2  h  3  0 
 m  0 , m2  h  3
For three distinct normals we need three real values of m.
So m  0  h 3 0 or h3

Example 13

If the tangent at the point P2,4 to the parabola y2  8x meets the parabola y2  8x  5 at Q
and R, then the midpoint of QR is
(A) 2,4 (B) 4,2 (C) 7,9 (D) none of these
The equation of the tangent to y  8x at P2,4 is
4 y  4x  2 or x  y  2  0
Let ,  be the mid pit of chord QR. Then, equation of QR is
y  4x    5  2  8  5
4x  y  4  2  0
Clearly, (1) and (2) represent the same line. So,

y2  24 x
   4 and 8  4  2    4 &   2
Example 14

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The equation of the common tangent touching the circle x  32  y2  9 and the parabola
y2  4x above the x-axis is
(A) 3y  3x  1 (B) 3y  x  3 (C) x  3y  3  0 (D) 3y  3x  1

Any tangent to the parabola y2  4x is

y  mx 
Or m2 x  my  1  0 (1)
It also a tangent to the circle, so

3m 2  1
4 2
 2 
 3 or 3m 2  1  9 m 4  m 2 
m m
2 1
Or 3m  1  m
Since the tangent touches the parabola above x  axis ti will make an acute angle with x  axis
so that tan gq  m  ive
Hence we choose m  . Put in (1)
 x  3y  3  0
Example 15

The equation of the common tangent to the curves y2  8x and xy  1 is

(A) 3y  9x  2 (B) y  2x  1 (C) 2y  x  8 (D) y  x  2
Any tangent to y2  8x is y  mx 
If it is a tangent to xy  1 , then it will cut the hyperbola in two coincident points.
 2
x  mx    1  0 or m 2 x 2  2 x  m  0
 m
For coincident point, Discriminant = 0

 4  4m 3  0 or m  1
Hence, y  x  2 is the common tangent.

Solved Subjective Examples

Example 1

Tangents AT and BT to the parabola y2  4x meets at T and the normal’s drawn at A and B

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Intersect at P(9,6) on the parabola Find the equation of the circle circumscribing the
equadrilateral ATBP.
Problem Analysis
Normal drawn at two points, t1 and t 2 intersect at the parabola itself, then t1t 2 2

Let the points A and B be at12 ,2at1 and at 22 ,2at 2 respectively.
Coordinate of point T are at 2 t 2 , at1  t 2 
Also point of intersection of normals i.e. points P is given by,

 
x  2a  a t12  t 22  t1t 2  2  t12  t 22  t1t 2  9 (1)
y  at1t 2 t1  t 2   t1t 2 t1  t 2   6 (2)
Point of intersection normals lie on parabola itself, so
t1t 2  2 (Note) (3)
From (1), (2) and (3)
t1, t 2  1,2
 A1,2 , B4,4 , T2,3
Circle passing through A,B,T is

x 2  y2  11x  3y  0
 A   B     T  P
ATBP is a cycle quadrilateral; hence TP is a diameter of the
So , its equation
x  2x  9  y  3y  6  0
Or x 2  y2  11x  3y  0

Example 2

If from the vertex of the parabola y2  4ax a pair of chords be drawn

perpendicular to each other and with these chords as adjacent sides a rectangle is
completed then prove that the locus of the vertex of the farther angle of the

rectangle is the parabola y2  4a x  8a 

  

Let the points A and B be at1 ,2at1 and at 2 ,2at 2 respectively.
Slope of OA =
Slope of OB =

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Since OA  OB  t1t 2  4
If P is h, k  then, the diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other, so

h  0  a t12  t 22 
k  0  2a t1  t 2 

 
 k2 
 h  a t1  t 2   2 t1t 2  a  2  8
 4a 
h  8a   k Locus is y2  4ax  8a

Example 3
Prove that if the difference of the squares of the perpendiculars on a moving line from two fixed point sis
constants, the line touches a fixed parabola.
Let the two points be Aa,0 and B a,0
Also let the moving line be y  mx  c

Then we have, AP 2  BQ 2  kconstant

am  c2   am  c2  k
1  m2
Taking the plus sign  k,
1  m2

k 1  m2
 
k km
c 
4am 4a
The equation to the moving line can now be written as
 k  4
y  m x   
 4a  4am
Which obviously touches the parabola
k k 
y2  x  
a 4a 
If we had considered negative sign instead of positive sign, equation to moving line can be written as
 k  k 2 k k
y  m x    which touches the parabola y   x  . Hence choice of sign does not
 4a  4am a 4a
affect the result.

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Example 4

Show that parabola y2  x and 2y  2x 2  5x  1 touch each other. Also find the equation of the circle
which touches the y  axis and both the parabola only at the point where they touch each other and at no
other point.
Problem Analysis
If two curves touch each other, there should be common tangent of common normal at their point of contact.
Given parabola are

y2  x (1)

And 2y  2x 2  5x  1 (2)

Let t 2 , t be any point on (1) solving (1) and (2) simultaneously.
4 2
We have 2 t  2 t  5t  1

 2t 4  5t 2  2t  1  t  12 2t 2  4t  1  0

Since it is a 4 degree equation, therefore it has four roots.
t  1 is coincident root
 1,1 is the point, where both the parabola touch each other.
Equation of common tangent at 1,1 is 2y  x  1  0
Equation of family of circles touching the tangent line at 1,1 is Y

x  1 2  y  12  2y  x  1  0

Since the required parabola touches the y  axis its y  intercept 2y = 2x 2 - 5x + 1

 2 f 2  c should be zero. O

i.e.   12    2  0     1  5
2 P(1, -1)
y =x
1 5
For  , the circle will be above tangent line and will Fig. 4.78
increased the parabolas at other points also.
1 5
 
 5 1
Equation of required circle is therefore, x  12  y  12   2 y  x  1  0

 2 
Example 5
A moving parabola of latus rectum 4a touches a fixed equal parabola the axes of the two parabola being
parable. Prove that the locus of the vertex of the moving parabola is a parabola of latus rectum 8 a .
Problem Analysis

If two curve s touch each other, there should be common tangent or common normal at their point of contact.

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Let given parabola be y2  4ax (1)

And moving parabola be y  2  4ax   (2)

y 2 
Eliminating x from (1) and (2) we have y     a   
 4a 
 
Since two parabola touches each other above equation should have
equal roots i.e. D  0

 42  8 2  4a  0 
2  8a
Therefore, required locus is

y2  8ax which has latus rectum double that of given parabola.

Another view

Let  
P at 2 ,2at be the point where the parabola (1) and (2) touch each other Tangent at P.
ty  x  at 2 (3)

At tangent to (2) at at 2 ,2at is

 x  at 2 
y2at   y  2at    2  4a   
 2 
 
Or y2at    2ax  2at  2  2a 2 t 2  4a (4)
(3) and(4) represent the same line.
2at   2 2 2
2t    2a t  4a
  2a 
t at 2
(i) (ii) (iii)

From (i) and (ii)

t (5)
From (ii) and (iii)
2 2
   4a  2  8a
Therefore required locus is

y2  8ax which has latus rectum double that of given parabola.

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Example 6

Show that if the normal at P,Q, R on y2  4ax meet at ,  then the orthocenter of the triangle PQR will
 1 
be  a  6a ,  
 2 
Let P,Q,R be t1, t 2 , t 3 respectively.
Slope QR is
t 2  t3
 Equation of altitude through P is
t  t 
y  2at1   2 3 x  at12
  (1)

Similarly equation of altitude through Q is

t  t 
y  2at1   1 3 x  at 22
  (2)

From (1) and (2), the orthocenter (h, k)of the triangle PQR is h  4a  a t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3t1  (3)
Given the normal at t1, t 2 , t 3 are concurrent at , 
 t1, t 2 , t 3 are the roots of at 3  t 2a      0 (4)

 t1  t 2  t 3  0 , (5)
2a  
t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3 t1  (6)

t 1t 2 t 3   (7)
From (3) and (6)

2a  a
h  4 a  a .  a  6a
Also from (1)
t t
k  2at1  2 3   6a  at12
 
 t1  t 2  t 3  0
1 3
 

at1  t1  2at1   (since t1 is root of 4  ).

 
Thus orthocenter of the triangle PQR is    6a , 
 2
Example 7
A variable chord PQ of the parabola y  x subtends a right angle at the vertex. Find the locus of the points
of intersection of the normal’s at P and Q.

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Problem Analysis

Any point on  
y  4x 2 can be assumed as ( t ,4t 2 ). Also equation of normal at t,4t 2 is x  8ty  t  32t 3

Let    
P t1,4t12 and Q t 2 ,4t 22 be points on y  4x 2
If A is vertex of the parabola then
Slope of AP  slope of AQ =  1 AP  AQ 
4t1  4t 2  1
t1t 2   (1)
Equation of normal at P and Q are

x  8t1y  t1  32t13 (2)

And x  8t 2 y  t 2 32t 32 (3)

Let the normal (2) and (3) intersect at (h,k) then solving (2) and (3) we get,


1  32 t12  t 22  t1t 2 
, h  32t1t 2 t1  t 2 
1  32t1  t 2 2  t1t 2
k , h  32t1t 2 t1t 2 
 1
1  32t1  t 2 2  
k  16 
h  2t1  t 2 
Eliminating t1 and t 2 from (4) and (5) we have 8k  8h  3

Hence, locus of h, k  is 8y  8x 2  3

Example 8
From the point, where any normal to the parabola y  4ax meets the axis, a line perpendicular to the
normal is drawn. Prove that this line always touches the parabola

y2  4a x  2a   0 .
 2

The normal at any point p at ,2at on the parabola y  4ax is

y  tx  2at  at 3
It cuts the axis 
y  0 of the parabola at Q 2a  at 2 ,0 
the equation of the line through Q drawn perpendicular to the normal is

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x  2a  at 2 
Or ty  x  2a  at 2 (1)

y2  4a x  2a   0
Now, solving (1) and y2  4a x  2a   0 , we have
Or y2  4aty  2at 2  0 or y  2at 2  0
(1) cuts y2  4a x  2a  at coincident points, hence it touches the parabola

Example 9
Tangent are drawn to the parabola at three distinct points. Prove that these tangent lines always make a
triangle and that the locus of the orthocenter of the triangle is the directrix of the parabola

Let the equation of the parabola be y2  4ax

Let the three points be A at12 ,2att1, Bat 22 ,2at 2 , Cat32 ,2at3 
Tangent at point A,B and C are

t1y  x  at12 , t 2 y  x  at 22 , t 3 y  x  at 32 respectively

Since, t1, t 2 , t 3 are distinct, no two tangents are parallel or
Hence these tangents will form a triangle
The vertices of the triangle are
pat1t 2 , a t1  t 2 , Qat 2 t 3 , a t 2  t 3 and R at 3t1, a t 3  t1 
Equations of the two altitudes are
y  a t 2  t 3   t a x  at 2 t 3  (1)

And y  a t 3  t1    t 2 x  at 3t1  (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1) , we get x  a
Hence the locus of the orthocenter is x  a  0 which is the directrix of the parabola

Example 10
Show that if tangents be drawn from any point on the line
x  4a  0 to the parabola y2  4ax , prove that their
chord of contact will subtend a right angle at the vertex.
Let p 4a , k  be any point on x  4a  0 then equation
of chord of contact QR with respect to P 4a, k  is
yk  2a x  4a 

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2ax  yk
Or (1)
8a 2
For combined equation of AQ for AR.

Making homogeneous y2  4ax with the help of (1).

 2ax  yk 
y 2  4ax    8a 2 x 2  8a 2 y2  4akxy  0
 8a 2 
Above equation represent the combined equation of AQ and AR.

Since, Coefficient of x 2  Coefficient of y2  8a 2  8a 2  0

So lines AQ and AR are perpendicular.
i.e. chord of contact QR will subtend a right angle at the vertex.

Exercise : 1

Each question is followed by two statements. Mark the answer.

(a) If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered using the
other statement alone.
(b) If the question can be answered by either statement alone.
(c) If the question can be answered by using both statements together but cannot be answered by using either
statement alone.
(d) If the question cannot be answered even by using both statements together.

1. PSQ is a focal chord to the parabola y2  8x . What is the length of SQ?

I. Length of SP is 4.
II. Slope of the normal at P is  1.

2. General equation C  ax 2  by2  2hxy  2gs  2fy  c  0 represents a parabola?

I. Equation C = 0 can be factorised into linear factors

II. h 2  ab

3. What is the equation the parabola whose vertex is 0,0 ?

I. Equation of tangent at the vertex is xy0
II. Focus lies on the line y2
4. What is the locus of a point from which tangent drawn to parabola y2  8x ?
I. Chord of contact of point passes through focus.
II. Point of contacts of tangents are at extremities of focal chord.

5. What is the equation of a parabola whose vertex is (2,2)?

I. Focus is 0,0
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II. Equation of axis is yx

6. What is the angle subtended by chord PQ at the vertex of the parabola y 2  4x ?
I. Point P is (4,4)
II. PQ is a focal chord

7. What is the equation of parabola whose axis is parallel to y  axis?

I. Parabola intersects the x  axis at 2 and 5.
II. Parabola is downward.

8. What is the length of latus rectum to the parabola y  ax 2  bx  c ?

I. Length of subnormal at any point is 5.
II. Length of shortest focal chord is 10.

9. What is the product of slopes of normal at P and Q to the parabola y 2  4x ?

I. Normal at P and Q intersect at third point R on the curve.
II. Tangent at P and Q intersect on the line x  2  0

10. What is the equation of parabola?

I. One end of latus rectum is 2,4 .
II. Equation of tangent at vertex is x  y 1

Exercise II
Match the following
Match each of the question in column A to the appropriate answer in column (B)
Note : More than one question of column A can have the same answer of column (B)

Column A Column B
(a) Angle between tangent at one extremely and normal at other 1
external of focal chord i.  tan
(b) Angle between the tangents drawn from the point  2,1 to the ii. tan
parabola y 2  4x
(c) Angle between normal’s to the parabola y2  24x at 6,12 and iii. tan 1 2
(d) Point P 3,2 is y2  4x  4y  0 . Angle iv. 
one the parabola
made by normal at Q with the x-axis where PQ is focal chord. 2
(e) Angle made by normal chord with the x-axis which subtends 
90 o at the vertex. 4

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(f) Angle between the tangents drawn from a point whose chord of 1
vi. tan 3
contact to the parabola is a focal chord
vii. tan 3
viii. 0
x2 x2
(g) Angle between the parabola y   1 andy  4
2 2

Exercise III
For Questions 1 to 4

The tangents at point at12 ,2at 2  and at 22 ,2at 2 to the parabola y2  4ax intersects at
at1t 2 , at1  t 2  whereas normal at the same point intersect at 2a  a t12  t 22  t1t 2 ,at1t 2 t1  t 2 .
Tangents and normal’s at P and Q are drawn to the parabola y2  4ax which intersects at T and
N respectively.

1. If the slope of chord joining P and Q is constant then the locus of point T is
(A)Directrix (B) Line parallel to diretrix (C) Axis (D) Line parallel to axis

2. If the locus of pint T is line parallel to axis of parabola, then locus of point N is
(A) Line tangent to parabola (B) Line normal to parabola
(C) Second degree curve (D) None of these

3. If the chord PQ subtends 90 at the vertex of the parabola, the locus of point N is
(A) Line (B) circle (C) Parabola (D) Ellipse or Hyperbola

4. Points PNQT lie on a

(A)Trapezium (B) Rhombus (C) Cyclic quadrilateral (D) Circle

For Questions 5 to 9

The normal at point at 2 ,2at  on the parabola y2  4ax intersect the curve again at at12 ,2at1
then t1 is given by t1  t 
Also note, from above equation for given t1 , we have two values of t i.e. two point on the
parabola the normal at which intersect at the same point.

Normal at point P and Q intersects the curve y2  8x at R which is also lying on the curve.
Answer the following question based on facts given above :
5. What the locus of centroid of PQR
(A) Axis (B) Line perpendicular to axis
(C) Parabola (D) Line parallel to axis

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6. The locus of point of intersection of tangents at P and Q is

(A) x  3  0 (B) y  3  0 (C) x  4  0 (D) y  12  0

7. The area enclosed by R t1  , Pt 2  and Qt 3 

(A) depends on t1 , t 2 and t 3 (B) depends on t 2 and t 3

(C) depends on t1 only (D)is constant

8. If the parameter of pint R is T, then

(A)  2  T  2 (B)  2 2  T  2 2 (C) T  2 2 (D) T  2 2

9. The chord PQ passes through the fixed point

(A) (4,0) (B) (2,0) (C)  2,0 (D)  4,0
For Questions 10 to 14

The equation of normal in slope form to the parabola y2  4ax is

y  mx  2am  am3
Also if normal passes through h, k  , then
k  mh  2am  am 3 Or am3  m2a  h   k  0
Which is a cubic in m. Hence three values of am are possible. If all the values of m are real, three normal’s can be
drawn from a given point . Slopes m1, m 2 , m3 of these three normals are related as
m1  m 2  m3  0
2a  h
m1m 2  m 2 m 3  m 3m1 
m1m 2 m 3  
The point of contact of normal’s am12 ,2am, am22  2am2  and am32 ,2am3 are known as co-normal

Answer the following questions based on facts given above :

10. Number of normals drawn from the point 14,7 to the parabola y2  16x  8y  0 are
(A) One (B) Three (C) None (D) None of these
11. The centroid of triangle formed by normal points lies on
(A) Axis (B) directrix (C) line parallel to axis (D) None of these
12. Number of normal’s of slope 2 is/are
(A) One (B) Two (C)Three (D)Zero

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13. The circle through the conormal points passes through the
(A) Vertex (B) Focus
(C) End point of latus rectum (D) none of these
14. The locus of point from which three nromals are drawn an diff. the product of their slopes is 1, is
(A) Axis (B) Directrix (C) Line parallel to axis (D) Line parallel to directrix

For Questions 15 to 18
Parabola acts as parabolic convex or concave mirror. At a given point, the incident ray and reflected ray makes
equal angles with normal.
Further any incident ray parallel to the axis of parabola converses or appears to converge at the focus of the
Parabola y  4x is behaving as a concave mirror. An incident ray xy8 strikes the parabola at point P and
the reflected ray again strikes the parabola at point Q.

Answer the following question based on facts given above :

15. The equation of the reflected ray PQ is

(A) y  7x  24  0 (B) y  7x  32  0 (C) y  x (D) 3y  4x  4  0
16. The coordinate of point Q are
1   16 32   14 28 
(A)  ,1 (B)  ,  (D)  ,  (D) None of these
4  7 7  7 7 
17. The angle through which the incident ray y  x  8 should be rotated about the point 4,4  so that it passes
through the focus, is
o o o o
(A) 30 , clockwise (B) 30 , anticlockwise (C) 45 , clockwise (D) 45 , anticlockwise
18. If the incident ray at 4,4 after reflection passes through focus and strikes the mirror at R then the equation
of the reflected ray through R is
(A) y  1 (B) y  4 (C) y  (D) y  2
Exercise IV
Multiple Choice : Each Question has one or more than one correct answer(s)

1. Any point on the parabola whose focus is 0,1 and the directrix is x  2  0 is given by

(A) t 2  1,2t 1 (B) t 2  1,2t  1 (C) t 2 ,2t  (D) t 2 1,2t  1

2. The focus of the parabola y2  x  2y  2 is
5  1 
(A)  ,1 (B)  ,0  (C) 1,1 (D) None of these
4  4 
3. The locus of foot of perpendicular from focus to any tangent to the parabola y2  4y  4x  3  0 lie on
(A) Directrix (B) Line parallel to axis
(C)Tangent at the vertex (D) Line passing through focus

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4. The parametric equation of a parabola is x  t 2  1, y  2t  1 .The Cartesian equation of its directrix is

(A) x  0 (B) x  1  0 (C) y  0 (D) none of these
5. Tangents are drawn from a point P to the parabola y  8x such that slope of one tangent is twice the slope
of the other. The locus of P is
(A) Line (B) circle (C) Parbola (D) Ellipse

6. The tangents from the origin to the parabola y2  4  4x are inclined at

   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 4 3 2
7. `t1 ' and `t 2 ’ are two points on the parabola y2  4x .If the chord joining them is a normal to the parabola
at `t1 ’ then

(A) t1  t 2 0 
(B) t1 t1  t 2 1 
(C) t1 t1  t 2  2  0 (D) t1t 2 0

8. The number of distinct normal’s that can be drawn from  2,1to the parabola y2  4x  2y  3  0 is/are
(A)1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

9. The equation of a tangent to the parabola y  9x from the point 4,10 is


(A) x  4y  36  0 (B) 81x  8y  162  0 (C) 9x  4y  4  0 (D) x  4y  36  0

10. If the tangent to the parabola y  4ax at x1, y1  , x 2 , y2  cut at x 3 , y3  then
(A) x1 , x 3 , x 2 are in AP (B) x1 , x 3 , x 2 are in GP (C) y1 , y 3 , y 2 are in AP (D) y1 , y 3 , y 2 are in GP

11. The equation of a tangent to the parabola y2  8x which makes an angle 45 o with the line y  3x  5 is
(A) 2x  y  1  0 (B) y  2x  1 (C) x  2y  8  0 (D) x  2y  8  0

12. The locus of the point that moves such that its distance from the point 2,3 is equal to its distance from the
line 4x  7y  13  0 ,is
(A)a straight line (B)a circle (C)a parabola (D)an ellipse

13. The set of values of  , for which the line y  x sin   2 sin  is a normal to the parabola y2  4x , other
then x  axis. Is
 
(A) 2n, n is an integer (B)  (C)R (D) 0,
 2 
2 o
14. If a normal chord of the parabola y  4x makes an angle of 45 with the axis of the parabola, then its
length is
(A)8 (B) 8 2 (C)4 (D) 4 2
15. Tangents are drawn from the point  2,1 to 2
the parabola y  4x . If  is the angle between these
tangents then tan  equals.
(A)3 (B)1/3 (C)2 (D)1/2

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16. The conditions that the two tangents to the parabola y2  4ax become normal to the circle
x 2  y2  2ax  c  0 is given by
(A) a  4b 2 2
(B) b  2a
(C) a
 2b 2 2
(D) b  4a

17. If the normals at the end points a variable chord PQ of the parabola y  4y  2x  0 are perpendicular,
then the tangents at P and Q will intersect at
(A) x  y  3 (B) 3x  7  0 (C) y  3  0 (D) 2 x  5  0

18. The inclination of the normal with positive direction of x  axis drawn at another end of a normal to the
parabola y  4x is always
o o o o
(A)  60 (B)  30 (C)  60 (D)  45

19. The coordinate of the point on the parabola y  x 2  7x  2 , which is nearest to the straight line y  x  3
(A)  2,8 (B) 1,10 (C) 2,20 (D)  1,4

20. A set of parallel chords of the parabola y2  4ax have their mid points on
(A)any straight line through the vertex (B)any straight line through the focus
(C)a straight line parallel to the axis (D) another parabola

21. Normals are drawn from the extremities of the latus rectum of a parabola then normals are
(A)parallel to each other (B) perpendicular to each other
(C)intersect at the 45 (D)none of these

22. If a point P on the parabola y2  4x , foot of perpendicular from it upon the directrix and the focus from an
equilateral triangle then the possible co-ordinates for point P are

(A) 3,2 3  
(B)  3,2 3  (C) 2,2 2 (D) 2,2 2
23. If PSQ is a focal chord of the parabola y  4ax and SP  SQ  5 , then the latus rectum of the parabola
is equal to
80 9
(A) (B) (C) 9 (D) 80
9 80
24. The locus of point of intersection of any tangent to the parabola y  4a x  2 with a line perpendicular to

it and passing through the focus, is

(A)The tangent to the parabola at the vertex (B) x 2
(C) x  0 (D) None of these

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25. Let P be any point on parabola y2  4ax between its vertex and extremity of latus rectum (with positive y
coordinate). M is foot of perpendicular from focus S to tangent P. Then maximum value of area of PMS is

2 a2 2
(A) a (B) (C) 2a (D) none of these
26. The length of the chord of the parabola y2  4x which passes through the vertex and whose slope is is
(A) 2 5 (B) 8 5 (C) 2 (D) 4

27. The end points of two normal chords of a parabola are concyclic, then the tangents at the feet of the normal’s
will intersect at
(A) tangent at vertex of the parabola (B) axis of the parabola
(C) directrix of the parabola (D) none of these

28. The line x  y  1intersects the parabola y2  4x at A and (B) Normally at A and B intersect at (C) If D is
the point at which line CD is normal to the parabola, then coordinates of D are
(A) 4,4 (B) 4,4 (C)  4,4 (D) none of these

29. If P1P2 and P3 P4 are two focal chord of the parabola y  4ax then the chord P1P3 and P2 P4
(A) intersect at directrix (B) intersect at vertex
(C) intersect at parabola (D) does not intersect

30. If P 3,2 is one end of the focal chord PQ of the parabola y2  4x  4y  0 , then the slope of the normal
at Q is
(A)  1 / 2 (B) 2 (C) (D)  2

Exercise V
Multiple Choice : Problem asked in Roorkee/IIT JEE

Three normals are drawn to the curve y  x from a point c,0 . Out of three, one is always along x  axis.
If two others normal are perpendicular to each other then the values of c is
3 1 3
(A) (B) f (C) (D)2 [IIT 1994]
4 2 2
2. Through the vertex O of a parabola y  4x chords OP and OQ are drawn at right angle to each another for
all positions of P,PQ cuts the axis of the axis of the parabola at a fixed point, then the locus of middle point of
PQ is [IIT 1994]

(A) y
 2x  4 (B) y
 4x  2 (C) x
 2y  4 (D) x
 4y  2

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3. Which one of the following curves cuts the parabola y2  4ax at right angles? [IIT 1994]

(B) x  2a (C) y  ax
(A) x  y2  a 2 (D) x
 4ay
4. The point of intersection of the tangents at the ends of the latus rectum of the parabola y2  4x is
(A)  1,0 (B)  1,1 (C) 1,0 (D) 0,2 [IIT 1994]

5. Consider a circle with its centre lying on the focus of the parabola y2  2px such that it touches the directrix
of the parabola Then a point of intersection of the circle and the parabola is
P  P  P  P 
(A)  , P (B)   P (C)  , P (D)  , P [IIT 1995]
2  2   2   2 

6. If x1, x 2 , x 3 as well as y1, y 2 , y3 are in G.P. with the same common ratio, then the points
x1, y1 , x 2 , y 2 , x 2 , y3  [IIT 1999]
(A) lie on a straight line (B) lie on an ellipse (C) lie on a circle (D) are vertices of a triangle

7. The curves described by x  t 2  1, y  t 2  t  1represents [IIT 1999]

(A) a pair of straight lines (B) an ellipse (C) a parabola (D) a hyperbola

8. If x  y  k is normal to y2  12x , then k is [IIT 2000]

(A) 3 (B) 9 (C)  9 (D)3

If the line x  1  0 is the directrix of the parabola y

9.  kx  8  0 , then one of the value of k is
1 1
(A) (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) [IIT 2000]
8 4
10. The equation of the common tangent touching the circle x  32  y2  9 and the parabola y2  4x above
the x  axis is
(A) 3y  3x  1 (B) 3t  x  3 (C) 3y  x  3 (D) 3y  3x  1 [IIT 2001]

11. The equation of the common tangent to the curves y2  8x and xy  1 is

(A) 3y  9x  2 (B) y  2x  1 (C) 2y  x  8 (D) y  x  2 [IIT 2002]

12. The locus of the mid-point of the line segment joining the focus to a moving point on the parabola y2  8x
and xy  x  1is [IIT 2002]
a a
(A) x  a (B) x  (C) x  0 (D) x 
2 2
13. The focal chord to y2  16x is tangent to x  62  y2  2 , then the possible values of the slope of this
chord, are
1 1
(A)  1,1 (B)  2,2 (C)  2, (D) 2, [IIT 2003]
2 2

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14. The angle between the tangents drawn from the point 1,4 to the parabola y2  4x is
   
(A) (B) (C) (D) [IIT 2004]
6 4 3 2
15. Tangent to the curve y  x  6 at a point 1,7 touches the circle x 2  y2  16x  12y  c  0 at a point
Q. Then the coordinates of Q are
(A)  6,7 (B)  10  15 (C)  9,13 (D)  6,11 [IIT 2005]


Count Your Concept – I

1. True and False

a b c d e f
False False False False True False
g h i j k 
True True False True True True

2. Fill in the Blanks

(a) (i) x – y + 1 = 0 (ii) 4 (iii) x + y – 4 = 0 (b) (1 + 2t, 1 – t )
 13 
(c)   ,  (d) Two
 8 
(e) infinite (f) Four
(g) One (h)  > 1
(i) Does not exist (j) (–4, 1)
(k) x = 0 () x = 5, x = 1
(m) /2
(n) y = 3(x – 2)

(o) 3  2 6,6 
3. y = 4(x +4)
4. (i) (3, –1/2);’ (3, 1); y + 2 = 0 (ii) (7/4, –2); (3/4, –2); 4x = 11
5. 3x + 2y + 14 = 0 6. K=1
7. –z + 3y = 9 8. (0, 2a)
9. x – 4y + 36 = 0, 9x – 4y + 4 = 0 10. y =  (x + 4)
 5
11. tan1   12. 8 3
 2 
13. x – 2y + 4 = 0 14. x+3=0

SCO 15, Silver City Extension, Zirakpur (Chandigarh), Tel:9815301916, 9878170502

PARABOLA XII Study Package 65
Chase your Dream

Count Your Concept – II

1. True and False

a b c d e f g h i
True True True False False True True True True
j k  m n o p q

True True True False False False True True

2. Fill in the Blanks

(a) 90° (b) (4, –4) (c) (0, 0) (d) –4 (e) One
(f) 2 (g) –1 (h) 4 27 (i) x = 0
a  2 2 or a  2 2
3. 10, 8, 6 5. (2a – b)y = 4ab(x – 2c) 8.

Count Your Concept – III

1. True and False

a b c d e f
False False True False False True

2. Fill in the Blanks

(a) (i) r  2 2 (ii) r = 3 (iii) 2 (iv) y = 0, y = x –3, y = –x + 3
3 2
(b) (i) 4y  4x  7 (ii) (c) (2, 1) (d) (6, 3)
(e) tan1  
(f) x + 4x + 4y + 8 = 0
 8 3
3. (2, 1) 4. 4  5 1  5. tan1  
 47 
 

Exercise – I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b b c b a a d b b c

Exercise – II

a b c d e f g
viii vii iv i ii iv vii

SCO 15, Silver City Extension, Zirakpur (Chandigarh), Tel:9815301916, 9878170502

PARABOLA XII Study Package 66
Chase your Dream

Exercise – III

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d b c c,d a c d c d b
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a a a c b b d a

Exercise – IV

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D A C A C D C A A,c B,c
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A,c A C B A D D B,c A A
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A A A,b A C B B A A A

Exercise – V

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A A D A A,b A C B C C
11 12 13 14 15

SCO 15, Silver City Extension, Zirakpur (Chandigarh), Tel:9815301916, 9878170502

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