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1. Answer in English or Malay.

1. Number of words: 3000 – 5000 words excluding references.

2. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

3. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

4. Submission date : 19 JULY 2022.

5. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


The assignment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and competency in planning,
designing, preparing, administering, and appraising the effectiveness of a test paper
consisting of three short-answer essay questions.



There are FOUR (4) tasks for this course assignment in Part I. The details of the tasks are
presented below:

TASK I: Table of Specifications and description (15 marks)

The task requires that you plan and design a test paper which should consist of THREE (3)
short-answer essay questions. The essay questions should cover FOUR (4) different topics
of a subject/course of your choice. Each essay question should be framed to assess the
learning outcome/objective at a chosen cognitive complexity level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
The length of students’ responses required should be appropriate for the assessment of
the learning outcomes/objectives. Present your planning in the form of a Table of
Specifications. Your table of specifications should have the following details:
 Subject/Course of study
 Class/Course Level
 Four topics to be assessed
 Hours of interaction for each topic
 Weightage (% hours) and marks allocation for each topic
 Question number at each chosen cognitive complexity level of Bloom’s Taxonomy

Use the following example as a guide to present your Table of Specifications

Hours of
Topic % Marks Total
Interaction C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Hours Allocated Marks
Topic 1 2 20 4 4
(4 m)
Topic 2 3 30 6 6
(6 m)
Topic 3 5 50 10 10
(10 m)
TOTAL 10 100 20 4 6 10 20

Note: C1 – Knowledge, C2 – Comprehension, C3 – Application, C4 – Analysis, C5 –
Synthesis, C6 - Evaluation

Provide a description of the Table of Specifications, focusing on the selection of the topics
to be assessed, the hours of interaction for each topic, the choice of the assessment
method, and the choice of the cognitive complexity levels.
In your description, explain why the three topics are selected for assessment, why you are
using short-answer essay questions to assess the topics, why you have distributed the
hours of interaction in such a manner, and why you have chosen the three levels of
cognitive complexity.

Refer to Topic 3 Planning the Classroom Test for the explanation of the Table of
Specifications. Refer to Topic 2 What to Assess, Section 2.3 p. 24 – 27, for the explanation
of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive domain.

TASK II: The Test Paper and Commentary (15 marks)

This task requires that you prepare the test paper based on the Table of Specifications
you have presented in Task I. The test paper should have the following details:
 Subject/Course of study
 Class/Course Level
 Time allocation of the test
 Instructions for the students
 3 short-answer essay questions

Write a commentary on the test you have developed. In your commentary, you should
explain the criteria including the cognitive complexity levels you have used in constructing
each essay question.

Refer to Topic 5 Constructing Essay Questions, Section 5.7 for the guidelines for
constructing essay questions.

TASK III: Prepare marking schemes (10 marks)

Prepare an appropriate marking scheme to score the students’ responses to each short-
answer essay question. You have the choice of using a holistic rubric or analytic rubric to
score the responses. You may use any other formats of marking scheme you deem
appropriate to score the students’ responses. You should prepare THREE (3) different
marking schemes, one for each essay question.
Describe and explain the marking schemes you have devised and provide justifications for
the choice of the scoring method.
Refer to Topic 5 Constructing Essay Questions, Section 5.9 for the explanation of the
marking scheme.

TASK IV: Item Analysis and Interpretation (10 marks)
Administer the short-answer essay questions as test items to a group of students (about
30 students). After the test, mark the students’ responses using the marking schemes you
have prepared in Task II, conduct an item analysis on each essay question and interpret
the results. Based on the results, comment on the overall effectiveness of the test paper.

Refer to Topic 9 Appraising Classroom Tests and Item Analysis, Section 9.5 for the
application of Item Analysis on Essay type questions.

Submission Guidelines
1. Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12-point Times New Roman
and 1.5 spacing
2. All assignment documents, including tables and charts, should be appropriately
3. Assignment contents to be submitted are:

Task I  Table of Specification and description (15 marks)

Task II  The test paper and commentary (15 marks)
Task III  The marking schemes (10 marks)
Task IV  Item Analysis and interpretation (10 marks)

4. Attach FIVE (5) copies of marked answer scripts as appendices, one from each
performance level (i.e. Good and Poor).


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

Question 1:
Give examples of projects you have included or can include in the teaching and evaluation
of your subject area.

Question 2:
Performance assessments have also been seen as a way to shape teachers’ approaches to
instruction, ensuring that it is focused on the development of higher-order skills, rather
than rote memorisation. Do you agree? Justify your answer.

Question 3:

Discuss the similarities and differences between rubrics, checklists, and rating scales with


Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date, and Time.

Guidelines for Submission:

a. Use double space and 12-point Times New Roman font.
b. Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format 7 th edition.
c. References should be the latest (the year 2010 onwards)
● Assignments should be submitted according to the due date.
● You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment online through myINSPIRE.
● Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are not sure what is meant by plagiarism, refer to the
various websites which discuss this matter, e.g. owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts.

[Total: 10 marks]

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
TASK 3 Table of Specifications (TOC) and 3.75 TOC is very well TOC is well- TOC is fairly well – TOC is poorly Unsatisfactory/ 15
I description constructed with all constructed with most constructed with some constructed with most no response.
the relevant details of the relevant details of the relevant details of the relevant details
very clearly presented. clearly presented. fairly clearly presented. missing or vaguely

The description is very The description is clear The description is fairly The description is hardly
clear and detailed, and detailed, focusing clear and detailed, clear and detailed with
focusing on the choice on the choice of topics, focusing on the choice of little focus on the choice
of topics, the hours of the hours of topics, the hours of of topics, the hours of
interaction, the interaction, the interaction, the interaction, the
assessment method, assessment method, assessment method, and assessment method, and
and the complexity and the complexity the complexity levels. the complexity levels.
levels. levels.
TASK 3 Test Paper and Commentary 3.75 All relevant elements Most relevant Some relevant elements Few relevant elements Unsatisfactory/ 15
II are included in the elements are included are included in the Test are included in the Test no response.
Test Paper. in the Test Paper. Paper. Paper.

Essay questions are Essay questions are Essay questions are fairly Essay questions are
very well constructed well constructed with well constructed with poorly constructed with
with no errors. few errors. some errors. numerous errors.

The explanation of the Explanation of the The explanation of the Explanation of criteria
criteria adhered to is criteria adhered to is criteria adhered to is adhered to is rather
very clear and very clear and well fairly clear and fairly well sketchy and not well
well presented. presented. presented. presented.

TASK 3 The Marking Scheme 2.5 Very well constructed, Well constructed, with Poorly constructed, Very poorly constructed, Unsatisfactory/ 10
III free from error, and some errors but numerous errors but with lots of errors, and no response.
consistent with the consistent with the fairly consistent with the hardly consistent with
requirements of the requirements of the requirements of the the requirements of the
essay question. essay question. essay question. essay question.

Very clear explanation Clear explanation of Fairly clear explanation A vague explanation of
of marking scheme marking scheme with of marking scheme but the marking scheme
with lots of details. some details. lacks details. with hardly any details.

Justifications are Justifications are Justifications are fairly Justifications are hardly
strongly supported by supported by relevant supported by relevant supported by relevant
relevant research research evidence & research evidence & research evidence &
evidence & experts’ experts’ views. experts’ views. experts’ views.
Clear explanation of Fairly clear explanation A vague explanation of
Very clear explanation justifications with of justifications but lacks justifications without
of justifications with some details. details. any details.
lots of details.
Justifications are Justifications are fairly Justifications are hardly
Justifications are supported by relevant supported by relevant supported by relevant
strongly supported by research evidence & research evidence & research evidence &
relevant research experts’ views. experts’ views. experts’ views.
evidence & experts’
TASK 3 Item analysis and interpretation 2.5 All analyses are Most analyses are Some analyses are Few analyses are Unsatisfactory/ 10
IV correctly done and correctly done and correctly done and correctly done and no response.
properly presented. properly presented. properly presented. properly presented.

All interpretations are Most interpretations Some interpretations are Few interpretations are
accurate. are accurate. accurate. accurate.

Comment on overall Comment on overall Comment on overall Comment on overall

effectiveness is very effectiveness is well effectiveness is fairly effectiveness is not well
well justified. justified. well justified. justified.
Total 12.5 50


CLO Excellent Good Fair Poor No response Max

Online Class Question Criteria Weighting
4 3 2 1 0 marks

Question 1: Quality  All five comments Three or four of the One or two of the None of the No postings were
Give examples of projects of 2.5 are good, comments are good, comments are comments are good given as proof of 10
you have included or can Postings appropriate, appropriate, somewhat good, and relevant. / participation in the
include in the teaching and relevant, relevant, meaningful appropriate, Comments are short discussion
evaluation of your subject Affective meaningful, and and meaningful and responses that are not
area. Domain respectful respectful respectful substantial nor
(A3) meaningful. Minimum
Question 2: effort (e.g. “I agree
Performance assessments with Tina”)
have also been seen as a
way to shape teachers’
approaches to instruction,
ensuring that it is focused
on the development of
higher-order skills, rather
than rote memorisation.
Do you agree? Justify your

Question 3:
Discuss the similarities and
differences between
rubrics, checklists, and
rating scales with

Total Marks 2.5 10

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