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Impact of COVID-19 on employees performance
Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the
Bachelor of Business Administration

OP Jindal University, Raigarh

Submitted by
Ekta Singh
BBA – 6TH semester
(Session 2019 - 2022)

Approved By Guided By
Saket jeswani Himanshu vaishnaw
Hod , SOM Assistant professor, SOM
OPJU, Raigarh OPJU, Raigarh

OP Jindal University, Raigarh

Punjipathra, Raigarh, (C.G.), 496109


I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the dissertation work

entitled impact of covid 19 on employees performance is based on my own

work carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of

Himanshu vaishnaw.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an

outcome of my research work. I further declare that to the best of my

knowledge and belief the report does not contain any part of any work which

has been submitted for the award of BBA degree or any other

degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University of India or


(Signature of the Student)
Name: Ekta singh
Roll No: 02ug19010022
Semester: 6th BBA


This is to certify that Ekta Singh has completed his/her Dissertation entitled

Impact of covid 19 on employees performance under my/our guidance and

supervision for the part fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelors of

Business Administration from OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G.), India.

To the best of my knowledge and belief the project report

I) embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

ii) has duly been completed,

iii) is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for

external viva.

(Signature of the Supervisor)

Himanshu vaishnaw


Knowledge is a word deep in meaning that has no bars or demarcation. The

more you a mass it the better it is. It is something that can be shared alike.

I thank to my project guide Himanshu vaishnaw for extending his/her

valuable guidance and keen interest persistent encouragement during the

course of our project. I am highly in-debated to my respected faculties for their

right and timely guidance, for their good nature and positive behavior at all

that has been a boon throughout. I also express my thanks and deep sense of

gratitude to our respected Head of the department Saket jeswani for his

inspiration and moral support.


The spread of COVID-19 has resulted in major changes in the way service firms
operate, altering employees’ daily routines and activities. First, We want to see how
COVID-19’s work implications affect employee performance (i.e. output quality , as
well as delivery). Employees productivity is affected by cations (e.g., home office
work environment, employment uncertainty, and virtual connection).During the
COVID-19 epidemic, this study will examine the association between work from
home (WFH) and employee performance. Working from home for employees inside
an organization, as well as its success and support offered to employees, are all
influenced to some extent by the leadership style of those in senior management roles
within such firms.
The COVID-19 epidemic has resulted in one of many undesirable and dramatic
changes in modern firms’ personnel profiles. The goal for human resource
management is to find solutions to reduce the negative effects of work during the
epidemic. Employees’ well-being has been influenced by factors such as feeling
threatened, loneliness, working from home, and instability.



Abstract 05
Chapter 1 Introduction 7-11
 Background and problem
 Study gap
 Objective
Chapter 2 Literature Review 12
 Key factors affecting work 12-13
 How covid 19 impacted 14
employees performance
 Work environment 14-15

 Work life balance 15

 Job satisfaction 16
 Work performance
 Covid 19 implications
Chapter 3 Methodology 20
 Research type and design 20
 Research population and 20
 Measures 20

 Data collection 21

 Research tool 22

Discussion 26-27
Conclusion 28
Reference 29



Unfortunately, the current scenario, which has been impacted by the Covid-19
outbreak, is a global depression that will almost certainly result in large-scale
ruptures. Because of the interaction of societies, epidemics, which have a history as
old as human history, found new areas of spread in a very short time, causing many
deaths (thousands or even millions) in areas where they had never been seen before
and causing the collapse of powerful states-empires (Ylmaz, 2007: 27).

Coronavirus is a virus that was originally discovered in Wuhan, China in December

2019 and was given the name “2019-nCoV.” (BBC, 2020). On February 11, 2020,
The World Health Organization (WHO) named this new form of coronavirus Covid-
19, which poses a global health hazard and has characteristics with earlier coronavirus
epidemics (SARS and MERS) but has an unknown cause (Zhao et al., 2020 : 215).
After its rapid growth over the world, Covid-19 has been deemed a “pandemic,”
which indicates a worldwide epidemic (BBC, 2020).

The Covid-19 epidemic, which spread quickly to over 200 countries, including our
own, infecting millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, has had a
profound impact on and continues to have an impact on all areas and processes,
including health, economy, education, politics, legal, technological-digital,
international relations, and social life. Working life is undoubtedly one of the sectors
most affected by the epidemic (Kavas and Develi, 2020: 86; Karakaş, 2020: 546).

Although steps were taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading in the workplace
(flexible and remote working models, decreased trends in working hours, shift-based

working system, virtual meetings and trainings, and so on), these measures did not
apply to all industries and individuals. Furthermore, the lack of an efficient treatment
method and vaccination for the epidemic has produced anxiety and panic among
many employees by creating uncertainty about the process’s path (Duman, 2020:

Employees are assumed to be stressed as a result of the current climate of fear and
uncertainty, which has a negative impact on their performance. The reason for this is
that people who work under stress are unable to dedicate their whole attention to their
work and workplace because they are physically and mentally ill. As a result, great
performance cannot be expected from a person operating under stress and dread of

Employees are one of the most valuable assets a company can have. Covid-19 has had
a significant impact on many organizations today, particularly in terms of employee
performance. This pandemic revealed more than what these images suggested. It
highlighted the rich and poor’s vulnerabilities.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, on the other hand, shifted the pattern considerably.
In mid-March 2020, various countries called for social distance measures to curb the
virus’ spread, including restrictions on coming to work, in response to rising illnesses
and deaths. WFH became increasingly important (Bonacini et al., 2021b),

Non-regular employment is slightly more common among women than it is among

males. As a result, Covid-19 has raised the vulnerability of women’s employment
while also adding care work duties.

For businesses, the impact of Covid-19 has been unequal across different regions,
sectors, and demographics. The majority of people work in the hardest-hit industries,
such as manufacturing, lodging and food services, wholesale, retail trade, real estate,
and commercial activities.

Aviation, hospitality, and travel industries were the hardest damaged by the
lockdown. Indians were obliged to stay at home, and these industries either laid off or
sent their staff on ‘Leave Without Pay.’

However, the lockdown had a beneficial influence on the health care (because to
Covid-19-related growth) and education (e-learning) sectors, with nearly to 0.4
million additional employment created in these areas, according to industry estimates.

HR consultants expect that 1 million jobs will be created in 2020, with the largest
recruitment occurring between July and December.

In this research we discovered that a variety of factors influenced employee

performance throughout the pandemic. The goal of this study is to discover and
analyze Covid-19’s impact on employees performance. The goal of this research is to
discover and examine the effects of Covid-19 on employees.

Given the significance of COVID-19’s exceptional scenario, this thesis studies the
relationship between work environment and employee performance, as well as the
mediating aspects of employee job satisfaction and work-life balance at a specific
point during this unique period. As a result, the goal of this research is to learn more
about how, why, and under what conditions the listed factors influenced workers’
work performance during the COVID-19 epidemic.


Employees Performance
Changes in work habits could have an impact on the performance of its employees by
impacting their mental, cognitive, and physical health (Graves and Karabayeva,

Employee performance saw a 46 percent reduction as a result of COVID-19, which is
negative (Boichenko and Tymchenko, 2020).


This study has proven that how Covid-19 has impacted the employees performance
drastically. Either positively or negatively it has impacted every employees
performance. This study is successful in analyzing how does various organizations
tackled the negative impact of pandemic on its employees performance.

This study is significant because it shows the real primary data of how this pandemic
has impacted the overall employee group of this economy. And it is significant
because it is important in context of today’s scenario to understand the dynamically
impact of pandemic on their performance.


The main objective of “IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON EMPLOYEES


1. Analyzing the impact of pandemic on the employees performance.

2. Factors affecting employees performance.

3. What employees think about their respective organization during this


4. How Covid-19 was the great influencing factor for employees performance

1.4 The COVID-19 Pandemic's Impact on Employee Performance

On the other hand, regarding the physical and mental condition of

employees, the COVID-19 pandemic effects also influence their work
performance. During theCOVID-19 pandemic, employees began to
become increasingly concerned about safety, the risk of becoming
infected with the virus, social exclusion, financial loss, and job
insecurity , which means that they felt threatened by these effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

In this regard, it may be pointed out that these effects of COVID-19 were
the main reason for employees’ stress and the decline in work
performance . compared with the condition before COVID-19, employee
performance during COVID-19 has decreased. Moreover, studying the
links between the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and employees’
performance, found that the effects of COVID-19 have a significant
negative impact on employee work performance. In addition to
behavioral changes and the physical and mental condition of employees,
the effects of the pandemic, such as social distancing and working from
home, also require adjustment of the workplace.

Specifically, performing work activities in an inefficient place can have a

detrimental effect on the physical and mental well-being of employees,
as well as on their overall work performance, leading to their decline .
Thus, it may be highlighted that the measures taken to prevent the spread
of the virus, such as social distancing and working for home, negatively

influenced employees ‘productivity and, implicitly, that their general
work performance decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

2.1. Key factors affecting work performance during the COVID-19


The literature review is a critical review of the existing research which relates to this
project. Below are the some of the important researches done in the same area as this:-

1. Companies should pay more attention to the favorable effects of having a

home office and sustaining optimal employee work performance, according to
Wolor et al. (2020).

2. The findings of Felstead and Reuschke (2020) suggest that WFH is more
productive. However, if you dig deeper into their findings, you’ll find that
having a consistent work environment is crucial for productivity. What will
the future hold after the election?

3. Is there a COVID-19 pandemic? The importance and dimension of physical

work is highlighted by the McKinsey Global Institute (2021). After the
pandemic, work that involves a higher level of interaction is likely to change,
prompting changes in business/work practices.

4. In 2021, Kevin M Kniffin and his team did research on “COVID -19 AND
THE WORKPLACE” and discovered that the pandemic has had a significant
impact on the workplace environment.

5. In 2021, Surbhi Kesar and team has conducted a research on “PANDEMIC,

LIVELIHOODS IN INDIA” and found that around 2/3rd of respondents
reported losing employment during the lockdown, and those that continued to
be employed witness a sharp decline in earning.

6. In 2021, Dennis Egger and team has conducted a research on “FALLING

decrease in living standard among employees.

7. In 2020, Dobrica Savic has conducted a research on ‘COVID-19 AND WORK

and found that the demand for the work from home during this period is huge.

8. In 2021, Derek Qi Ren Kok and team has conducted a research on “SAVING
LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS IN THE COVID-19” and found that the richer
countries should establish a global fund to help the poor countries.

9. In 2020, Salina Hamouche has conducted a research on “COVID-19 AND

negative impact of Covid-19 on individual’s mental health.

10. In 2020, Gayane Tovmasyan and team has conducted a research on “THE
PANDEMIC” and found that employees appreciate both intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation factors.

11. In 2021, Louis Lippens and team has conducted a research on “HOW DO
CAREERS?” and found that many employees believe they will look at the
labour market differently and will have different work related priorities in the

12. In 2020, Amit Kramer and team has conducted a research on “THE
OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY” and found that while some occupational
groups might benefit from the pandemic, its overall impact will increase and
broaden income, gender, racial, and ethnic inequality.

2.2 How covid 19 impacted employees performance

1.working from home will have an influence on employees performance

2. Working from home can change the employee effectiveness, quality and efficiency
of their output

3. Working from home is an excellent way to reduce worry and keep official work

4. Employee performance is difficult to manage.

2.3 Work Environment for Employees

Several problems and benefits of working from home (WFH) during the COVID-19
pandemic were reported in a survey done by McConnell and Stuart (2020). After the
pandemic is ended, the respondents predict that they will work more frequently,
improve their remote collaboration skills, and travel less frequently for business.

Workers will be residing further away from their workplaces, according to other
respondents. The results of the study revealed changes in communication, individual
impact, teamwork, and leaders’ ability to lead. WFH, according to the respondents,
has compelled everyone to learn digital communication technology. Even scheduled
meetings, which are supposed to stimulate small talk, don’t seem to have the same
effect. WFH’s main sources of distraction are interruptions from family members and

a lack of working space to have online meeting.

There are various advantages that outnumber the drawbacks. WFH is expected to be
more prevalent in the future than in the past, according to the respondents. Take place
in the future to a greater extent than in the past.

According to Earle (2013), one of the top three elements that contribute to JS is the
physical workplace. Employees who work in a well-designed office environment are
less likely to leave their jobs. In comparison to the working environment, quality of
life is a significant influence. We can draw the following two hypotheses from these

H1: Employee Work-Life Balance is favourably connected with the work


H2: Employee satisfaction is favourably connected with work environment.

2.4 Work-Life Balance for Employees

While some research imply that Work From home can help with work-life balance
(QWL), others say it’s difficult to separate work and home life. When in-person social
connections with coworkers are limited, for example, many people feel isolated
(McConnell and Stuart, 2020).

On the other hand, QWL has improved, with family households having less stress as
they are able to attend to personal matters and extend their workday as needed
(increased flexibility).

No commuting saves money on petrol, train, and bus tickets, as well as time wasted
stuck in traffic, allowing you to spend more time at work and at home. Other benefits
of WFM include being able to stay concentrated (due to less interruptions) and getting
more work done (more efficient, higher productivity).

H4: Employee Work-Life Balance is positively correlated to Work Performance.

2.4 Employees Job satisfaction

Employee motivation is influenced by one’s perspective on human needs. If basic

requirements are met, according to Maslow’s hierarchy, it is easier to improve
employee work performance.(Zameer and colleagues, 2014). According to Zameer et
al. (2014), job enrichment, job security, and job satisfaction are all important.

Employee work performance (WP) is improved by providing security, a fair

compensation, and other incentives.
The company effortlessly meets its objectives. Job satisfaction (JS) is a determining
element in how well a company performs.

WP for employees (Holbert et al., 2021). The study also revealed that the values are
influenced by a variety of factors. Both experience and education are important.
When manufacturing employees or manual workers actively craft, they are more
fulfilled and engaged.

In comparison to others, they have more freedom to innovate at work.

Those who actively craft and have the freedom to innovate at work are more content
and engaged than those who conduct fewer self-initiated actions. During the COVID-
19 epidemic, this research took place (Ren et al., 2020). Younger Employees appear
to be more at ease and capable of dealing with the organizational
environment.COVID-19 pandemic’s effects (Ren et al., 2020).

Hypothesis five is as follows:

H5: Work Performance and Employee Satisfaction are Linked

2.5 Employees work performance

As previously said, numerous performance metrics, including as quality, quantity,

punctuality, cost-effectiveness, accuracy, and others, can be used to understand
employee work performance (Novitasari, 2020). The employee WP is the manner in
which a goal is met. It is possible, based on the studies, that

The amount of employee WP does not have a direct substantial influence. Rather, the
many leadership roles must be considered.
Leadership style has a substantial impact on JS (Al-maaitah et al., 2021), and it may
be improved. The employee’s dedication to the company

Resources for Engaging Employees during a Pandemic

Companies can use a variety of resources to engage their staff in remote
communication. Companies’ staff employees and senior management committees
communicate with their sub-workers and define their roles and obligations to them
utilizing numerous platforms. Mobile communication (conference calls, video calls,
etc. ), Skype chat and calls, and Zoom meetings were all used to keep staff engaged
during the pandemic. It was discovered that in order to conduct meetings with
employees in professional and large-scale firms, top-level management used zoom
meetings and made explicit expectations with them.

Overall, it has been determined that through the use of technology, communication
and engagement among working employees has been formed, as a result of which
distant employees are aware of the project’s objective and vision. All of the
company’s resources for managing or engaging people are linked to the technologies.
(Shahid & p, 2020)
During the crisis, corporations attempted a variety of techniques and technology
components to support their employees’ health. It demands the company’s ability to
support and adopt practices that have helped employees manage their own health and
well-being. Work resumed in various parts of the world thanks to productivity and
online meeting tools. A large number of businesses have embraced flexibility by
encouraging and hosting virtual social gatherings (Hodder, 2020). Companies Are
directing employees to work from home, and various web tools have made the remote
work programmed a success, allowing work to continue at a normal pace.

 Video conferencing
Web conferencing tools like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet is a
Secure way to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. Getting
Into work mode from home was not easy without the presence
Of such effective software. The perks of using a free version
Or upgrade to a pro one are multiple. Zoom, an online video
Conferencing platform, is bringing a lot of improvements
Such as virtual backgrounds to hide chaos, meeting chat can
Be leveraged to share resources and files, white boarding, and


 Messaging apps
Various apps like WhatsApp, project management software,
And many more communication channels have been used by
The organization to create a result-oriented environment.
Meeting schedules, chat channels and other work-related
Topics make space for connection on these mediums.

 Productivity tools
Various time tracking software have also taken place in the
Company’s culture. They have become an enhanced way to
Keep a track of the employees’ productivity and justify their
Working hours and have transparent communication

COVID-19 Work Implications

COVID-19's work implications, including job insecurity, work office environment,

and virtual relationships, directly affect employee performance (Narayanamurthy
Tortorella, 2021). And There are three measurement of COVID-19 Work

1. Job Insecurity
2. Home Office Environment
3. Virtual Connection

Employee Performance
According to Wayne and Ferris (1990), and recently the assessment is again reapplied
by I Ketut Setia Sapta et. al. (2021), there are five ways to assess performance:

1. Job Knowledge
2. Initiative
3. Mental Proficiency
4. Attitude
5. Job Performance

3. Methodology

3.1 Research Type and Design

This research was conducted with a quantitative Approach. The study design is
Behavior Analysis Work Towards Employee Performance. Post- pandemic Covid-19
Has been selected as the object on the grounds of Research .Population and Sample
The primary data source of this research was Interviews with the staff of the Different
employees totaling 15 people and the sample Was taken by random sampling of 15

3.2 Research Population and Sample

This study’s methodology was based on a survey of people who work for public or
private sector companies, independent of their industry, region of development, or
other organizational characteristics. Potential respondents were also invited to
complete a questionnaire about their present employment and previous circumstances.
There were 15 total valid responses. Thus, a non-probabilistic sample of 15
employees, 40 percent women, and 60 percent men was used for this study. Out of
them, all of them worked for businesses in the private sector. Additionally, the
individuals who made up the research sample ranged in age from 25 to 45.
The primary data source of this research was interviews with the staff Totaling 15
people and the sample was taken by random sampling of people.

3.3 Measures
A systematic questionnaire was utilized to collect the data. With the exception of
General Work Performance, each item was scored on a five-point scale.
Consequently, the questionnaire’s five measuring constructs were as follows:

 COVID-19 Effects. This construct aimed to assess the extent to which

employees felt a number of threats/effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As

specific variables, five items were included, such as “technical
unemployment”, “salary decreases”, “lifestyle Changes imposed by social
distancing”, etc.
• Health-Related Stress Factors (HRSFs). Two items were included in this
category:” fear Of becoming infected with coronavirus” and “fear of
infecting others”. These stressors Indicated the extent to which employees
felt stressed about their health and the health Of those around them.
• Work-Related Stress Factors (WRSFs) included five items, such as “The
fear of losing A job”, ”The fear of working from home for a long time”.
This category is important Because it highlights the main work-related
fears that employees felt during the Pandemic and which were a stress
factor for them.
• Mental Well-Being (MWB). The aim of this construct was to determine
the mental or Psychological experience felt by those who worked during
the COVID-19 pandemic. items were included in this category, for
example: ”Feeling nervous”, “Feeling Hopeless”, ”Feeling impatient or

• Physical Well-Being (PWB). which highlight the extent to which

employees felt a number of conditions that impaired their physical well-
being, were included In this construct. Some of the specific aspects used in
the research were: “Feeling tired


The purpose of this paper was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic
effects On employees’ health and mental well-being, as well as on their working
performance. Moreover, the paper aimed to highlight whether health- and work-
related stress factors Mediate the above relations. In order to achieve the purpose of
the research, a survey was Designed with a questionnaire as a research tool. Thus, this
survey was conducted between

Direct data from questionnaire survey respondent. With a total no.of 15 respondent

Trusted data from trusted and relevant source of information; journal, reports, thesis,
and annual report..

3.5 Data source

Primary data is in the form of interviews obtained from employees and the results of
field observations. Meanwhile, secondary data is data sourced from reports or related
documents .Data collection technique

1. Observation, namely data collection by observing the activity process.

2. Interview structured, namely data collection using the questionnaire interview.

3. In-depth interviews, namely data collection by conducting in-depth interviews .

4. namely the collection of data derived from secondary sources such as documents.

Data analysis

Quantitative data in this study were analyzed through the steps of problem
identification, literature study, conceptual framework development, identification and
definition of research variables and questions, research design development, random
sampling techniques, data collection and quantification, data analysis, and
interpretation and communication. Research results.

Research Tool

Interview Questionnaire

1. During this covid 19 pandemic has your company offered you work from home?
2.How much do you agree with this statement that covid 19 impacted negatively on
your job in terms of performance?
3. What where the factors which affected your performance during covid?
4.How this pandemic has affected your personal and professional life?

RESEARCH RESULT Description of the Research Area

Table no. 1 Work setting

S. Percentage Frequenc Work from Home during covid
No y
1. 73.3% 11 Allocation of Work From Home during
2. 26.3% 04 Their was no change

Table no. 2 Negative impact on employees Job performance.

S. Percentage Frequency Negative impact in terms of
No performance
01 80% 12 Their was a negative impact on job in terms
of performance
02 20% 03 Does do affected in terms of performance

Table no. 3 Factors which affected employees performance during covid 19

 Factors which affected Employee Performance During covid

S. Percentage Frequenc Employees Performance during COVID-19
No y
1. 66.6% 10 Said that there were change in rules &
regulations during the covid 19 epidemic .
2. 33.33% 05 Actively looked for ways to improve their
3. 26.6% 04 Knew that how to set their priorities.

4. 73.3% 11 Feeling pressured and misunderstood.

5. 53.3% 08 Able to perform their work well with minimal

time and effort.
6. 46.6% 07 Not able to perform the task in time.

7. 26.6% 04 There was a boss who gave warning if the

work could not be completed.
8. 73.3% 11 Too much Online meetings.

09 46.6% 07 Due to work from home employees made

certain mistakes.
10 60% 09 Employees mental health problems with
vulnerable work conditions
11 86.6% 13 During epidemic anxiety/stress impacted
negativity on employees performance.

 Employees work environment

S. Percentag Frequency Work environment
No e
01 60% 09 Work environment wasn’t suitable.
02 40% 06 Pleasant work environment.
03 73.3% 11 Family Disturbance because of work

from home.
04 60% 09 There was no regulations on working
hours due to WFM.
05 53.3% 08 Communication gap due to WFH.

 Employees job satisfaction

S. Percentage Frequency Job satisfaction
01 46.6% 07 Speaking employees are very happy with their
work because of work from home
02 53.3% 08 Not happy and satisfied with their work
03 66.6% 10 Employees do not often think about resigning
their job
04 33.3% 05 Thought of switching their job during covid

 Employees Motivation factor

S. No Percentag Frequency Employees motivation level
01 53.3% 08 Employees feel motivated towards their work
02 46.6% 07 Feel demotivated towards their work

Table no. 4 How covid 19 affected employees personal and

professional life

S. Percentage Frequenc Employees Personal & professional

No y life
01 80% 12 Due to covid employees both personal

and professional life was affected
02 20% 03 There was no change.


Employee performance is the activity of employees in the process of carrying out

their obligations and responsibilities, namely how an employee plans the results and
goals to be achieved, carries out activities in the office according to the task, and
evaluates and evaluates the results and objectives that have been achieved. employees
who have important duties and functions in their respective fields. Employee
performance is expected to boost the quality and relevance of the office where they
work. Its implementation in the field depends on many factors that influence it and are
interrelated, for example, the influence of behavior such as disciplinary factors and
motivational factors.

Work discipline is one of the factors that affect performance. The research argued that
employees must have given each bear responsibility for carrying out tasks following
the duties and functions that it can not be said that the employees did not know what
to do every day. Therefore, employees who have high work discipline will be
responsible for the tasks given to be completed properly and on time. Employee
discipline can be carried out by force, but this method will not be effective because
employees will feel constrained and feel burdened.

The results of this study indicate that employee discipline has an effect on employee
performance during the covid-19 pandemic conditions. The staff must follow the
health protocol under the Covid -19 Task Force reference, for example, they must
wear a mask, wash their hands, and keep their distance. This makes employee
behavior different during normal conditions.

employees are expected to be disciplined in carrying out their duties so that work can
be completed properly. The fact shows that not a few employees are not disciplined
during working hours. The effect of indiscipline harms employment services. Some of
the factors that are thought to affect employee discipline are a person’s condition,
motivation, and leadership.

Based on the results of the observations that the researchers observed, the behavior of
employees during the pandemic and post-pandemic from the results of the analysis of
primary data that had been collected using the questionnaire method, some regulations
change during the pandemic, such as the hours to go to work and return from work,
working system in turn, change the attendance system, more rely on internet access
and implement health protocols. This has an effect on the performance of employees.


The present study analyses the impact of COVID-19 induced Changes in the lifestyle,
work situations, overlapping responsibilities, and discomfort among the working
professionals on Their job performance, distress, and life satisfaction
It is clear from the findings and debate that employee motivation and discipline have
an impact on output during the Covid-19 pandemic. To promote employee motivation
and performance, managers can enhance it through official and informal continuing
education opportunities including courses, seminars, and opt-training.
COVID-19 has phenomenally changed the workspace .Most of the organizations have
been forced to shift from A physical office to WFH set up. This shift coupled with the
Ongoing pandemic can affect the individual employee’s job performance, which in
turn can induce psychological distress. With This primary objective, this paper
studied the impact of COVID-19 induced factors on the life satisfaction of employees.
Analysis, it was found that positive life choices, role overload, And operational
discomfort affect employee’s distress significantly. The job performance of the
employees is adversely affected by factors like family distraction, operational
discomfort, And distress. Consistent with the role theory, it is observed that The
increase in work commitments lead to distress among employees while distractions
from family members disrupt the Quality of work. While good job performance
contributes to life Satisfaction, distress significantly diminished it. In closing, this
Paper has contributed insights onto how life satisfaction can be Affected by work
performance and distress caused by Covid-19 Stressors.


1. Google scholar
2. Web of science
3. Scopu


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