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Name: Gorospe, Melanie O.

Subject/course code: UNDS

Gr/Sec: BSN 1-YB-18 Professor: Mrs. Timbol


Instruction: Fill in the blanks as your representation of yourself on the discussion.

Part A.

I Me
I seem to be a very bubbly but in my I self, I know The “Me-Self” that the people known of and I
that I am too serious and quiet type of person, I show to people in some events are very different,
sometime prefer to be alone than with anyone, I I show to people that I am a bubbly type of
feel anxious with people. I hid my silent type person, they might that I am too soft and
personality because they might think I’m scary friendly, happy go lucky friend. I show to them a
and strict. personality they might accept as their friends,
and for them to trust and give me their time.

Part B.

Material self Social Self Spiritual Self

- My material self is - My social self is bubbly, - I am a religious person, I
enjoying to collect friendly, easy to believe that God
wallet and bags even communicate to people created us and he is our
though I don’t have but also shy type. savior, I have a low self-
penny to put, I like esteem but whenever I
things that are small or say to myself that I am
tiny, a minimalist not alone makes me
person. stronger, I can’t say that
I have a very high
spiritual self but I’m still
growing and I know I
can build it sometime.

Part C.

Perceived Self Real Self Ideal Self

- I have a low self-worth, - My real self is really shy - I dream to be a very
and people recognizes type person, I have a pretty, smart, and sexy
that, they happen to low self-esteem or low woman. I always think
push me harder to face confidence, I am of it every night before
anyone or some events. anxious of people and going to sleep but
I don’t post my picture to face new nevertheless I cant
on social media and surroundings. I also shy achieve it. How many
they know why, I am even though im lost and times I tried to lose
very shy person, they need to ask stranger for weight but its harder
boost my confidence directions, that kind of everytime, and that I
when time I my day my shy I am. I think that lose hope that I could
pic on Instagram or post people think im ugly be that woman.
some selfie they would when I enter a new
reply or comment such place that people
“ang gandaaaaa mo” gossips about me, how
“cute” And etc., that big I am, how ugly I am
phrases makes me and etc.
blush and think to post
another one because I
have them.

1. Which self would you preferred, unified self or Multiple self?

- I preferred Multiple self, I know for myself that somehow the personality I have shown to
people change every time, or change in terms of places and mood. The self I show to my close
friends are different when I meet my friends and family.
2. Explain in your own words True self and fake self?
- True self is also called the simple being, it is the self we have when were still infant and are
ready to learn the world around us, the innocence, guild and trust are still intact in this time.
While on the fake self, we know learn the world around us, we learned the hard way or easy
way but it still leaves us a lesson, that’s the beginning of the fake self, we create another self of
us to protect us from hurting, we show it to people to shield ourselves to them.

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