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some solutions to solve these problems
Hello everybody / I am Thanh Tu / from B1K8 / of
high school teacher practises.
Today / I’m going to talk about / parent - child
problems / and together / we will find out some
solutions to solve / these problems!
So / let’s starttttttt….
My presentation is divided into two main sections.

The first one is about | some particular problems between parents and child.

And the other one is | some solutions to solve these problems

Let's figure out what the conflicts
between them are about. Right now!
Often, despite a parent's best efforts, parent | child relational
problems arise. These problems may start when a child is young
or develop as a child gets older | and enters different stages of
development. For example, a teenager may show a lack of respect
for his or her parents | as that guy begins to become more
self-absorbed | and more depend on friends than family. Some
problems require a little extra time | and focused attention to
make them disappear, | while others may require parents to
drastically change their style of parenting | and how they interact
with their children on a daily basis.
When the children get older, they start to pay more
attention to his or her looks and gradually develop
their own style. Meanwhile, parents still keep old
concepts, so sometimes they can't understand their
children’s new styles . Parents still think that choosing
hairstyles and outfits for their children is their duties
and responsibility.Even so, their children don’t like
that and that’s how conflict happens...
Next, the second problem that needs to be mentioned is marks and
studying of childrens. As parents, they always care about their
children’s studying, and marks are the important things that make
them worry most. When their children are less focused on their
studies or their marks are not as high as before, parents begin to
worry and advise their children to study, even shouting and hitting
them. Then, their children start to feel tired, bored, after that, they
will be stressed and try to stay away from their parents, one of these
ways is killing themselves.
As children grow up, they begin to have their own social
relationships. Meanwhile, their parents still think that
they do not have enough social awareness, so parents
often advise and forbid them when making friends with
others. then when they have boyfriends or girlfriends,
parents stop them from falling in love because parents
think they're too young to be in a loving relationship.
then, the conflicts happen again and again
Along with the children's development is a change in
interests. Children are passionate about learning, exploring
books, music, sports, fashion, movies, ... and then spend too
much time on it. The fact that children spend a lot of time
on other hobbies and interests is contrary to their parents. So
parents try to find some ways to put their children in
"orders" by reminding, monitoring, checking, sometimes
even shouting and applying the punishment.
The use of time and money also becomes an issue that
leads to conflict between parents and children. Children
often do not know how to manage their time and money,
so they accidentally waste it. Then parents often get
angry, more strict in managing their children's time and
money. In terms of time, they make plans for their
children, even though they don't like it at all. And as for
money, they shout and stop giving money to their kids.
As we can see, there are some reason why these conflicts happen...
Fist, on the side of parents:

➢ Due to the influence of patriarchal calculation with the desire that

children must obey the executive powers and the regulations they
set out from an early age.

➢ And with the thought that they are still young and innocent, so
parents have to check every activities, children must depend on all
their decisions.
➢ Moever, they do not prefer and the full form for the change
quickly about the body, the mind of the children, so they do
not receive sufficiently and promptly such as independent
demand, self-awareness and the options of the children.

➢ Parents want to maintain their child's dependence on their

parents in daily life activities. That is why parents think
that children who ask about their independence and privacy
are not appropriate.
Second, on the side of child, we can see that:

➢ Child thinks that "I am an adult". On the other hand, at this age,
awareness about life, friends, "personal ego" and "privacy" with
independent has been raised.

➢ These changes lead children to the need to get rid of the control, the
orders, rules and regulations imposed by their parents from a young age.
They said that they have the right to satisfy their independent needs, to
decide for their own private activities that are appropriate for their age
and modern life.
Face to these problems, we need to find out Some
solutions to solve them as quick as possible
First Second Last but not least
Parents should: Parents should: Parents should
Communicate with Provide for their Provide consistent
their children. children. discipline.
Encouraging their Meeting both Setting healthy
children to express their physical and boundaries and
their emotions and emotional needs. making sure kids
share their needs. follow them.
That’s all about my presentation
Many thanks for your attention!

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