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University of St.

La Salle
College of Nursing

Name of Student: _Meryville P. Jacildo_____ __________ Section and Group number: BSN3G_________________
Name of CI: Myka B. Canlas RN, MN_________________ Area of Exposure: Male Medical Ward_______________

Nursing Responsibilities
Name of Drug Frequency/ Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect
Generic Name: Dosage: Atorvastatin Reduction of risk Hypersensitivity, active Headache, flatulence, diarrhea,  Stress that atorvastatin is
Atorvastatin 20mg/1tab competitively of stroke and liver nausea, vomiting, anorexia, an adjunct to – not a
inhibits HMG-CoA heart attack in disease or unexplained xerostomia, angioedema, substitute for low-
Brand name: reductase, type 2 diabetes persistent myalgia, rash/pruritus, alopecia, cholesterol diet
Lipitor Frequency & the enzyme that patients without allergy, infection, chest pain
elevations of serum
catalyses the evidence of  Tell patient to take drug
Timing: ODHS transaminases exceeding
Classification: conversion of HMG- heart disease at the same time each
(8pm) NGT 3 times the upper limit of
Dyslipidaemic CoA to but with other day to maintain its effects
Agent mevalonic acid. This CV risk factors, normal.
results in and  Instruct patient to take a
Route: the induction of the revascularization missed dose as soon as
Nasogastric LDL procedures in possible. If it’s almost
receptors, leading to patients without time for his next dose, he
lowered evidence of should skip the missed
LDL-cholesterol coronary heart dose.
concentration. disease (CHD)
Absorption: Rapid but with  Advise patient to notify
from the GI multiple risk prescriber immediately if
tract (oral). factors other he develops unexplained
Distribution: Protein- than diabetes muscle pain, tenderness,
binding: (eg, smoking, or weakness, especially if
98%. HTN, low HDL-C, accompanied by fatigue
Metabolism: family history of or fever.
Extensively early CHD)
hepatic; converted to Patients with
active CHD, to reduce
inhibitors of HMG- risks of MI,
CoA revascularization
reductase. procedures,
CHF, and angina.

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