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Group Work Cover

Module/Subject: Data Communications & Networking

Submission Title: Group Assignment - Report DOC & Presentation PPT

Submission Date: 25 May 2022

I certify that this assignment is my own work. It does not reproduce anyone else’s work.

Name Student ID
Lin Htet Shein 6659y8fj

Han Min Thant 05951h6u

Hein Htet Aung 020mj6av

Htet Aung Lin 6375plun


Student ID Name Mark Awarded

6659y8fj Lin Htet Shein

05951h6u Han Min Thant

020mj6av Hein Htet Aung

6375plun Htet Aung Lin

Group Meetings/Discussions Journal

Date Summary of Meeting Minutes Action/Owner

21 May 2022 19:00 to 21:48 (188 minutes) Han Min That

22 May 2022 20:00 to 20:45 (45 minutes) Lin Htet Shein

23 May 2022 20:00 to 21:00 (60 minutes) Htet Lin Aung

24 May 2022 18:00 to 20:30 (150 minutes) Hein Htet Aung

Work Allocation Records

Section Description Contributor(s)

Page 3, first paragraph Microsoft’s networking Lin Htet Shein

architecture and principles

Page 4, Second paragraph Marketing niche Htet Aung Lin

Page 4 to 5, Microsoft’s Microsoft’s strategies Han Min thant


Page 5 to 7, Microsoft Major Microsoft Major Products and Hein Htet Aung
Products and its technologies its technologies
Microsoft 365 is a distributed Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud which makes the provision of
productivity and collaboration scenarios through services and applications. The products that
users use connect to other parts which are processed in Microsoft datacenters. The quality of
user experience is network reliability and low latency between client and service. The main
target of Microsoft 365 networking is to make the best user experience providing the great
access between users and the closest Microsoft 365 endpoints. The standard of user
experience relies on the performance and responsiveness of the application. Although specific
Microsoft 365 applications have their unique features, they all have common principles and
architecture patterns. One of the most obvious architectural features of Microsoft is that it is a
truly global distributed service. Although the data is stored in a specific geographic location,
data can be obtained by the user accessing the nearest endpoint of Microsoft. The network
design should be to keep at a minimum of latency by reducing the round-trip time from user’s
devices to the Microsoft Global Network. To improve the network performance, Microsoft follows
a few principles: identify and differentiate network traffic, egress network connections locally,
avoid network hairpins and assess bypassing proxies, traffic devices, and duplicate security
technologies. Identifying network traffic is to recognize the traffic from generic Internet-bound
network traffic. Even though the end points were divided into only two categories as Required
and Optional, in old Microsoft service guidelines, there are three categories in new Microsoft
services. End points are divided into Optimize, Allow, and Default. Guidelines make it easier to
understand and implement. Local DNS and Internet egress is crucial for minimizing latency and
ensuring that the user connects to the nearest end-point of Microsoft. Microsoft uses local
egress architecture and it has more benefits compared to the traditional model. If the network
route is the shortest and most direct route between the user and the closest end-point, the user
will have best performance. If a hairpin happens, that will cause latency. Network hairpins can
be caused by inefficiencies or suboptimal DNS lookups. Enterprise customers use Microsoft
365 security features to minimize their reliance on intrusive, performance impacting, and
expensive networking security technologies for network traffic. For network security, most
enterprise networks use some technologies that can reduce performance. Each type of endpoint
plays a role in improving performance. Optimize endpoints are used for connectivity and 75% of
bandwidth, connections and volume of data are represented by Optimize endpoints. Allow
endpoints are also used for connectivity but only for specific services and do not concern with
network performance and latency. Default endpoints are used for customer networks as normal
Internet bound traffic. Determining Microsoft as trusted traffic, users can reduce latency and get
best performance.

In the fiscal years 2018, 2017, and 2016, Microsoft’s sales and marketing expenses amounted to
USD 17,469 billion, USD 15,461 billion, and USD 14,635 billion respectively. In 2018 the tech giant’s
sales and marketing expenses increased USD2.0 billion or 13% compared to the last year.

Microsoft came into the market niche with these marketing strategies
based on the following principles:

1.Microsoft will make the various marketing communication channels to announce their
communication of marketing messages in an integrated manner. The range of marketing
communication channels such as advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations,
direct marketing, and personal selling is combined to communicate its marketing message to the

2. Focus on the product element of the marketing mix. Microsoft's 7Ps of marketing focus on the
product element of the marketing mix to a greater extent compared with other products. Therefore, the
multinational technology company has accepted a high level of user convenience of the products and
services as a unique and popular selling proposition associated with the brand.

3. Target customers that value effectiveness and efficiency. Microsoft segmentation targeting and
positioning focus on specific consumers among the population that value the efficient performance of
operations and advanced features and capabilities of technological products and services.

Microsoft’s strategies

From the research, I knew that Microsoft uses 4 strategies :

1.Market Penetration (Primary Strategy)

2.Product Development (Secondary Strategy)
3.Market Development (Supporting Strategy)
4.Diversification (Supporting Strategy)

For the growth of their business, Microsoft uses market penetration as their primary intensive
strategy. They sell more products to the markets where the company currently has
operation.For example, the company grows by intensifying its marketing and sales in its current
markets in Operating System. This intensive growth strategy is responsible for Microsoft’s global
dominance in the IBM PC-compatible operating system market. To attract more customers from
various market segments, they apply market penetration through the broad differentiation
generic strategy that uses product uniqueness. This strategy ensures Microsoft’s growth
through aggressive sales and marketing.

Product Development is the secondary intensive growth strategy of Microsoft. This intensive
strategy facilitates growth based on the development and sale of new products. For instance,
Microsoft develops new software products to generate higher process.By supplying the products
needed by the market, Microsoft became an unrivaled advantage. This strategy makes
Microsoft grow through product innovation.

Third and the last, market development and diversification are the supporting strategies of the
Microsoft Company.Microsoft enters a new market whenever it sees there potential for its
products and services.This supports business growth through the firm’s entry into new markets.
For instance, in the early years, Microsoft tried to sell their computer software products all over
the world. But by considering that the products are already globally popular, the market
development of the company will not grow. This means that by entering new markets, likely in
developing countries or regions make the growth of the market development of Microsoft. In
diversification, the company makes a new business. For example, by entering the cloud
business in 2006, the same year as its rival Amazon launched Amazon Web Services can be
mentioned as the most notable example of diversification strategy engaged by Microsoft. This
bet proved to be highly successful though. The company can apply this strategy through the
new products in their new business. This intensive strategy is to facilitate Microsoft’s growth
through mergers and acquisitions.

Microsoft Major Products and its technologies,

What exactly does Microsoft Azure do?

Azure is a public cloud computing platform that offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for analytics, virtual
computing, storage, networking, and other services.
It can enhance or replace your on-premise servers, and almost any operating system,
language, tool, or framework is supported.
Azure is fundamentally adaptable as a cloud-based solution; it can back up your data in
practically any language, on any Os, and from any place.
Azure makes online and mobile applications independent and flexible, whether you're
searching for a platform for storing, creating, or monitoring them.
Azure provides direct connectivity capabilities that allow Active Directory to be
distributed globally.
The Active Directory integration with Azure will be the primary tool for administering and
monitoring access to all of your on-premise or cloud applications, such as Microsoft 365,
providing additional security for data and applications
Microsoft Azure is a high-performance, flexible, and affordable cloud platform, with the
exception of Microsoft-defined services, it is full of cloud computing possibilities that can be
used in almost every conceivable way.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows, also known simply as Windows, is a collection of proprietary graphical

operating system families developed and designed by Microsoft.

Versions History,

Windows XP (October 25,2001)

Windows Vista (November 30,2006)

Windows 7 (July 22,2009)

Windows 8 and 8.1 (October 26,2012, October 17, 2013)

Windows 10 (July 29, 2015)

Windows 11 (October 5,2021)

Windows 365 (July,2021)

Networking is a critical component of the Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC) platform, new
and improved Software Defined Networking (SDN) capabilities to assist organizations in
transition to an actualized SDDC solution can be found in Windows Server 2016.

The taking after gives information on new or improved networking technologies in Windows
Server 2016 which was simultaneously created with Windows 10.

Software Defined Networking infrastructure

Network Controller (manages, configures, monitors, and troubleshoots virtual and physical
network infrastructure in your datacenter through a dedicated, configurable source of
automation.Instead of manually specifying network devices and services, you can automate
network infrastructure configuration with Network Controller.)

Hyper-V Virtual Switch (a virtual switch that operates on Hyper-V servers and enables you to
implement distributed switches and routes as well as a security policy level that is coordinated
with Microsoft Azure.)

Network Function Virtualization (Today's SDDC includes virtual appliances which can
progressively be used to accomplish network services that were also formerly provided by
hardware appliances. Virtual appliances are rapidly getting popular, generating a whole new
industry for virtualization platforms and cloud services. This is a logical progression in the
virtualization of services and networks.)

Standardized protocols, and

Flexible encapsulation technologies(work on the data plane)

Microsoft [Online]- Microsoft 365 network connectivity principles - Microsoft 365 Enterprise |
Microsoft Docs [Accessed time – 24 May 2022, 3:23 PM]

Microsoft 2018 Annual Report

Microsoft Corporation’s Generic & Intensive Growth Strategies
FEBRUARY 21, 2017

Available at

Available at

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