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7/8/22, 6:52 PM Type 9 - Enneagram

Type 9
The peacemaker, the mediator

Amy Dorrit (Little Dorrit)

Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)

Frodo Baggins (LOTR)


9s are pleasant, peaceful, natural and modest beings and without any claims, which can almost make
them appear to have no ego. They are open-minded, serene and patient. They are motivated by the need
to preserve their peaceful mindness and hate conflict. They desire union, harmony, unconditional love
and get along with most people that they meet. In relationships, they tend to have an attitude to leave
things as they are because they are very tolerant and accept others as they are. They don’t like 1/3
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promoting themselves, and would rather be discovered than showcase themselves. They are empathetic,
very good at seeing things from another point of view and pay more attention to similarities rather than
differences. They often have the ability to be very good mediators.

Avoidance compulsion

9s search at all costs and often subconsciously, to avoid conflict. They do everything they can to avoid
confrontation, make too many requests and avoid losing their calm mindfulness. They avoid all forms of
discrimination, can have difficulty establishing priorites and avoid judging others.

Center of attention and motivation

9s’ attention is often focused on maintaining their calm mindfulness, and on preserving it while adapting
to others. To avoid conflicts and tension, they often lose themselves in unimportant tasks.

They need simplicity, harmony, peace and to be appreciated. Everything that can contribute towards this
can motivate them. 9s are often very empathetic and need to know that people around them are relaxed
in order to be able to relax themselves.

Vice and defense mechanism

When they are in the grips of their compulsion (avoiding conflict), their ego makes them lazy and idle.
This can lead to them forgetting about themselves, neglecting their needs and those of others. Their
energy fades, their focus is blurred, they get into a comfortable routine, procrastinate and can adopt a
passive-aggressive attitude.

Their defence mechanism is dissociation: they dissociate themselves from pain and discomfort by
muting their conscience and getting lost in replacement things (TV, distractions, food, etc) to escape
reality. They distract themselves so as to forget about feelings, needs and wants.

In harmony

When they are at peace with themselves and manage their compulsion, 9s are warm, patient, receptive,
open-minded, humble, thoughtful, kind, inspire peace, easily see different points of view, know how to
prioritise and can be very good mediators.

They are at ease when their physical comforts are met (food, sleep, sex, etc) and when people around
them are at peace. Then, they lean towards their integration type (type 3) and the latter’s positive traits
are incorporated into their behaviour. Thus, they become more active, energetic, productive and efficient.

In imbalance

In the grips of their compulsion, 9s can become passive, inefficient, resigned, stubborn (especially if
pressure is put on them), too conciliatory, indecisive and have low self esteem.

If the situation doesn’t improve, they will lean towards their disintegration type (type 6) and adopt the
latter’s negative traits into their behaviours. They can thus become more suspicious, doubtful, wary,
anxious, tense and reactive. They become more passive-aggressive and obstinate.

Wings 2/3
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Type 9’s neighbouring types are 8 and 1. The “wing” is the neighbouring type that appears to have the
most influence on the base type.

9w8s are more adventurous, confident and sociable but can also be more stubborn and cold.

9w1s are more idealistic, reserved and conciliatory but can also be critical towards themselves and

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