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HOW MUCH: Cuánto HOW MANY: Cuántos


We use how much when we speak about We use how many when we speak about
uncountable nouns countable nouns in plural
It is used with uncountable things or objects These nouns can be: people, animals or
How much is only used in interrogative form things, but in plural form
How much can be used in simple present , in The nouns can be: living beings or inanimated
simple past tense or in present and past beings
continue tense How many in only used in interrogative form
blood broth chocolate coffee orange juice men women boys girls people books ties
apple juice liquid milk water refreshment socks shoes dresses trousers pens pencils
salt sugar oxygen sand time silver wood houses universities schools horses flowers
gold iron money homework butter wax cows lions bulls trees leaves enemies cities
substance meat chicken flour hair cake cars trucks chairs friends tables nights days
rice pudding spit ice soup petrol oil honey vans trains helicopters ships airplanes apes
vinegar lemonade sap elephants fruit trees roses
How much English do you speak Miss Cueva?
I only speak little English in the office
I speak about 25% of English with my brother

How much money does Doris have in the bank?

She has much money, about two millions soles
She is a very rich woman in the neighborhood

How much flour does Patricia need to make a delicious cake?

She needs two kilos of flour and a dozen of eggs to make a delicious cake
She also needs sugar a vanilla for the cake

How much milk do the babies drink every days?

The babies drink a lot of milk every days
They drink milk and juice to be strong children

How much noise is the music making?

The music is too loud and it is making too much noise
It is a modern noisy equipment

How much meat does the cook buy to prepare a stew for 20 people?
He needs 5 kilos of meat to prepare a nice stew for 20 people
He needs much first meat to prepare the nice stew

How much wood is the carpenter going to need to make a table and chairs?
The carpenter is going to need 40 feet of wood to make a table and chairs
He is going to need more than 40 feet of wood to make a table and chairs
He isn´t going to need wood because he doesn´t know how much wood he needs
How much water are you going to boil to prepare coffee for breakfast?
I am going to need 2 kettles of water to boil to prepare coffee for breakfast
I am going to use 2 kettles of boiling water to prepare coffee

How much sleep does she need to recover her strength?

She perhaps needs to sleep 10 hours to recover her strength
She is going to sleep 10 hours to recover her own strength
She really needs to sleep all night to recover her strength

We can eat as much cake as we want in the meeting

How many students do you have in your classroom?
I have more than 200 students in my classroom
I have about 200 students in my classroom from Monday to Friday

How many friends does Ruth Garcia have in Lima?

She has few friends, just three or five friends in Lima
She says she has many friends in Lima

How many cities do John and Percy know in Peru?

They know many cities in Peru, from Tumbes to Tacna
They know many cities in Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Florida

How many classmates is Leyla inviting to her party?

She is inviting to all her classmates to her party
She is thinking to invite only to 50 classmates
She isn´t going to celebrate any party

How many subjects are you going to take this cycle?

I am going to take seven subject this cycle
I am going to take mathematic, audit, accounting, English and so on

How many universities are there in Peru?

There are more than 100 universities in Peru
There are many private and national universities in Peru
I don´t know how many universities there are in Peru

We can eat as many apples as we want in the meeting

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