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Different between education of USA and Moldavian is:

1. USA Lunch is as long as regular class. Mdl Lunch is short

2. USA High school includes 9-12 forms. Mdl High school includes 10-12 forms

3. USA Classes are 51 minutes. The breaks are short. Mdl Classes are 45 minutes

4. USA Everybody is involved in extra-curricular activity. Mdl Only some people are
involved in extra-curricular activity.

5. USA Classes start at 8.15 am. Mdl Classes stert at 8.00 am

6. USA Levels/Letter grading system. Mdl 10-point evaluating system

In USA everybody is involved in extra-curricular activity. The students read there,

have tutoring. But most of them prefer to join at an activity instead of the option. It
takes more time their time, but they have freedom of chose to develop individuality.

Extreme sports are popular all over the UK and all other the world. People who enjoy
fast and dangerous sports are called adrenaline junkies. I think people like to push
themselves to see how far they can go- to test themselves, against the elements,
water and air. They really enjoy the challenge.

One of the example of extreme sports is parkour. Parkour sometimes called free
running is becoming popular in London. The idea is to get from one place to the
other place as fast as possible: jumping and climbing on the roofs is the one the way.
I wouldn't say that it's difficult, it's more about the fear. If you aren't scared, you can
do it.

The world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic games.
The Olympic ideas and goals are friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the
people of the world. The Olympic emblem consist of five interlinked rings: blue,
yellow, black, green and red. The rings symbolized parts of the world. The motto of
the Olympic Games is "Faster, Higher, Stronger". Any national flag contains at least
one of these colors. The original Olympic games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C.
The first modern Olympic games were held in Athens in 1896. Renewed game data
by Baron de Coubertin.

Volunteering is described as an unpaid activity where someone gives their time to help a not-for-profit
organization or an individual who they are not related to.

Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency
rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.

Benefits of volunteering: 4 ways to feel healthier and happier

1. Volunteering connects you to others.
2. Volunteering is good for your mind and body.
3. Volunteering can advance your career.
4. Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life.

Volunteering is important because it enables individuals to help others in a selfless way. When individuals
volunteer they may choose to help people, support philanthropic causes and provide assistance to their local

Volunteering encourages young people to think of others and become compassionate young adults. It is the
perfect way to discover something you may be really good at as you develop a new skill. Volunteering brings
together a diverse range of people from all walks of life.
We are adolescent of the 21st century. With comparison with adolescents of the 20th
century we are differ a little bit.

The main role of changing teenagers is playing technology. We are technologically

developed. I think that our teenagers are very lucky, nowadays it is very easy to find
information on the Internet. But there are also disadvantages. Nowadays on the internet
there is a lot of unnecessary information and scammers. From some side our generation
is very dependent on social networks. But from other side we have large list of choice
from earnings and interesting information. Adolescents of the 21st century are more
independent than Adolescents of the 20th century. We have the freedom of choice. At
the moment, various courses have been developed in our world.
For example, I can give our class. Today we have the ability to communicate at a distance,
to get information in a matter of seconds. But the past generation went to the library to
get information, talked more physically.

In conclusion, I can say that every teenager can choose their own path: IT, sports,
language learning, medicine as courses and etc.

A generation gap refers to the chasm that separates the beliefs and behaviors belonging
to members of two different generations. This problem is one of the most pressing in our
time. The older generation cannot get used to the realities of young people, and the
younger generation cannot understand the older ones. This is how this misunderstanding
and quarrels arise between them.

The gap between generations has a number of consequences: quarrels between people,
an increase in social tension, changes in the value system of the participants.

To avoid these conflicts, both sides must learn to listen to each other, understand and
take into account the opinions of their "opponents", try to find a compromise, share their
knowledge and avoid quarrels. This can become a kind of "bridge" that will close this
chasm between generations and help everyone live in peace and harmony.
For a long and happy life every person mast spends a healthy lifestyle. But not everyone
agrees with this opinion and there are people who don't care about their health and lead
an in healthy lifestyle.

The only way to keep health - is a healthy lifestyle, which includes to keep fit, balanced diet
and to refuse from bad habits, such as, drugs, alcohol and smoking. To maintain a healthy
lifestyle, you need to keep healthy eating. Add more fruits and vegetables in your diet,
avoid eating junk food, sweets and avoid skipping a meal. You can do easy exercises every
morning or go for a training, such as swimming, volleyball, walking or simply keep yourself
moving by doing some housework.

For example, I want to talk about my personality, because I think, that all people should
lead a healthy lifestyle. To maintain my health. I go to volleyball trainings, do morning
exercises. I also keep a balanced diet, which provides me with a healthy sleep.

In conclusion, I want to say, that health should be part of your lifestyle. Feeling good about
yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image.

There is one thing that seems to me always lacking and that is time. Time cannot be
returned, increased or accelerated. Its need in our days which causes comes the stable
expression "time is money".

For the first time this phrase was said by Benjamin Franklin. With this phrase, the author
wanted to say to us the idea that we lose the opportunity to make money spending time on
useless thing. I also think that many people are frivolous and waste their valuable time
playing games, because instead, everyone can spend hours on self-development, reading
their favorite book, or learning one or another material that will help in the future. If we
waste our time, we are losing money and depriving ourselves of various opportunities,
success in the future. Money, today, is the main functional unit with which an exchange is

As an example, I can say about the successful man Richard Branson, who used his time
correctly. He did not waste his time, worked hard, and turned his time into money. As a
result, he built a huge empire.

In conclusion, I want to say that the concepts of time and money are closely connected.
Person with focused efforts can turn one into another. As a rule, the income is got by those
people who worked hard and managed their time correctly.

The profession that you choose initially depends on your future career and life. Every
teenager is characterized by a difficult choice of profession, thinking about which field of
activity you are more attracted to.
What does a career mean? A career combines your education, skills, vision, interests,
values and goals.
For example, I have already chosen my profession. Since I believe that I have a sharp mind,
perseverance and patience.
I chose this profession because I like to think logically, to think about the fulfillment of this
task. But also this profession is in demand since almost all work is controlled by machines
and someone has to program these machines.
Before choosing a profession, you need to compare all the facts, because if you choose a
profession in which you will be uncomfortable, you will achieve success for a very long
time. Let's say if you were always attracted to reading, literature, stories and stories, and
you chose the profession of a logistician, then of course it's not yours.
As a conclusion, I can say that every person is individual, everyone has their own abilities
and skills. The choice is very important for the future and it is worth thinking about than
making a decision.

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