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Class VII
• At: used for night, weekend,
meaning next to or by an object
(at the door), for events, for
age (She learned Russian at the
age of 15), for specific time
(Call me at 5pm), to indicate a
place, email address, an activity
(I laughed at my acting skills.)
• In: used to indicate months,
seasons, time of day (in the
morning), specific year, after a
certain point of time (in an
hour), room, building, street,
town, country (in the kitchen,
in India), for car and taxi (Get
in the car)
• Since: used from a
certain point of time-
past till now (since

• For: over a certain

period of time (for two
• Ago: a certain time in the
past (Two years ago)

• Before: earlier than the

certain point of time (before
To: used for telling the time (The meeting is from ten to six.), marking the beginning and end of a period of
time (from Monday to Friday), movement to person or building, place or country (I am going to the
cinema), for bed (go to bed)
Towards: movement in
the direction of something
(but not directly into it)
(She walked towards her

Through: something with

limits on top, bottom, and
the sides (drive through
the tunnel)

Across: Getting to the

other side – also over
(walk across the bridge,
swim across the lake)
Under: on the ground, lower than or covered by
something else (The bag is under the table.), when
something is covered by what is over it (He is
wearing a red shirt under his jacket), to mean ‘less
than’ or ‘younger than’ (There were under ten
students in the class)

Below: lower than something else but above

ground level (The fish are below the surface.) when
one thing is not directly under another (The sun
disappeared below the horizon.), in measurements
of height and temperature (below 30 degrees),

Over: covered by something else (Put a jacket over

your shirt.), meaning more than (over 18 years of
age, over 60kmph), getting to the other side-
across (walk over the bridge) used when one thing
touches or covers another (they put a blanket over

Above: higher than something else, but not directly

over it (a path above the lake), not to be used with
numbers, used in measurements of temperature,
height, intelligence, etc.
• From: in the sense of where from (A
flower from the garden), who gave it (a
present from dad)

• Of: who/what does it belong to? (A page

of the book), what does it show (the
picture of a dog)

• Off: to indicate separation or

disconnection (Get off the train.)
Between: to refer to two things
which are clearly separated
(Our house is between the
shop and the temple.), when
the comparison or relation
involves only two choices

Among: in the middle of or

surrounded by other things,
used for groups or a mass of at
least three. Amongst has the
same meaning but it is more
formal. (The wolf was hiding
among the trees.)
Till/Until: in the sense of how long something is going to last (The
show will go on till 6pm)

By: up to a certain time (By 11o’clock, I had read 5 pages.), in the

sense of at the latest (She will be back by 4pm.), left or right of
somebody or something (Joey is standing by the car.), to show rise or
fall of something (The prices have inflated by 10percent.), who made
it (A book by Chetan Bhagat)

Into: enter a room/ building (go into the kitchen)


Choose the correct preposition of time from the options given

in brackets:

1. I shall not be there ___________ (till; at; for; since) an hour.

2. Harry has been ill _________ (from; since; by; till) Friday last.
3. Samantha will come ________ (in; on; till; during) a week.
4. He will return __________ (by; for; in; until) an hour.
5. Akshay will start his journey ________ (in; by; at; from) five
o’clock in the morning.
6. Ranjan came ___________ (at; by; in; until) day break.
7. Milind was born _______ (at; since; in; for) 1982.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. I’ll sit ________ Reena and Neena.

2. Distribute these candies ________ the students.
3. Neha got the job ________ a placement agency.
4. The class teacher is very affectionate _________ Raja.
5. Sandy will easily get _________ his final examinations.
6. Joy and his friends all walked ________the bank of the river.
7. Sapna and Neena have many other things in common, ________ their
liking for Western music.
8. There is a lot of rush in the markets _______ New Year.

Fill in the blanks with correct preposition from the options given to complete the

1. Rahul sleeps ________ (with; by; at; on) the windows of his room open.
2. Kiara is working _______ (for; on; in; at) that company.
3. There was an Indian __________ (between; among; beside; besides) the survivors.
4. Has the train __________ (through; from; by; towards) Chennai arrived?
5. We should prefer wisdom ________ (to; from; above; over) wealth.
6. I kept him _________ (in; at; on; to) arms length.
7. The train passed ________ (at; from; through; into) the tunnel.
8. Go and sit _______ (beside; besides; above; over) that statue.
9. A boy fell _______ (in; into; at; on) the drain.
10. Bristol is a city ______ (for; of; at; in) England.

Fill in the blanks with correct preposition from the box :

Behind, of, towards, since, by, under, for, into, before, through, with, till, across, besides, at, among

1. Jenny is hiding _______________ the sofa.

2. Sheena ran _______________ the door.
3. David is proud _______________ his son.
4. Vidhi has been working _______________ last week.
5. Ishya is running _______________ the target.
6. Himanshu stood _______________ his promise.
7. Divya is angry _______________ you.
8. Dhruv dived _______________ the pool.
9. Go _______________ the account books carefully.
10. She has been waiting _______________ a week.
11. Please finish this work _______________ sunset.
12. _______________ happiness, he wants peace.
13. We shall leave _______________ 5 o'clock.
14. We will wait _______________ Friday.
15. Sonia swam _______________ the river.
16. Distribute these pictures _______________ your friends.

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