Personal and Interpersonal Skills - Lalaine Divina

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Personal and

Ms. Lalaine F. Divina
Health Education & Promotion Officer III,
Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills
• Definition • Definition
• Discussion of • Discussion of
listed skills listed skills
• Importance • Importance
- are related to an individual’s

ability to take charge of their
lives through the use of their
knowledge, attitudes and

Skills skills.

- are also called

intrapersonal skills or coping
• Taking care of your
body and mind
Personal skills • Self-awareness
include: • Goal setting
• Time management
• Stress management
Taking care of your body
and mind

• It is the knowledge and

understanding of one's self.
• It is also the ability to have a
clear picture of one’s
strengths and weaknesses,
values and attitudes
towards life.
Goal setting

Goals that are written down

and referred to regularly are
more likely to be achieved
than goals that remain just
vague ideas in your head.
Goal setting

Goal setting is important in

helping people to feel in
control of their life, which can
in turn lead to better self-
Time Management

Time management is
defined as using your
time productively and
Time Management

To be able to manage your time,

you have to P-L-A-N.

P - rioritize your tasks.

L - imit distractions.
A - ct now! Don't procrastinate.
N -o to non-essential tasks.

- is a combination of
stressor (situation) and
stress response (reaction
of mind and body).
- it is also our body's
reaction to change.
Usual Signs and
Usual Signs of Stress
Symptoms of Stress
Heart beats
fast Neckache

Sweaty palms Stomachache

Backache Feeling cold

or tired
Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Physiological Mental and Emotional

Chest pains, skin irritations, sweating,
Becoming suspicious and unhelpful,
muscle aches and pains, indigestion,
mind blanks, loss of enthusiasm and
stomach problems, allergies, dry
sense of humor, becoming resentful,
mouth, inability to sleep, frequent
loss of self-esteem, feeling
colds, appetite changes, muscle
withdrawn and alone, poor memory
tension, increased heart rate and
and making mistakes, inability to
blood pressure
Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Accidents and clumsiness, talking Philosophical
and eating quickly, interrupting
conversations, procrastination, Hopelessness, questioning values,
irrational decisions, taking more time negative thoughts about self and
off school or work, being less others
cooperative, consumption of alcohol
or prescribed drugs, grinding of
Stress Management

is not merely stress reduction

but the management of
situations that generate stress
to the individual.

To manage stress is to keep

stress level within the optimal
range for performance, health
and well-being.
Stress Management

What can you do to manage


You can always !

Stress Management

S - eek the help or advice of others.

M - aintain a positive attitude.
I - ndulge in physical fitness and
other physical activities.
L -ift up your worries to God.
E - at properly.
Why are personal skills

Personal skills are

important because it
empower individuals to
look after themselves
and other people as well.
How do personal skills relate to the
youth in drug abuse prevention?

Drug abuse by the youth is

often caused by their inability
to cope with social, personal
or peer pressure. Having
positive personal skills
contribute to living a healthy
and drug-free lifestyle.
- are the skills that individuals
Interpersonal need and use to
communicate and interact
Skills with other people.

- are also referred to as social

skills, people skills, soft skills or
life skills.
• Communication skills
• Empathy
Interpersonal • Team working
skills include: • Assertion skills
• Problem solving &
decision-making skills
Communication Skills

Communication is the process of

transferring information between a sender
and a receiver through various methods.
Verbal - using voice
Written - using printed or digital media
Non-verbal – using body language,
gestures and the tone and pitch of voice
Communication Skills

Listening skills - how we interpret both the

verbal and non-verbal messages sent by

Listening is key to all effective

communication. Without the ability to
listen effectively, messages are easily

-It is the awareness of the feelings

and emotions of other people.
-It is how we as individuals
understand what others are
experiencing as if we were feeling it
Team Working

– being able to work with others

in groups and teams.

It is important to remember that

all team-working situations are
fundamentally about working
with other people.
Assertion Skills

Being assertive means being able

to stand up for your own or other
people’s rights in a calm and
positive way.
Problem Solving and
Decision-Making Skills

– working with others to identify,

define and solve problems, which
includes making decisions about
the best course of action.
– is defined as a process
which involves a choice
between two or more
possible alternatives.

01 02 03 04 05

Identify the Gather relevant Identify Evaluate the Choose the

possible best choice.
problem. information. alternatives.
Describe the problem: What University should I enroll in?

Possible options Option 1 Option 2

University A University B

Positive consequence/s of ✓ Near home ✓ Course choice offered

the option ✓ Affordable tuition fee

Negative consequence/s ✓ Course choice not offered ✓ Far from home

of the option ✓ Need to enroll in another ✓ Expensive tuition fee
course ✓ Difficulty in paying the tuition fee
✓ Need to apply for a part-time
job to pay tuition

Feelings associated with Happy/sad Happy/sad

the option

Values affecting the Respect and understanding Self-delight

Why are interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills
matter because no
man is an island.
How do interpersonal skills relate to
the youth in drug abuse prevention?

Having good interpersonal

skills strengthens the youth’s
commitment to resist the
temptations of using illegal
drugs and to live a healthy
and drug-free lifestyle.
Tackle life with all your skills;
Overcome each and every hill;
If you persist with all your will;
You will enjoy your life and all its thrills!
Thank you!

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