Musictip1b CBT Resources

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Computer-Based Training

Groove Pizza (Discovery/Simulation CBT)
Groove Pizza is a resource provided by musedlab (NYU music experience design). The intro page
features a seven-minute tutorial video showcasing some of the features of the software and
how to use them. The software provides users with a great tool for rhythmic exploration. I find
the “specials” feature especially useful for beat presets, and the center button of the circle to
choose between rhythm section sounds from various genres. Students can utilize the “shapes”
feature if creating their own beat patterns seems overwhelming. The website is visually
appealing. (Tutorial Lessons & Drill and Practice CBT)
Under the “Tools” tab there’s a section titled “For Teachers.” The Exercise Customizer allows
you to assign an exercise to students using pre-manipulated settings. I’ve been using for years but never knew this tool existed. I plan on posting a link on Canvas to
a customized exercise so that students don’t have to navigate through the Settings button

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