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Go Raw
About The Author
About eight years ago, I was beginning to look for ways to lose
weight yet again. This time it was for my sister’s upcoming wedding
and unlike previous attempts to shed the weight, I decided to do
what I do best; research. I studied nutrition, human biology, disease,
and how these things were related. What I found was absolutely
mind-blowing. I found people who were reversing disease, losing
weight, and gaining energy by solely eating raw fruit, vegetables,
and leafy greens. So instead of following advice from doctors, who
were telling me restrict calories, eat meat, and to take a popular
weight-loss drug called phentermine, I did the exact opposite. I went
100% raw vegan overnight and it changed my life. I ended up losing
about 125lbs in little less than a year. My husband then followed suit
about five months after I did and lost approximately 85lbs. The
longer I ate living foods and gave up the standard American diet the
more I experienced euphoria, glowing skin, and an increased amount
of energy. I realized that foods should not be processed, altered, or
heated in any way and that nature provides our food in its perfect
form ready to eat. The results were amazing. My story has been
featured on the cover of PEOPLE magazine, Forks Over
Knives,Mercy for Animals , and countless others.

Find me


Important: Please DO NOT conduct the detox

if you:
• are pregnant or nursing
• are under the age of 18
• have an allergy to any food or ingredient
• If you have a medical condition, see your
physician of choice before starting this
This detox is solely written from my personal
experiences and in-depth personal knowledge
from extensive research regarding the
subject. This detox is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
 You have begun a journey to true health and wellness.

There are a multitude of reasons why one should detox

their body. Periodic cleanses or detoxes are essential for a

healthy body, mind, and spirit. The standard American diet

is not only filled with chemically-ridden, overly processed,

and genetically modified foods, but also lacks most of the

vital nutrients essential for a healthy human body. This living

food detox was created to assist your body’s natural

cleaning process with the help of a raw vegan diet for the

duration of the detox. A raw vegan diet consists of all

different kinds of fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and

seeds that have not been cooked or heated above 115

degrees. These unaltered foods are perfectly designed for

human consumption, and therefore perfect for detoxing,

weight-loss, and a truly healthy body. Naturally occurring,

living foods that have not been heated are full of nutrients,

enzymes, antioxidants, and can be eaten fresh,

dehydrated, or fermented to create different textures.

RawAndRadiant’s ‘’ GO RAW NOW: The Ultimate Guide to

Living Food works by eliminating all things such as animal

protein, GMOS (genetically modified organisms), harmful

fats, refined sugars, and overly processed foods that are

scientifically known to put a burden on the body and

damage health. By replacing these food-like products with

real nutrient rich food you will likely experience a host of

benefits including but not limited to increased energy,

weight-loss, glowing skin, vitality, and improved health. It is

my sincerest wish that you receive everything and more you

are hoping for in this program.

 If you ever have any questions refer to the FAQ section or

contact me directly.
Like most people who turn to raw vegan foods as a part of their daily routine, I grew up
consuming a mostly standard American diet -- with some traditional Jamaican ,Chinese, and
Southern foods thrown in there as well. That included everything from fully loaded
cheeseburgers, hearty chicken curries, to Chinese sausages and classic southern fried
chicken. These foods were obviously incredibly delicious, but they left my body in an
astonishingly unhealthy state. And although I grew up as a competitive soccer player with
an active lifestyle, I was always a bit debilitated and overweight. I continually suffered from
inflammation, lower back pain, a weak immune system, and obesity. Later on, I’d learn that
these unhealthy “food-like products” were to blame..

After graduating high school and weaning out of my soccer career, I continued to eat a
traditional diet. Doing so pressed the gas pedal on my road to illness and speeded up my
declining health. After a few years, I decided to try to change my bad habits. I wanted to be
active active and shed some of that dreaded “freshman 15” that had become a “freshman
50.” . A weight-loss consultation included bloodwork that showed I was pre-diabetic with
other signs of sickness sneakily creeping up. I was prescribed a popular weight-loss drug
and was told to count my calories. Feelings that I can only describe as overwhelming and
defeat came rushing through me as I walked out of the door. I decided immediately that this
wasn’t the route I was going to take on my road to health and happiness. I needed a more
permanent lifestyle change.

I was introduced to the philosophy of the vegan diet by a teacher in high school, so it wasn’t
foreign to me when I came across raw veganism while researching more pill-free ways to
heal my body. I began to read countless testimonials, peer-reviewed studies, and books
from people saying that this was the simplest and most natural way to eat for an array of
health benefits.

But I had the same questions and misconceptions that most people have when considering a
brand-new lifestyle: ‘’Will I be able to stick with this? How long will it take me to prep and
prepare these foods? Will I be able to seamlessly transition into this alternate lifestyle?’’
Despite my trepidation, I went raw vegan overnight.

After almost a decade of eating a raw vegan diet, I can attest to all of those testimonials,
studies, and books that I read so many years ago. In the past seven years, a raw vegan
lifestyle has gifted me a wide variety of health and mental benefits – and I’m elated to tell
you that all of my prior ailments have faded away. I lost more than 100 pounds, my skin
has a continuous glow, and my mental clarity is at its highest ever.

My goal now is to spread the power of these natural-life giving foods. For years, I have
dreamed about assisting people in their health journey, So welcome to the ‘Raw Vegan
Cookbook! Whether you’re just starting your raw vegan journey and this is the first raw
vegan book that you’ve ever read, or even if you’re a full-time raw vegan looking for new
inspiration, I will provide you with the tools, information, skills, and recipes you need to
make meal planning a rewarding part of this healthy lifestyle.
w h ile Eating Raw

a t th e
Having success with a raw vegan diet may sound difficult, but evolving into this new lifestyle is
almost always 100% attainable and much easier than it sounds. The main thing to remember is to
slowly remove harmful and processed foods from your current diet while at the same time
incorporating as much raw vegan foods into your daily routine as possible.

Also, to benefit from a raw vegan lifestyle you DO NOT have to eat raw vegan foods 100% of the

time! Whenever you decide to incorporate any amount of raw vegan foods into your diet, you are

s a
immediately feeding your body a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, and you will reap the

Most people find this lifestyle a great way to enhance, heal, or maintain a healthy body. Eating a

raw vegan diet is definitely a good approach to healthier eating, but it is still always vital to pay
attention to your nutritional needs.

There are a multitude of health benefits from eating a diet consisting of raw vegan plant foods.

Raw foods are so heavy and condensed with vitamins, minerals, and water that they provide a

o r
shocking amount of nourishment . This bulk of nutrition pays off by contributing to : weight loss,

in c
improvement of the cardiovascular system, and a lower risk of diabetes.

People who introduce more plant foods into their daily eating patterns have long been
associated with having a lower body mass index (BMI) than their meat-eating counterparts. In a
study of more than 30,00 adults, meat-eaters had the highest age-adjusted average BMI and

vegans were found to have the lowest. Although eliminating animal products such as meat, dairy,

r at
and eggs are definitely a contributing factor to weight loss , the emphasis on nutrient- and fiber-

dense foods from a plant-based diet is a primary reason why weight loss is so prevalent in people
following a raw vegan diet.

Another amazing asset this lifestyle offers is a boost to your body’s heart health. With heart
disease being the leading cause of death in both men in women in U.S., it is completely obvious that

a s
the standard American diet is not supplying the body with many nutritional benefits. A lifestyle

consisting of mostly plant foods has been proven time and time again to prevent, improve , and in
some cases, even reverse heart disease. It is estimated that heart disease occurs 57% less in vegans
compared the people who eat meat. A study that compared The American Heart Association’s
recommended diet against a vegan diet found that ‘’a plant‐based vegan diet has been shown to
significantly reduce adverse markers of poor cardiovascular health over time’’ and also that ‘’

Inflammation plays a central role in the progression of heart disease and is associated with adverse

u c
cardiovascular events… a vegan diet may be used to lower inflammation.’’ A plant-based lifestyle

can help improve cardiovascular health, and can also be used as a long-term preventive measure.

Diabetes is also high on list of preventable diseases that affects millions of Americans. The onset of
this disease has been found to have a direct link to one’s diet. Eating the standard American diet or
other meat-heavy diets have all been linked to the development of the diabetes, whereas diets with

higher intakes of fruit, vegetables and leafy greens have all been associated with a substantially

r a
lower risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

When practiced properly, the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle are both plentiful and inevitable.
Even the American Dietetic Association states that ‘’ appropriately planned vegetarian diets,
including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide

health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.’’

v eg a
o d s
Despite the fact that a plant-based diet can help improve one’s health tremendously , it is imperative to
understand that there can be some associated risks if you don’t plan properly. Deficiencies of calcium,
vitamin D , vitamin B12, or tooth decay, and even loss of fertility are all hazards that can occur with a
poorly planned raw food diet.

The major cause of most of these associated risks is extreme raw diets and poorly planned meals plans
that don’t focus on a wide variety of plant foods, but instead promote eliminating key groups of foods
such as nuts and seeds.

With the risk of vitamin deficiencies and other hazards, some people may want to use special caution
when moving to a raw plant-based lifestyle. Pregnant women, children, and people with compromised
immune systems should consult with their doctor before implementing raw foods into their diet. It’s not
that these foods are harmful, but some people with very specific nutrition requirements need to be aware
of associated risks of not getting enough of s specific nutrient when evolving to a more plant-based diet.

Because of those risks, the raw vegan philosophy throughout this book is meant to be interpreted
broadly, and does not imply adhering to other strict strict raw vegan diets that may be hard to stick to
such as gourmet raw vegan diets, “80/10/10,” or natural hygiene raw food diets.

Throughout this book, I will give you all the knowledge and information that you will need to navigate the
raw vegan lifestyle in a healthy, fun, and motivating way.

As Simple As It Sounds

A raw vegan diet includes an abundance of whole, ripe, raw, fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and
seeds. It is a subset of a whole food plant-based diet and combines the principles of a raw food diet and a
vegan diet.

The foundation of a raw food diet is that nothing should ever be heated or cooked past 118°F. This serves
to keep all of the food’s vitamins, minerals, and enzymes intact. The foundation of a vegan diet is that
abstaining from all animal products including meat and dairy will provide optimal health. A raw vegan
diet blends these two ideas to provide food and a lifestyle that is bursting with color, life force ,and

There are multiple ways to prepare foods to keep them raw while at the same time pleasing to the palate.
Juicing, blending, dehydrating, and sprouting are just some of the ways to “cook” while exploring a raw
vegan lifestyle. The idea of eating uncooked, fruit and vegetables has been around for over a hundred
years and has shown to be quite beneficial. People all over the world who incorporate a raw vegan
lifestyle have reported countless health benefits -- everything from weightloss to renewed energy, and
reversing diseases..
What To Eat
The recipes in this book will completely encompass the principles behind a raw
vegan diet. We will only use raw fruit, raw vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and
seeds. The food will never be heated past the designated 118°F, keeping its raw
status and nutritional make-up intact. Although the idea of adding raw foods into
your diet might sound limiting and difficult, it is actually quite the opposite. You
will learn that incorporating raw vegan food is incredibly simple and enjoyable --
and full of unexpected health improvements.
Raw Vegan Foods
▪ fresh fruit
▪ dehydrated fruit
▪ Fresh vegetables
▪ Dehydrated vegetables
▪ Leafy greens
▪ Bean sprouts
▪ Nuts
▪ Seeds
▪ Sprouted nuts
▪ Sprouted seeds
▪ Nut milks
▪ Nut butters
▪ Seed milks
▪ Seed butters
▪ Nut burgers
▪ Seeds burger
▪ Wraps
▪ Fruit juices
▪ Vegetable juices
▪ Fruit smoothies
▪ Vegetable smoothies
▪ Soups
▪ Fermented vegetables
▪ Sprouted legumes
▪ Herbs
▪ Seaweed
▪ Spices
What Not To Eat

While incorporating and exploring the endless varieties of food that this
lifestyle has to offer, remember that a large reason for the success of a
raw vegan diet is the refraining from any and all cooked or heated
foods. Any animal products,, processed and refined foods are to be
avoided as well. This includes the biggies like meat , seafood, and dairy,
but also includes not-so-well-known things like pasteurized nut milks,
pasteurized juices, refined oils, flour, and sugar. While the list of foods
that need to be avoided seems extensive, it is completely achievable and
manageable once you learn how to enjoy foods that don’t contain these
harmful ingredients .

Balance is Key

Although the benefits from raw vegan food are endless, many people
who fail or completely give up on their way to raw vegan greatness.
One main stumbling block to be aware of heading into your journey is
the lack of balance in your raw food choices. However, it can be
different for everyone -- for instance, a person who has been eating a
standard American diet their entire lives might find balance with raw
food by just having one fully raw meal a day. A fully seasoned vegan
might find balance by incorporating raw at every meal. Remember: as
long as you are incorporating more raw foods, your health will benefit.
Another big mistake that I see most people make while exploring the
lifestyle is just leaning on one food group. For instance, nuts are an
amazing nutrient-dense food, but your daily meals should NOT consist
of mainly nuts,but rather should involve a whole plethora of different-
colored foods from the main food groups: fruit, vegetables, nuts, and
seeds. Refrain from the temptation to just rely on a food solely because
it is considered raw. Balance among foods is necessary to receiving all
the health benefits a raw vegan lifestyle has to offer.

Beginning the raw food lifestyle can be tricky at first, especially when
you’ve been eating a mostly standard American diet. When I first
started eating more raw foods , I went through a great deal of trial and
error.. Fortunately, after years of mastering the raw vegan diet, I can
save you from making those same mistakes. Throughout this book, I will
give you all of the strategies that you will need to enter the vibrant life
of raw foods..

When you learn all the amazing things that can that happen when you
start consuming more raw foods, it can be tempting to plunge right in
and go 100% raw right away. For most people, though, this is not the
best approach. Extremely fast and rough detox symptoms can happen,
which may lead to failing with the raw vegan lifestyle.
It’s okay to slowly transition into raw foods. I recommend that you
take small steps to improve your diet because there will be an initial
adjustment period for your body. The ultimate goal is to be able to
incorporate more raw foods into your diet over the longterm, NOT
how fast how can get to 100% raw. If you take it too fast, you might
find yourself quickly binging on the same foods you were trying to
eliminate in the first place.

The best way to succeed with a whole new way of eating is by taking
baby steps. I usually recommend that my clients start with just
having raw foods for breakfast,while the rest of the day is their
usual routine. But a different approach may work better for you.
Instead of having a completely raw breakfast you may aim to
consume a small amount of raw foods at each meal. If you are a
vegan already, you may plan to have at least 50 percent of your
meals raw.

The amount of raw food a person eats will always vary from person
to person, depending upon where they are at in their journey, their
current health status, and ultimately what they personally desire. The
eventual goal for everyone is to be able to just assimilate these
vibrant, nutrient dense foods into their everyday meals.
Two Week Meal Plan
This is a sample two-week meal plan that you could consider when slowly
transitioning into the lifestyle. For the first, week one I have included one raw meal a
day. If you are feeling good going into week two, you may be ready for three raw
meals a day.


Breakfast- Ultimate Chia porridge
Lunch- raw vegetable wrap
Snack- sweet cleanser green juice
Dinner- Not Raw

Breakfast- Ultimate green smoothie
Lunch-not raw
Snack-herbed jicama fries
Dinner-not raw

Breakfast- 5 minute fruit salad
Lunch- creamy avocado soup with harvest salad
Snack-chips and dip
Dinner-not raw
Snack-not raw
Dinner-portobello pizza

Breakfast- Pure vanilla bean milk shake
Lunch-strawberry fields salad
Snack-Hemp milk yogurt
Dinner-Not raw

Breakfast- Almond butter toast
Lunch- The Charleston Salad
Snack-not raw
Dinner-portobello pizza

Breakfast- Green dragon smoothie bowl
Lunch-best tomato basil soup
Snack-rich cacao milkshake
Dinner-not raw
Breakfast- Liquid greens green juice
Lunch-classic gazpacho with loaded kale salad
Snack-nutty goodness almond butter smoothie
Dinner-not raw

Breakfast- Overnight Oats w/ fruit and hemp (p. xx)
Lunch-not raw
Snack-not raw
Dinner-Hawaii’s poke bowl

Breakfast- five minute fruit salad with a kale lemonade juice
Lunch-harvest salad
Snack-Mexico city salsa platter
Dinner-not raw

Breakfast- Ultimate raw cereal
Lunch-not raw
Snack-dark chocolate cacao pudding
Dinner- Raw alfredo

Breakfast- the ultimate green smoothie
Lunch-not raw
Snack-Appalachian trail mix
Dinner-Kingston coconut curry soup with Jamaican vegetable bowl

Breakfast- simplest green smoothie
Lunch-not raw

Breakfast- power up post workout smoothie
Lunch-bountiful bowl
Snack-savory veggie bites
Dinner-not raw

Breakfast- kale lemonade with sunrise smoothie bowl
Lunch-not raw
Snack-creamy sweet pepper soup
Dinner-okra pasta
Take it Slow
When first attempting a raw vegan diet, it is imperative to note how your
body feels as you start eliminating cooked foods. Frequent urination,
headaches, and sleepiness are just some of the symptoms that may occur,
due to the amount of toxins that are being released into the bloodstream
for removal.

While these detoxification symptoms are normal, it is very important to

recognize if you feel significantly worse and don’t improve after a couple
of weeks. This could signal a more in-depth medical issue or that you
aren’t properly planning your meals, which could be leading to deeper
nutritional concerns. If you ever experience light-headedness,
constipation, or excessive fatigue, you should reassess your raw meal plan
or consider taking even smaller transitional steps.

Although raw vegan foods are made up of so many good nutrients that are
necessary to the body, they are also mostly low-calorie foods. Because of
this, it’s very easy to run into some early roadblocks. Undereating, or
alternatively, binging on too many overt fats like nuts and seeds are some
early pitfalls that can occur. It’s easy to think that because something is
technically raw that it it’s okay to binge on these items. It is not!
Incorporating a wide variety of raw vegan foods will help you attain all
the health benefits this diet has to offer. Remember that balance is your
key to success.

Supplements to Consider
While many experienced raw vegans get all of their nutritional needs
from their diet alone, it can be harder for people who are just beginning
their transition cannot. While it is best to always obtain all of your
nutrients from food, it could make sense to consider the following
supplements, based on your individual nutrition needs.
• Vitamin D: vThis can be obtained through adequate sun exposure,
depending on your lifestyle and where you live.
• Iodine: This nutrient can be found in sea vegetables and iron in dark
leafy greens.
• Omega –3ss: These can be found in flax seeds, chia seeds, and, walnuts.

Vitamin B12: This is a bit more difficult to obtain due to it being derived
from soil. With most of our produce being mass-produced and not
directly from the farm, it is almost impossible to obtain. So unless your
produce is always organic, local, and farm-to-table, this supplement may
most likely be necessary.
Your Raw Kitchen
One of the most important things that you can do to ensure success is to prepare
your kitchen for this new lifestyle . Because most of these foods are often brand
new, having a well-stocked pantry is absolutely necessary. It helps not only with
meal planning, but prepping meals as well.

Raw Staples

Fruit and vegetables should be bought seasonally, local, and organic, if possible. Nut
and seeds should be raw or sprouted, never roasted. And lastly, when buying
produce make sure it is stored correctly for maximum freshness. (Refer to the
produce storage guide on p. XX) Some basic ingredients that you should try to
always have on hand are :
✓ Seasonal fruit and vegetables: melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, okra (summer)
✓ Leafy greens: kale, romaine, mixed greens, arugula
✓ Fresh herbs: cilantro, parsley, dill, oregano, basil
✓ Nuts & seeds: cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds
✓ Legumes: chickpeas, lentils
✓ Year-round staples: dates, coconuts, cacao, vanilla, bananas, pineapple

Because raw vegan food is never cooked past 118°F, you need other food
preparation methods. The main techniques used to create raw foods are blending,
juicing, soaking, sprouting, fermenting, and dehydrating. These methods help create
different textures, tastes, and presentations.

Blending may seem pretty straightforward, but it is one of the most useful food
preparation practices. You can create raw soups, dips, dressings, smoothies and
much more with just a standard kitchen blender.

Juicing is different from blending. When something is blended, it mixes all of the
foods contents together. When something is juiced, the fiber is separated from the
food’s juice. Juicing is a great technique to use when preparing raw soups and

Soaking, sprouting, and fermenting may be new to you, but they are also very
useful food preparation methods.. Soaking nuts, seeds, and legumes is important
because it not only activates all of enzymes in the nuts and seeds, but also makes
digestion a lot easier.

Sprouting is a taking soaking a bit further. When nuts and seeds are sprouted, they
are soaked for a period of time and then allowed to germinate. Doing so allows these
nutritional powerhouses to activate and become even more nutrient-dense.
Sprouting is so effective yet simple. Only a mason jar, water, and a paper towel or
cheesecloth is needed.

Lastly, fermenting is a natural tool that turns regular foods into probiotic-rich
superfoods. You can ferment anything from beets, to cabbage, to cucumbers You
only need brine and a sealable container such as a mason jar.

Raw on The Road
Sticking to any diet while traveling is difficult, but when eating a vegan
or raw vegan diet, traveling can make it seem impossible and daunting.
It doesn’t have to be. First, always bring your own food when you can.
When you’re on a road trip or in an airplane, bananas, grapes, cherries,
trail mixes, and smoothies are always great to have on hand.

Another thing to remember is that you can skip trying to find raw
foods at fast-food restaurants. If they do have them, they’re never
enough or sufficiently fresh to satisfy. Instead, stop in a grocery store
and pick up some fruit or nuts. If you’re in a restaurant, always look for
salads that can be modified ( add extra greens, eliminate croutons, etc.),
and commonly found foods like salsas and guacamole to get you

Kitchen Equipment
It is definitely not easy to take on a new diet or lifestyle, especially when having
to prepare most of the foods from scratch. Plus, many of you are just learning
new food preparation techniques such as soaking, sprouting, and fermenting.
Here are some kitchen equipment and tools to have on hand that will make it
all much easier.

Must Have

▪ Sharp knives- Used to easily chop, and cut fruit and vegetables
▪ Cutting boards
▪ Vegetable peeler- can be used to peel fruit and vegetables or to make noodles.
▪ Blender- used to make smoothies and salad dressings
▪ Nut milk bag/cheesecloth- used to strain juices and soups
Nice to have
▪ High-speed blender – Used to make warm soups, cheeses, and sauces(
vitamix or blendtec)
▪ Cold press juicer – for cold-pressed raw juices (green star elite, tribest
slowstar )
▪ Citrus juicer-Used to make organs, grapefruit, lime juice in large quantities
▪ Dehydrator-used to dehydrate or warm foods to make them crispy ( tribest)
▪ Spiralizers – used to turn vegetables like carrots, zucchini, and cucumbers
into noodles (spirooli)
▪ Coconut opener -used to open young coconuts (coco jack)
The Recipes
Although this book contains more than 100 recipes that include drinks,
snacks and desserts, my main goal is to help you to become flexible and
comfortable enough in your kitchen -- or even when you’re away from
home -- to create healthy, quick, practical raw meals whenever you
want them. This could mean using a high-speed blender to create a
delicious raw soup, using collard greens to make a raw vegan wrap, or
even using a food processor to make raw cookie bliss balls.

Recipe yields are included in each recipe, but remember that when you
are first starting the diet, eating only one serving size is less important
than how your body feels. You may need to double a recipe to feel full -
- that’ss okay! Always eat until you feel completely satisfied. Snacking
is definitely encouraged, especially for those eating raw for more than
a few days at a time.

Most if not all of the recipes included can be made in less than 30
minutes from prep to finish and will not require much equipment at
all. Each recipe also will indicate whether it is gluten-free, nut-free, or
soy free.

Sunrise Smoothie Bowl
Nut free/ gluten free/low fat

Serves 1
Prep Time: 15 Minutes

This smoothie bowl is a breakfast lover’s dream! When I have an important meeting
or play date planned , I make sure to make this recipe.With the combination of citrus
juice and superfoods, it is sure to wake you up and give you long-lasting energy
throughout the morning. Not only is this filling and full of hydration, it’s a quick and
easy way to start the day.

1 Cup Frozen Pineapple

3 cups raw orange juice
5 Dates
1 Tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
½ cup of strawberries
½ cup of blueberries

1. Combine pineapple, orange juice, and dates in blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour the smoothie in a bowl.
3. Top your bowl with the remaining ingredients.
4. Enjoy.

Kitchen Hack: The base of this bowl is super-forgiving, so you can definitely be
creative with your toppings. Try it with the Sticky Icky Raw Granola (p. XX).

Green Dragon Smoothie Bowl

Nut free/gluten free/fat free

Serves 1
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

This smoothie bowl is perfect for fans of tropical fruits. It’s inspired by my travels to
the carribean and being surrounded by ripe fruit everywhere I went. The
combination of the kale, dates, and bananas make it not only delicious, but filling as
well. This is a great first meal for people who need a more hearty breakfast bowl.

• 2 frozen bananas
• 1 cup frozen pineapple
• 1 fresh banana
• 1 cup dragon fruit
• 1 cup kale
• 5 medjool dates
• 2 cups water

1. Blend frozen bananas, fresh bananas, frozen pineapple, dates, and water
2. Pour into bowl and top with dragon fruit and any leftover frozen pineapple

Kitchen Hack: If you cannot find dragon fruit, replace it with fresh pineapple and
Ultimate Chia Porridge

Serves 4
Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Rich, creamy, sweet, and hydrating are the qualities that make any
porridge sing. As a child, my grandmother would always have a fresh bowl
of porridge awaiting us before we headed to school. This breakfast is
inspired by grade school mornings. This dish is made with chia and
coconut milk as its base, which also makes nutrient-dense with omega 3s.

• ½ cup chia seeds

• 2 cups of raw coconut milk
• 5 medjool dates
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 cup chopped walnuts
• 1 cup blueberries
• 1 cup chopped strawberries
• 1 cup Sticky Sticky Raw Granola

1. Combine coconut milk, vanilla, and dates in blender and blend until
smooth and pour into a bowl.
2. Add chia seeds to bowl and let sit for 30 minutes while chia seeds absorb
the liquid.
3. Top chia porridge with walnuts, blueberries, strawberries, and raw
granola (see below).

Make-ahead Tip: Prep the base at night and allow it to sit overnight for a
fast and easy breakfast.

Five Minute Fruit Salad

Nut free/ gluten free/ fat free

Serves 2
Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Fruit is the absolute base of the pyramid for raw food eaters. It is simple
and you don’t have to do much of anything to enjoy it and there’s honestly
nothing more satisfying first thing in the morning than a beautiful bowl of
fruit. Simple, yet satisfying, this recipe combines myriad colorful fruit and
mint for the most refreshing breakfast.

• 1 cup chopped pineapple

• 1 cup chopped strawberries
• 1 cup of grapes
• 1 cup watermelon melon
• 1 cup honeydew melon
• 1 cup cantaloupe
• ½ cup mint leaves

1. Combine all ingredients.

2. Stir and enjoy.

Kitchen Hack: make this fruit salad at night and allow to meld overnight
Sticky Sticky Raw Granola

Serves 1
Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Granola is so versatile for breakfast meals -- I definitely had to create a

raw version. Loaded with nuts and dates, this is reminiscent of a classic
sweet yet crunchy raw granola. This can be used as a snack, in cereals,
or smoothie bowls. I personally use this granola to top everything from
raw cereal to nice-creams to yogurts.

• ½ cup walnuts
• ½ cup pecans
• 1/3 cup ground flax seed
• ¼ cup hemp seed
• 2 tablespoons cacao nibs
• 10-12 medjool dates
• 2 tablespoons cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon salt
1. Combine pecans and walnuts in a food processor and pulse for 10
2. Add in cinnamon, salt, and vanilla and pulse again for another 10
3. Add the rest of the ingredients.
4. Pulse for mixture until sticky granola forms.

Make-ahead Tip: Double or triple this recipe and store in an airtight

container in the fridge to always have on hand for cereals or smoothie

Knock You Out Avocado Toast]

Nut free

Serves 1
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Since most raw breakfasts always include fruit, you may need or crave
something a bit more savory when first trying this new way of eating.
This recipe is perfect for when that craving kicks in first thing in the
morning. This is a recipe that I make for my daughter a lot. With her
being a growing child , we try to get in as much avocado as possible and
this quick wash breakfast does the trick nicely.

• 1 large jicama
• ½ avocado
• ½ medium sized mango chopped
• 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
• 1 tsp salt
1. Peel the skin of the jicama and slice it into four equal slices of “toast.’’
2. Combine mango, cilantro, and salt into a bowl. Mix and set aside.
3. Mash avocado onto jicama toast with fork.
4. Top toast with mango/cilantro mixture.
5. Enjoy.

Substitution Tip: You can remove the mango mixture and experiment
with different fruit, veggies, or herbs to suit your taste or cravings.
Raw No Oatmeal

Serves 1

Prep Time: 6-8 hours

Oatmeal will always be a breakfast food classic. It’s warm

and comforting and usually has just the amount of
sweetness to wake you up. This recipe is unlike traditional
oatmeal because the oats are soaked and not cooked, leaving
all the steel-cut oat nutrients intact. Although untraditional
in that sense, the delicate hint of cinnamon and the raisins
will not have your taste buds lacking at all.
• 1 cup steel-cut oats
• 4 cups hemp or coconut milk
• 6 dates
• 1 apple, diced
• 2 teaspoons cinnamon
• ¼ cup hemp seeds
• ¼ cup raisins
• ½ cup water
1. Soak oats in milk of choice overnight in the fridge.
2. Blend 3 dates with the water to create a date paste.
3. Add date paste into overnight oats and mix.
4. Top with apples, cinnamon, raisins, and hemp seeds.

Make Ahead tip: make a few servings of these all at once to

have breakfast on hand for an entire week!

Loaded Almond Butter Toast

Serves 4
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

A kid favorite recipe right here! Not only is it loaded with

filling ingredients,but it’s a perfect kid snack, breakfast, or
lunch. Also, Almond butter and banana are such a perfect
pair. Add sliced jicama and that’s all you need for a classic
tasting, filling, and delicious breakfast. Almond butter toast
is perfect alongside a blueberry smoothie.

• 1 large jicama, peeled and sliced into thick “toast”

• 2 tablespoons raw almond butter
• 1 ripe banana, sliced
• 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1. Spread almond butter onto jicama “toast”
2. Top with bananas and hemp seeds

Substitution Tip: Experiment with different toppings other

than hemp seeds. Raisins, chopped dates, and chopped dried
figs are a few of my favorites.
Raw Date Crunch Cereal with Hemp Milk

Serves 1
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

If you’re like me, you probably grew up rushing to school

while eating a bowl of cereal. This recipe was inspired by
one of favorite cereals I grew up on as a child. So yes, On
a raw diet, you can still have your morning cereal. It’s a
good option when you need something quick and
easy,yet satisfying in the morning.

• 1 banana chopped
• ½ cup dates chopped
• 1 cup raw granola
• 2 tsp cinnamon
• 2 cup hemp milk
1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy.

Substitution Tip: Add seasonal fruit to your cereal

Nice Cream Breakfast Bowl

Fat free/ gluten free/ nut free

Serves 1

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Nice-cream is a raw vegan staple It can be used for

breakfasts, lunches, or even sometimes dinners.I
remember my first time giving nice-cream a whirl and I
was for sure blown away. Tuition variation of nice
cream is full of berries and makes a perfect first meal or
whenever you need a sweet treat.
• 2 frozen bananas
• 1 cup frozen blueberries
• ¼ cup fresh blueberries
• ½ cup fresh strawberries
• 6-8 medjool dates
1. Combine frozen bananas, frozen blueberries, and dates
into a food processor and process until mixture is a thick
ice-cream consistency.
2. Pour mixture into a bowl and top with fresh
blueberries and strawberries.
Drinks &
Muscle Up Hemp Seed Milk
Gluten free/ nut free

Makes 1/2 gallon or 16 cups

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds on the planet. They have two times the protein,
70% more iron, and 25% more omega 3s and 6s than their flax seed counterparts. Being on a
mostly raw vegan diet, this recipe will always be a staple in our house! With its superfood status,
it only makes sense to try this ultra-creamy sweet seed milk.

• 1 cup hemp hearts

• 8 cups water
• 8 dates
• 1 vanilla bean scraped or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until the mixture is completely smooth.
2. Place a nut milk bag over a large container and pour mixture into the nut milk bag.
3. Squeeze the bag until all the pulp is separated from the liquid.

Prep Tip: Adjust the amount of water in this recipe to change the consistency of the milk to
your liking.

Liquid Greens
Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free

Serves 1

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Green juice is another raw food staple. Drink it when you’ve eaten something heavy and need
to detox, when you need an energy boost, or before meals to curb hunger. Green juice is so
versatile and nutritious that it should be incorporated into your meal planning. I personally
make it a goal of mine to have a green juice every single day!

• 6 leaves bok choy

• 6 leaves kale
• 6 leaves romaine lettuce
• 2 cups arugula
• 2 stalks of celery
• 2 green apples
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Place a nut milk bag over a large container.
3. Pour mixture into nut milk bag.
4. Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated from the pulp left inside the bag.

Kitchen Hack: Cut out most of the prep time by putting all the ingredients through a juicer, if
you have one.
Rich Cacao Milkshake
Gluten free/ nut free

Serves 1

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Rich, chocolaty, and sweet, this milkshake is a perfectly good treat. It is a

milkshakeS lover dream and honestly you won’t be able to tell the
difference between this and a not so healthy dairy milkshake. It can be
eaten any time of the day and will satisfy any sweet tooth. This drink will
easily become a year round favorite.

• 2 frozen bananas
• 2 tablespoons raw cacao
• 3-4 medjool dates
• 2 cups hemp milk
1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth

Prep Tip: Adjust the amount of hemp milk for a thicker or thinner smoothie.

Pure Vanilla Bean Milkshake

Gluten free/ nut free

Serves 1

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Just like the cacao smoothie, this vanilla smoothie is a sweet-tooth satisfier.
The way the frozen bananas blend with the vanilla bean makes it
absolutely dreamy. It’s probably one of the best milk shakes that I have ever
made or tasted. This could also be used as a super delectable cereal or
smoothie bowl base.

• 2 frozen bananas
• 1 fresh banana
• 1tsp vanilla extract or one vanilla bean scraped
• 2 cups hemp milk
1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth

Substitution Hack: I definitely prefer the flavor of vanilla bean, but like I
stated before the pure extract works just as well.
Pumpkin Seed Milk
Gluten free/ nut free

Makes 1 Quart

Prep Time: 8 hours

As one of the most nutrient-dense seeds on the planet, pumpkin seeds are full of zinc.
I make sure to put this in my daughters smoothies at least three times a week. I am
convinced this plus hemp is why her blood work comes back perfect twice a year. Use
this delicious concoction as a way to boost the nutrition in chia puddings, cereals, or

• 2 cups pumpkin seeds

• 6 cups water
• 5-6 medjool dates
• ½ tsp salt

1. Blend all ingredients until smoky juicy.
2. Pour mixture through a nut milk bag.
3. Strain into jar and enjoy.

Kitchen hack: Soak pumpkin seeds overnight to make blending quite a bit easier.

Pumpkin Spiced Raw Latte

Gluten free

Serves 2

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

When the leaves are changing from green to red and orange, who doesn’t love
pumpkin spiced anything? I know that I do! This recipe was inspired by my former
addiction to Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes. This warm raw latte will have the taste
of autumn dancing all over your taste buds.

• ½ cup cashews
• 2 cups hemp milk
• 10 dates
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 2 tsp cinnamon
• 2 tsp nutmeg
• 1 tsp all spice
1. Combine all ingredients in blender and blend on high for three minutes until warm.
2. Serve immediately.

Kitchen hack: If you have a vitamix set this recipe on the warm soup button to make
sure it gets nice and warm
The Refresher
Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free

Serves 2

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Orange juice has always been an amazing refreshing juice. This has
always been a favorite of mine and I love to make this juice when I
feel my skin is getting a bit dull and needs a boost. Combining
oranges, lime, and grapefruit in this recipe will give you a sweet
burst of hydration and vitamin C , and a skin a skin boost all in one.

• 2 oranges
• 1 grapefruit
• 1 lime

5. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

6. Place a nut milk bag over a large container.
7. Pour mixture into nut milk bag.
8. Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated from the
pulp that’s left inside the bag

Kitchen Hack: Using a juicer will save you even more prep time.

Nutty Goodness Smoothie

Gluten free
Serves 2

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Bananas and almond butter create a distinct flavor that we all love
and know. I devoted this recipe to have as a staple smoothie for my
daughter. This one is perfect for kids who are both vegan and
omnivores. This drink combines the two to create a nutty yet sweet
smoothie. Use this as a post-workout way to help replace muscle
tissue or a kid like muscle milk.

• 2 frozen bananas
• 1 fresh banana
• 3-4 medjool dates
• 3 cups hemp or coconut milk
• 2 tablespoons almond butter
1. Combine all ingredients in blender.
2. Blend until velvety smooth.

Nutrition hack: drink this immediately after your workout to

redeem the muscles right!
Sweet Cleanser
Gluten free/nut free/ fat free

Serves 4

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

In the beginning of my raw food journey , there were

definitely times where I binged on nuts or other heavy raw
foods. I deviled this juice recipe as a way to help clean my
system. It’s perfect for a beginner, yet still cleansing enough for
the digestive system. It is great for both children and adults.

• 2 apples (any variety)

• 4 stalks of celery
• 1 lime

Instructions (blender)
9. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
10. Place a nut milk bag over a large container
11. Pour mixture into nut milk bag
12. Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated from
the pulp that’s left inside the bag

Kitchen Hack: A juicer saves you a lot of time here.

Frozen Cherry Lime-Aid

Gluten free/ nut free/fat free

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Before going raw, my favorite drink would have to be a really

good frozen cherry limeade. This drink is inspired none other
than the frozen cherry limeade from my late night trips to
sonic. The combination of sweet cherries and dates with sour
lime make this the perfect summer frozen treat. Enjoy this
slushee poolside in your bathing suit!

• 1 cup frozen cherries

• 3 cups water
• The juice of three limes
• 6-7 medjool dates
1. Combine all of the ingredients in a blender.
2. Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Kale Lemonade
Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free
Makes 16 ounces

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Traditional lemonade can be laden with sugar so this lemonade made

completely from fruit is an amazing replacement drink. This is
another one of those drinks that the kids will love. It tastes very
similar to the traditional but adds in greens for nutrients and apples
for sweetness. With it being so simple, you can easily make a half
gallon of this and store in an airtight container for up to three days.

• 3 apples
• 2 cups kale
• 2 lemons
Instructions (juicer)
1. Put all ingredients through juicer
Instructions (blender)
13. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
14. Place a nut milk bag over a large container
15. Pour mixture into nut milk bag
16. Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated from the
pulp that’s left inside the bag

Substitution Tip: Adjust the amount of apples in this recipe

depending on your sweet tooth.

Creamy Cashew Milk

Gluten free
Makes 16 ounces

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Nut milks are always a hit and miss with people, but it is always a
good skill to know how to make them. The good thing about nut
milks is that you can adjust the sweetness , the thickness exactly to
your liking.Cashews makes an extremely rich milk and it is great for
any beginner that’s switching from cow milk. It can be used for
cereals, chia puddings, and smoothies.

• 1 cup cashews, soaked for 6 hours

• 4 cups of water
• 4-5 medjool dates
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender
2. Pour mixture through nut milk bag
3. Strain into glass jar
4. Enjoy
Simplest Green Smoothie
Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free
Makes 16 ounces

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Green smoothies have made their way into

mainstream diets, and for good reason. They
are filling and a great way to get in your daily
fruits and they also hide and green or vegetable
taste. This smoothie is a classic that you’ll keep
returning to for the length of your raw food

• 2 bananas
• 1 cup frozen mango
• 3 cups water or coconut water
• 4-5 medjool dates
• 1 cup kale
• 1 cup romaine lettuce
1. Combine all ingredients in blender
2. Blend until smooth
3. Enjoy

Substitution Hack: Try this recipe without the

bananas for a really delicious mango smoothie.

Ultimate Mango Drink

Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free

Makes 16 ounces

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Mangoes are an almost perfect food and they in

abundance from spring to summer. They are
cleansing, hydrating, and absolutely delicious.
This recipe turns the fruit into a delicious
tropical drink that was inspired by a mango
juice from a cute little Jamaican café in Atlanta.
It is definitely spring favorite of mine and
hopefully you’ll enjoy this one as much as me.

• 2 fresh mangoes peeled and cut into cubes

• 2 cups water
• 2 dates
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender
2. Blend until smooth
3. Enjoy

Kitchen Hack: frozen mangoes work just as

well in this recipe as fresh.
Power Up Post-Workout Smoothie
Gluten free/ nut free

Makes 16 ounces

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

A huge question that is always asked to me is ‘ how do you retain muscle on a

raw vegan diet?’ Well my answer is a wide variety of colors and nutrient dense
smoothies. This protein-rich smoothie is a perfect meal replacer as well as
coming in handy after exercising. The combination of almond butter, hemp
hearts, dates, and hemp milk make it the ultimate vegan muscle builder.

• 2 frozen bananas
• 1 fresh banana
• 2 tablespoon almond butter
• 4 cups hemp milk
3 tablespoons hemp hearts

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
2. Blend until smooth.
3. Enjoy.

Alkaline Battery Juice

Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free

Makes 32 ounces
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

With celery, cucumber, and lime taking center stage in this recipe, it is no
wonder it’s called Alkaline Battery. This juice will speed detox, flood your body
with myriad nutrients, and push you into a more alkaline state. It is perfect to
drink after a not-so-healthy meal, getting your body back on track in no time.

• 1 cucumber
• 2 stalks celery
• 1 lime
• 8 kale greens
• 8 ounces coconut water (optional)

Instructions (juicer)
2. Put all ingredients through juicer
Instructions (blender)
17. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
18. Place a nut milk bag over a large container
19. Pour mixture into nut milk bag
20. Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated from the pulp that’s
left inside the bag

Kitchen hack: When juicing you can cut, was, and prep veggies days in
advance. Just use bags to separate to make juicing quick and easy!

Snacks and Sides
Savory Cauliflower Popcorn
Nut free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Popcorn is one of those snacks that is so salty and satisfying to munch

on. You may not think cauliflower can compare to the original, but
after taking a few bites of this recipe it may change your mind. When I
first started on raw foods, this was one of the first recipes I developed. I
wanted something savory and this definitely did the trick.

• 1 head cauliflower, chopped into bite sized pieces

• 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt

1. Combine all ingredients in in a large bowl.

2. Toss and enjoy.

Kitchen Hack: If you want this snack crunchier and warm, place it in a
dehydrator at 118°F for two hours.

Dark Chocolate Cacao Pudding

Gluten free


Prep Time: 10 minutes

Decadent, smooth, rich, sweet -- those are just a few words to describe
this creamy raw snack. Not only will this be the absolute best chocolate
pudding you’ve ever had, but it’s probably the healthiest as well.
Unbelievably made with avocados and raw chocolate, it’s good enough
to serve everyone whether they are eating raw or not.

• 1 large ripe avocado

• 6-7 medjool dates
• ¼ cup raspberries
• ¼ cup raw coconut or hemp milk
• ¼ cup raw cacao powder
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Combine all ingredients except raspberries in blender.

2. Blend all ingredients for about 3 to4 minutes until completely
3. Chill in fridge for one hour.
4. Garnish with raspberries.

Kitchen Hack: Soak the dates prior to blending to make a softer

Herbed Jicama Fries
Gluten free/ nut free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

An American food staple, fries are one of those foods

that you shouldn’t have to live without. This recipe
uses jicama also known as the Mexican potato for the
fries. Its slightly sweet yet crunchy and savory taste
will have you coming back for more,just like the
traditional. Not only are they delicious, but they are
kid friendly as well. This recipe is one of my
daughter’s favorite snacks.

• One large jicama

• 1 teaspoon grapeseed or coconut oil
• ¼ cup green onions chopped
• 2 teaspoons dried rosemary

1. Peel and slice jicama into long fry like strips

2. Toss the ‘fries’ with the rest of the ingredients
3. Enjoy

Kitchen Hack: Dehydrate these for two hours at

118°F for a warm but raw snack.

Sweet Cinnamon Apple sauce

Gluten free/ nut free/ fat free

Serves 4

Prep Time 15 Minutes

This sweet applesauce is reminiscent of the classic

that we all know and love. Since it only takes a few
minutes to put together, it’s the perfect light snack to
have on an autumn afternoon. The freshness of
autumn apples combined with fresh cinnamon
makes this recipe another kid favorite -- I always
enjoy seeing my daughter’s face when she takes the
first bite. Knowing she is getting all the taste without
the processed ingredients and sugars makes making
this an absolute pleasure.

• 5 apples peeled and sliced

• Juice from ½ lemon
• 4 medjool dates
• 2 teaspoons cinnamon
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor with an
2. Process all ingredients for 1 to minutes or until
desired consistency

Prep Tip: Although any varieties of apples with work,

Honeycrisp apples have the perfect taste and texture
to take this recipe to the next level.
Appalachian Trail Mix

Serves: 6

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Who doesn’t love a good trail mix? This snack was developed to be a long-
sustaining food source for hikers and campers. An excellent trail mix
should be easy to store, filling, and full of essential nutrients that can
replenish a tired body. I’m an avid hiker, and I’ve wantedsomething dry,
but also raw and light, to bring with me. This recipe did just that. It
combines dried fruit, nuts, and seeds to create the perfect sweet and
savory snack on the trail.

• ¼ cup pumpkin seeds

• ¼ cup walnuts
• ¼ cups almonds
• ¼ cup raisins
• ¼ cup chopped dates
• 1/ 4 cup shredded coconut
• ¼ cup goji berries
• 1 cup sticky sticky raw granola

1. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

2. Mix together .
3. Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container or ziplock bag.

Substitution Tip: Prepare this snack with sprouted nuts and seeds for
easier digestion.

Fully Loaded Nachos

Nut free

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 30 Minutes

This recipe is always a crowd-pleaser. The crispness of the jicama with the
tahini sauce make a loaded gooey nacho dish that won’t disappoint. I
always make sure to make this when there’s a mix of vegans and
omnivores present and it’s always a hit. It’s even sure to catch the
attention of that one person who says “I could never eat vegan”. Get
creative with this dish and serve immediately.
• 1 Jicama, peeled and sliced into ‘chips’
• 1 cup tahini
• ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
• ¼ cup ‘no soy’ sauce
• ¼ cup parsley
• ¼ cup dill
• Juice of one lime
• 2 tomatoes, diced
• 1 cup lettuce, chopped
• 1 cup green onion
• ¼ cup red onion
• 1 cup Mango Salsa
• 1 cup Authentic Guacamole (p. XX)

1. Combine tahini, apple cider vinegar, no soy sauce, dill, parsley, and lime
juice in a blender.
2. Blend until smooth and set sauce aside.
3. Place jicama chips on large plate.
4. Add mango salsa on chips.
5. Layer a drizzle of the tahini sauce on top of salsa.
6. Layer lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, green onion.
7. Add another layer of tahini sauce.
8. Finish by layering the guacamole on top.

Make-ahead Tip: prep the veggies for this meal a day in advance for an
easy out together meal.
Authentic Guacamole
Nut free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Traditional guacamole is one of those comforting foods that is a must to know how to
prepare properly. It can be put on salads, tossed over zucchini noodles, put on nachos, or
used a dip for fresh veggies. This recipe is as authentic as it gets, so serve away to raw
vegans and omnivores alike.

• 4 ripe avocados
• Juice of half a lime
• ¼ cup cilantro
• ¼ cup white onion, chopped
• ¼ cup tomatoes
• 1 clove garlic, chopped finely
• Salt to taste

1. Scoop avocados into bowl

2. Add lime, garlic, and salt and mash down with fork or potato masher until desired
3. Stir in the rest of the ingredients well.
4. Enjoy.

Make-ahead Tip: Keep the pits of the avocado inside of the guacamole to prevent the flesh
from turning brown.

Overstuffed Bell Peppers


Serves 4

Prep Time: 25 minutes

These overstuffed peppers are a delicious mix of sweet and savory. At first bite, your taste
buds will jump with excitement at the texture and taste of these peppers. Although they
take bit longer to make, they’re a perfect entrée to have when you want something
filling, hearty -- or just something to put on top of a leafy green salad.

• 2 bell peppers, seeded and sliced in half

• 6 large carrots, chopped
• 8 medjool dates
• 1 cup sundried tomatoes
• 2 teaspoons cumin
• 2 teaspoons dried sage
• Salt to taste
1. Combine sun dried tomatoes dates, cumin, sage, and salt in a food processor with an s-
2. Process this mixture until a sticky ball starts to form.
3. Start adding in pieces of the chopped carrot while the food processor is still running.
4. After all the carrots have been added, process the mixture for another minute.
5. Take mixture and stuff them into the bell pepper halves.

Hawaiian Mango Salsa
Gluten free/ nut free free/ fat free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Mangoes and tomatoes are always a great combination. These

two ingredients stand out in this salsa side and can be used to
dip almost anything in. I make this and use it on nachos, on
salads, in wraps. It will make any savory dish pop with flavor.
Make sure to use fresh and truly ripe mangoes for this dish for
it to taste its best.

• 3 mangoes, peeled and diced

• 2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced
• 1 cup cilantro, chopped
• ½ cup red onion, chopped
• Juice of one lime
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl.

2. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow ingredients to

Mexico City Pico de Gallo
Nut free/ gluten free/ fat free
Serves: 4

Prep Time: 15 minutes

A good salsa is a staple to many raw vegans -- and for good

reason. It is one of those sides that everyone loves, but no one
realizes ’'ss vegan yet alone raw! It’s perfect and very hard to
butcher. It can be used as dressing for a salad, in romaine
lettuce boats, or on raw tacos and burritos. You’ll definitely
enjoy this quick and easy recipe that pairs well with most

• 7-8 Roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped

• 1 cilantro, chopped
• 1 cup red onion
• ½ cup green onion
• Juice of 1 lime
• 1 clove garlic, chopped finely
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all ingredients to a mixing bowl and stir well.

Rainbow Roll
Nut free/fat free

Serves: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Nori is an edible seaweed that most people enjoy in a sushi roll. It’s
another one of those great foods that is common and easily accepted by
people new to raw eating. It is also a good source of iodine. Just make sure
to use non-toasted nori to keep the dish raw. This rainbow nori roll is full
of color and will satisfy any sushi craving.

• 1 nori sheet
• ½ red pepper sliced thin
• ½ carrot shredded
• 3 tablespoons Spanish style cauliflower rice
• 1 tablespoon rainbow dressing (p.xx)

1. Place nori sheet on flat surface and spread rainbow dressing evenly over
2. Add rice to bottom of nori sheet.
3. Layer carrots and red bell pepper.
4. Slowly roll nori upwards until complete rolled.
5. Enjoy as is or slice into sushi bites.

Prep Tip: Serve with coconut aminos or tahini sauce for dipping.

Silver Glen Granola Bar

Makes 8 bars

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Granola bars are a great snack to have around when hunger strikes. Like
the trail mix, I developed this recipe to have when taking long road trips or
when going for a long hike. It is protein-dense, filling, and delicious. It
holds up well when storing and eating. It’s a perfect make-ahead snack for
kids and adults alike.

• 1 cup walnuts
• 1 cup almonds
• 1 cup raisins
• ¼ cup raw almond butter
• 8 to9 medjool dates

1. Combine walnuts, almond butter, dates in a food processor and pulse

until a sticky mixture Finns.
2. Slowly pulse in raisins and almonds.
3. Place entire mixture on wax paper and refrigerate for 3 to5 hours.
4. Once refrigerated, slice into bars.

Kitchen Hack: Stores these in an airtight container in the fridge for up to

two weeks.

Chips and Dip
Nut free/gluten free


Prep Time: 5 minutes

Although this recipe may seem like a super-simple reverse

salad, there’s nothing more satisfying then dipping into a
cool creamy dressing over and over again. I love making this
into a platter and eating n abundance without the guilt
while I Netflix and chill.

• 1 head romaine lettuce

• 1 cup tahini ranch (p. XX)

1. Tear romaine into chip-size pieces. Place in a bowl and set

2. Dip “chips” into tahini ranch.
3. Repeat.

Substitution Tip:: Replace lettuce with cabbage or jicama


Savory Pizza Bites

Gluten free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 30 minutes

We can all agree that pizza is the ultimate comfort food. No

matter where you’re from or what your natural cuisine is, it
is almost certain that you’ve tried and fallen in love with this
classic Italian dish. This raw version is no different! The
sweet and savory raw marinara combined with Italian herbs
and spices will have you wanting to make this recipe over
and over again.

• 1 large zucchini, peeled

• 2 ½ cups cherry tomatoes reserve ½ cup for garnishing
• 3 to 4 dates
• ½ cup sun dried tomatoes
• ½ cup basil packed
• ½ cup scallions, chopped
• 1 cup cashews
• ¼ cup fresh oregano
• Juice of one lime
• 1 cup arugula leaves

1. To make the marinara sauce, combine cherry tomatoes,

dates, basil, and scallions in a blender. Blend until smooth
and set aside.
2. To make the cashew cheese, combine cashews, oregano,
and lime to a blender and blend until smooth and set aside.
3. To assemble, slice the zucchini into even rounds and layer
the marinara sauce on each. Follow by adding an arugula
leaf to each then follow with cashew cheese sauce.
4. Take the sliced cherry tomatoes and garnish each pizza

Kitchen Hack: If you’re running short on time, don’t peel the

zucchini and make larger slices for a more filling meal.
Stuffed Avocados
Nut free/gluten free

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Appetizing, creamy, and loaded with nutrition, avocados are always an

amazing choice, but beyond guacamole and salads there isn’t a ton of
thingsyou can do with them. This recipe was created to put on top of my
salads, but it can be used as a side or make a few of them to have as an

• 2 whole ripe avocados

• ¼ cup Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
• ¼ cup cucumbers, seeded and diced
• ¼ red bell pepper, seeded and diced
• ¼ cup red onion, diced
• ¼ cup hemp seeds
• ½ cup tahini ranch (p.xx)

1. Combine all ingredients except avocados in a bowl and stir well.

2. Slice avocados in half and remove the pits.
3. To assemble, scoop the veggie mixture into the avocados.
4. Enjoy.

Stuffed Mushrooms

Serves: 4 to6

Prep Time: 30 minutes

After my first few months eating a raw vegan diet everything started to
become easier . That is, until the holidays rolled around and I wanted to
feast on something warm, comforting, and traditional. I wanted
something that reminded me of of my childhood holidays and waking
up smelling the fresh herbs and spices cooking downstairs. These
stuffed mushrooms were developed to be just that. They are marinated
and stuffed with raw stuffing, so they are the perfect raw Thanksgiving
or Christmas dinner appetizer.

• 6 ounces or 1 package of baby portobello mushrooms

• 2 cups walnuts
• 1 cup celery, diced
• 1 cup carrots, diced
• ½ cup white onion, diced
• ½ cup fresh rosemary
• ½ cup fresh sage
• ½ cup fresh thyme
• 1 cup coconut aminos
• ¼ cup grapeseed oil
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 2 teaspoons dried thyme
• 1 teaspoon salt

1. Hollowout all of the mushrooms with a small spoon and place in a
bowl. Reserve the leftover mushroom pieces for later.
2. Combine grapeseed oil, coconut aminos, and dried thyme to small
bowl and mix together. Pour mixture over hollowed-out mushrooms set
them aside and allow them to marinate.
3. Start making the stuffing by combing the walnuts, leftover
mushroom pieces, fresh thyme, fresh sage, salt and fresh rosemary to a
food processor. Blend for a few seconds until you get a rough and
choppy mixture.
4. Slowly add in olive oil while continuing to pulse the mixture.
5. Once all ingredients are combined well, move the mixture to a large
6. Stir in carrots, onions, and celery.
7. Remove mushrooms from marinade and place on large platter or
8. To assemble, scoop stuffing into the marinated mushrooms.
9. Enjoy!

Make-ahead Tip: Marinate mushrooms overnight to lessen the prep

time of this meal.

Fully Loaded Summer Kale
Gluten free/nut free

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 20 minutes

There is something about kale salads that make most raw foodies’
hearts’ sing, but they are honestly the most misunderstood raw dish.
If not made correctly, they can be the toughest, most bland salad that
you’ll ever have. On the other hand, if made properly they are the
most nutrient-dense, scrumptious, hearty salads that will have you
hooked in days. This salad is loaded with summer veggies and is
perfectto share at a summer barbecue.

• 1 head curly kale

• 1 cup tomatoes, diced
• 1 cup cucumber, diced
• 1 cup red bell peppers, diced
• ½ cup parsley, chopped
• Juice of lime
• ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
• ¼ cup grapeseed oil
• 2 teaspoon salt
• ½ cup tahini ranch (p. XX)

1. Tear kale into bite-size pieces and put into a bowl.

2. Combine grapeseed oil, apple cider vinegar, and salt in a small bowl.
Whisk together to create a marinade.
3. Pour mixture over kale and use your hands to massage it into the
kale leaves. Keep massaging until kale is soft and evenly coated. Set
4. Combine tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, parsley, lime and 1
teaspoon of salt to a separate bowl and stir together.
5. Pour veggie mixture over massaged kale.
6. Drizzle tahini ranch over entire salad.
7. Enjoy!

Substitution Tip: The vegetables here can be replaced with any

leftover veggies you have on hand.

Over the Rainbow Kale Salad

Gluten free/ nut free

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 20 minutes

The phrase ‘’you eat with all your senses’’ really didn’t mean much to
me until I began my raw food journey. Before going raw, it didn’t
matter how a dish looked. As long as it smelled and tasted good I was
all in. Once I started incorporating more plant foods and they became
an everyday part of my diet, I realized how much more I enjoyed
foods with a ton of beautiful color. This rainbow salad is probably my
favorite recipe in this entire book. It’s all over my Instagram page and
is the most delicious salad that you will ever make.

• 1 head curly kale

• 1 red bell pepper, diced
• 1 yellow bell pepper, diced
• 1 orange bell pepper, diced
• ½ cup purple cabbage, chopped
• ½ cup raisins
• ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
• ¼ cup grapeseed oil
• 2 teaspoon salt
• ½ cup tahini ranch (p. XX)
• ¼ cup rainbow dressing (p. XX)

1. Tear kale into bite-size pieces and put into a bowl.

2. Combine grapeseed oil, apple cider vinegar, and salt in a small bowl.
Whisk together to create a marinade.
3. Pour mixture over kale and use your hands to massage it into the
kale leaves. Keep massaging until kale is soft and evenly coated.
4. Pour rainbow dressing over kale and massage again.
5. Add red bell pepper, yellow pepper, orange bell pepper, cabbage,
and raisins to kale.
6. Drizzle with tahini ranch.

The Superman Salad
Nut free/ gluten free


Prep Time: 20 minutes

This is called the Superman sSlad for a multitude of reasons. Not only is it
fully loaded with nutrient-dense foods, but it will also have you feeling a
natural high -- afeeling like you are ready to turn into a superhero after
you eat it. Spinach and kale boast vitamin K, vitamin A,and antioxidants.
Arugula is not only super-high in chlorophyll, but also high in omega 6s as
well. The hemp and pumpkin seeds take it over the top by offering amino
acids as well as zinc. if you’re ever feeling an energy slump, this is the
recipe you should use to give you a healthy boost.

• 1 handful of curly kale

• 1 handful lacing kale
• 1 handful spinach
• 1 handful spring mix
• 1 handful arugula
• 1 cup celery chopped
• 1 cup purple cabbage, chopped
• ¼ cup hemp seeds
• ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
• ¼ cup honey mustard (p. XX)
• ¼ cup tahini ranch (p XX)

1. Combine curly kale, cabbage, lacinato kale, spinach, spring mix, and
arugula in large bowl.
2. Pour tahini ranch over greens and massage down with hands until it is
all well- coated.
3. Stir in celery, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
4. Drizzle with honey mustard dressing.
5. Enjoy!

Strawberry Fields
Gluten free


Prep Time: 10 minutes

While most of the salads in this book are savory in nature, there are times
when a sweet, fresh, fruity salad is exactly what you need. I remember
making this salad for the first time. It was springtime, and I had just gone
strawberry picking. Naturally, we were inundated with strawberries and I
experimented with combining the fruit with greens and making the
perfect dressing to go along with it. It became a family favorite, and I
know will become one of yours too!

• 5 handfuls spring mix

• 2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced
• ¼ red onion, sliced
• 1/4 cup pecans
• ¼ cup pomegranate vinaigrette (p. XX)

1. Add spring mix to salad bowl and pour dressing over greens. Massage
gently until well-coated.
2. Stir in strawberries, onions, and pecans.
3. Enjoy!
The Charleston Salad
Gluten free

Serves: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Growing up in Charleston, South Carolina, is something I definitely took

advantage of before adopting a raw vegan lifestyle. Once I started eating
more produce in abundance, I realized that my hometown was a raw food
Mecca. There’s great fruit and vegetables grown year -ound there that offer
amazing health benefits. This salad is made from ingredients all local to the
Southeastern U.S, and is such a refreshing salad that it will make it onto
your weekly menu more often than you think.

• 5 handfuls arugula
• 3 handfuls green leaf lettuce
• 2 pears, peeled and sliced
• ½ cup blueberries
• ½ cup figs
• 1/2 cup watermelon radishes
• ½ cup pecans
• ¼ cup peach vinaigrette

1. Combine arugula and green leaf lettuce in a bowl.

2. Pour peach vinaigrette over leaves and massage in well.
3. Stir in pears, blueberries, figs, pecans and radishes.
4. Drizzle more peach vinaigrette over entire salad.
5. Enjoy.

Nutrition Hack: add as much arugula to your diet as possible. With it being
so balanced in omegas it’s a near perfect leafy greens.

Raw Kale Caesar

Serves: 1

Prep Time: 20 Minutes

This book definitely would not have been complete without a Caesar salad
because, come on, it’s a classic that most people love, including myself. I
developed this wanting that same Caesar taste, but without the croutons and
Parmesan cheese. I ended up using kale as the base here becausewhen kale is
done right it makes the absolute best salads.

• 1 head curly or lacinato kale

• ½ Brazil nuts
• ½ cherry tomatoes, halved
• ½ cup red onion, sliced
• ½ cup radish, sliced thin
• 1 tsp salt
• ½ cup cashew Caesar dressing (p. XX)

1. Tear kale into bite-size pieces in a large salad bowl

2. Pour cashew Caesar dressing over kale and massage with your hands into
the kale until the kale has gotten significantly softer.
3. Blend Brazil nuts and salt in a food processor or blend until it resembles
Parmesan cheese.
4. Stir tomatoes, onions and radishes into kale.
5. Sprinkle the Brazil nut Parmesan over salad.
6. Enjoy!

Citrus and Fennel Salad
Nut free/fat free/gluten free


Prep Time: 15 minutes

One of the main pieces of advice that I give to people is to always eat local
whenever you can. This can be quite difficult in the chillier months when the
usual salad-toppers like tomatoes and okra aren’t as available. This salad pairs
two not-so-common winter produce items to make a beautiful fresh tasting salad
that you can eat as is or as a side to a raw or even cooked entrée.

• 1 bulb fennel, sliced thin

• 3 oranges, peeled and diced
• 2 grapefruit, peeled and sliced
• ½ cup fresh mint
• ¼ cup pomegranate vinaigrette
1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2. Allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
3. Enjoy.

Kitchen Hack: Pre-slice the fennel and store it in the fridge for up to a week to
easily throw this salad together.

Jamaican Mango Avocado Salad
Gluten free

Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes

It’s so unbelievably insane to actually be sharing this recipe with you. It’s not
only an amazing staple and combination, it was the absolute first raw vegan
meal I ever made. I don’t know if this salad launched my love for raw vegan
foods or if it really just made me think,’’ hey, I can do this!’’ , but this simple salad
definitely holds a strong place in my heart.

• 4 heads romaine lettuce

• 4 mangoes, peeled and diced
• 3 avocados, diced
• ½ cup cilantro
• Juice of one lime
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• ¼ cup cashew Caesar (p. XX)
1. Combine mango, avocados cilantro, olive oil, and lime together and stir well.
Set aside.
2. Chop romaine into bite-size pieces and put in a mixing bowl.
3. Pour mango mixture over romaine.
4. Drizzle with cashew Caesar.
5. Enjoy.

Substitution Tip:: it’s perfectly okay to omit the cashew Caesar here and use
mango avocado as the ‘’dressing .‘’

Peachy Queen
Gluten free

Prep Time: 30 minutes

At first glance, you may not think that peaches and salad pair well
together, but I’m here to prove to you that this combination is indeed a
beautiful and delicious pair. When I make this salad, it is usually the
peak of summer when peaches are in full abundance and at their
sweetest. This salad is so refreshing that it’s the perfect side to heavier
summer entrees. I have also found that due to its sweetness it is a very
kid-friendly dish as well.

• 5 handfuls of spinach
• 2 peaches, peeled and sliced
• ¼ cup almonds
• 1 half red onion, sliced
• ¼ cup peach vinaigrette

1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl.

2. Pour peach vinaigrette over salad.
3. Toss well.
4. Enjoy!

The Ultimate Superfood Salad
Gluten free

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Enter your text
What exactly is a superfood? To me, they are not the crazy-expensive
foods found only in health food stores, but they are the local, non-
processed, fresh, raw foods that give the body nutrients plus hydration.
This salad this full of my favorite ‘superfoods ‘ and will have your body
feeling super after eating it. It’s definitely another favorite of mine, and
I hope you enjoy it.

• ½ head purple cabbage, shredded

• ½ head curly kale, shredded
• ½ head lacinto kale, shredded
• 2 carrots, shredded
• 1 cup blueberries
• 1 cup sunflower seeds
• 1 cup raisins
• ½ cup walnut
• ¼ cup hemp seeds
• ¼ cup grapeseed oil
• Juice of one lemon
• 2 medjool dates
• 2 teaspoons salt

1. Make the dressing by combining grapeseed oil, lemon juice, dates, and
salt to a blender. Blend ingredients until completely smooth. Set aside.
2. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a large salad bowl.
3. Pour dressing over the entire salad and use hands to massage the
salad down. Massage until all the ingredients start to wilt and are well-
4. Allow salad to marinate in fridge for at least thirty minutes before

Classic Gazpacho
Gluten free/fat free/nut free
Serves 4

Prep Time: 15 Minutes, and 1 hour of chill time

Classic gazpacho is a perfectly chilled savory soup. I make sure to make this chilled soup on warm summer afternoons. This traditionally
raw soup pairs perfectly with a large kale salad. It is refreshing, savory, with an unbelievable taste. Try this when you want to eat raw ,but
are not in the mood for time intensive raw meal.

• 4-5 large tomatoes

• 1 cucumber peeled, seeded, and cubed
• 1 red onion
• 1 medium bell pepper, seeded and chopped
• 1 cup basil leaves
• 2 cloves garlic
• 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
• 1 teaspoon salt
1. Combine all ingredients to blender and pulse until you get a rough and choppy consistency.
2. Garnish with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, and basil.

Kitchen Hack: Any variety of tomatoes work well here, but I’ve found that reality ripe Roma tomatoes give me a certain flavor that cannot
be replicated.

Raw Ramen
Nut free/fat free

Serves 1

Prep Time: 3 Hours

Ramen is an Asian comfort food that is well-loved by people around the world and this recipe is inspired by the traditional soup. Although,
not exactly like the one you may be thinking of , this raw version is it lacking and will kick that craving for Chinese take-out. It will
definitely become a chilly weather favorite that you’ll come back to over and over.

• 2 zucchini spiralized
• 2 portobello mushrooms sliced
• ¼ white onion
• ¼ green onion
• ½ cup coconut aminos
• 2 tablespoons sesame or olive oil
• ½ lemon juices
• 2 tsp salt
1. Make a marinade by whisking together the coconut aminos, oil, lemon juice, and salt.
2. Marinate the spiralized zucchini, mushrooms, white onion, and green onion in the marinade.
3. Allow the veggies to marinate for at least three hours.
4. Strain the vegetables from the marinade and place in bowl save marinade
5. Place

Creamy Sweet Pepper Soup

Gluten free
Serves 2

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

This red pepper soup is the perfect appetizer to any raw meal. The sweetness of the pepper and creaminess of the cashews create a thick
textured soup that is great any time of the year. It’s super easy to throw together after a long day when you don’t want to prepare raw
food, but want to eat some. It’s a great overall recipe that you will perfect in no time.

• 1 cup cashews
• 2 red bell peppers
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 tsp salt
• 1 cup water
• 1/3 cup chopped parsley
1. Combine all ingredients except parsley in blender until smooth and warm.
2. Garnish with parsley.

Kitchen hack: If you ever have an excess of vegetables in your fridge this is good recipe to make because it pairs well with any salad.
Best Tomato Basil Soup
Gluten free
Serves 2

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

This recipe mimics the classic tomato basil soup that you’d find in a deli or café. This exact recipe, is
actually inspired by Panera’s wonderful tomato-basil soup. When this is fresh out of the vitamix, it is
the ultimate comfort food to sip on while eating a sandwich. I know you’ll enjoy this just as much as my
family does.

• 2 cups tomatoes chopped
• ½ cup cashews
• 1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes
• Juice of 1/2 lime
• ½ cup fresh basil packed
1. Combine all ingredients into blender.
2. Blend until smooth and warm.
3. Enjoy immediately.

Creamy Avocado Soup

Serves 4

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Avocados are always a favorite raw food, and they also can make an amazingly creamy soup . This
recipe came about after buying a basket full of ripe avocados at the market. I wanted a fresh way to
use them, but I didn’t want guacamole.. This recipe is both refreshing and hearty and the perfect side to
any salad.

• 2 avocados
• 1 cucumber
• 1/3 cup tomatoes, chopped
• Juice of one lime
• 1/3 cup cilantro
• 1 tsp coconut aminos
• 2 tsp cumin
• 1 tsp salt
1. Combine all ingredients except tomatoes in blender.
2. Blend until smooth and warm.
3. Garnish with tomatoes.
4. Enjoy immediately.

Kitchen Hack: It’s okay to use slightly overripe avocados in this recipe. Also be sure to try different
vegetables and herbs to garnish.

Butternut Squash Soup

Gluten free/nut free
Serves 1

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

The unlikely combination of squash and coconut milk give this soup strong Caribbean flavor. This was
another attempt of mine throw those Classic Caribbean flavors together. It is a tradition in my house to
make this every Christmas Eve. It’s light, yet savory and delicious. This soup pairs well with raw
sandwiches and even patties.

• 2 lbs butternut squash

• 1 cup coconut or hemp milk
• 3 red or orange bell peppers
• 1 tablespoon turmeric
• 4-5 medjool dates
• Juice of 3 limes
• Himalayan salt to taste
1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender.
2. Blend until warm and smooth.

Kitchen Hack: Try to peel, de seed, and cube butternut squash a day in advance. This step alone can
take 10-15 minutes
Kingston Coconut Curry
Gluten free
Serves 2

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Curry and coconut milk go together like pumpkin and spice! Coming from a
Jamaican background, It took me a while to come up with a recipe that I
deemed acceptable enough to call ‘kingston coconut curry’’. Well after sell the
trial and error I perfected this recipe. The Cumin, allspice, and Jamaican curry
are the all-stars in this dish. They unite to create an intense and delicious
flavor that will not disappoint.

• 2 cups raw coconut milk or coconut water

• 1 cup raw cashews
• 1 zucchini, peeled and chopped
• 2 cloves garlic
• 2 teaspoons Jamaican curry powder
• 1 teaspoon turmeric
• ¼ cup fresh thyme
• 1 tsp all allspice
• 1 tsp cumin
• Himalayan salt to taste
1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender.
2. Blend on high speed until all ingredients are well-combined and warmed.

Substitution Hack: If you don’t have coconut milk. You can add the coconut
meat from a young coconut to thick the soup up nicely.

Sicilian Minestrone Soup

Fat free/nut free
Serves 4

Prep Time: 25 Minutes

Here’s an Italian staple and a favorite among soup lovers. I love this hearty
soup for a multitude of reasons. It’s filling, savory, and gives me more than
days dose of vegetables. This raw version of mi estrone leaves you feeling like
you’re on a natural high. With the delicious tomato based broth , you’ll enjoy
this for days on end. I love curling up with a book with a bowl of this nearby.
• 6-7 large heirloom tomatoes or 10 Roma tomatoes
• 2 red bell peppers
• 4 stalks celery
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 cup coconut aminos
• 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
• 2 teaspoons dried thyme
• 2 teaspoons sage
• 2 teaspoons dried oregano
• ¼ cup mushrooms, chopped
• ¼ cup cherry tomatoes halved
• ¼. Cup parsley, chopped
• ¼ cup carrots, chopped
• ¼ cup green onion, chopped
1. Combine mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, parsley, carrots, and green onion
into a large bowl, set aside.
2. Make marinade by combining coconut aminos and grapeseed oil.
3. Pour marinade over chopped vegetables, stir, and set aside.
4. Make the broth and base of your soup by combining the heirloom tomatoes,
bell peppers, celery, thyme, sage, and oregano in a blender.
5. Strain mixture through a nut milk bag into the bowl of chopped vegetables.
6. Stir and enjoy immediately.
Raw Mein
Nut free/gluten free
Serves 4

Prep Time: 30 minutes

In the beginning of the book I mentioned that as a child, I was exposed to

many different cultures and cuisines. My favorite Asian style dishes were
always noodle based and when first going raw I made and developed plenty
of Asian style noodle dishes. This raw mein is one of my favorites and
always makes a delicious dinner.

For the bowl
• 4 zucchini,spiralized
• 3 carrot, spiralized
• 1 cup mung bean sprouts
• 1 cup purple cabbage, shredded
• ½ red bell pepper , sliced
• ½ yellow bell pepper, sliced
• 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
For the sauce :
• 1 cup no soy sauce
• 2 inch ginger
• 3 cloves garlic
• 4 medjool dates
• 2 tablespoons tahini

1. Make the sauce by blending the sauce ingredients until smooth in a
blender. Set aside.
2. Prep and combine all the ingredients for the bowl
3. Pour sauce over noodles . Mix well.
4. Enjoy!

Substitution Hack: use can swap the carrot or zucchini noodles any veggie
noodle. I’ve used cucumber as well as butternut squash with success.
Loaded Kale Chilli

Prep Time:30 minutes

One question I always get asked is ‘’how do you eat raw when it’s so cold?’’.
Well the answer is recipes like this that are savory, loaded with vegetables, and
served at room temperature, definitely help. This is my number pick for dinner
on cold winter afternoons or anytime that I’m feeling a craving for a heavier

For the chili
• 3 large tomatoes
• ½ cup sun dried tomatos
• 2 dates
• ¼ cup no soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon chill powder
• 1 tablespoon cumin
• 2 garlic cloves
• ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
• 1 teaspoon salt
For the mix ins
• 1/2 cup red bell pepper, diced
• ½ cup yellow bell pepper, diced
• ½ cup marinated mushrooms , sliced
• ½ cup red onion, diced
• ½ cup tomatoes, diced
• ½ cup zucchini, peeled and diced
• 2 hemp / walnut patties, broken up
• 2 cups rainbow kale salad(page)
• 1 tablespoon raw sour cream (page)

1. Prep and combine all the mix ins except sour cream in a large bowl and stir
2. Make the chili base by combining all base ingredients to a blender. Blend well
until it is smooth and warm. This step may take up to five minutes.
3. Pour chilli base over the mix ins and stir well
4. Garnish with sour cream’
5. Enjoy!
Bountiful bowl (cauliflower rice)
Gluten free

Prep Time: 20 minutes

After traveling around the country as new raw vegan

and exporting quite a bit of vegan cafes , I fell in love
with all the Buddha bowls that were simple bowls
filled with vegan staples like quinoa, beans, sauces. Of
course being raw, I replaced these items with others
and almost always made a perfect raw vegan meal.
This bowl is my homemade version of a Buddha bowl
and I enjoy making it quite a bit because the
ingredients are forgiving and it’s a bowl so it’s fool
proof and hard to mess up.

• ¼ head of cauliflower, riced or grated
• 4 cups over the rainbow kale( page)
• ¼ cup cultured macadamia nut cheese( page)
• 1 over stuffed bell pepper (Page)
• ½ avocado, sliced
• ½ cucumbers, sliced
• 1 red bell pepper, sliced
• ¼ cup rainbow dressing
1. In a bowl first start by adding the first layer
rainbow kale salad. Be genius with the amount of
salad you use as your base.
2. Add a dollop of cauliflower to one edge, and
continue adding the best of the ingredients to the
3. Drizzle with rainbow dressing
4. Enjoy!

Kitchen Hack: this is a fresh bowl to make when you

have leftover kale salad that you can completely
make into a new dish.
Gullah Bowl (okra based)
Nut free/gluten free

Prep Time:20 minutes

Being raised in Charleston, SC I was raised alongside the

historic Gullah- geechie corridor. This exposed me to the
beautiful culture of former slaves in area. The culture runs
deep through the city from everything from Sweetgrass
baskets to traditional foods that are famous around the
world. This bowl is my take on the classic Gullah okra soup
that was always a favorite of mine. I know if you’re from
south you’ll love this one!

• 2 cups cauliflower mash (page)
• 1 cup tomatoes, diced
• 1 cup okra, sliced
• 1 cup marinated mushrooms
• 1 cup raw corn
• ¼ cup tahini ranch

1. Build bowl by starting the cauliflower mash base
2. Add in each topping of tomatoes, okra, mushrooms, and
3. Drizzle with tahini ranch
4. Enjoy

Vegetable Wrap
Gluten free/ nut free

Prep Time:20 minutes

Most people who are beginning their raw journey almost

always say they miss bread, wraps, and sandwiches. This is
definitely understandable because most of us grew up with
those being a lunchtime or even breakfast staple. Whenever
I’m wanting a wrap or I just need something that holds ups
well to put in Lailahs lunchbox I use this vegetable wrap. It
may take a few times to get it right, but once you get it you’ll
be making these everyday for lunch
• 1 large collar wrap, washed and destemmed
• 2 tablespoons raw hummus (page)
• 1 red bell pepper,sliced
• 1 carrot, sliced
• 1 cup lettuce
• ½ avocado sliced
• ½ cucumber, sliced

1. Place collard wrap on flat surface. Spread raw hummus
over the entire leaf.
2. Add all veggies horizontally on the bottom of the leaf
closest to you
3. Drizzle whatever is left over from the hummus over the
veggies again
4. Take the two end corners of the collard wrap and fold
them in while at the same time rolling up the bottom of the
leaf. Just like you roll a burrito. Roll until your wrap us done
and hold together using a toothpick.
5. Slice in half
6. Enjoy!
Raw Burrito
Gluten free/nut free
Serves: 1

Prep Time:25 minutes

Like the vegetable wrap, this raw burrito uses a collard leaf for the tortilla
and holds up well for lunch. It’s it filled with all of the taste and flavor that
you think of when you think of traditional Mexican fare. It’s a good recipe to
make when you’re in the beginning stages of incorporating more raw foods
because it’s full of spices and flavors and is super satisfying.

• 1 collard leaf
• ¼ cup Mexico city salsa (page)
• ¼ cup ( Spanish style cauliflower rice)
• ¼ cup gucamole) ( pg)
• ½ red bell pepper
• 1 tablespoon tahini ranch
1. Place collard wrap on flat surface. Spread tahini ranch over the entire leaf.
2. Add red pepper slices-on the bottom of the leaf closest to you.
3. Add cauliflower rice, salsa, a d guacamole to the leaf
4. Take the two end corners of the burrito and fold them in while at the
same time rolling up the bottom of the leaf. Just like you roll a burrito. Roll
until your wrap us done and hold together using a toothpick.
5. Slice in half
6. Enjoy!

Pasta Marinara
Gluten free/fat free/nut free

Prep Time: 25 minutes

I definitely couldn’t get away with not having a raw pasta marinara dish in
my book. It’s a raw classic for many reasons. It’s an easy dish to put together
and it’s oddly better than the traditional, but without the empty carbs and
with all the extra benefits of raw tomatoes and fresh zucchini.

For the sauce:
• 2 large tomatoes
• ½ cup sun dried Tomatoes
• 2 medjool dates
• 2 cups basil
• Juice of one lemon
• 1 tablespoon, grapeseed oil
• 3 cloves garlic
• Salt to taste
For the pasta:
• 3 zucchini, spiralized
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced
• 1 cup fresh basil leaves

1. Start by making the sauce by blending all sauce ingredients until smooth in
a blender.
2. Toss with pasta vegetables
3. Enjoy!
Creamiest Raw Alfredo
Gluten free

Prep Time:20 minutes

This is another raw dish that I just had to share here in this book. It’s good, it’s creamy and it’s the
ultimate raw comfort food. I remember thinking to myself how ‘how can a raw alfredo compare to
a traditional one?’’. I was right this raw version blows the traditional out of the water and it’s
always a favorite to make and serve.

For the sauce:
• 2 cups cashews
• 2 green onions
• ¼ cup fresh oregano, chopped
• Juice of one lemon
• 3 cloves garlic
• Salt to taste
For the pasta:
• 3 zucchini, spiralized
• ¼ cup marinated mushroom

4. Start by making the sauce by blending all sauce ingredients until smooth in a blender.
5. Toss with pasta vegetables very well
6. Enjoy!

Portabello Pizzas
Gluten free

Serves: 4

Prep Time:30 minutes

Pizza is a staple and after incorporating more raw foods into my diet, it was food that I just wasn’t
ready to give up. After much trial and error, I can say that , This is going to be one of the best raw
pizza recipes that you don’t need a dehydrator for that you will ever make.

For the crust:
• 4 portobello mushrooms
• 1 cup coconut aminos
For the filling:
• 1 zucchini, peeled and sliced into rounds
• 1 cup marinara (page)
• 1 cup queso ( page)
For the toppings:
• 1 red pepper diced
• 1 cup basil leaves

1. Prepare the crust by gutting the insides out with a spoon. Reserve scooped mushroom
2. Marinate all the crusts by placing them in a ziplock bag with coconut aminos
3. Allow them to marinate
4. Also marinate mushrooms pieces that you scooped out as well
5. Allow mushrooms at least 20 minutes to marinate
6. Once they are done remove them from marinade and place on a cutting board or large plate.
7. Assemble pizza by layering marinara sauce, zucchini round,basil leaves, mushroom pieces ,and
raw queso.
8. Top with more basil and diced red bell pepper

Kitchen Hack: this is an awesome recipe to dehydrate! It will warm the pizza and make it oh so
Spanish style cauliflower rice
Gluten free/ fat free/nut free


Prep Time:25 minutes

The things you can make with a head of cauliflower are endless! Rice, pizza crust, soup,
and mash potatoes are just a few of them. I’ve always loved the idea of cauliflower rice so
when I needed a rice for raw burritos I came up with this. I’ve been using this is wraps,
bowls, and salads ever since.

For the sauce:
• 1 large tomato
• ½ cup sun dried tomatoes
• 2 teaspoons chili powder
• 2 cloves garlic
• Salt to taste
For the rice
• 1 head cauliflower, chopped
• ½ cup yellow bell pepper, diced
• ½ cup red bell pepper, diced
• ½ cup orange bell pepper diced
• 1/2 cup raw corn
• ½ cup cilantro
1. Make the sauce by combining all sauce ingredients to a blender. Blend until smooth.
2. Now prepare the rice by adding cauliflower to food processor. Pulse gently until
cauliflower become a rice like consistency
3. Combine the sauce and cauliflower together
4. Stir in bell peppers, corn, and cilantro

Kitchen Hack: If you own a dehydrator this is great recipe to warm and dehydrate
together to allow flavors to meld properly.

Southern style cauliflower mash

Gluten free


Prep Time:25

Being a southern girl at heart , when the idea of still being able to eat and enjoy ‘’mashed
potatoes’’ while eating raw really appealed to me. In this recipe, I use cashews to make the
cauliflower creamy and mushrooms for the gravy. It’s a true raw gem that I’m sure you
will make your own.

For the gravy:
• 1 cup raw mushrooms
• 2 cloves garlic
• ¼ grapeseed oil
• ¼ cup ‘no soy’ sauce
For the cauliflower mash:
• ½ head cauliflower, chopped
• 1 cup cashews
• ¼ avocado
• 1 clove garlic
• Salt to taste
1. Make the gravy by combining all ingredients to a blender and blend until completely
smooth and set aside
2. To make the cauliflower mash combine all of the ingredients to a food processor and
blend until cauliflower turns into a mash. This step mat tweet up to two to three minutes
3. Drizzle gravy of cauliflower mash enjoy!

Kitchen Hack: You can completely omit the cashews and make this nut free by using a
whole avocado to replace them. Your mash will be a little green, but creamy and delicious
Walnut Hemp Patty

Makes 10 patties

Prep Time: 20 minutes

If you follow my social media accounts you know this is patty that was on my
original blog and one that I love to share with all of my supporters. With the main
ingredients being walnut and hemp , it is a savory and filling patty that pairs well
with absolutely anything. My favorite way to have this is over a green leaf lettuce
salad with a lot of heirloom tomatoes and tahini ranch.

• 2 cups walnuts
• 2 cups portobello mushrooms ,chopped fine
• 1 cup hemp
• 1 cup flax seeds
• 1 cup coconut aminos
• ½ cup red bell pepper , chopped very small
• 1 cup green onion, diced
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
• 1 teaspoon thyme

1. Combine mushrooms with coconut aminos. Allow to marinate and set aside
2. Add walnuts, salt, thyme ,poultry seasoning in food processor until a flour like
consistency begins to form. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl combine marinated mushrooms, walnut mixture, flax
seeds, chopped green onion, and bell pepper.
4. With hands knead the mixture until it begins stick together.
5. Form into 8 -10 patties
6. Enjoy!

Kitchen Hack: Marinate the mushrooms over night and prep vegetables for a fast
and easy patty for your daily salad.
Pesto Pasta
Gluten free


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Pesto is a classic Italian sauce that is not only full of flavor, but also wonderful with
EVERYTHING. Pesto traditionally can go in pizza, bread, or on top of meat dishes. This was
another of the first dishes that I perfected. It’s super simple and quite satisfying to those new to the
raw lifestyle.

For the sauce:
• 2 cups basil
• 1/4vcup walnuts
• Juice of one lemon
• 1 tablespoon, grapeseed oil
• 3 cloves garlic
• Salt to taste
For the pasta:
• 3 zucchini, spiralized
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced

7. Start by making the sauce by blending all sauce ingredients until smooth in a blender.
8. Toss with pasta vegetables very well
9. Enjoy!

Substitution Tip: If you don’t have walnuts you can substitute with pinenut or any seeds or nut
you have on hand.

Okra pasta
Fat free/gluten free/nut free

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 35 minutes

I don’t know if this dish came about as an ode to Gullah geechee culture or if I’m just a huge fan of
okra, but either way this dish gets made every week of summer. When the okra fingers are just
dropping from the plant in the summer it’s so tempting for me to make this dish for my family
every Day! Whether you’re an okra lover or not try this dish. It doesn’t disappoint.

For the pasta:
• 4 zucchini,spiralized
• 4 large carrots, spiralized
• 2 cup okra
• 2 cup raw corn
• 2 cups tomatoes, diced
For the sauce:
• 1 large tomato
• 2 stalks green onion
• ½ cup sun died tomatoes
• 1 clove garlic
• Salt to taste
1. Combine all of the pasta vegetables in a bowl and set aside
2. Make the sauce by combining all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender and blending
until completely smooth.
3. Pour sauce of pasta vegetables and toss well with hands
4. Enjoy!

Substitution Hack: Get creative with this bowl. Use any leftover vegetables that you hand, just
don’t forget the okra!
butter pecan nice cream
Gluten free

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Before going raw, butter pecan ice-cream was one of my guiltiest pleasures. I would sit and eat
it straight from the pint box. Nowadays, I eat this recipe instead and have no feelings of guilt. It
is super delicious still, yet made with dates instead of sugar and made with frozen bananas
instead of cream. This will definitely become a favorite breakfast, lunch, or snack for you!

• 3 frozen bananas
• 5 medjool dates
• ¼ cup coconut or hemp milk
• ¼ cup almond butter
• ½ cup pecan, chopped

1. Combine bananas, dates, milk, and almond butter to a food processor or blender
2. Blend until ice-cream forms. Add in a bit more milk if necessary.
3. Pulse in pecans slowly
4. Serve immediately and enjoy

Kitchen Hack: slice bananas before freezing them so blending ice-cream is easier.

October Apple Pie

Gluten free


Prep Time: 20 minutes

Another fall classic of mine! The sweet apples, dates, and the cinnamon come together to
create a wonderful non- cooked masterpiece. I usually get praised when I bring this to family
events because it’s fresh, tasty, and sweet. It’s also raw dessert that is fruit based and you can
pair with nice cream.

For the crust :
• 1 ½ cup walnuts
• 6-7 medjool dates
• 1 teaspoon salt
For the Filling
• 4 fresh apples
• 10 medjool dates
• ½ frozen banana
• Juice of ½ lemon
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 2 teaspoons cinnamon

1. Make the crust by combining crust walnuts and salt in a food processor
2. Pulse until it becomes a flour like consistency
3. Slowly add in dates and continue pulsing until the mixture begins to stick together
4. Press the crust into the bottom of a pie Pan
5. Set aside in refrigerator
6. Make the filling by adding one of the two apples, lemon juice, dates, cinnamon,vanilla, and
banana to a food processor. Pulse until a nice sticky , but smooth mixture forms.
7. Pour mixture into pie Pan, set aside
8. Slice remaining apple and put on top of pie.
9. Sprinkle more cinnamon over pie
10. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours
11. Enjoy!

Kitchen Hack: pre-make crusts and roll them into balls with a cheesecloth yo have them on
hand for when your raw pie craving sneaks up you only gave to make the filling.

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