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Recent research indicates that meditating brings about dramatic positive physiological effects and
decreases anxiety and depression. Defining the actual act of meditation, (1) however, can be very elusive
(2) since this highly alert and skillful state of mind requires one to remain psychologically present
wherever he or she is at the moment, without adding to or subtracting from the situation in any way.
There are many traditions and countless ways to practice meditation, and perhaps (3) because of its
polymorphous nature new meditators wonder whether they are doing it correctly. Many studies have
shown that indeed meditation has a profound physiological effect on the body, and (4) in addition to
other benefits, meditation can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain and enhance the body's immune
system. (5) Furthermore, meditation can provide great mental benefits. Researchers at Iowa University,
(6) for example, found that meditation has a pervasive effect on stress. They looked at a group of people
who had meditated for four months and found that they produced less of the stress hormone cortisol.
They were (7) also better able to adapt to stress in their lives, no matter what their circumstances were.
Today more people taking up the practice of meditation. Many of us feel that (8) although we can't afford
the time and energy to meditate, in fact we can't afford not to.

(1) despite (2) finally (3) although (4) in addition to

however therefore for example hence
as well as however because of in spite of
in brief since furthermore although

(5) because of (6) therefore (7) however (8) thus

In addition to for example also although
hence although therefore moreover
furthermore besides to sum up for instance

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