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Oregon Trail Storytelling

Name: Zach Dinslage

Content (Discipline): Social Studies

Grade Level: 4-5

Materials: Social studies books, journals, iPads.

Technology to be used: iPads

State Standard: SS 5.3.4 Compare, contrast, and draw conclusions about the characteristics of culture and migration in the United
Objectives: Students will tell their pioneer story by creating content using a digital storytelling application.

Student-Friendly Objective: I will understand why pioneers traveled west towards Oregon.

Anticipatory Set/Hook: (If done at home during distance learning) I will have the students watch my example video. This will get
the students excited about creating their own stories.

Lesson Procedure: Students will be tasked with creating a 3-to-4-minute digital story of their pioneer’s life. It must include:
pictures, videos, drawings, animations, etc. Students will tell the story of their own pioneer and narrate over their content. Students
are welcome to use iMovie (on either their iPad or MacBook) Story Kit or Shadow Puppet Edu. (Please login using your school
credentials, the technology coordinator has set up accounts for the students)

Closure: Students will share their final projects in a shared Google Document and comment on two of their peers’ videos with
Language used for students:
Good afternoon fellow pioneers! I want to start today by showing you a short video I created (show teacher video). Now that you have seen
my example, I want you to create your very own pioneer life story. In this video you will introduce us to your pioneer, tell us why you are
moving westward, what you are bringing, what the journey is like and what it was like to complete your journey. Please include pictures,
videos, animations, etc. (See the rubric on Google Classroom). You may be wondering what you will use to make this! You may use iMovie,
Story Kit or Shadow Puppet Edu on your iPad. We have used all of these before in class, so if you have any questions feel free to ask a
classmate or myself ☺ Once completed, upload your project to Google Classroom and share your project in the Classroom Google Document.
You will then watch your classmates’ projects and comment constructive feedback on two videos.


3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points

Narration Student narrated their video Student narrated their video Students narrated some Students did not
the whole duration with the whole duration but of their video narrate their video
expression and tone. monotone.

Time Video was 3 to 4 minutes Video was 2 to 3 minutes Video was 1 to 2 minutes Video was less than 1
long. long. long. minute

Pictures/ Students used 10 or more Students used 7-9 pictures, Students used 4-8 Students used 3 or less
Multimedia pictures, drawings, drawings, animations, videos, pictures, drawings, pictures, drawings,
animations, videos, etc. etc. animations, videos, etc. animations, videos, etc.

Total Points/

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