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NAME: Tạ Ngọc An DATE: 16/05/2022

“Can-Do” Self-Assessment Chart (Unit 01)

This chart will help you evaluate your own progress and identify language you may want to spend more time studying and
practicing. After you have completed the unit, complete the chart below.

Evaluate your confidence about each “Can-Do” statement in the following way: Check “1” if you feel very confident in your
ability to use the language described. Check “2” if you are not completely confident. Check “3” if you are not confident at
all. If necessary, go to the indicated page(s) for the place in the unit where the language was presented and practiced.

Can-Do Statements Pages 1 2 3

Grammar I can describe simultaneous and sequential past actions. 4  X 

I can describe completed and uncompleted past actions closely related to the 7  X 
Vocabulary I can talk about job applications. 2  X 
I can use collocations for career and study plans. 6  X 
I can describe dreams and goals. 8  X 
I can use collocations with have and get for qualifications. 11  X 
Listening I can follow an animated conversation between two fluent speakers. 5, 6   X
I can follow the main points in a complex presentation or lecture, if provided with 8  X 
written supporting material.
I can distinguish between main ideas and supporting details in a complex 9  X 
presentation or lecture.
I can infer attitude and mood in discussions by using contextual, grammatical, 13  X 
and lexical cues.
Reading I can evaluate information in an academic text using specific criteria. 10  X 
I can use a synopsis to identify where specific information can be located in a 10   X
long text.
I can identify specific information in a complex factual text. 11   X

I can take effective notes on a complex and unfamiliar text. 11   X

Speaking I can speculate about the causes of an issue or problem. 3, 11  X 

I can compare the advantages and disadvantages of possible approaches and 3   X
solutions to an issue or problem.
I can express opinions on topics, using complex language. 4, 9   X

I can carry out an effective, fluent interview spontaneously following up on 5, 11   X

interesting replies.
I can suggest pros and cons when discussing a topic, using complex language. 7   X

I can contribute to group discussions even when speech is fast and colloquial. 11  X 
Writing I can take notes while researching an unfamiliar topic. 2, 9   X
I can convey information and ideas on abstract and concrete topics. 5   X

I can write a detailed summary of work-related information. 11  X 

I can express myself fluently in writing, adapting the level of formality to the 12 X  
Summit 2, Third Edition Unit 1
Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Duplication for classroom use is permitted.

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