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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Sta. Mesa, Manila

College of Architecture, Design, and the Built Environment
Department of Architecture

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

ARCH 30393
Business Management and Application for Architecture 1

Activity 3:
Projecting Your Envisioned Architecture Business Organization
Future Business Employee Chart

Submitted by:
ZABALA, Nicole P.
BS Architecture 4-1

Submitted to:
Ar. Erico Abordo, uap, uia, afa

June 25, 2022

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila
College of Architecture, Design, and the Built Environment
Department of Architecture

Projecting Your Envisioned Architecture Business Organization

Diagram 1. Future Business Employee Chart

My envisioned architecture business has an employee chart similar to the diagram above. In this
case, the diagram features the state of my company which already can accommodate more employees than
businesses can at the beginning. As I have said in the previous first activity, Envisioning Your Architecture
Business Organization, my future business will be comprised of my friends and me who are specialized in
different fields. My best friend and I will be partners, along with our future architect and engineer friends,
totaling five. With this, the business will utilize a general partnership type of business arrangement. The
chart also features green architects, the aspect of my envisioned business as I have discussed in the second
activity, Application of Business Techniques and Methods. In addition to this, many of my friends will also
have a degree in business and marketing, so they are included in the chart, with there being possibly around
10 employees. In each department or head manager, the production team specializes in drawing production,
technical specifications, drafting, rendering, and material assessment and procurement which can be made
of 1 to 2 persons.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila
College of Architecture, Design, and the Built Environment
Department of Architecture

Consequently, the diagram below is what I envisioned my business employee chart would look like
in the beginning. It comprises around 5 people in administration and marketing. There are still 5 partners
involved and without the services provided by an interior designer. As the business grows, it becomes more
inclined and dedicated to its vision and goals of providing a client-focused service and creative solutions
through collaborative processes and the responsible practice of architecture.

Diagram 2. Initial Future Business Employee Chart

The business techniques and methods applied to my business made me realize what and who are
the people that can actualize the mission, goals, and objectives of the business. Besides the senior and junior
architects, the company shall also employ people who can actualize the business’ mission. The objective of
designing with the environment in mind and synthesis of nature and home requires the business to have
someone that specializes in a similar field; therefore, a green architect is present in the chart. This
specialization requires different sustainable and innovative materials and the proper translation to the project
and drawings. So, working beside the green architects are the material procurement officer and the technical
specifications team.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila
College of Architecture, Design, and the Built Environment
Department of Architecture

In addition to this, my future business will also employ an interior designer as the business also
wishes to offer comfort and interior attributes that align with its strategies. Also, the business should be able
to expand its workforce for branding. In this way, the business can cater to more people and be an inspiration
to other architects and business entrepreneurs of similar motives. The innovations and successful projects
shall also be shared. Furthermore, the employee chart also features a department that specializes in
technological services. This is aligned with what I have discussed in the tactics to be applied in the business.
This is in line to let the clients experience the plans before the actual construction and turnover of the project.
Through the incorporation of up-to-date technology and services like 3D experiences and live rendering
sessions, the clients have an immediate project visualization which makes the project easier to understand
than just showing drawings and plans.
In conclusion, the employee chart I created is aligned with the mission and goals of the business. It
translates the objectives, strategies, and strategies by providing a team of professionals that offer the
envisioned business services. This made me realize that even though the initial purpose of the previous
activities was to realize the mission of the business and fix its foundation, it also taps the whole system of
the business covering even the future employees. With the right and sound purpose, a business will grow,
slowly realizing its mission. It is through a solid foundation that a business will find its way to success with
the aid of the right people following the same mission, and with this is a mutualistic relationship between the
business and its people.

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