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What is a Cattle?

Cattle are a word for certain mammals

that belong to the genus Bos. Cattle may
be cows, bulls, oxen, or
calves. Cattle are the most common type
of large domesticated hoofed animals.
They are a prominent modern member of
the subfamily Bovinae.
Jamaica Hope

Jamaica Hope is a dairy breed of cattle

originating from Hope Farm in Jamaica. The
breeding started in 1910, and was an attempt
to develop an animal that was adjusted to the
climate of the island. 
Scientific name: Bos Taurus
Higher classification: Cattle
Rank: Breed

Weight: males [700 and 800kg] 1500-

1800 lbs, females 225- 250 kg [calving at 27
months] and Baby 500kg
Use for : Dairy
Holstein Friesians are a breed of dairy cattle
originating from the Dutch provinces of
North Holland and Friesland, and
Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany
and Jutland. They are known as the world's
highest-production dairy animals. 
Mass: Female: 580 kg, baby [85-90] Male
Height:  Female: 1.5 m
Scientific name: Bos Taurus
Higher classification: Cattle
Rank: Breed
Did you know: It is desirable to have
Holstein females calve for the first time
between 24 and 27 months of age? 
Use for: Dairy and Meat
The Jersey is a breed of small dairy cattle.
Originally bred in the Channel Island of
Jersey, the breed is popular for the high
butterfat content of its milk and the lower
maintenance costs attending its lower
bodyweight, as well as its genial
Use: Dairy
Coat: Fawn
Scientific name: Bos Taurus
Country of origin: Jersey
Mass: Male: 540 – 820 kg (Adult), Female:
400 – 500 kg (Adult), baby[ 72 pounds ]
Did you know: Mainstream Barkley
Jubilee holds the top two records for milk
production for a Jersey cow. 
The Brahman or Brahma is a breed of zebu
cattle that was first bred in United States
from cattle breeds imported from India.
Brahma cattle were produced by cross-
breeding the Kankrej, Guzerat, Ongole, Gir
and Krishna Valley breeds of cattle. 
Scientific name: Bos taurus indicus
Higher classification: Zebu
Rank: Breed
Mass: Male: 800 – 1,100 kg (Adult),
Female: 500 – 700 kg (Adult)
Did you know: Brahman have an
abundance of loose skin which is thought to
contribute to its ability to withstand warm
weather by increasing the body surface area
exposed to cooling?
Used for: Beef
Jamaica Black
In the early 1900's Angus were imported to the
island of Jamaica. Breeds which with zebu
breeding were already in use so naturally the
zebu were mated with the imported Angus. The
result is a breed more similar in appearance
to Brangus than Angus. The breed is 1/4 to 3/8
zebu. They are polled and have a slight cervical
hump. Jamaica Black cattle also have more skin
in the dewlap and underline than Brangus.
Weight: Male 1000kg, female 600kg and Baby
70 to 90 kg
Use for: BEEF
Jamaica RED Pool

The Jamaica Red was developed from Red

Poll cattle with limited amounts of zebu
breeding introduced to increase the adaptation
of the breed to the climate. The original Red
Poll cattle were imported from England during
the late 19th century and were used to improve
the milk production of the native cattle.
Weight: Male 750 kg, female 600kg and Baby
Use for: Beef
Jamaica Brahman Cattle
Jamaica Holstein Cattle
Jamaica Jersey Cattle
Jamaica Red Poll Cattle
Jamaica Hope Cattle

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