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Title Page

An Analysis of Delayed Activities: A Study of Procrastination

Among Grade 11 Students in OLFU

A Research Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)



Araneta, Ella Anne L.

Calle, Ethan Emmanuelle

Cargado, Angelica

Hombre, Kurt Stephen G.

May 2022

Certificate of Originality

I hereby certify that

Ella Anne L. Araneta


Ethan Emmanuelle Calle


Angelica Cargado

Kurt Stephen G. Hombre


Attested by:

Michael Angelo F. Manalo

Research Adviser

December __, 2020



The researchers would like to convey their heartfelt gratitude to

the following individuals for their assistance, support, and

encouragement in the completion of this study.

We would also want to thank Mr. Michael Angelo F. Manalo,

our research professor. For directing and supplying valuable

information to the researchers so that we could complete this study.

Your thoughtful and well-timed suggestions are much appreciated.

Furthermore, your enthusiasm in our work kept us motivated and

eager to learn more about the research subject. For allowing us to do

this in order to improve ourselves as researchers in the future.

To those who provided support, the researchers thanked their

loved ones and friends who were there and provided assistance.


This qualitative study focuses on the analysis of delayed

activities caused by the procrastination of Grade 11 students of Our

Lady of Fatima, Antipolo Campus during the school year 2021-2022.




Title Page.........................................................................................i

Certificate of Originality...................................................................ii



TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................v

List of Figures...............................................................................viii

List of Tables...................................................................................x

List of Appendices..........................................................................xi

CHAPTER 1.................................................................................1

The Problem and Its Background.................................................1


Background of the Study.................................................................1

Statement of the Problem................................................................1

General Problem...............................................................................................2

Specific Problem...............................................................................................2

Objectives of the Study....................................................................2

Scope and Limitation.......................................................................3

Scope of the study...........................................................................................3

Limitations of the study.................................................................................4

Significance of the Study.................................................................4

Definition of Terms..........................................................................5

List of Acronyms.............................................................................6

CHAPTER 2.................................................................................7

Review of Related Literature and Studies....................................7

Technical Background.....................................................................7

Related Literature............................................................................7

CHAPTER 3.................................................................................9

Project Methodology...................................................................9

Project Design.................................................................................9

Context Diagram............................................................................................10

Data Flow Diagram........................................................................................10

System Flowchart...........................................................................................11

Project Locale................................................................................12

Project Participants.......................................................................12

Project Instruments.......................................................................13

Data Collection Process.................................................................13

Data Analysis................................................................................14

Operation and Testing Procedure..................................................14

Operation Procedure.....................................................................................15

Testing Procedure..........................................................................................15

Evaluation Procedure....................................................................16

Research Method...........................................................................17

Statistical Tools.............................................................................17


CURRICULUM VITAE.................................................................24

List of Figures

Figure 1: Context am of System...................................................................10

Figure 2: Data proposed system...................................................................11
Figure 3: System Flowchart for the Proposed System - Main
Figure 4: System..................................................................................................12
Figure 5: System Flowchart - rojects module.........................................12
Figure 6: System Flowchart - College of Computer Studies module

List of Tables

No table of figures entries found.


List of Appendices


APPENDIX A..................................................................................22

Gantt chart of Activities...............................................................................22

APPENDIX B.................................................................................23

CMO No. 53 s2006........................................................................................23



The Problem and Its Background


As years pass away, research and technology have been

constantly evolving together. We have witnessed the influx of

technological innovations and advancement with the aid and guide of

research and its methodologies.

Background of the Study

Procrastination is an act everyone takes part in every day,

regardless of their situation in life. It appears to make students

postpone and delay their academic work. Everyone from grade 11

students who have been out of school for a while participates in

procrastination. Students become self-exclusive and ignore their

academic responsibilities during the entire course of their

studies. They may become depressed and disturbed with a low

confidence level that affects largely their learning and

achievement. These issues need to be resolved appropriately for

maximum learning outcomes. No such study appears to have

been conducted in the Philippine Context. Therefore, it makes

sense to conduct a study that researches the issue and suggests


some valid guidelines.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine delayed activities caused by

procrastination and its effects on the academic performance of

grade 11 students.

Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following


1. Why do students opt to procrastinate rather than finishing their

school work?

2. What influences Grade 11 students’ to procrastinate?

3. How may procrastination affect the Grade 11 students of

OLFU in terms of:

3.1 academic performance

3.2 mental health

3.3 meeting goals

4. How students can avoid procrastination?

5. How do social media affect the academic performance of Grade

11 students of OLFU?

General Problem

The study aimed to determine delayed activities caused

by procrastination and its effects on the academic performance

of grade 11 students.

Specific Problem

1. Why do students opt to procrastinate rather than

finishing their school work?

2. What influences Grade 11 students to procrastinate?

3. How may procrastination affect the Grade 11 students

of OLFU in terms of:

3.1 academic performance

3.2 mental health

3.3 meeting goals

4. How students can avoid procrastination?

5. How do social media affect the academic performance

of Grade 11 students of OLFU?


Objectives of the Study

The main focus of this study is to find out what are the

repercussions of the Grade 11 students’ procrastination on their

academic performance in Our Lady of Fatima, Antipolo Campus.

Specifically, the study aims:

1. To determine the causes and effects of procrastination

2. To raise awareness about the importance of avoiding


3. To

4. To

Scope and Limitation

The scope defines the problem or subject that a researcher

intends to study.

Limitations are factors that the researcher encounters that

inadvertently narrow the scope of the study. 

Scope of the study

The Online Projects Monitoring System for Our Lady of

Fatima University

 Student in terms of:

o Project

o Project

o File,

o Project and

o viewing.

 Program Head in terms of:

o and section management,

o m

o Progress tracking, and

o Reports Generation.

 Research in terms of:

o Group,

o File management,

o Project,

o Activity m, and

o eneration.

 provides a well- resources.

Limitations of the study

The researcher was not able to foresee or predict at the

are the following:


 module,

 restore,

 the use of,

 data for Program Head, and

 this study is to OLFU-CCS-AC

Significance of the Study

The aim of this study is to raise awareness among OLFU Grade

11 students about the negative consequences of procrastination on

academic achievement. The following will benefit from this research:

Students. Student groups wi e college-wide use and will also

have the permission to monitor developments as the College of

Computer Studies starts using the system.

Administrator. The ent system. He will also have the privilege

to access majority of the system modules.

Head. The Program Head will be able to monitor the course

progress. He access to faculty members to assign the Research

Coordinator role.

Stakeholders. The stakeholders, community that they will also

be oriented and know about t.


Future Researchers. The project can help future researchers

who intend to enhance ing and management system.

Definition of Terms

These are the operational definition utilized in the research. The

following terms are defined to clarify technical definitions:

Account – a token required for access, authentication and

authorization to certain online services

Archive – refers to the repository of electronic data; it may also

refer to action performed by System Administrator to store

specific material in the repository

List of Acronyms

AC - Antipolo Campus

BSIT - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

CCS - College of Computer Studies

CMS - Course Management System

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

DFD - Data Flow Diagram

SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences


SQL - Structured Query Language



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section exhibits the related writing and concentrates after

the inquiry done by the researcher. arch to improve the study.

Technical Background

Information monitoring and management systems are

implemented methodologies together determine the extent to which

that purpose is

The system will be providing the following modules: user

management, group management, deliverables management, activities

management, manuscripts management, file management, grades

management, adviser management and consultation management.

The researcher decided evelop the backend and functionalities

of the system. XAMPP

Related Literature

This literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous

researches on a topicives theoretical basis for the research and help

readers determine the nature of this research.  This literature review

acknowledges the work of previous researchers, and in so doing,


assures the reader that this work has been well conceived.  This can

be categorized either in Foreign or Local Literature.

Paper 1

According to an article writer of Techopedia (2019), course

management systems have become an integral part of the

higher education system. aspects, however, it could include

learning objects, class exercises, of teaching, learning and

teacher-student interaction.

Paper 2

According to an article writer of Innovations for Learning

(2016), as technology in the classroom and at home becomes

increasingly and new approaches to effectively teach literacy.

InTEL benefits teachers, school districts, parents and

community leaders looking for innovative technology to bolster

student growth and success.

for future research were also presented.

Paper 3 and so on


Project Methodology

This chapter covers the detailed explanation of specific

procedures or strategies used to distinguish, select, process, and

examine data about

project, the methodology based on System Development Life

Cycle (SDLC), generally six (6) major steps, which is planning,

designing, development, testing, implementation and maintenance.

The chapter also includes the project design, project

development, project locale, procedure, the research methods and the

statistical tools.

Project Design

This capstone project is setting out the framework and key

highlights to be undertaken which incorporates the techniques,

investigation, research

It is a critical thinking

nd the project design, the researcher prepared illustrations to

simplify the explanation. On this section, we will be able to see the

Context Diagram, the Data Flow Diagram (DFD), the System


Flowchart, the Visual Table of Contents (VTOC) and the Hierarchical

Input Process Output (HIPO).

Context Diagram

A context diagram is a figure that defines the boundary

between the and structure, surrounded by those elements in

the environment in which it

ile the others are limited to their capabilities as stated in

the CCS Thesis/Capstone

 rdinator,

 Project Adviser and/or

 Technical Panel.


Figure 1: Context am of System

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) shows data flows through an

information system, w how the system transforms input data

into useful information.

According to Chi (2018), “Beginners Guide to Data Flow

Diagram“, DFD is a visual representation of any process or


system flow of information. By mapping out the process flow,

DFDs help us better understand the system.

Figure 2: Data proposed system

Figure 2 shows Data Flow Diagram for the proposed

system and the way information flows through a process or

system. It includes data inputs and outputs, database, and the

various sub processes the data moves through. 

System Flowchart

System flowchart is the graphical representation of the

flow of data in the system and represents the work process of

the system. Various

em Flowchart for the Main module of the Proposed

System. When executed in to a sub-module page.

Figure 3: System Flowchart for the Proposed System - Main


Figure 4 shows System Flowchart for the Home module of

the Proposed System. The user is being prompted to choose

among the following modules: the Defended Projects module,


the Trending Project module or go back to the Main module.

Each of the choices redirects the user to a sub-module page.

Figure 4: System
Figure 5 shows System Flowchart for the Capstone


Figure 5: System Flowchart - rojects module

Figure 6 shows System Flowchart for the College of

Computer Studies module of the Proposed System. The user is

being prompted to or go back to the Main module. Each of the

choices redirects the user to a sub-module page.


Figure 6: System Flowchart - College of Computer Studies module

Project Locale

The researcher chose Our Highway, Antipolo City. It is a private

university s of which there are 7)

Project Participants

The researcher asked permission (Appendix L) from the

Research Development and Innovation Center (RDIC) to conduct this


study inside the institution. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

(Appendix M) was also established through the Dean of College of

Computer Studies. The study

Project Instruments

During data gathering, the Informed Consent Form (Appendix

G) will be distributed.

Data Collection Process

In order to ensure that the data gathered are valid and

accurate, the researcher used the data gathering tools listed below:

1. Observation.

Observation is the collection of Primary Data through

observing people, t usually willing to tell you

themselves, such

2. Survey Questionnaire.

Surveys are the most common method of collecting

Primary other people a series of questions about their

personal haviors.  Surveys provide a wealth of data. 

The researcher s significant difference between the

existing and proposed system.


3. Interview.

Interviews can

will conduct an interview with key men with respect

to their with guidelines set by the institution.

4. Documents and Records

The researcher visited both private and public

libraries, reports, attendance logs, financial records,


will be gathered to be used and placed in archives of

the proposed system.

Data Analysis

Content analysis will be used to analyze the data gathered from

interviews and the same time producing results that may then

measure using quantitative techniques. However, human error is

highly involved in rpret the data gathered, thereby generating false

and unreliable conclusions (Krippendorff & Bock, 2008).

Operation and Testing Procedure

A consolidated equirements meet the client’s specification.

Operating and testing procedures were performed to verify the


intended output meets the desired outcome before it will be


Operation Procedure

System Administrator

1. Read and follow the manual before using the system

2. Install the

3. the system take necessary precautions. Turning off

the anti-d password.

4. Navigate at own discretion.

Any authorized user other than the System


1. e system, open any browser.

2. Log-in with their given username and password.

3. Navigate at own discretion.

Testing Procedure

At this stage, the, the Program (Appendix F). Testers

performed each step in using the program whether it works as

it is written.

Specifically, the system was tested based on the following


1. Home Page Module

 Announcements
 Faculty Module
 Faculty Dashboard
 Program Head Role
o Program Head Dashboard
o Class and Section File Maintenance
o Student
o Grading Rubrics
o Verdict Assessment
 Student Module
 Log-In
 Group
 ment Upload
 Faculty Recommendations
2. About Us Module
 Credits
 Contact Details
 Frequently Asked Questions

Evaluation Procedure

Evaluation is a critical process that examines software. It

involves collecting and done to eliminate biases in the evaluation and

provide realistic results.

The researcher ondent was also given questionnaires for them

to answer and made as the basis for their evaluation.

1. Functionality

2. ncy

3. Maintainability

4. Portability

Final survey was conducted to evaluate the proposed system

using the Post-Test after Functionality Testing was checked.

Research Method

Research methodology is defined as the systematic, theoretical

analysis of the method edge.

In the development of Theses and Projects his involves, or

processes of phenomena.

Statistical Tools

Statistical methods involved in carrying out a study include

planning, designingifeless data. The results and inferences are precise

only if proper statistical tests are used.

Measures of central tendency

The measures of central tendency are mean, median and

mode. Mean (or the ponse from different respondents answering

the survey questions

The formula for the mean is

Where x = each observation and

n = number of observations.

Median is n a distribution. Range defines the spread, or

variability, of a sample. It is described by the minimum and

maximum values of the variables.


T-test is n the means of the two groups. To test if a

sample mean (as an estimate of a population mean) differs

significantly from a given population mean (this is a one-sample


The formula for one sample t-test is

where x bar is the sample mean,

s² is

he specified population mean and

t is a t quantile with n-1 degrees of freedom.

Mean difference

Using the unpaired t-test formula, the population mean

estimated by two independent samples differ significantly.

The formula for unpaired t-test is:


where x bar 1 and x bar 2 are the sample means,

s² is the

antile with n1 + n2 - 2 degrees of freedom.

Using the unpaired t-test formula, the population mean

estimated by two independent samples differ significantly. A

usual setting for ts before and after a treatment.

The formula for paired t-test is:

where d bar is the mean difference,

s² is the sample variance,

n is the sample size and

t is a t-quantile with n-1 degrees of freedom.



Techopedia. (2019). Course Management System (CMS): What does

Course Management System (CMS) mean? Retrieved from


Gantt chart of Activities

CMO No. 53 s2006




SECONDARY : School/College
1984 - 1988
Cainta, Rizal

ELEMENTARY : Elementary School

1978 - 1984
Taytay, Rizal






July 2019- Present

July 2019- Present

Programming Languages: Assembly Language, C, C++, VB.Net, Java,

HTML, Visual Basic,
Databases: Access, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB
Operating System: Windows, Windows Server, Macintosh, Android
Other Application Software: Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Emu8086
Hardware: PC Troubleshooting, Arduino Microcontroller

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